HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1880ORDINANCE NO, 1880-2012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ADOPTING REVISIONS TO RATES AND FEES FOR THE PROVISION OF WATER SERVICE The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1715 adopted July 7, 2003, Ordinance No. 1754 adopted June 6, 2005, Ordinance No. 1784 adopted May 15, 2006 and Ordinance No 1843 adopted February 1, 2010 which established and revised the currently existing water rates and connection fees, are hereby repealed. Section 2. Notice of proposed revisions to the water rates and connection fees and of the public hearing on the rates and fees was mailed to each ratepayer in the City and duly published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. The City Council, after public hearing and due study and deliberation, has determined that the price of water to consumers supplied through the city's distribution system must be increased to cover the currently projected increases in the wholesale cost of water provided to Burlingame by the City & County of San Francisco, which is undertaking a major reconstruction of its water supply system to the San Francisco Bay Area. These rates and fees will also provide continued financial support necessary for the continuing reconstruction of the City's water system. In the construction and maintenance of the City water system, the City general fund has contributed significant amounts of money to build, maintain, and operate the water system. With the assistance of Hilton and Farnkopf Consultants, a firm specialized in analyzing water and sewer rates, Public Works staff developed a long term financing model to identify the rate increases necessary to address the impacts of further San Francisco PUC rate increases and to continue funding the much needed capital improvement program. The last increases for water rates occurred in January 2012. Based on Council's direction at the August 20, 2012 study session, a 7.8% rate increase is proposed for each of the next three years. In addition, the Council also reviewed the `Tiered Water Rates Structure' ( otherwise known as 'Water Conservation Rates Structure') which encourages water conservation by providing relief to lower water use customers. At the September 4, 2012 Council meeting, Council directed staff to propose a blended, tiered -rate option that would apply to the single family residential customer class. The proposed rates and fees adopted in this ordinance are not discriminatory or excessive. Section 3. The rates for the provision of water service for 2013 are as follows: (a) Monthly Base Service Charge: Effective for all meter readings and billings on and after 7anuary 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, the fixed, monthly base service charge based on meter size shall be as follows (for residential services only, such service charge shall include the first 1,000 gallons of water per month): 5/8" and 3/4" meters'. .111,111, t, 01496335,97 1"meters......................................................................................$61.17 1-1/2" meters..............................................................................$118.75 2" meters....................................................................................$190.71 3" meters....................................................................................$359.85 4" meters....................................................................................$600.94 6" meters..................................................................................$1198.27 8" meters...................................1..............................................$1917.97 (b) Bi -monthly Consumption Charge: Effective for all meter readings and billings on and after January 1, 2013, the bi-monthly consumption rate per 1,000 gallons for water consumed within the city shall be as follows: City of Burlingame: Single Family Residential Tier 1— Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 0 to 2,000 gallons'.. ffib*obovo — 2001 to 9000 gallon ................................7.26 — 9001 to 18,000 gallons., ME,. *1#11141doti —18,001 to 30,000 gallons .........................8.84 — 30,001 gallons and above .....................10.41 **pool* ...... 0,00 IM&OISMOM3,67 (c) Turn -On Fee: The normal turn -on fee schedule for new accounts shall be as follows: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m .................. no charge Monday through Friday, 3:16 p.m. to 3:30 p.m poop .. . ................ $20.00 Monday through Friday, 3:31 p.m. to 7:59 a.m.. ........................$60.00 Saturday/Sunday/holidays, anytime, ......................................$60.00 Section 4. The rates for the provision of water service for 2014 are as follows: (a) Monthly Base Service Charge: Effective for all meter readings and billings on and after January 1, 2014 through December 313 2014, the fixed, monthly base service charge based on meter size shall be as follows (for residential services only, such service charge shall include the fust 1,000 gallons of water per month): 5/81" an d3/4" meters.............................................................$38.78 1 "meters...............................................................................$65.94 1-1/2" meters................................M...,.................................$128.02 2" meters.............................................................................$205.58 3" meters..........................I..............,...................................$387.92 4" meters...............................................poll ...........,..............$647.82 6" meters, It I I 1 0 1 1 1 E I I ME* do 4 10 6 0 ME 'A ... .... *"*A*#M4Mfi$l29lo74 8" meters...........................................................................$2067.57 (b) Bi -monthly Consumption Charge: Effective for all meter readings and billings on and after January 1, 2014, the bi-monthly consumption rate per 1,000 gallons, for water consumed within the city shall be as follows: City of Burlingame: Single Family Residential Tier 1-0+ 2,000 gallons .................................................. 0.00 Tier2-2001 to 9000 gallons ............................................... 7.83 Tier 3 — 9001 to 18,000 gallons ...................................1 8.27 Tier —18,001 to 30,000 gallons ............ OWN ........................9,53 Tier 5 — 30,001 gallons and above ....., 11.22 All other customer classifications ........................................8.44 San MateoCountyUnincorOrorated................................................ 9.40 (c) Turn -On Fee: The normal turn -on fee schedule for new accounts shall be the same as Section 3 (c), above. Section 5. The rates for the provision of water serviee for 2015 are as follows: (a) Monthly Base Service Charge: Effective for all meter readings and billings on and after January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, the fixed, monthly base service charge based on meter size shall be as follows (for residential services only, such service charge shall include the first 1,000 gallons of water per month): 5/8" and 3(4" meters 1" meters .................. 1-1/2" meters........,., 2" meters .................. meters .................. 4" meters ................., 6" meters .................. meters .................. ............................................... $41.80 ...........................................$71.08 ....,,,.,,..$138.00 .........................................$221,62 .............................................$418.17 .............$698.34 ...........................................$1392.49 .......................................$2228.84 (b) Bi -monthly Consumption Charge: Effecti ve for all meter readings and billings on and after January 1, 2015, the bi-monthly consumption rate per 1,000 gallons, for water consumed within the city shall be as follows: City of Burlingame: Single Family Residential Tier 1— 0 to 2,000 gallons .................................................. 0.00 Tier 2 — 2001 to 9000 gallons ............................................... 8.44 Tier 3 — 9001 to 18,000 gallons 8.91 Tier 4 —18,001 to 30,000 gallons 10.28 Tier 5 — 30,001 gallons and above 12.10 All other customer classifications ...................................... 91 09 San Mateo County Unmcgor�rated....................................... 10.13 (c) Turn -On Fee: The normal turn -on fee schedule for new accounts shall be the same as Section 3 (c), above. Section 6. Fees and Charees. The following fees and charges currently exist and shall continue: (a) Payment of alI charges for water famished by the municipal water department of the city must be made forthwith, and, if not paid within thirty (30) days after the date on which billed, shall be assessed a 1-1/2% penalty charge. In addition, the service may be discontinued and will not be renewed unless a fee for renewal service and all outstanding bills are paid. The fee for renewal shall be for service Monday through Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., $35; from 3:16 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., $45; and from 3:31 p.m. to 4:50 p.m., $60. After 4:50 p.m., service will not be renewed until the next working day. (b) hr the event of an underground leak on the customer's service which cannot be easily detected or a similar occurrence, the director of public works or the finance director may adjust the resulting water charges if they deem an adjustment is warranted. If an adjustment is made, the resulting charge shall not be less than the amount paid for the purchase of the water lost due to the leak. The director of public works or the finance director may request documentation evidencing the existence and repair of the leak as part of the review process. (c) Fire service charge for maintaining water in a fire protection system shall be $1 per month per inch of pipe diameter for the service connection, with a $2 per month minimum charge. Water delivered at a fire service shall be charged at the regular rates for domestic service, except that there shall be no charge for water used in a fire call emergency. (d) When a flow test is requested by a customer, a fee shall first be paid to the city according to the size of the service as follows: 5/8" through P", 11111111.11. IWON OV61SE 4 a F 9 0 . . 0 0 . I I , 14 . a a N P V V I q 0 F N V 0 P . . . . . $50 1'1/2" and 2".....................................................................$80 Over 210 ..................................:........................................ $100 minimum In the event that the meter was recording higher than actual flow, the city shall refund the testing fee and make adjustments in the billing for water consumed during the two (2) calendar months preceding the date of the request for a test. In the event the meter was recording accurately, the fee shall be retained. On services over two inches (2"), an additional fee shall be billed if the cost of testing plus fifteen percent (15%) for overhead should exceed the $100 fee. (e) Temporary water service will be provided at a city fire hydrant, after the approval of the location by the city engineer or the engineer's authorized representative, upon deposit of $750. The fixed service charges for the temporary meter shall be $43.00 per month for one -inch meters, and $85.00 per month for three-inch meters. Charges for the water consumed shall be as stated in Subsections 2(b), 3(b), or 4(b) above, as applicable to period of consumption. (f) Deposits for taro -on ofwater service. (1) Deposits will be required for the tum -on of water service for any customer whose account with the city has had a delinquency on a city water account during the previous twelve (12) months in an amount equal to two (2) months estimated consumption, or $50.00, whichever is greater. If no further delinquencies occur on the account over the succeeding twelve-month period, the deposit shall be applied as a credit to the account. (2) If a delinquency occurs on an account to which a deposit has been made, the delinquency shall be satisfied first from the amount on deposit. (g} Any work done on the water system of the city shall have prior approval and permit from the city engineer. A fee of $60 shall be charged for the permit. A bond or deposit of $1,500 shall accompany the request for a permit. The deposit is refundable in full upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the city engineer or water department superintendent. (h) All domestic water service installations of sizes 3/4" to 2", inclusive, consisting of corporation and curb cocks, service line, meter boxes and meters, may be furnished and installed by the city from the water main to a point approximately one foot inside the curb line, or to a point within 4' of the property being served from a water main in an easement, alley or other right-of-way other than dedicated street, but not exceeding a total distance from water main connection to the meter box of sixty fee (60') for the following fixed fees; 5/8" bypass meter........................................................$ 350 3/4" service with meter..............................................$4,100 1" service with meter.................................$4,135 ............... 1-1/2" service with meter". I I 1 111.11.1 oio,s" ..... I to 0*41111111111353280 2" service with meter .................................................$5,420 Ali domestic water service installations of a size larger than two inches (2") or longer than sixty feet (60) or not covered by the circumstances described above may be furnished and installed by the city for the cost of labor and material, plus a sum equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the combined cost of labor and material, less a credit for any existing water meter. The sum to be paid for any such installations shall be estimated by the public works department, and such sum shall be deposited with the department before the work of installation commences. In the event that the estimated cost of making the installation proves to be insufficient to pay for said installation as hereinabove provided, an additional sum sufficient to pay such costs shall be charged. If the amount deposited exceeds the cost of installation as hereinabove provided, the excess shall be refunded. Section 7. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause Or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section S. The City Council finds that the adoption and implementation o£ this Ordinance are exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act because this project has no possibility of having any significant effect upon the environment (pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15061). Section 9. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. I, Mary Ellen Kearney, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15a day of October, 2012 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5' day of November, 2012, by the following vote: AYES: Councihnembers: BAYLOCK, BROWNRIGG, DEAL' REIGHRAN NOF,S: Councihnembers: NONE ABSENT: Councilmembers: NAGEL Pt 1 Mary Ellen. Kearney, City Clerk