HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1908ORDINANCE NO. t9o8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AMENDING TITLE 12 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 12.05 FOR SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OF DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE The City Council of the City of Burlingame does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Factual Background and Findings. WHEREAS, the City of Burlingame and its Downtown Burlingame Avenue property owners have made significant investments in the improvement of Downtown Burlingame Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Burlingame Avenue improvements include, but are not limited to, design and installation of new: widened sidewalks with pedestrian pavers; vehicular pavers in the parking areas, crosswalks and intersections; concrete bands; curb and gutter; asphalt concrete roadway; trees; tree grates; landscaping; planter pots; hanging baskets; decorative tree lights; benches; kiosks; gateway monuments; bike racks; retractable bollards; news racks; trash receptacles; smart parking meters; historic markers; decorative streetlights; electrical conduits; upgrades of the City's traffic signal; and improvements to the City's potable water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems; and WHEREAS, in order to preserve, maintain, and protect these improvements, the City must implement a five-year construction moratorium with comprehensive special requirements limiting construction activities within the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue to work deemed by the Public Works Department as necessary for emergency purposes, public health and safety, and special circumstances such as when pre-empted by law and for construction involving provision of water, sewer, fire protection and other utility services to properties along Burlingame Avenue; and WHEREAS, to insure any work done is restored in compliance with the characteristics and standards of the Downtown Burlingame Avenue improvements, the City must implement the special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details; and WHEREAS, for compliance with these special construction requirements within the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue, the Public Works Department staff developed a new Chapter 12.05 of the Burlingame Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 2. Title 12 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is amended as follows: (a) A new Chapter 12.05, is added to Title 12 of the Burlingame Municipal Code and shall read as follows: Chapter 12.05 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OF DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE 12.05.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to preserve, maintain, and to protect improvements made by the City and its Downtown Burlingame Avenue property owners as part of the Downtown Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project. More importantly, the purpose of this chapter is to insure any work done within the public right-of-way in Downtown Burlingame Avenue is restored completely and to the satisfaction of the City in accordance with the Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details. 12.05.020 Scope. This chapter includes special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details necessary to ensure compliance with City Council direction to preserve, maintain, and protect the City's Downtown Burlingame Avenue Streetscape improvements. The requirements include, but are not limited to, a five (5) year construction moratorium, special conditions and provisions for restoration if work is approved for emergency repairs, to preserve public health and safety, or under special circumstances as determined by the Department of Public Works, and minimizing as best as possible any impacts to Downtown Burlingame Avenue. 12.05.030 Definitions. Whenever in this chapter the words or phrases hereinafter defined are used, they shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the following definitions: (a) "Downtown Burlingame Avenue" is the entire length of Burlingame Avenue from EI Camino Real to California Drive and extensions along side streets such as EI Camino Real, Primrose Road, Park Road, Lorton Avenue, Hatch Lane, and California Drive, and as shown on the map attached to this ordinance. (b) "Downtown Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Improvements' completed as part of the Downtown Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project, include, but are not limited to, new widened sidewalks with their associated pattern -laid pavers; pavers in the parking areas, crosswalks and intersections; concrete bands; curb and gutter; asphalt concrete roadway; trees; tree grates; landscaping; planter pots; hanging baskets; decorative tree lights; benches; kiosks; gateway monuments; bike racks; retractable bollards; news racks; trash receptacles; smart parking meters; historic markers; decorative streetlights; electrical conduits; upgrades of the City's traffic signal; and utility upgrades to the City's potable water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems and all associated appurtenances. (c) "Public Works Department" means the City of Burlingame Public Works Department. (d) "Moratorium" is a temporary prohibition of any construction or work in the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue within the timeframe identified herein. (e) "Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details" is a set of documents providing requirements with which any construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration or grading, opening, excavation in any sidewalk concrete and pavers, curb and gutter, planter, parking area concrete and pavers, roadway; crosswalk, or intersection, or operation of construction equipment, within the area identified in this Chapter, must comply. 12.05.040 Construction Moratorium. Effective thirty days from the adoption of this ordinance, a five (5) year construction moratorium is implemented for Downtown Burlingame Avenue. The construction moratorium will end on March 1, 2020. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, reconstruct, repair, alter or grade, open or cause to be opened, or make any excavation in any sidewalk concrete and pavers; curb and gutter; planter; parking area concrete and pavers; roadway; crosswalk; or intersection; or to operate construction equipment within Downtown Burlingame Avenue during the construction moratorium, except as permitted under the exceptions set forth herein. 12.05.050 Construction allowed for purposes of emergency repairs, to protect the public health and safety, or special circumstances as determined by the Public Works Department. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to request permission to construct, reconstruct, repair, alter or grade, open or cause to be opened, or make any excavation in any sidewalk concrete and pavers; curb and gutter; planter; parking area concrete and pavers; roadway; crosswalk; or intersection; or to operate construction equipment within Downtown Burlingame Avenue shall make a written request to the Public Works Department setting forth the purpose and extent of such work to be performed or caused to be performed by such person. Following the review of request, the Public Works Department may grant special permission if the proposed work is deemed necessary for emergencies, public health and safety, and special circumstances. Such a written request shall include: (a) Drawings showing location of work area, details of proposed work, and restoration of public right-of-way per Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details. (b) Such other information as the Public Works Department shall find necessary to the determination of whether permission shall be granted. Permission for construction work shall be granted or denied within the discretion of the Director of Public Works or his or her designee, which determination shall be final. In the case of an emergency or immediate and serious threat to the public health and safety, a property owner or business tenant may make only such repairs or take such actions as necessary to avoid serious and substantial harm to property or risk to persons without following the application procedure identified here. Further repairs or work beyond that necessary to contain or stabilize an emergency situation must be approved through the process identified in this section. 12.05.060 Permit and fee. Any person, firm or corporation submitting a written request to the Public Works Department for permission to construct, reconstruct, repair, alter or grade, open or cause to be opened, or make any sidewalk concrete and pavers; curb and gutter; planter; parking area concrete and pavers; roadway; crosswalk; or intersection; or to operate construction equipment within Downtown Burlingame Avenue shall provide a minimum plan review deposit at the time of the request. The actual cost charged for the plan review shall be based on actual City staff time and material spent in, assessing and evaluating the request, plan review, preliminary site visit(s),meeting(s), and any other such work directly related and necessary to the processing of the request. The City may request additional deposits based on the size and scope of the proposed work. Any remaining deposit funds shall be either applied towards an application for an encroachment permit, if required and the applicant chooses to go forward with such permit, or refunded to the applicant. The Public Works Department may grant the request to perform work in whole or in part, subject to the Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details and conditions as the Public Works Department may determine are necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the public. If the requested work is approved, the applicant shall file with the Public Works Department an application for an encroachment permit prior to starting work. Applicable permit fees and bonds will be based on fees approved by the City Council. 12.05.070 Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details. The Public Works Department shall prepare the Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details for construction method and materials. These materials shall be available for review upon request at the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department may modify these conditions, provisions, specifications, and details as deemed necessary. 12.05.080 Restoration of public right-of-way. All construction work, openings, excavations, and damage caused by construction to the City infrastructure shall be restored in compliance with the Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, provisions, specifications, and details and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. 12.05.090 Exercise of franchise. No person, firm or corporation shall exercise any franchise or privilege to construct, reconstruct, repair, alter or grade, open or cause to be opened, or make any excavation in, any sidewalk concrete and pavers; curb and gutter; planter; parking area concrete and pavers; roadway, crosswalk; or intersection for the purpose of laying or maintaining any pipes for the transmission of gas, water, heat, steam, high speed internet or wireless access, or other substances without having obtained permission from the Public Works Department in accordance with this ordinance. Section 3. The Public Works Department is directed to take necessary actions to implement this ordinance. Section 4. The City Clerk is directed to publish this ordinance in the manner required by law. Terry Nagel, Mayor I, Mary Ellen Kearney, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a public hearing occurred at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of January, 2015, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of February, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: BROWNRIGG, KE4GHRAN, NAGEL, ORTIZ, ROOT NOES: Councilmembers: NONE ABSENT: Councilmembers: NONE Mary Ellen Kearney, City Clerk February 2, 2015 DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE SPECIAL CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 1.0 GENERAL Per City of Burlingame Municipal Code 12.05, any work within the public right-of-way of the Downtown Burlingame Avenue limits shall require approval from the Public Works Department and shall comply with the following special conditions, specifications, details, and construction moratorium. The Downtown Burlingame Avenue limits shall be the entire length of Burlingame Avenue from EI Camino Real to California Drive, including but not limited to all paver crosswalks, intersections, and paver sidewalks and extensions along side streets such as EI Camino Real, Primrose Road, Park Road, Lorton Avenue, Hatch Lane, and California Drive. 1.01 Construction Moratorium Effective February 2, 2015, a five (5) year construction moratorium is implemented for Downtown Burlingame Avenue. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, reconstruct, repair, alter or grade, open or cause to be opened, or make any excavation in, any sidewalk concrete and pavers; curb and gutter; planter; parking area concrete and pavers; roadway; crosswalk; or intersection within Downtown Burlingame Avenue limits during the construction moratorium. The Public Works Department will consider allowing emergency work as needed on a case-by-case basis. If proposed construction work during the construction moratorium period is approved or authorized by the Public Works Department as necessary for emergency, public health and safety, or special circumstances, the work shall comply with these special conditions, specifications, and details. 2.0 PLAN REVIEW AND SUBMITTALS Any work within the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue shall first obtain an approval from the Public Works Department through a plan review process. A written request along with required submittals shall be provided to the Public Works Department for review. A minimum deposit of 2 000 is required at the time of submission for plan review. The actual cost will be based on actual staff time and material spent on reviewing the request and plans. This plan review process is separate from any building permit plan review. The applicant shall provide, at a minimum, the following submittals for plan review to request an approval for any work within the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue: (a) Letter stating the purpose and extent of such work to be performed within and/or affecting the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue; (b) A complete set of drawings showing location of work area, details of proposed work, and restoration of public right-of-way per Downtown Burlingame Avenue special conditions, specifications, and details; (c) Type of equipment use, if any; (d) Tentative construction schedule; and (e) A minimum plan review deposit of $2,000. The City may require additional deposit based on project scope and estimated construction cost. February 2, 2015 3.0 PERMITS AND FEES Any authorized and approved work within the public right-of-way of Downtown Burlingame Avenue, granted by the Public Works Department, shall obtain an Encroachment Permit prior to starting work. In addition to the standard fees listed under the Encroachment Permit Fee Schedule, an additional Encroachment Permit bond of $50.00 per square foot or a minimum 5,000 is required for work affecting the public right-of-way along Downtown Burlingame Avenue. 4.0 PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING If work in the public right-of-way is approved by the Public Works Department, a meeting with the City of Burlingame Public Works Engineering Inspector shall take place prior to the initiation of the site work. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and clearly understand the following: • Plan of work within City's right of way, including, but not limited to hours of work, deliveries, traffic control and/or pedestrian access within public right of way; sidewalk issues; parking; storage; loading of materials; repair of damaged public facilities such as paver at sidewalk, crosswalk, parking area, and intersection; road pavement; trenching restriction and requirements; and coordination with City projects within the vicinity. • Contact names and numbers of responsible personnel. • A traffic control and/or pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted 5 days prior to the pre -construction meeting for review. 5.0 EQUIPMENT AND LOADING RESTRICTIONS ON EXISTING PAVERS Heavy construction equipment such as, but not limited to, fork lift, boom or crane truck are prohibited on pavers. Any equipment or material loading on pavers shall first be approved by the Public Works Department prior to use. If approval is granted, the contractor shall place, at a minimum, wooden boards to support and protect the pavers. In the event any pavers are damaged, it is the responsibly of the applicant and contractor to replace the paver(s) according to these special conditions, specifications, and details. 6.0 SIDEWALK CONCRETE PAVERS 6.01 General (Al Contractor performing any work with concrete pavers within the City's right- of-way must be on the City of Burlingame's pre -qualified list of concrete paver contractors. (B) Removal of existing concrete pavers will require the demolition of at least one existing paver. Carefully remove one paver by using the drilled hole to unlock and access the other pavers. The Contractor is responsible for the replacement of the drilled paver as well as any damaged pavers. The Contractor shall pay for, obtain and use similar colored pavers, which may be obtained from the Public Works Department at a cost of 50.00 per square foot. It is advised to use a full size paver for drilling so there is no need to cut a new paver later to fit into the space. February 2, 2015 (C) Concrete pavers shall be sealed as recommended by manufacturer. Manufacturer: Acker -Stone Industries, Contact: Ron Ehrler 909-376-2836 — 13296 Temescal Canyon Rd., Corona, CA 92883. Sealed shall be protected for a minimum of 24 hours before allowing traffic. 6.02 Sand Laving Course Install dry sand to uniform depth required for flush finish after pavers are installed. The designed nominal depth shall be 1 -inch thick with no sand thickness less than %" or more than 1 %". Sand is to remain undisturbed prior to the installation of pavers. Moisture content of sand must remain constant. 6.03 Paver Installation (A) Before installing, clean concrete and stone pavers of all foreign material. Do not begin installation of pavers until subgrade and base have been prepared per specifications and details. (B) Screed sand bedding course to recommended depth. Sand is to remain undisturbed prior to the installation of unit pavers. Maintain constant sand moisture content. (C) Where pavers occur over concrete sub -slab, set with a mortar bed and grout as shown on the details. Pavers in the parking stall area, crosswalk, and intersection shall be cured for a minimum of 72 -hours before allowing vehicular traffic. (D) Start installation from a corner or straight edge, unless detailed otherwise, and proceed forward over the undisturbed sand bedding course with pavers as shown on details. Cut pavers with a masonry saw, clean and uniform to conform to edges without gaps. Cut pavers to avoid thin slices. (E) Install pavers plumb and true to line and grade to coincide and align with adjacent work and existing elevations. Use string lines to hold pattern lines true. Maximum vertical deflection shall not exceed 3/8 -inch under a 10 foot straightedge. All perimeter edges must be retained to secure the pavers and sand bedding course. Provide retainer as required. No paver joint shall be greater than 1/4 -inch. No perimeter edge joint shall be greater than 3/8". (F) No pavers shall be cut unless authorized by the Public Works Department. If pavers and sweep the approved, cut pavers with diamond blade masonry saw to fit if necessary. (G) Spread polymeric sand over the installed and approved pavers and sweep the sand into the paver joints. Insure all joints are full before clean up. Swept up and remove excess sand from the completed paver installation. (H) The completed paving installation shall be swept and washed down to provide a clean, finished, workmanlike hardscape pavement. (I) The final surface elevation of pavers shall not deviate more than 3/8 -inch under a 10 -foot long straightedge and 1/8 -inch between individual pavers. February 2, 2015 (J) The surface elevation of pavers shall be 1/8 to 1/4 -inch above adjacent drainage inlets, concrete collars or channels. (K) Apply approved water-based Paver Sealer after final cleanup and wash down of paving surfaces. Prior to applying Water-based Sealer, remove any stains and efflorescence using cleaners as recommended by manufacturer. During application, protect surrounding areas from over spray. All traffic, pedestrian or vehicular, shall be kept off of sealed pavers until initial cure time has been achieved. 6.04 Cleanup and Curing (A) All work shall be performed in such a way as to keep the site neat, clean and orderly. Upon completion of the work under this section, remove immediately all surplus materials, rubbish and equipment associated with or used in the performance of this work, and any and all Underground Service Alert (USA) markings. Failure to cleanup completely to the satisfactory of the Public Works Department and removal of USA marking may result in retention of portion or the entire Encroachment Permit bond by the City. (B) Reset all disturbed pavers and brush joints with sand or grout with mortar. Reseal individual pavers as required. (C) Sealed pavers shall be protected fora minimum of 24 hours before allowing traffic. (D) Pavers in the parking stall area, crosswalk, and intersection shall be cured for a minimum of 72 -hours before allowing vehicular traffic. 7.0 VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVERS 7.01 Crosswalk and Intersection Open trench excavation within pedestrian crosswalk and roadway intersection is prohibited. Any open excavation in the crosswalk or roadway intersection will require the replacement of the entire crosswalk or intersection. 7.02 Parking Area Open trench excavation perpendicular to length of Burlingame Avenue requires sawcut at joints per these standards. Open trench excavation parallel to the length of Burlingame Avenue require sawcut and removal of entire width of parking area from lip of gutter to concrete band. The contractor shall replace the entire width of the parking area for the length of the trench. 8.0 BEDDING AND BACKFILL 8.01 Bedding Material February 2, 2015 All trenches shall be over -excavated below the bottom of the pipe to limits shown on City Standard Drawing BA -01 and bedded with Class 1 permeable material. Class 1 permeable material shall extend above the top of the pipe to the level shown on City Standard Drawing BA -01 Class 1 permeable material used for bedding shall conform to the requirements for Permeable Material of the Standard Specifications of the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS). 8.02 Trench Backfill All trenches shall be backfilled between the bedding material and the road base with Controlled Density Fill (CDF). CDF shall be a workable and non -segregating 1-% sack mix of Portland cement, fine aggregate, and water. Fly -ash may be used in the CDF mix provided a minimum of 75% by weight of the cementitious material is Portland cement. All component materials of CDF shall conform to the requirements for Portland Cement Concrete of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications. CDF shall have a maximum compressive strength of 150 -psi. 9.0 CONCRETE PAVING 9.01 General This section only applies to concrete paving within Downtown Burlingame Avenue. The work in this section includes all the work and materials associated with the removal and construction of new Portland cement concrete for sidewalks, concrete bands at back of walk, curbs, gutters, curb ramps, concrete parking, aprons, sub slabs, banding, and surface repairs in association with the various items of work, and construction of Rapid Strength Concrete (RSC) mix for new concrete sub -slab underneath the travel lanes, concrete bands, crosswalk sub -slabs and intersection concrete. Contractor shall be responsible for safety of the public, especially in sidewalk and street areas, during the project. Work sites shall be kept safe by placing adequate barricades, wood walks in commercial areas, eliminating tripping hazards, protecting stockpiled materials, and other means as appropriate. Open excavation shall be covered when no work is being performed. Steel plating shall be installed until temporary surfacing can be constructed. 9.02 Material Concrete used for all curbs, gutters, sidewalks, curb ramps, concrete bands in sidewalk, parking colored concrete section and other minor concrete work shall be Class B (6 -Sack) Portland cement concrete with W max coarse aggregate and shall conform to the requirements of CALTRANS Standards Specifications. Concrete used for all travel lane (street) sub -slab, intersection colored concrete, and crosswalk bands and sub -slab, shall be 4000 psi Rapid Strength Concrete (RSC) and shall conform to the requirements of these special conditions, specifications, and details. February 2, 2015 Concrete paving specification for the integral colored concrete of the parking zones and intersections 'Green Slate' #3685, Manufactured by Davis Calors (800) 356-4848 or approved equal. All vehicular concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi (parking concrete section, travel lane sub -slab, intersection concrete, crosswalk bands and sub -slab, parking concrete section, valley gutters and other vehicular concrete). All concrete work shall be true to line and grade as indicated on the drawings. Anchor plates, inserts and other items embedded in concrete shall be accurately secured so that they will not be displaced during placement of concrete. Finished paving surfaces shall not vary more than 1/8 -inch measured with a 10 feet metal straightedge, except at grade changes. No birdbaths or other surface irregularities will be permitted. Correct any irregularities to the satisfaction of City. 9.03 Controlloints Concrete paving includes Control Joints or weakened plane joints. Control Joints shall be installed in the curb & gutter, vertical curb, concrete bands, concrete parking, extended curb & gutter, Caltrans curb & gutter, and other concrete at the scoring locations shown on these details. In no case will the weakened plane joints be spaced more than 10 -feet apart. Control joints shall be at a depth of concrete thickness divided by 4 (example 6 -inches thick concrete d/4 = 1.5). Control joints shall be constructed with a special tool designed for such joints. The reinforcing bars should extend through the control joints. 9.04 Expansion Joints Expansion joints will be full depth with filler material. Expansion joints will be 20 -feet maximum spacing. Approved joint material shall be placed with top edge 1/4 -inch below the paved surface, and shall be securely held in place to prevent movement. Joint and other edges shall be formed in the fresh concrete using and edging tool to provide a smooth uniform impression. All edges shall be struck before and after brooming. After the curing period, expansion joints shall be carefully cleaned and filled with approved joint sealant to just below adjacent paved surface in such a manner as to avoid spilling on paved surfaces or overflow from joint. Slip dowels should be installed at expansion joints/cold joints. Prior to excavation to submit a plan mark-up showing the locations of full depth expansion joints to meet the 20 -feet maximum spacing. In the concrete parking area the expansion joints will be 16 -feet apart +/- to conform with the score Tines. 9.05 Forms Forms shall be smooth on the side placed next to the concrete and shall have a true smooth upper edge and shall be rigid enough to withstand the pressure of fresh concrete without distortion. All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with form oil to prevent the concrete from adhering to them. The depth of forms shall be equal to the full depth of the concrete section being poured. Contractor shall exercise care not to injure any part of the tree in placing his forms. No cutting away of any part of the trunk or main roots to accommodate forms will be permitted. Forms shall be bent around tree February 2, 2015 trunks to provide a minimum of 2 -inch clearance for the finished sidewalk. It is the Contractor's responsibility to protect the concrete finish until acceptance by the Public Works Department. The color and finish shall be as close as possible to that of the surrounding pavement, with preference to a light broom finish and darkened with two (2) pounds dry lampblack conforming to ASTM D209 per cubic yard concrete. Concrete shall be scored to conform to the existing pattern. No concrete shall be poured until forms have been inspected and approved by the Public Works Department. 9.06 Street Sub -slab Joint and Finish The concrete street sub -slab will have expansion joints every 20 feet maximum perpendicular to the centerline. The expansion joint will traverse across the entire street. Sub -slab will have a rough finish with tack coat. Prior to pouring Contractor will submit for review the proposed method of achieving a rough finish. 9.07 Parking Area Joints and Finish The concrete parking area will have expansion joints spaced every spaced 20 feet maximum perpendicular the centerline. The concrete parking area will have weakened plane joints (d/4) spaced every spaced 10 feet maximum perpendicular the centerline. Parking Area Concrete will have a rough broom finish. 9.08 Lampblack Concrete that is not colored architecturally will require 2 Ib Lampblack per cubic yard of concrete. Slabs which are not exposed to the surface will not be colored. 10.0 ROADWAY PAVING 10.01 General The existing roadway section is 6 -inches asphalt concrete over 8 -inches concrete sub -base. The concrete sub -base shall be installed according to 9.0 CONCRETE PAVING of these special conditions, specifications, and details. The asphalt concrete shall be installed in three (3) lifts of 2 -inch each lift. An approved engineering pavement mat shall be installed between the bottom lift and the second (2"d) lift. The limits of removal and replace of roadway section shall be per these details. ATTACHMENTS: • Map of Downtown Burlingame Avenue Limits • Downtown Burlingame Avenue Standard Details Drawing BA -01 (total 4 sheets) ?: \ 7720\§§) \/)\ /(�\ ° !r\)2224 {g;2 mr\; _ ]dw \W>!) §G=am q§;a - =2:®¥r =®t® ®::_ - - : 4=:\ ¥§`2 \(Z =j"D \/M® °°M; a _ § /K - 8 PO d� 0! cz $ ® 0= FpMI`V mo \ 2 @G\ z>e :: za § §§ §§\ zz \� \/Mm 0 9 �j § m5 �%/ \§ E > �\ ; »k ;=m 7 (z \ \� m §~ `- -. >a 2 -Ti 2 22 �% BS % 2 > ;§ d / ;$ /zzom \ . ■§ MM \\ } Om § /[11F / $ ` W» MZA y n rr Bk« , >MZ \2 § ;/ Ir \` k §.10 10 \ ) N oz11'r I \!® m §\ �( ` am \>z2 \| - UNE q-0 # � § \ 3m; : � \ \ )7\§ ) &§) 7 \ ° \ � 2 ,GG! ` )\\( ~° } �� /)!& �)�[ ` \\ ,G:! \�\ I k \� � / 7 2% - , . �� { w Z MILL 2° AND PAYE 2' FULL WIDTH, 20' MIN., OF ROADWAY `<m m 0 4 m OR 10' MIN, TO CENTERLINE IF ENTIRE TRENCH IS WITHIN ONE TRAVEL LANE 0 A Z w 3 LIFTS OF 2" AC y poy y (6" TOTAL) WITH PAVEMENT TRENCH w<U ENGINEER MAT IN BETWEEN A x 0 MILL 2' AND mA 12° M1N• I 1� PAVE 2' A ASPHALT ROADWAY TRENCH SECTION FOR MAINS NOT TO SCALE 3 LIFTS OF 2' AC TRErN�CH ENGINEERLMAT N P ETWEEN120 MIN RT SLIP DOWEL O.C. AT JOINT (TYP.) 0 H SIDES MAT Y 6' 4000 PSI ✓ { B NOT TO SCALE DO E x `. SEE NOTE 5 INSERT SUP DOWEL - 24° O.C. AT JOINT (TYP.) _ 1.5 SACK ON BOTH SIDES CONTROLLED DE FlLL ENGINEER (CDF)TY PAVEMENT .......,...'.::...:.::.:....:'' 6° 4000 SI CONCRETE Do INS[ 1.5 SACH ON" CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL ENGINEER PAVEMENT (CDF) TRACER WIRE REOUIR -FOR WATER MAIN ON CLASS 1 PERMEABLE BEDDING198M r�PIPEL3MIN. ON BOTH SIDES A ASPHALT ROADWAY TRENCH SECTION FOR MAINS NOT TO SCALE 3 LIFTS OF 2' AC TRErN�CH ENGINEERLMAT N P ETWEEN120 MIN RT SLIP DOWEL O.C. AT JOINT (TYP.) 0 H SIDES MAT Y ASPHALT ROADWAY 6' 4000 PSI ✓ { B NOT TO SCALE DO E x `. SEE NOTE 5 INSERT SUP DOWEL - 24° O.C. AT JOINT (TYP.) _ 1.5 SACK ON BOTH SIDES CONTROLLED DE FlLL ENGINEER (CDF)TY PAVEMENT .......,...'.::...:.::.:....:'' ASPHALT ROADWAY TRENCH SECTION FOR SERVICES AND LATERALS B NOT TO SCALE DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE APPROVED BY DRAWING N0. e}{R,cuv�nrns ASPHALT ROADWAY TRENCH SECTION DATE BA -01 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2/2/15 SHEET 2 OF 4 REMOVE AND REPLACE FULL WDTH, 6MINIMUM, OF VEHICULAR PAVER PARKING AREA, 0 I 0 YBIOSAR P*ER 00 SAWCUT (TYPJ WTM MWTOR 14 to A t 8" 4000 PSI 14 _ CONCRETE To 1.5 SACK CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL to I (CDF) CI AGS 1 sAwcuT (TYF.) INSERT SUP DOWEL 24" O.C. JOINT (TP.) SI ON BOTH SIDES 'MRE REQUIRED ER MAIN ONLY TRENCH SECTION FOR MAINS WITHIN VEHICULAR CONCRETE C PAVER PARKING AREA NOT TO SCALE REMOVE ANO REPLACE VEHICULAR PAVER IN PARKING AREA sAwcuT (TYP.)—\ r� �pp� I rsAwcuT (TYP.) AT PAVER JOINT I / AT PAVER JOINT -PIPE L TRENCH SECTION FOR SERVICES AND LATERALS WITHIN D VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVER PARKING AREA NOT TO SCALE DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE TRENCH SECTION IN APPROVED BY DRAWING N0. 13""`''-"�xME VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVER IN PARKING AREA gq.p� DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2/2/15 SHEET 3 OF 4 x lop . ... !. .. B" 4000 PSI I. .� INSERT SLIP DOWEL CONCRETE 1:. 2' O.C. AT JOINT (TYP.) ON BOTH SIDES 1.5 SACK CONTROLLED DENSITY FlLL (CDF) TRACER WIRE REQUIRED 11/7 FOR WATER MAIN ONLY fl AGS 1 -PIPE L TRENCH SECTION FOR SERVICES AND LATERALS WITHIN D VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVER PARKING AREA NOT TO SCALE DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE TRENCH SECTION IN APPROVED BY DRAWING N0. 13""`''-"�xME VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVER IN PARKING AREA gq.p� DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2/2/15 SHEET 3 OF 4 CONCRETE CURB h WTTER TO HAYS EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 20' MAX. AND WEAKENED PLAN JOINTS EVERY 10'. JOINTS TO BE SURVEYED TO ALIGN N1TH 1 � CONCRETE BAND JOINTS & yLl MATCH PARKING CONCRETE BAND EXISTING GRADE J� � 12" s• THICK cuss z 6' 1HICK CLASS 2 COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE, 90R COMPACTED E MODIFIED CITY STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE PAYERS PER 1' SAND SPECIFICATIONS SAND JOINT FlLL F 12" CONCRETE BAND NOT TO SCALE G CONCRETE PAVER PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK Nor To scALE DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DRAWING N0. BA -01 SHEET 4 OF 4 3 a ov an 00 r C 3 c CA M4 00 N �Z �W 0X O r Z Z � Y) � 3 Om z �a m C �m Z m C m 171 z N