HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2005.11.07BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of November 7,2005 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Joe Galligan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Bruce Carlton. CLOSED SESSION: CA Anderson advised that Council met in closed session and directed staff regarding the following: a.Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code $ 54957.6: City Negotiators: Jim Nantell, Bob Bell Labor Organizations: Department Heads and Unrepresented Employees 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony None Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 17,2005 Council meeting; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. PRESENTATIONS COUNCIL RECOGNITION OF BOBBI BE FOR HER EFFORTS TO BEAUTIF'T 5. a. BURLINGAME'S LANDSCAPED AREAS P&RD Schwartz introduced Bobbi Benson thanking her for her efforts in beautifying Burlingame's landscaped areas. Mayor Galligan presented Ms. Benson with a proclamation. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 304 November 1,2005 4. MINUTES b. LTBRARY +WARp PR4SENTATTON Lib Escoffier advised that the Library received four national awards from the American Library Association for the following items: Library Brochure, a Children's program, and two Library Foundation items: "Library Lines," the annual newsletter, and "Support Your Library''brochure. c. CENTRAL COUNTY FIRE DEP POSTER CONTEST AWARDS FC Reilly introduced Acting Fire Marshal Christine Reed who announced the second annual Central County Fire Department Poster Contest Award winners from Burlingame Elementary Schools. PUBLIC HEARINGS6. a. DPW Bagdon reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1771 to change the parking time limits on Howard Avenue. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1771 fixing parking meter times and rates on Howard Avenue between El Camino Real and Highland Avenue; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock; approved by voice vote, 4-0. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. b. ADOPT ORDINAN NO. 1772 MAKING AN EDITORIAL CORRECTION TO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 23.01 REGARDING POOL BARRIERS DPW Bagdon reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1772 to make an editorial correction to Municipal Code Section 23.01.050 regarding swimming pool barriers. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1772 amending Municipal code section to correct possible safety issue on swimming pool barriers; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony; approved by voice vote, 4-0. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. c.INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AFFIRMING FLOOR AREA RATIO COMPUTATIONS FOR CO DEVELOPMENT CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance restoring computation language for commercial floor area ratio (FAR) in Section 25.08.265 and to hold a public hearing. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 305 November 7,2005 ADOPT ORDINAIICE NO. 1771 TO CHANGE PARKING TIME LIMITS ON HOWARI) AVENUE Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Section 25.08.265 to affirm Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculation standards for commercial development. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pat Giomi, 1445 Balboa Avenue, suggested changes in remodel/replacement procedures for owners/ developers. Dorene Campanile,1620 Howard Avenue, provided an update on the Relay for Life fundraiser Jennifer Pfaff, 615 Bayswater Avenue, spoke on Item 8.c. and her concerns about nightclub problems involving the police. There were no further comments from the floor. STAFF REPORTS8. a. b. CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council adopt Resolution No. 76-2005 approving the Annual Report of the Advisory Board of the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District and declaring City of Burlingame's intention to establish and levy assessments for the 2006 year in the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District. Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-2005 declaring City of Burlingame's intention to establish and levy assessments for the 2006 year in the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. TOURISM BUSINPSS {MPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND (iil INTRODUCE OBDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT TO ADD THE CITY OF EAST PALO ALTO WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES qF DISTRICT CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council (i) adopt Resolution No. 77-2005 - Resolution of Intention to consider the addition of the City of East Palo Alto to the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District (BID) and (ii) introduce an ordinance amending the San Mateo County Tourism BID to add the City of East Palo Alto within the boundaries of the BID. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 306 November 1,2005 ApoPT RESOLUTTON N9. 76-?005 APPROVING ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADVISORY BOARD O.F THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BI/SINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND DECLARING INTENTION TO ESTABLISH ASSESSMENTS FOR IHE 2006 YEAR FOR THE DISTRICT (il ADOPT RESOT,,UTTON NO. 77-2005 - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CONSIpER ADDI.TION OF THE qITY OF EAST PALO ALTO TO THE SAN MATEO COUNTY Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 77-2005 declaring City of Burlingame's intention to amend the boundaries of the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District to encompass the City of East Palo Alto; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen to read the title of the proposed ordinance amending the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District to add the City of East Palo Alto to the District. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. Mayor Galligan requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. c.CONSIDER INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINAIICE TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and requested Council consider introduction of an ordinance to reduce the number of positions on the Beautification Commission from seven to five. After Council discussion, Councilwoman O'Mahony requested an attendance matrix of the commission before considering this ordinance. Councilwoman Nagel requested interviews for this commission be postponed until after November 21. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilwoman Nagel requested pulling Item k. for discussion. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) CA Anderson requested Council approve appointment of eight Advisory Board members to the San Mateo County Tourism BID. RESOLUTION NO. 78.2005 APPROVING FIRE SURPLUS EOUIPMENT DONATION TO SAN MATEO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FinDir Nava requested Council approve Resolution No. 78-2005 approving the transfer of 1985 Van Pelt Rescue Rig and Chassis to the San Mateo County Community College District. c.RESOLUTION NO. 79-2005 ACCEPTING THE 2OO5 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO SPENCON CONSTRUCTION DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 79-2005 accepting the 2005 Sidewalk Maintenance Program, Spencon Construction, Inc. Burl ingame City Council Approved Minutes a. b 307 November 7,2005 f. d. RESOLUTION NO 8O.2OO5 AWARDING CONTRACT TO CALIFORNIA POWER PARTNERS FOR CO-GENERATION POWER SYSTEM AT THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITY DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 80-2005 awarding contract for the Co-Generation Power System Project at the Wastewater Treatment Facility to California Power Partners, Inc. CC Mortensen requested Council approve cancellation of the December 19,2005 Regular City Council Meeting. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 81-2005 CORRECTING THE EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT FOR AFSCME. LOCALS 2190 AND 829. BAMM. DEPARTMENT HEAD/ UNREPRESENTED. POLICE ADMINISTRATORS. IAFF. TEAMSTERS AND FIRE ADMINISTRATORS CM Nantell requested Council approve Resolution No. 81-2005 updating the employer's contribution under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act. g.RESOLUTION NO. 82.2005 APPROVING MINOR REVISIONS IN THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE SAN MATEO COUNTY NABCOTIgS TASK FORCE COP Van Etten requested Council approve Resolution No. 82-2005 approving the second amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the San Mateo County Narcotics Task Force and authorizingthe Mayor to execute the amendment by and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. h. RESOLUTION NO. 83.2005 APPROVING A SALARY INCREASE FOR THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY AND PARTICIPATIO N IN CENTRAL FIRE DEPARTMENT MERIT PAY PLAN HR Specialist Zarubin requested Council approve Resolution No. 83-2005 approving adjustment to salary of City Manager and City Attorney and participation in Central Fire Department Merit Pay Plan. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) ADVISORY BOARI) CA Anderson requested Council approve the appointment of Rick Lyons to the Burlingame Avenue Area BID Advisory Board. j.RESOLUTION NO. 84.2005 ACCEPTING PLAYGROUND REHABILITATION AT PERSHING PARK _ PROJECT #81070 P&RD Schwartz requested Council approve Resolution No. 84-2005 accepting completion of Pershing Park Playground Renovation, City Project No. 81070. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 308 November 7,2005 e. REOUEST TO CAI\ICEL DECEMBER 19 COUNCIL MEETING i. APPOINTMENT OF RICK LYONS TO THE BURLINGAME AVENUE AREA BUSINESS I. TERMINATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL COP Van Etten requested Council approve Resolution No. 85-2005 approving and authorizing the execution of an amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the Criminal Justice Council of San Mateo County to terminate the Joint Powers Agreement. m. REOUEST TO ATTEND OUT-OF.STATE CONFERENCE BY THREE LIBRARY EMPLOYEES Lib Escoffier requested Council approve out of state attendance at the Public Library Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts in March 2006. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve Items a. through j., l. and m. of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. k.SPECIF"Y OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS OF ATTENDANCE IS AUTHORIZED CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council approve the resolution specifying official functions for which reimbursement of costs of attendance is authorized. Councilwoman Nagel requested clarification of the organizations covered and whether fundraisers should be included. CA Anderson advised that he would modify the resolution to include Brown Act organizations as specified by the Legislature. Reimbursement of costs for attendance at organizations not included in the resolution requires Council approval prior to attendance. For fundraiser events, CA Anderson advised that community groups would be contacted to request that they charge elected officials an attendance fee rather than the full event fee. Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to approve Resolution No. 86-2005, modified to include functions and activities of organizations specified by the Brown Act; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City 11. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony spoke on the violence which occurred recently at the successor to Fanny & Alexander location. CA Anderson advised that the police chief is scheduled to meet with the owners on November 8th. 12. NEW BUSINESS - Mayor Galligan reminded every eligible citizen to vote on November 8th. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 309 November 7,2005 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Plaruring, October 24,2005 b. Department Reports: Finance, September 2005 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Galligan adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m. in memory of Nancy McGovern, wife of Russell McGovem, and Mike Stecher's mother, Mary. Respectfully submitted, Doris City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 310 November 7,2005 7*c*