HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1918ORDINANCE NO. 1918 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME REPEALING INTERIM ORDINANCE 1911 AND AMENDING CHAPTER 6.39 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS WHEREAS massage establishments provide valuable therapeutic services to clients within the City of Burlingame and throughout the. country; and WHEREAS some establishments engage in illicit activities under the guise of providing massage services, including prostitution and human trafficking; and WHEREAS cities have a legitimate interest in regulating massage establishments to protect the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS new state law, effective January 2015, clarified cities' authority relative to the regulation of massage establishments; and WHEREAS the City enacted a temporary moratorium on new massage establishments in order to allow it to study the new law and nearby jurisdictions' approaoh under it; and WHEREAS the temporary moratorium should now be repealed and current Chapter b.39 of the Burlingame Municipal should be amended to include provisions reflective of now -applicable state law; NOW, THEREFORE,. the City Council does hereby ordain as follows: DIVISION 1: Burlingame Municipal Code Title 6 is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Findings: In enacting these regulations the City Council recognizes that massage is a viable professional field offering the public valuable health and therapeutic services. The City Council finds and declares as follows: (a) The registration and health and safety requirements imposed by this chapter are reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. (b) Massage businesses have been found to present opportunities for acts of prostitution and other unlawful activity, and, in fact, officers have made arrests for prostitution in massage businesses located within the City of Burlingame. The City of Burlingame has received numerous complaints relating to massage establishments, alleging a range of Illicit activities occurring under the guise of massage services including human trafficking, prostitution, and sexual assault. (c) The California legislature and the courts have long recognized the necessity of imposing reasonable regulations and standards for the operation of massage businesses, including but not limited to minimum educational and experience requirements, passage of a practical examination of competence, sanitary conditions, hours of operation, and other operational regulations designed to minimize opportunities for illegal activities and to ensure the protection of the health, safety and welfare of citizens. (d) There is a significant risk of injury to clients of massage businesses by improperly trained or poorly educated massage practitioners. (e) The presence of businesses known or reputed to be places of prostitution or other illegal activity can have an adverse impact on surrounding properties and result in blight, foster further illegal activities, and generally become a public nuisance. It has been the experience of the City and other municipalities that the concentration of massage businesses in a small area, in particular, can contribute to blight, depress economic activity in the immediate area, and create public safety risks associated with cash -based illicit activity. Section 2. Interim Ordinance 1911, providing for a temporary moratorium on new massage establishments, is hereby repealed. Section 3:Chapter 6. 39, Massage Establishments, is hereby amended as follows: 6.39.010 Purpose. Itis the purpose and intent of the city council that the operation of massage services and persons offering services therein, wherein the principal function is giving of massages, as defined in this chapter, should be regulated in the interests of public health, safety and welfare by providing minimum sanitation and health standards for such establishments, and to ensure that persons offering services therein shall possess the minimum qualifications necessary to operate such businesses and to perform such services offered. It is the city's intent to rely upon the uniform statewide regulations set forth in California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq. It is further intended that these provisions provide a framework that is consistent with regulations imposed by nearby communities on similar businesses. 6.39.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (a) "Applicant" means any person or entity applying for registration from the city, including each of the following persons: the responsible managing officer/employee, a general partner, a limited partner, a shareholder, a sole proprietor, or any person who has a five percent or greater ownership interest in a massage business whether as an individual, corporate entity, limited partner, shareholder or sole proprietor. (b) "California Massage Therapy Council" means the message therapy organization formed pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., as amended, and referred to as CAMTC herein. (C) "Certificate of registration" means a certificate issued by the police department upon submission of satisfactory evidence that an individual or business has a current and valid state certification and has satisfied all other requirements pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (d) "Certified" means any person holding a current and valid state certificate issued by the CAMTC pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., as amended. (e) "Certified massage business" means any business where the only persons employed or used by that business to provide massage services have current and valid state certifications. (f) "Certified massage practitioner" means any person holding a current and valid state certificate issued by the CAMTC pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., as amended. (g) "Health officer" means the health officer of the county of San Mateo or the health officer's authorized representative. (h) "Massage" means any method of treating the external parts of the human body for any form of consideration. This includes, but is not limited to, bathing, rubbing, pressing, stroking, kneading, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulating with the hands, other parts of the human body, or any instrument, with or without the aid of any instruments or supplementary aids, such as oils and creams. (i) "Massage establishment" means any business where massages, baths or health treatments, involving massage, hot tubs, saunas, or baths as the principal function, are given, engaged in or carried on, or permitted to be given, engaged in or carried on in any manner described in this section. (j) "Massage practitioner" means any person who administers a massage within a massage establishment for any form of consideration. (k) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, joint venture, or combination of individuals. (1) "Registered" means any individual or business having a current and valid certificate of registration from the city, unless otherwise noted. 6.39.030 State certification and city registration required. (a) If is unlawful for any person to operate, engage in, conduct, carry on, or permit to be operated, engaged in, conducted or carried on (as the owner of the business premises or in any other capacity) in or upon any premises within the city, the business of a massage establishment all as defined herein, unless the person has first been certified for such a business, and the certification remains in effect in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (b) It is unlawful for any person to act as a massage practitioner unless that person has first registered with the city and the registration remains in effect in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 6.39.040 Grant of Authority. The police chief or designated representative shall have the power and authority to promulgate rules, regulations, and requirements consistent with provisions of this chapter and other law in connection with the issuance of a certificate of registration. The police chief may designate an employee of his or her department to make decisions and investigations and take actions under this chapter. 6.39.050 Application for registration. Any person, except as herein otherwise provided, desiring to operate a massage business; or to engage in the practice of giving massages, shall first file a registration application to the police department on forms provided by the city. This application shall contain all of the following: (a) State Certification Verification (1) The applicant and all massage practitioners currently employed or to be employed in the massage business shall produce in person all of the following: i. a valid and current state certification ii, a valid and current CAMTC issued identification card iii, a current and valid driver's license or identification card issued by a state, federal governmental agency, or photographic identification bearing a bona fide seal by a foreign government V. with respect to the approved massage schools attended by the applicant and all certified massage practitioners, certified copies of transcripts, a true and correct copy of the diploma(s) issued, and current contact information of all school(s) the certified massage practitioners attended V, If the applicant is the owner of the business and a certified massage practitioner, the applicant shall produce a sworn statement that the certified massage business shall employ only certified massage practitioners vi. a list of other jurisdictions where massage registration certificates or similar licenses are held, and a statement as to whether any of those certificates or licenses have been revoked or suspended along with a description of the reasons for such revocation or suspension (2) An applicant who is not certified and owns five percent or more of the business shall produce in person all of the following: i, name, residence, and telephone number ii. acceptable proof that the employee is at least eighteen years of age iii. Social Security number and driver's license, if any iv. the previous address of the applicant for the ten (10) years immediately prior to the present address of the applicant V. business, occupation or employment of the applicant for the ten (10) years immediately preceding the date of application; vi. fingerprints (taken by the police department for criminal history investigation) and three (3) portrait photographs at least two (2) inches by two (2) inches, taken within the last sixty (60) days immediately prior to the date of the filing of the application, showing the head and shoulders of the applicant in a clear and distinct manner vH4 whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any crime, except misdemeanor traffic violations. For each such conviction, a statementshall be made giving the place and court in which the conviction occurred, the specific charge under which the conviction was obtained and the sentence imposed as a result of the conviction viii. whether any previous person while employed by the applicant has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdicfion of an offense involving conduct which requires registration under California Penal Code subsection 290, or a violation of subsections 266(i), 311 through 311.7, 314, 315, 3165 318, 318.5, 318.6, or 647(x), (b), (d), (h), (i), or (k) of the Penal Code ix. a list of otherjurisdictions where massage registration certificates or similar licenses are held, and a statement as to whether any of those certificates or licenses have been revoked or suspended along with a description of the reasons for such revocation or suspension (b) General Business Information (1) the full true name under which rho business will be conducted (2) the present or proposed address where the business is to be conducted (3) a complete description of all services to be provided (4) the name and addre ss of any massage business or other like business owned or operated by any person whose name is required to be given pursuant to this section (5) a description of any other business to be operated on the same or adjoining premises, owned or controlled by the applicant (6) the contact information of the owner and lessor of the real property, if any, upon or in which the business is to be conducted (7) a true and complete copy of any lease associated with the premises (8) if the applicant is a corporation, the applicant shall provide certified copies of the Articles oI Incorporation and Bylaws, along with the name and residence addresses of each of its current officers and directors, stockholders holding more than five percent of the stock of that corporation, and its registered agent for receipt of process (9) if the applicant is a partnership, the applicant shall provide the names and residence address of each of the partners, including limited partners. If the applicant is a limited partnership, it shall furnish a copy of its certificate of limited partnership as filed with the county clerk. If one or more partners is a corporation, the provisions of this subsection pertaining to corporate applicants shall apply to the corporate partner (c) Such other identification and information necessary to discover the truth of matters hereinbefore specified as required to be set forth in the application (d) A separately signed waiver and release authorizing the city and its authorized agents, and employees to obtain information and to conduct an investigation into the truth of the statements made on the application (e) A signed statement that the owner/applicant shall be responsible for the conduct of all employees or independent contractors working on the premises of the business and that failure to comply with California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., with any local, state, or federal law, or with the provisions of this chapter may result in the suspension or revocation of the certificate of registration (f) Payment of all appropriate fees (I ) A registration fee, if applicable, shall be set by resolution of the city council and shall be required only for background check for those applicants of a cert ified massage business who are not state certified and own five percent or more of the certified massage business. A registration fee shall not be charged to certified applicants. 6.39.060 Registration Process. Registration with the City is required in order to conduct a massage business. Initial registration shall be for a period of two (2) years, subject to renewal as described below. (a) The police department shall issue a certificate of registration to any certified sole proprietorship that demonstrates all of the following: (1) That the operation, as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, complies with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the city's building, zoning, business license, and health regulations. If a fixed location for the massage business is proposed, no registration certificate shall be granted for a new massage establishment opening within three hundred (300) feet of an existing massage establishment. (Registered massage establishments in existence as of the effective date of this ordinance that are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter are permitted to remain in their current locations, subject to all otherwise -applicable restrictions). (2) The owner is the only person employed or used by that business to provide massage services. (3) The owner holds a valid and current state certificate issued pursuant to Chapter 10.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and that the owner/applicant is the same person to whom the CAMTC issued a valid and current state certificate and identification card. (4) That the applicant has not made a material misrepresentation in this application or with respect to any other document or information required by the city with respect to this application or for an application for a city massage permit under applicable law within the last ten years. (b) The police department shall issue a certificate of registration to a certified massage business that demonstrates all of the following: (1) That the operation, as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, complies with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the city's building, zoning, business license, and health regulations. If a fixed location for the massage business is proposed, no registration certificate shall be granted for a new massage establishment opening within three hundred (300) feet of an existing massage establishment. (Registered massage establishments in existence as of the effective date of this ordinance that are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter are permitted to remain in their current locations, subject to all otherwise -applicable restrictions). (2) The owner holds a valid and current state certificate issued pursuant to Chapter 10.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and that the owner/applicant is the same person to whom the CAMTC issued a valid and current state certificate and identification card. (3) The massage business employs or uses only state certified massage practitioners whose certifications are valid and current and that owners of the state certificates are the same persons to whom CAMTC issued valid and current identification cards. (4) That the applicant has not made a material misrepresentation in this application or with respect to any other document or information required by the city with respect to this application or for an application for a city massage permit under applicable law within the last five years. (5) That the background check for any applicant/owner authorized by this chapter shows that such person has not been required to register under the provisions of Section 290 of the California Penal Code; within five years preceding the application had a conviction in court of competent jurisdiction for any of the crimes identified in Section 4.40.050(A)(1)(d)(vi)(A) through (G) herein; has not had an individual or business permit or license with any agency, board, city, county, territory, or state, denied, revoked, restricted, or suspended within the last five years; and has not been subject to an injunction for nuisance under Penal Code Sections 11225 through 11235 within the last five years. 6.39.070 Appeal. L4; If registration or renewal is denied, applicant has ten (10) days from the date of mailing the notice within which to appeal to the city council by filing a written application for a public hearing with the clerk of the city. The written appeal application must state the grounds on which the applicant objects to the denial of the registration or renewal. Notice and a public hearing shall be given as follows: (a) Upon receipt of the appeal, the city clerk shall set the matter for hearing before the council, at a regular meeting thereof, as soon as is practicable but in any event within sixty (60) days from the date of filing the appeal, and shall give written notice of the hearing to the applicant at the applicant's address set forth in the appeal by first class mail at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date. The date for the appeal hearing may be modified upon the request of the applicant or upon consultation and agreement between the applicant and the City. (b) On the date set, the council shall hear the matter, and may continue it from time to time before reaching a decision. The proceedings before the council shall be informal and the rules of evidence shall not apply. However, the applicant and any interested parties may present such evidence as they deem appropriate, provided it complies with the procedures set forth by the council for appeals. If the council finds that the applicant has satisfactorily met all of the requirements of this chapter, it shall order the issuance of the registration and business license. If iI finds that the requirements have not been met satisfactorily, it shall deny the registration. (c) All findings of the council shall be final and conclusive upon the applicant. 6.39.080 Business license required. At the time of an initial application for an operator's permit, applicant shall also apply for and furnish the information necessary to obtain a business license as required by Chapter 6.04 of this code. No business license shall be issued until the. investigation under this chapter is completed. 11 The business license shall then be issued upon payment of the business license fee as provided in Chapter 6.04 of this code. The business license fee shall be commensurate with the business license fee charged to other professionals as established by this code. 6.39.090 Exemptions from massage practitioner permit requirements. The massage practitioner registration required by this chapter shall not apply to the following: (a) Physicians, surgeons, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, nurses and physical therapists, and occupational therapists duly licensed to practice in the state of California, but only when engaged in the practice for which they are so licensed and in accordance with the terms of the licensing. (b) Employees of hospitals, nursing homes, sanitariums, or other health care facilities duly licensed by the state of California, but only when engaged in the scope of their employment, and only at their place of employment at the health care facility, and only within the scope of and in conformance with the state license. (c) Cosmetologists or barbers who are licensed by the state of California, but only when engageA in the practice for which they are so registered and in accordance with the terms of the registration. (d) Accredited elementary school, high school, or college coaches and trainers employed by a elementary, high school, or college, but only while acting within the scope of employment to the school. (e) Trainers of semi-professional or professional athletic teams, but only while acting within the scope of employment to the team. 1.39.100 Registration not entitlement to violate other laws. The issuance of a certificate under this chapter shall not entitle the registrant to engage in any business or practice which for any reason is in violation of any law or ordinance an d shall not 12 entitle the holder thereof to carry on any business or practice unless he or she has complied with all the requirements under the other ordinances of the city and all other applicable laws, nor shall it entitle the registrant to carry on any business in any building or on any premises designated in such permit in the event that such business or premises are situated in a zone or locality in which the conduct of such business is a violation of any law. 6.39.110 Health and safety operating requirements. Where applicable state laws, as they may be amended from time to time, directly conflict with the following, the state provisions shall prevail. Otherwise, all massage establishments shall be subject to periodic inspection by the city for compliance with the following: (a) A massage establishment shall post a list of services, including prices, in readily understood language in an open, public place on the premises of the establishment. No owner, operator, responsible managing employee, manager, employee, contractor, or registrant shall permit nor offer any massage services on the premises other than those posted on the list. (b) All persons shall only provide massages between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.. The hours stated here are the maximum permitted hours; actual hours may be further limited by applicable zoning or use permit restrictions. All massage activities must be completed within business hours. Patrons and visitors shall be permitted in the massage business only during hours of operation. The hours of operation shall be displayed in a conspicuous public place in the reception area and in any front window clearly visible from outside of the massage business. Massages commenced prior to 9:00 p.m. must conclude at that hour, regardless of the duration of the massage. (c) No massage business shall place, publish, or distribute any advertising matter that depicts any portion of the human body that would reasonably suggest to prospective clients that any service is available other than those services listed pursuant to this section. Nor shall any massage business employ language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest 11 to a prospective client that any service is available other than those services listed pursuant to this section. (d) All employees in a massage establishment and massage practitioners shall perform their work fully clothed, be clean and wear clean outer garments whose use is restricted to the establishment. Massage practitioners shall wear CAMTC-provided identification while on the premises. Doors to dressing rooms, bathing rooms, and treatment rooms shall open inward, and shall not be locked. Draw drapes, curtain enclosures, or accordion -pleated closures are acceptable on all inner dressing and treatment rooms in lieu of doors. (e) All establishments shall be provided with clean, laundered sheets and towels in sufficient quantity and shall be laundered after each use thereof and stored in closed, sanitary cabinets. Heavy white paper may be substituted for sheets provided that such paper is used only once for each person and then discarded into a sanitary receptacle. Sanitary approved receptacles shall be provided for the storage of all soiled linens. (f) At least one entrance door allowing access to the establishment and any building it may be in, shalt remain unlocked during business hours; notwithstanding this provision, the facility shall also comply with exiting and entrance requirements of other applicable laws and regulations. Where there is only one employee or a sole proprietor on site, entrance doors may be locked. All premises and facilities shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be thoroughly cleaned each day of operation. The premises and facilities shall meet all code requirements of the city as to safety of the structure. (g) Minimum lighting shall be at least one sixty (60) watt light in each enclosure where massage services are performed. The light switch for the interior lights in such enclosure will be within the enclosure. There shall be no light in the enclosure that is operated from outside the enclosure. There shall be no sound device (i.e., buzzer or bell) than can be operated from outside the massage enclosure. 14 (h) Secure dressing and locker facilities shall be provided for patrons. Security deposit facilities for the protection of valuables of the patrons shall also be available. (i) No massage building located in a building or structure with exterior windows fronting a public street, highway, walkway, or parking area shall block visibility into the interior reception and waiting area through the use of curtains, closed blinds, tints, or any other material that obstructs, blurs, or darkens the view into the premises. (j) Each massage establishment shall keep a written record of the date and hour of each treatment the name of the massage therapist administering the treatment; and the type of treatment administered recorded on a patron release form. Such written record shall be open to inspection only by officials charged with the enforcement of this chapter and for no other purpose. Such records will be kept on the premises of the massage establishment for a period of two (2) years from the date of service. (k} All establishments shall comply with the fallowing minimum standards of conduct: (1) No employee, contractor, or massage practitioner shall make any intentional, occasional, or repetitive contact with the mouth, genitals, anus, or breasts of another person in the massage establishment or while providing massage services. (2) No person afflicted with an infection or parasitic infestation transmissible to a patron shall knowingly massage a patron, or remain on the premises of a certified massage business while so infected or infested. (3} All persons on the massage establishment premises must be clothed innon-trans parent clothing at all times that shall not expose their genitals, pubic area, or buttocks, or for any operator of a massage business to allow prohibited dress. Massage clients currently receiving a massage shall have appropriate draping to cover female breasts and genital and pubic areas. 6.39.120 Display of signs and permits. 15 No person registered pursuant to this chapter shall begin operations until a recognizable and legible sign has been posted at the main entrance to the business premises. All certificates of registration and shall be posted within the establishment in a location immediately available for inspection for representatives of the city. No person granted a registration pursuant to this chapter shall operate under any other name or at any other location than that specified in the certificate of registration. All signs must in compliance with applicable sign ordinances. 6.39.130 Inspection by officials. The investigating officials of the city, including the health officer, shall have the right to enter the premises from time to time during regular business hours for the purpose of making reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with the provisions of this chapter and building, fire, electrical, plumbing or health regulations. 6.39.140 Revocation or suspension of permits. (a) Certificates of registration maybe suspended or revoked or renewal may be denied upon any of the following grounds: (1) A practitioner is no longer in possession of current and valid CAMTC certification. This subsection shall apply to a sole proprietor or a person employed or used by a massage business to provide massage. (2) An owner or sole proprietor: is required to register under the provisions of California Fenal Code Section 290 (sex offender registration); is convicted of California Penal Code Section 266i (pandering), 315 (keeping or residing in a house of ill -fame), 316 (keeping disorderly house), 318 (prevailing upon person to visit a place for prostitution), 647(6) (engaging in or soliciting prostitution), 653.22 (loitering with intent to commit prostitution), 653.23 (supervision of prostitute); has a business permit or license denied, revoked, restricted, or suspended by any agency, board, city, county, territory, or state; is subject to an injunction for nuisance pursuant to 16 CaliformaPenal Code Sections 11225-11235 (red light abatement); is convicted of a felony offense involving the sale of a controlled substance; is convicted of any crime involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, violence, or moral turpitude; of is convicted in any other state of an offense which, if committed in this state, would have been punishable as one or more referenced oMuses in this subdivision. (3) The city determines that a material misrepresentation was included on the application for a certificate of registration or renewal. (4) Violations of any of the following occurred on the premises of a massage business or were committed by a practitioner: California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq.; any local, state, of federal law; or the provisions of this chapter. (b) Prior to the suspension or revocation or refusal of renewal of any permit issued under this chapter, the registrant shall be entitled to a hearing before the city manager or the manager's designated representative, at which time evidence will be received for the purpose of determining whether or not the registration shall be suspended or revoked or renewal refused or whether the registration may be retained. In the event the registration is suspended or revoked or renewal refused, the notification of the reasons for such suspension or revocation shall be set forth in writing and sent to the registrant by means of first class mail. The manager may impose conditions or restrictions on the registration in lieu of suspension or revocation to attempt to eliminate violations or nuisances that have been found. (c) In the event of suspension or revocation of any registration, the registrant may appeal to the city council in the manner as provided in Section 6.39.070, 6.39.150 Sale or transfer of establishment. Upon sale, transfer or relocation of a massage establishment, the registration shall not be transferable without the written approval of the chief of police and the fi nance director, An application for such a change shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing an d investigation 17 fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council from time to time and provide all of the information required in Section 6.39.040. 6.39.160 Notice of changes. All persons registered pursuant to this chapter shall report immediately to the city finance department and the police department all changes of residence or business address or change of ownership of the establishment or service. Failure to give such notice within fifteen (15) days of the event shall render the registration null and void. 6.39.170 Renewal of registration. A registration certificate issued under this section shall be valid for two (2) years from the date of issuance. Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of a current registration certificate, the certificate holder must submit a renewal request to the police department, updating any information from the last submission. If the police department is unable to make a determination on the renewal request within the remaining term of the certificate, the certificate shall not expire while the police department is in the process of evaluating the request. If an application for renewal of a City registration certificate and all required information is not timely received and the cert ificate expires, no right or privilege to provide massage shall exist. 6.39.180 Enforcement; Remedies Cumulative. The remedies provided for in this chapter are cumulative and are in addition to existing enforcement mechan isms, including those provided in Title 1 of this code and those available under applicable state and federal law. DIVISION 2: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. DIVISION 3: This Ordinance shall be published hi a newspaper of general circulation in accordance with California Government Code Section 36933., published, and circulated in the City of Burlingame, and shall be in full force and ef£eet thirty (30) days after its final passage. TERRY NAGEL, Mayor I, MARY ELLEN KEARNEY, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6`" day of July 2015 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17,' day of August 2015, by the following vote: 19 AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BROWN GG, KEIGIIRAN, NAGEL, ORTIZ, ROOT NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ST: r MARY ELLEN KEARNEY, City Clerk 20