HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1856ORDINANCE NO. 1856-2010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 2010 EDITIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 24 (CCR -T24), STATE HOUSING LAW, THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 25, DIVISION 1, CHAPTER 1, SUBCHAPTER 1, SECTION 32 (CCR, T-25),1997 UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1997 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1997 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, AND AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS THERETO The City Council of the City of Burlingame ordains as follows: Section 1. The City of Burlingame is located between the Santa Cruz Mountains __ foothills and San Francisco Bay, with_a number of ubstantial creeks flowing tluough highly developed residential and industrial areas. It is surrounded by large areas of open space maintained in natural condition, as well as having a significant natural canyon in the center of the residential area. Strong winds come down the foothills during both the driest and the wettest parts of the year. The City is directly east of the San Andreas Fault, and much of the highly developed part of the City is located along the front of the Bay, much of it on fill. The United States Geologic Survey, the -California Division of Mines and Geology, and the Association of Bay Area Governments have extensively mapped the area for such eart hquake probabilities. The foothill areas have a variety of soil foi.nations with steep canyons and heavy precipitation. Much of the City has a high water table. Fires in the community could quickly spread because of the extensive, natural vegetation throughout the City. The City has a number of highly developed commercial areas with older buildings, and an industrial area that is filled with mixed uses utilizing various materials that could be highly hazardous. In addition, heavily traveled approach and departure routes for San Francisco International Airport are immediately adj acent or over the City. The City is also located in a national climate zone that is designated "Very High" on the Termite Infestation Probability Map. The City has worked with other jurisdictions on the San Francisco Peninsula to establish consistent standards to minimize the impact that varying standards might have on development and redevelopment of both residential and commercial buildings. Itis only through strong building standards and effective fire prevention and containment programs that citizens will receive the protection they deserve, and that citizens will be aUle to obtain reasonably priced insurancefor their homes and businesses. In seeping to attahl these goals, the building standards in Title 18 have been and are adopted. Section 2. In addition, in order to provide appropriate, clear information to applicants for construction approvals, Section 18.07.050 is adopted to conform Title 18 to Zoning Code requirements established in the Municipal Code. Section 3. The Ciiy operates its own sanitary sewer system and water quality control plant and is subject to State and Federal laws regarding both point and non -point discharges. Sections 18.07.060, 18.08.0105 18.12.080, 18.12.0905 18.12.100, 18.12.110, 18.12.115, 18.12.120, and 18.12.125 are intended to assist the City in meeting its responsibilities regarding those laws as well as protecting the public safety and welfare. ioiisno 2 Section 4. The City also operates its own water supply system for its citizens. Sections 18.07.060, 18.12.0505 18.12.060, 18.12.070, and 18.12.100 are intended to provide consistent policy regarding water service installations and to protect the public's water supply. Section 5. Chapter 18.08 is amended in its entirety to read as follows: Chapter 18.08 BUILDING CODE Sections: 18.08.010 Adoption of 2010 California Building Code, Part 2, Volume 1. .08.018 Section _501.2_ amended -Address identification._ 18.08.020 Section 501.3 added —Utility identification. 18.08.025 Section 501.4 added — Spark arrestors. 18.08.030 Section 903.1.2 added — Additions and alterations. 18.08.035 Section 903.1.3 added — Applicable to all sprinklered buildings. 18.08.040 Section 903.2 amended — Where required. 18.08.045 Section 903.2.19 added — Existing buildings and structures. 18.08.050 Section 903.3.1.4 added — Inspector's test valves. 18.08.055- Section=903:3.1.5- added — Additional residential- sprinkler locations. 18.08.060 Section 1505.1 amendpd.][?] re classification. 18.08.065 'Table 1595.1 amended — Roof minimum fire retardant classes. 18.08.0-70 Section 1505.1.3 amended — Roof covering within all other areas. 18:08.075 Section 1503.4.4 added —Roof drainage requirements. 18.08.080 Section 1503.4.5 added — Surface drainage requirements. 18.08.085 Adoption of 2010 California Building Code, Part 2, Volume 2. 18.08.090 Section amended — Retaining walls. 18.08.095 Section 3401.8 added —Suspended ceiling upgrade required. 18.084 Adoption of 2010 California Building Code, Part 2. Volume 1. lonsno The rules, regulations and requirements published by the International Code Council (ICC) under the title "2009 hnteriational Building Code Volume 1" and adopted as the "2010 California Building Code Volume 1" including Appendix Chapters I and J and State of California amendments thereto, are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all matters therein contained with the following amendments: 18.08.015 Section 501.2 amended —Address identification. Section 501.2 is amended to read as follows: 501.2 Address identification. Address numbers. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet leiters.-Said-numbers-shall be-either-interlaliy-or-externally-illuminated in all new construction. Size of number shall be as follows: 10/18/10 1. Minimiun of one- half-inch (1/2") stroke by four inches (4") high 2. When the structure is thirty-six (36) to fifty (50) feet from the street or fire apparatus access, a minimum of one-half inch (1/z") stroke by six inches -(6") high is required. 3. When the structure is more than fifty (50) feet from the street or fire apparatus access, a minimum of one inch (1 ") strike by nine inches (9") high is required. 4 Multi -tenant buildings. Numbers or letters shall be designated on all occupancies within a building. Size shall be one-half inch (1/2") stroke by four inches (4") high and on a contrasting background. Directional address numbers or letters shall be provided. Said addresses or numbers shall be posted at a height no greater than 5 feet, 6 inches (5' 6") above the finished floor and shall Ue either internally or externally illuminated in all new construction. Rear addressing. When required by the chief, approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the fire apparatus road at the back of a property or where rear parking lots or alleys provide and acceptable vehicular access. Number stroke and size shall comply with 50' 18.08.020 Section 501.3 added —Utility identification. Section 501.3 is added to read as follows: 501.3 Utility identification. In multi -unit commercial and residential buildings, gas anA electric meters, service switches and shut off valves shall be clearly and legibly marked to identify the_unit or space that they serve. 18.08.025 Section 501.4 added — Spark arrestors. Section 501.4 is added to read as follows: 501.4 Spark arrestors. Every chimney shall have a spark arrestor, either internally or extertlally mounted. Any spark arrestor to be mounted internally shall not be installed ioiisilo 5 until installation plans for such arrestor have been submitted to and approved by the building division. All chimneys as described in section 603.6 of the 2010 Califonlia Fire Code shall be retroactively protected when one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. Upon the sale or transfer of the real property on which any clurmley is located the transfer of title shall not be III until each such chimney contains the required spark arrestor, properly installed and in proper working order. 2. In the event of any constzuction on such property for which a building permit is required the sinal building pezmit signoff shall not be made until each such chimney a spark arrestor has been installed and is in proper working order. 18.08.030 Section 903.1.2 added —Additions and alterations. Section 903.1.2 is added to read as follows: 903.1.2 Additions and alterations. The standard for determining the size of addition and/or alteration for detezmizung the tlueshold for lire sprinkl detezmizled-by .the -following: ioilsno er systems shall be 1. The square footage of every room being added or alter -ed shall be included in the calculation of total square footage of addition or alteration. . 2. The entire square footage of an individual room shall be considered added or altered when at least fifty percent (50%) or greater of the linear length of interior wall sheeting or ceiling of any one wall within the room is new, removed, or replaced. 3. The entire square footage of an individual room shall be considered added or altered when at least fifty percent (50%) or greater of the linear length of concrete, brick or masonry walls of any one wall within the room is new, removed, or replaced. 18.08.035 Section 903. 1.3 added —Applicable to all sprinklered buildings. Section 903.1.3 is added to read as follows: 903.1.3 Applicable to all sprinldered buildings. 1. The size or cost of additions and alterations used in calculating the size or replacement cost value formula shall not be cumulative with regard to individual additions or alterations in a building unless either of the following two circumstances apply: a. Where more than one (1) addition or alteration for which building permits are required are made within a two (2) year period and said addiiions or alterations are made to the premises of the same occupant. In such circumsta�lces, the sum of the size or costs of these additions or alterations during this two (2) year period shall be aggregated for the purpose of calculating the size or replacement cost value formula; or b. Where more than one (1) addition or alteration for which building permits have been issued have not yet received final Building Division approval. In such circumstances, the sum of these issued but not yet fmalized building additions' or alterations' sizes or construction costs shall be aggregated for the purpose of calculation of the size or replacement cost value formula. 7 _- I-------------- 2. When a commercial building is partially retrofitted with an approved automatic sprin1der fire extinguishing system pursuant to this section, the building owner shall complete the fire extinguishing system retrofit throughout the unprotected building interior areas within six (6) years of completing the initial partial retrofit or within every tenant space where a building pei7nit is obtained, whichever is less. 3. Wlien a residential building is partially retrofitted with an approved automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system pursuant to this section, the building fire extinguishing system retrofit shall be completed throughout the unprotected building interior areas within two (2) years from completing the initial partial retrofit. 18.08.040 Section 903.2 amended —Where required. Section 903.2 shall be deleted and replaced with the following: Section 903.2 Where required. Approved automatic fire sprinld er systems shall be installed in all new buildings and structures. In addition, approved automatic fire sprinl�ler systems shall be provided in locations described in Sections -903.2.1 through 903.2.12. 18.08.04 Section 903.2.19 added --Existing huiidings and structures. Section 903.2.19 is added to read as follows: ioilsiio 8 903.2.19 Existing buildings and structures. All existing buildings and structures shall be retroactively protected by an approved automatic extinguishing system when the following conditions exist: 1. Commercial and multi -family residential buildings with a total building floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet or more than two stories in height, and when additions or alterations for which a building permit is required will exceed 1,200 square feet in area. 2. Residential one- and two-family dwellings and structures with a total building floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet or more than two stories in height, and when additions or alterations for which a building permit is required will exceed Exceptions: a. Additions or alterations of conunercial and multi -family residential buildings that do not exceed 20% of the entire completed building as defined by the Building Valuation Data (BVD) in the most recent edition of the Building Safety Journal OO as published by the Intenlational Code Council (ICC). b. Additions or alterations to residential one- and two-family dwellings and structures that do not exceed 20% of the total existing square footage of the entire completed building. c. The cost of additions and alterations used in calculating the replacement cost value foi-i nula shall be exclusive of the cost to design and install an automatic fire sprinlcier extinguishing system pursuant to this section; ioiisno 9 building roof repair/replacement; building heating and/or cooling unit repair/replacement; and any other federal, state and local construction code upgrade requirements including but not limited to the seismic retrofit requirements, asbestos, and other hazardous material abatement. 18.08.050 Section 903.3.1.4 added — Inspector's test valves. Section 903.3.1.4 is added to read as follows: 903.3.1.4 Inspector's test valves. Inspector Test Valves shall be provided for each system and located the fiu-thest point away fiom the sprir�l�ler riser. 18.08.055 Section 903.3.1.5 added —Additional residential sprinkler locations. Section 903.3.1.5 is added to read as follows: 903.3.1.5 Additional residential sprinkler locations. The installation of a residential fire sprinlder system shall conform to the following: 1. Sprinklers shall be required ili all restrooms, batluooms, powder rooms, and toilet rooms regardless of their size. 2. Sprinld ers shall be required throughout carpoi�s and garages. Exception: Detached carpo -As an d garages Less than 2,000 square feet in area and separated fiom residential buildings complying with Section 503.1.2 of the building code and assuming a property lure between all other structures. 3. Sprinlder coverage shall be provided in the following locations: a. Attic access openings xoixsi�o 10 18.08.060 b. Areas of attics and crawl spaces containing storage, mechanical and/or electrical equipment. Section 1505.1 amended —Fire classification. The first paragraph of Section 1505.1 is amended to read as follows: 1505.1 General. Roof assemblies shall be divided into the classes defined below. Class A or Class B roof assemblies and roof coverings required to be listed by this section shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 108 or UL 790. In addition, fire -retardant -treated wood roof coverings shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 2898. The minimum roof coverings installed on buildings shall comply with the Table 1505.1 as amended. 18.08.065 Table 1505.1 amended —Roof minimum fire retardant classes. Table No. 1505.1 is amended to read as follows: Table 1505.1 Roof minimum fire retardant classes. TABLE NO.1505.1a a. Unless otherwise required in accordance with Lhapter /A MINIMUM ROOF COVERING CLASSIFICATION FOR TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Type IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB Roof Covering B B B B B B B B B loiisiio 11 18.08.070 Section 1505.1.3 amended — Roof covering within all other areas. Section 1505.1.3 is amended to read as follows: 1505.1.3 Roof covering within all other areas. The entire roof covering of every existing structure where more than 50 percent of the total roof area is replaced within any one-year period, the entire roof covering of every new structure, and any roof covering applied in the alteration, repair or replacement of the roof of every existing structure, shall be afire -retardant roof covering that is at least Class B. 18.08.075 Section 1503.4.4 added —Roof drainage requiu•ements. Section 1503.4.4 is added to read as follows: 1503.4.4 Roof drainage requirements. In all zones other than R-1, the water from the roof of any building and from any paved area which would flow by gravity over public sidewalk shall be carried by means of conductors under the sidewalk and through the curb to the gutter, or other approved location. 18.08.080 Section 1503-.4..5 added —Surface d=rainage requirements. Section 1503.4.5 is added to read as follows: 1503.4.5 Surface drainage requirements, No storm water or underground water draining from any lot, building, or paved area shall be allowed to drain to adjacent propert ies nor shall this water be connected to the city's sanitary sewer system. lonsno 12 Regardless of the slope of the source property, such water shall drain to either artificial or natural storm drainage facilities by gravity or pumping. 1808.085 Adoption of 2010 California Building Code, Part 2, Volume 2. The rules, regulations and requirements published by the International Code Council under the title "2009 International Building Code Volume 2" and adopted as the "2010 California Building Code Volume 2" is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all matters therein contained with the following amendments: 18.08.090 Section 1807.2.1 amended —Retaining walls. Section 1807.2.1 is amended by adding the following paragraphs at the end of the section: 1807.2.1 General. When a structure is to support a lateral load which retains fill which supports another structure, supports the toe of a slope which is over four feet in height measured fiom the bottom of the footing, or is required by the city engineer, it shall be designed by a licensed architect or engineer and approved by the city engineer. The following types of retaining walls shall be of concrete or other material which shall have a minimum service life of 75 years for all major support systems and 50 years for all replaceable support systems: Walls that are engineered, support a lateral load over to/ls/lo 13 18" at property line, support an engineered surcharge, support a structure, or support a toe of a slope. A fence structure may not be substituted for a retaining wall. 18.08.095 Section 3401.8 added —Suspended ceiling upgrade required. Section 3401.8 is added to read as follows: 3401.8 Suspended ceng upgrade required. When an addition, alteration or repair is perfozmed on an occupancy in which there is an existing suspended ceiling, such suspended ceilings shall be modified throughout to comply with the provisions of ASTM C 635 and ASTM C 636. Section 6. Section 18.09.010 is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.09 Mechanical Code Section: 18.-09,010 Adoption of ZO10 California Mechanical Code. 18.09.010 Adoption _of2010 California Mechanical Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), under the title 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code" and adopted as the "2010 California Mechanical Code," including the appendices and State of California amendments thereto, hereinafter called "mechanical code," is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards iolisno 14 within this city as to all matters therein contained, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. The appendices to the mechanical code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the code. Section 7. Chapter 18.10 is added to read as follows: Chapter 18.10 RESIDENTIAL CODE Sections: 18.10.010 Adoption of 2010 California Residential Code. 18.10.015 Section R111.4 — Utility identification. 18.10.020 Section R309.6 deleted — Fire sprinklers. 18.10.025 Section R313.1 amended — Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. 18.10.030 Section 8313.2 amended —One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems. 18.10.035 Section R313.3.1.1 amended — Required sprinkler locations. 18.10.040 Section R313.3.2.7 added — Additions and alterations. 18.10.045 Section R313.3.2.8 added — All sprinklered buildings. 18.10.050 Section R313.3.3.1 amended — Nonmetallic pipe and tubing. 18.10.055 Table R313.3.6.2(9) deleted — Table R313.3.6.2(9) Allowable Pipe Length for 14nch PEX tubing 18.10.060 Section R313. amended— Calculation procedure. Step 8 — Determine the maximum allowable pipe -length 18.10.065 Section R313.3.8.1 amended — Preconcealment inspection. #4 =8.10.070 Section 8313.3.8.1 amended — Preconcealment inspection. 95 18.10.075 Section 8319.1 amended —Address numbers. 18.10.080 Section 8902.1 amended —Roof covering materials. 18.10.085 Section R902.1.3 amended — Roof covering in all other areas. 18.10.090 Section 8903.4.2 amended — Roof and surface drainage. 18.10.095 Section R1003.9.2 amended — Spark arrestors. 18.10.100 Appendix C, Figure C4 amended — Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct -Vent Venting Systems. 15 18.10.010 Adoption of California Residential Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Code Council under the title "2009 International Residential Code" and adopted as the "2010 California Residential Code", including appendices A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, M, N, and O are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to matters therein contained except as provided in this chapter. The mandatory requirements of any adopted appendices to the code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the code. 18.10.015 Section R111.4 —Utility identification. Section Rl l 1.4 is amended to read as follows: Rlll.4 Utility -identification: In -all -residential -buildings, gas and electric meters, sezvice switches and shut off valves shall be clearly and legibly marked tCN ideniify the unit or space -that -they serve. 18.10.020 Section R309.6 deleted —Fire sprinklers. Section R309.6 Fire Sprinklers Exception is deleted in its entirety. R309.6 Fire sprinklers. The exception for fire sprink lers in garages and carports is deleted in its entirety. /1 f) 16 18. 10.025 systems. Section R313.1 amended — Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler Section R313.1 Exception is amended by replacing with the following paragraph: R313.1. Townhouse automatic fire sprinlder systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system is required when additions and/or alterations to existing townhouse buildings with a total building floor area more than 2,000 square feet or more than two stories in height, and when additions or alterations for which a building permit is required exceeds 750 square feet in area or 20% of the total square footage of the entire completed building. 18.10.030 Section R313.2 amended —One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems. Section R312.2 Exception is amended by replacing with the following: R313.2. One- and t<wo-family dwellings automatic fire systems. �r automatic residential fire sprinkler system -is required when additions and/or alter-ations to existing-town'nouse buildings with atotal-building floor area more than 2,000 square feet or more than two stories in height, and when additions or alterations for which a building permit is required exceeds 750- square feet in area or 20% of the total square footage of the entire completed building. 18.10.035 Section R313.3.1.1 amended —Required sprinkler locations. Section R313.3.1.1 is amended b_y replacing with the following: lonsiio 17 1313.3.1.1 Required sprinlder locations. 1. Sprinklers shall be installed to protect all areas of a dwelling unit. Exceptions: a. Clothes closets, linen closets and pantries not exceeding 24 square feet (2.2m2) in area, with the 0111 dimension not greater than 3 feet (915 mm) and having wall and ceiling surfaces of gypsum board. b. Detached carpoz�s and garages less than 2,000 square feet in area and separated fiom residential buildings complying with Section 1302.1. 2. Sprinkler coverage shall be provided in the following locations: a. Attic access opezungs b. Areas of attics and crawl spaces containing storage, mechanical and/or - electrical equipment. 3. Inspector Test Valves shall be provided for each system and located the fiirthest point away from the sprinkler riser. 18:10:040 Section 1313.3:2.7 added —Additions and alterations. Section 1313.3.2.7 is added to read as follows: R3-13-.3.2.7 Additions and Alter-ations. 1. The standard for determining the size of addition and/or alteration for determining the threshold for fire sprinld er systems shall be determined by the foRowing: a. The square footage of every room being added or altered shall be included in the calculation of total square footage of addition or alteration. 10/18/10 INNI b. The entire square footage of an individual room shall be considered added or altered when at least fifty percent (50%) or greater of the linear length of interior wall sheeting or ceiling of any one wall within the room is new, removed, or replaced. c. The entire square footage of an individual room shall be considered added or altered when at least fifty percent (50%) or greater of the linear length of concrete, brick or masonry walls of any one wall within the room is new, removed, or replaced. 2. The size or cost of additions and alterations used in calculating the size or replacement cost value formula shall not be cumulative with regard to individual additions or alterations in a building unless either of the following -two circumstances apply: a. Where more than one (1) addition or alteration for which building permits are required are made within a two (2) year period and said additions or alterations are made to the premises of the same occupant. In such_circumstances; the sum of the size or costs of these additions or alterations during this two (2) year period shall be aggregated for the purpose of calculating the size or replacement cost value formula; or b. Where more than one (1) addition or alteration for which building permits have been issued have not yet received final Building Division approval. In such circumstances, the sum of these issued but not yet finalized building additions' or alterations' roilsiio 19 -- sizes or construction costs shall be aggregated for the purpose of calculation of the size or replacement cost value formula. 3. The cost of additions and alterations used in calculating the replacement cost value formula shall be exclusive of the cost to design and install an automatic fire sprinkler extinguishing system pursuant to this section; building roof repair/replacement; building heating and/or cooling unit repair/replacement; and any other federal, state and local construction code upgrade requirements including but not limited to the seismic retrofit requirements, asbestos, and other hazardous material abatement. 18.10.045 Section 12313.3.2.8 added — A1T sprinklered buildings. Section 8313.3.2.8 is added to read as follows: 8313.3.2.8 All sprinklered buildings. When a building is partially retrofitted with an approved automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system pursuant to this section, the building- fire extinguishing system retrofit shall be completed throughout the unprotected building interior areas within two (2) years from completing the initial part ial retrofit. 18.10.00 Section 8313.3.3.1 amended —Nonmetallic pipe and tubing. Section 8313.3.3.1 is amended to read as follows: 8313.3.3.1 Nonmetallic pipe and tubing. Nonmetallic piping and tubing, such as CPVC, shall Ue listed for use in residential fire sprinkler systems. zoizgizo 20 18.10.055 Table R313.3.6.2(9) deleted — Table R313.3.6.2(9) Allowable Pipe Length for 1 -inch PEX tubing Table R313.3.6.2(9) is deleted in its entirety. Table R313.3.6.2(9) Allowable Pipe Length for 1 -inch PEX tubing is deleted. 18. 10.060 Section R313. amended —Calculation procedure. Step 8 — Determine the maximum allowable pipe length Section R313. —Calculation procedure. Step 8 — Detei7nine the maxunum allowable pipe length is replaced with the following: R313. —Calculation procedure. Step 8 —Determine the maximum allowable pipe length Use Tables R313.3.6.2(4) tluough R313.3.6.2(8) to select a material and size for water distribution piping. The piping material and size shall be acceptable if the developed length of pipe between the service valve and the most remote sprinkler does not exceed the maximum allowable length specified by the applicable table. Interpolation of Pt betv�een the tabular values shall be permitted. The maximum allowable length of piping in Tables R313.3.6.2(4) through R313.3.6.2(8) incorporates an adjustment for pipe fitt ings, and no additional consideration of friction losses associated with pipe fittings shall be required. 18.10.065 Section R313.3.8.1 amended —Preconcealment inspection. #4 Section R313.3.8.1 —Preconcealment inspection. #4 is amended by replacing with the following: 10/18/10 21 8313.3.8.1 #4. The pipe size equals or exceeds the size used in applying Tables 8313.3.6.2(4) through 8313.3.6.2(8) or, if the piping system was hydraulicallYu c" in accordance with Section 8313.3.6.1, the size used in the hydraulic calculation. 18.10.0 70 Section 8313.3.8.1 amended —Preconcealment inspection. #5 Section 8313.3.8.1 —Preconcealment inspection. #5 is amended by replacing with the following: 8313.3.8.1 #5 The pipe length does not exceed the length permitted by Tables 8313.3.6.2(4) through 8313.3.6.2(8) or, if the piping system was hydraulically calculated in accordance with Section 8313.3.6.1, pipe lengths and fittings do not exceed those used in the hydraulic calculation 18.10.075 Section 8319.1 amended —Address numbers. Sect6 on831-9.1 is amended to read as follows: 8319.1 Address numbers. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fionting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Said numbers shall be either internally or externally illuminated in all new constructi on. Size of 22 10/18/10 number shall be as follows: 1. Minimum of one- half-inch (1/z") stroke by four inches (, high 2. When the structure is thirty-six (36) to fifty (50) feet from the street or fire apparatus access, a minimum of one-half inch (1/z") stroke by six inches (6") high is required. 3. When the structure is more than fifty (50) feet from the street or fire apparatus access, a minimum of one inch (1 ") strike by nine inches (9") high is required. Multi -tenant buildings. Numbers or letters shall be designated on all occupancies within a building. Size shall be one-half inch (1/2") stroke by four inches (4") high and on a-contrastingbackground. Directional address -num or letters shall be provided. Said addresses or numbers shall be posted at a height no greater than 5 feet, 6 inches (5' 6") above the finished floor and shall be either internally or externally illuminated in all new construction. Rear addressing. When required by the chief, approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all-new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the fire apparatus road at the back of a property or where rear parking lots or alleys provide and acceptable vehicular access. Number stroke and size shall comply with 501.2. i8.10.080 Section 8902.1 amended —Roof covering materials. Section 8902.1 is amended to read as follows: loiisiio 23 Z902.1 Roof covering materials. Roofs shall be covered with materials as set forth in Sections R904 and R905. A minimum Class A or" roofing shall be installed in areas designated by this section. Class C roofs shall not be allowed in the City of Burlingame. Classes A and B roofing required by this section to be listed shall be tested in accordance with UL 790 or ASTM E 108. 18.10.085 Section 8902.1.3 amended —Roof covering in all other areas. Section R902.1.3 is amended to read as follows: 8902.1.3 Roof covering in all other areas. The entire roof covering of every structure where snore than 50 percent of the total roof area is replaced within any one-year period, the entire roof covering of every new structure, and any roof covering applied in the alteration, repair or replacement of the roof of every existing structure, shall be a fire -retardant roof covering that is at least Class B. 18.10.090 Section 8903.4.2 amended —Roof and surface drainage. Section 8903.4.2 is amended to read as follows: 8903.4.2 Roof and surface drainage. 1. In all zones other than R4 , the water from the roof of any building d from any paved area which would flow by gravity over public sidewalk shall be carried by means of conductors Colder the sidewalk and through the curb to the gutter, or other approved location. ioiigno 24 2. No storm water or underground water draining from any lot, building, or paved area shall be allowed to drain to adjacent properties nor shall this water be connected to the city's Salutary sewer system. Regardless of the slope of the source property, such water shall drain to either artifichal or natural storm drainage facilities by gravity or pumping. 18.10.095 Section R1003.9.2 amended —Spark arrestors. Section R1003.9.2 is amended to read as follows: R1003.9.2 Spark arrestors. Every chimney shall have a spark arrestor, either internally or extenlally mounted. Any spark arrestor to be mounted internally shall not be installed until installation plans for such ai7estor have been submitted to and approved by the building division. All chiimieys as described in section 603.6 of the 2010 Califonua Fire Code shall be retroactively protected when one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. Upon the sale or transfer of the real property on which any chinuley is located the transfer of title shall not be made until each such chimney contains the required spark arrestor, properly installed and in proper working order. 2. hl the event of any construction on such property for which a building permit is required the final building permit signoff shall not be made until each such chimney a spark arrestor has been installed and is in proper world ng order. lonsiio 25 1U0.0100 Appendix C, Figure C-1 amended —Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct -Vent Venting Systems. Figure G 1 is amended by adding the following note: Figure C-1. Note: Where the property line is less than ten (10) feet from the exit terminal of any newly installed or replacement high efficiency mechanical equipment the pipe size of the fmal ten (10) feet of any terminal must be increased to three inches (3") or, as an alternative, manufacturer -approved baffles must be installed. Section 8. Chapter 18.12 is amended to read-as..follows:..... Chapter 18.12 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 18.12.010 Adoption of 2010 California Plumbing Code. 18.12.020 Section 311.13 added — Exterior pipes. 18.12.030 Section 508.4 amended — Water heater safety pans. Section 604.1 amended — Materials. 18.12.050 Section 605.3.1 added — Water supply shutoff -valves. 18.12.060 Section 609.3 amended — Water -piping installed in or under a concrete slab-. 18.12.070 Section 610.8.1 added — Water service over two inches. 18.12.080 Section 710.1 amended —-Drainage of fixtures below the next upstream manhole or below the main sewer level. 18.12.090 Section 719.7 added-- Building sewer cleanout. 18.12.100 Section 807.2 amended — Condensate waste water disposal. 18.12.110 Section 812.1 added — Disposal of r ainwater drainage. 18.12.120 Section 812.2 added — Rainwater drainage to paved gutter. 26 Section 812.3 added — Rainwater drainage across public sidewalk prohibited. 18.12.140 Section 812.4 added —Elimination of nonconforming rainwater drainage required. 18.12.010 Adoption of 2010 California Plumbing Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), under the title "2009 Uniform Plumbing Code" and adopted as the "2010 California Plumbing Code" including the appendices A and D, and State of California amendments thereto, hereinafter called "plumbing code," is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all matters therein contained, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. The appendices specified herein shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the plumbing code. 18.12.020 Section 311.13 added —Exterior pipes. Section 311.13 is added to read as follows: 311.13 Exterior pipes. No plumbing drain vent pipe nor water, soil, waste, or gas pipe shall be installed on, or attached to, the outside face of an exterior wall of a residential building without the prior writt en permission of the building official. Such installation shall be enclosed in such a way as to be obscured from view. 18.12.030 Section 508.4 amended —Water heater safety pans. a Section 508.4 is amended to read as follows: 508.4 Water heater safety pans. Each water heater located in an attic, furred space, living area or other location where leakage would result in damage to the building or its contents shall have a safety pan with drain. Safety pans shall be metal and be nominal two inches in diameter larger than the water heater, with a mmmium depth of two inches. The drain pipe shall be three-quarter inch trade size minimum, shall terminate outside the building foundation or, where this is not practical or possible, at another location approved by the building inspector; and shall have a continuous minimum slope throughout its length of one-quarter inch, per foot away from the water heater. 18.12.040 Section 604.1 amended —Materials. Section 604.1 is amended by addition of the following exception: 604.1 Materials. Use of Cross-linked polyeth; lene (PEX) cubing is not permitted within the Ciiy of Burlingame. 18.12.050 Section 605.3.1 added —Water supply shutoff valves. Section 605.3 is amended to read.as follows: 605.3 Water supply. shutoff valves. A gate shutoff valve shall be installed on each water supply pipe at an accessible point where such supply enters a building. In multi- unit residential buildings, a gate shutoff valve shall be installed on each water supply pipe at an accessible point where such supply enters each apartment or dwelling unit; or, 10/18/10 where an apartment or dwelling unit is supplied by a vertical riser, a separate accessible shutoff valve may be provided at each plumbing fixture in the unit in lieu of the shutoff valVU on the main supply to the unit. 18.12.060 Section 609.3 amended —Water piping installed in or under a concrete slab. The first paragraph of Section 609.3 is amended to read as follows. 609.3 Water piping installed in or under a concrete slab. Water piping shall not be installed in or under a concrete floor slab within a building without prior written approval of the building official. When such approval is obtained, such piping shall be installed ui accordance with the following requirements: 18.12.070 Section 610.8.1 added —Water service over two incl�es. Section 610.8.1 is added to read as follows: 610.8.1 Water services over two inches. Design details, methods and materials for construction of water services over? inches in diameter shall conform with the specifications for the construction of such work as compiled by the city engineer. These specifications maybe changed from time to time at the option of the city engineer, but such changes shall in no way effect the validity of -the regulations or requirements contained therein or the regulations and requirements of this code. loiisilo 29 18. 12.080 Section 710.1 amended — Drainage of fixtures below the next upstream manhole or below the main sewer level. Section 710.1 is amended by adding the following: 710.1 Drainage of fixtures below the next upstream manhole or below the main sewer level. 1. Drainage piping sewing fixtures) which have flood level rims) less than twelve inches (12") above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage as follows: 2. In new buildings and in buildings modified to the extent described in Burlingame Municipal Code section 18.07.020, these fixtures shall discharge by means of a sewage ejector or pump in accordance with Section 710.2. 3. In existing buildings, protection fiom backflow shall be by means of a backwater valve approved by the building official supplemented by an approved sewer relief valve installed with -'its outlet at least six inches (6") below the flood level rizn of the lowest installed drainage unit fixture. Fixtures above that elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve without prior written approval of"the building official. As an alternative, the system may be protected by installation of an approved sewage ejector or pump. 4. Cleanouts for drains that pass through a backwater valve shall be clearly identified with a permanent label stating "Backw ater Valve Downstream" 10/18/10 3 0 18.12.090 Section 719.7 added — Building sewer cleanout. Section 719.7 is added to read as follows: 719.7 Building sewer cleanout. When a building sewer is located under a street, alley oI easement, there shall be provided a cleanout, installed flush with the sidewalk level next to curb; or, if no curb or sidewalk exist, then the cleanout must be located outside of the lot line. The cleanout riser shall be of materials specified by the city engineer, shall be the same size as the drain it serves, shall be connected to the building drain by a wye, shall be brought up to the level of the ground, and shall be terminated at the top with a cleanout fitting as specified by the city engineer. If the riser terminates at concrete sidewalk a_cast_iron_sidewallchox with loose cover fitting with brass screws shall be installed. The minimum size for a cleanout riser shall be four inch trade size pipe. 18.12.100 Section 807.2 amended —Condensate waste water disposal. Section 807.2 is amended to read as follows: 807.2 Condensate wastewater disposal. Condensate from air cooling coils and comfort cooling equipment not intended to be used for the storage or handling of food or drink shall be collected and discharged to a storm sewer or other point of disposal approved by the building official. Termination of such drains shall be made by an air break. Condensate drain lines in sizes of one and one-quart er inch and larger shall be assembled using approved drainage pipe and fitt ings. lonsno 31 Condensate waste water shall not drain over or upon a sidewalk, pedestrian ramp or the like, or a public way. 18.12.110 Section 812.1 added posal of rainwater drainage. Section 812.1 is added to read as follows: 812.1 Disposal of rainwater drainage. Rainwater frgm roof or other approved areas exposed to rainwater maybe drained into the storm drainage system, but shall not drain into any sewer intended for sanitary sewage. 18.12.120 Section -812.2 added —Rainwater -drainage_ o paved gutter. Section 812.2 is added to read as follows: 812.2 Rainwater drainage to paved gutter. Rainwater from roofs and other approved areas exposed to rainwater may drain into a public street gutter, provided that such gutter is paved and runs to a catch basin connected to a public storm drain, and provided _fiu-ther that such drainage has the approval of the city e-ngineer or other public autrioritTy having_ jurisdiction over public streets or public storrn drains. 18.12.130 Section 812.3 added —Rainwater drainage acx•oss public sidewalk prohibited. Section 812.3 is added to read as follows: 10/18J10 32 812.3 Rainwater drainage across public sidewalk prohibited. No rainwater from roofs, or other rainwater drainage of premises, shall discharge upon a public sidewalk. When it is desired to conduct rainwater from a bung or premises to a public street gutter, the outside underground drainage piping shall be vitrified clay pipe, ABS, PVC, galvanized wrought iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, approved concrete pipe, asbestos cement sewer pipe, cast iron pipe or other materials approved by the building official. When clay pipe, ABS, PVC, asbestos cement sewer pipe or approved concrete pipe is used, such pipe shall be a miiumum of two feet horizontally from the building and one foot below the official grade. Water leaders connected to such background drainage pipe which are on the outside of the building wall that abuts on a public thoroughfare, shall be constructed ofgalvanized wrought iroirpipe galvanized steel pipe, or -cast iron -pipe -for a distance of not less than five feet vertically above the Official grade. See Section 18.08.010(0) for exception for such drainagedistricts. 18.12.140 Section 812.4 added —Elimination of nonconforming rainwater drainage required. Section 812.4 is added to read as follows: 812.4 Elimination of nonconforming rainwater drainage required. Every existing system that_ allows the drainage of rainwater into a sanitary sewer in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be altered or terminated or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter. Section 9. Chapter 18.16 is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.16 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 18. 16.010 Adoption of 2010 California Electrical Code. 18.16.020 Section 230.70 (A) (1) amended — Main switch accessible from exterior. 18.16.030 Section 410.10 (F) added — Exterior lighting restricted. 18.16.010 Adoption of 2010 California Electrical Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the National -Eire -Protection Association (NEPA),-under_the title.."2008. National Electrical_ Code" with amendments as contained in the "2010 California Electrical Code", including the appendices, are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to matters therein contained except as provided in this chapter. The mandatory requirements of the appendices to the code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the code. 18.16.020 Section 230.70 (A) (1) amended —Main switch accessible from exterior. Section 230.70 (A) (1) is amended to read as follows: Main switch accessible from exterior. The main switch location shall be accessible from the exterior of a building. If, due to structural or architectural to/ls/lo 34 conditions, it is not possible to make the main switch accessible from the building exterior a shunt trip disconnecting all active electrical conductors shall be installed at an accessible exterior location. 18. 16.030 Section 410.10 (F) added —Exterior lighting restricted. Section 410.10 (F) is added to read as follows: 410.10 (F) Exterior lighting restricted. 1. Exterior lighting on all residential and commercial properties shall be designed and located so that the cone of light and/or glare from the lighting element is kept entirely_on he_property or below the top_of any fence,_ edge or wall. _ __ __ __ 2. On all residential properties exterior lighting outlets and fixtures shall not be located more than nine (9) feet above adjacent grade or required landing; walls or portions of walls shall not be floodlit; only shielded light fixtures which focus light downward shall be allowed, except for illuminated street numbers required by the fire department. 3. Variances to the provisions of this section ma_y be approved by the planning connnission, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25.16 of flus code, except that notice of the application for the variance shall only be given to propert y owners within fifty feet. 4. This section shall not apply to signs having an approved permit for an illuminated sign pursuant to Title 22 of this code. coil alio 35 Section 10. An application for a building permit received after December 31, 2010 must comply with this Ordinance unless specific land use provisions for the project were approved by the City of Burlingame prior to 5:00 p.m. on December 31, 2010. If the Plamung Commission has approved the project then the building permit application for that project may use the provisions found in the 2007 California Building Codes including all amendments as adopted in Ordinance 1813. Section 11. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. Mayor I, MARY ELLEN I�EA.RNEY, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of October; 2010, and adopted thereaft er at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of October, 2010 by the following vote: AYES: COTiJNCILMEMBERS: BAYLOCK, BROWNRIGG, DEAL, KEIGHRAN, NAGEL NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE City Clerk 10/18/10 3 6