HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2005.04.04BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of April 4,2005 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Joe Galligan called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. CLOSED SESSION CA Anderson advised that Council met in closed session and directed staff regarding the following a.Conference with Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government Code $ 54956.8: Property: Discussion of possible access across Parking Lot B-1 to l42l Chapin Avenue Agency Negotiators: Jim Nantell and George Bagdon Negotiating Parties: Bertetta Family Under Negotiation: Access - Mayor Galligan requested a moment of silence in memory of Pope John Paul II who passed away on AprilZ, 2005. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Mike McCaffery. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony None Mayor Galligan requested Council agree to hear public comments on Items 8.a. and 8.b. before ltemT Council agreed. 4. MINUTES Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 21,2005 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 233 April4, 2005 5. PRESENTATION A. BURLINGAME AOU TIC CLUB UPDATE P&RD Schwartz introduced Todd Arris, President of the Burlingame Aquatic Club. Dave Myers, Executive Director, provided an update on the club's activities. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. STAFF REPORTS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. NO 24.2005, BROADWAY AREA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRTCT - SETTING 2005-06 ASSESSryIENTS At[p APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT Ross Bruce, President of the Broadway Area Business Improvement District, reviewed their Annual Report. There were no comments from the floor. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-2005, Declaring the City of Burlingame's Intention to Establish 2005-06 Assessments for the Broadway Area Business Improvement District and Approving the 2004-05 Annual Report; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. NO.BURLINGAME AVENUE AREA BUSINESS 6. 8. a. b. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SETTING 2005.06 ASSESSMENTS AND APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT Cheryl Enright, Co-Chair of the Burlingame Avenue Area Business Improvement District (BID), reviewed their Annual Report which is also available online at www.downtownburlingame.com. Council commended BID's efforts for their first year. Specific suggestions by Council members were: Councilwoman O'Mahony noted she had spoken to several Advisory Board members and many business members and found that some members felt they had received no benefit from the BID. She suggested more outreach to the membership. She referred to a list of questions she prepared and asked the BID to respond to the following issues: number in attendance at the annual BID meeting in November; allocation of more funds for streetscape improvements; how to outreach to those businesses without email access; identified some budget items which were not included affecting the total. She asked who does the art design work for the Art & Jazz Festival? There were 20 T-shirts made for the festival for $450: How were the shirts used? Invoices should be provided for every expense. Regarding parking issues: At Councilwoman O'Mahony's request, DPW Bagdon advised that the parking study update was just completed; and that the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission had scheduled a public hearing on April28th to discuss the study. Councilwoman O'Mahony stated she would accept the Annual Report with the understanding that the Advisory Board will bring back answers on the items identified by May 2. It was suggested that the Advisory Board meet bi-weekly in the interim to review and to accept or revise the BID objectives for 2005-06; and that the Advisory Board become conversant with the process and communicating with fellow merchants, as well as purchasing marketing services; to amend the bylaws making the Advisory Board the decision maker; Burlingame City council 234 April4, 2005 Approved Minutes and to reconsider the rate structure of the membership for those businesses located above or below street level. Vice Mayor Baylock stated that she likes the banner and the planter programs. Both programs show the human element of action by the district. Councilwoman Nagel suggested the BID do some advertising to further promote the businesses Councilman Coffey was concerned about the l6oh voter turnout; suggested looking at a voting structure based on member contribution; suggested the BID work with the Chamber of Commerce since their goals overlap; expenditures should be audited; and each time an event is mentioned in the report, the event should be specifically named. Mayor Galligan stated he had reviewed the financial statement and suggested an informal audit process. For May 2"d, he requested the BID advise of the direction of both the elected Advisory Board and the non-elected Board of Directors; recommended that there be no more than one representative per business on the board; asked whether the Advisory Board or the Board of Directors is going to approve the rest of expenditures to be paid out; asked how the BID plans to reach out to those businesses without computer access; requested the BID list more complete information for each business, including telephone numbers. Council discussed the status of the existing contract with the Downtown Burlingame BID, Inc. and decided to wait to see what the response was on merging the two boards. The following spoke on the Burlingame Avenue Area Business lmprovement District: John Root, 728 Crossway Road, stated that cooperation is necessary between the BID, the Chamber of Commerce, the City and the San Mateo County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Ann Keighran, l53lVancouver Avenue, - commended the BID for the work they accomplished. She requested information be available at the May 2"d meeting about what services overlap between the BID and the Chamber of Commerce. Rich Grogan, 1450 Columbus Avenue, commended the BID for the work they accomplished. He stated that one of the cost factors for the planter program is a result of the neglected water system. Annamarie Holland Daniels, 515 Howard Avenue, commended the BID for the work they accomplished. There were no further comments from the floor. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 25-2005, Declaring the City of Burlingame's Intention to Establish 2005-06 Assessments for the Burlingame Avenue Area Business Improvement District and Approving the 2004-05 Annual Report; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Vice Mayor Baylock requested a short break. Mayor Galligan called for a break at 8:41 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:49 p.m. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jeffrey Carter, 1720 Adeline Drive, spoke on opposing closure of the Broadway Train Station. Gene Condon, 1308 Mills Avenue, spoke on opposing closure of the Broadway Train Station. Mark Simon, Special Assistant to the CEO of Caltrain, announced the next Caltrain public hearing regarding the Broadway Train Station will be on Thursday, April 7 at l0 a.m. in San Carlos. The following requested Council adopt an anti- - war, anti-occupation resolution on the war in Iraq: George Polisner, Peace Action of San Mateo County; Michael Maloney, 1701 El Camino Real, San Mateo; Patricia Gray, 1616 Adeline Drive; Debra Hubert, 740 Burlingame city Council 235 Approved ,,nur., ''nt" APril 4' 2oo5 Linden Avenue; Don Havis, 439 Grand Blvd., San Mateo. Charles Voltz, 725 Vernon Way, spoke on the presentation by Sustainable San Mateo County as it relates to Burlingame. The following spoke in favor of a stop sign at Sherman and Cortez: Andrew Sutton, 1268 Cortez Avenue, and Mel Lipscomb, 1227 Cortez Avenue. John Root, 728 Crossway, announced the next Redwood City Forum on Wednesday, April9, entitled The High Cost of Free Parking. There were no further comments from the floor. Traffic Engineer Augustine Chou stated that there are alternatives to adding a stop sign at Sherman and Cortez. The stop sign warrant study data at this time does not support installation of a stop sign. Stop signs are used for right-of-way assignments, not reducing speed. He discussed other traffic calming solutions since police enforcement is not always available. This item will be agendized for future consideration by Council. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 26-2005 AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FOR APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION P&RD Schwartz requested Council adopt Resolution No. 26-2005 amending the Master Fee Schedule for appeals from decisions of the Beautification Commission. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City 11. OLD BUSINESS a. REPORT BACK ON BROADWAY TRAIN STATION CLOSURE Councilwoman Nagel encouraged the public to attend the next Caltrain hearing on Thursday, April 7, at l0 a.m. in San Carlos. You can also email Caltrain at changes@caltrain.com or send a letter to 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos. Councilwoman O'Mahony stated that Caltrain also has plans to cut back service to the Burlingame Train Station. 12. NEW BUSINESS a. SET HEARING DA FOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPEAL OR 220 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Council set April 18, 2005, as the hearing date for the Planning Commission appeal of 220 California Drive. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Library, February 15,2005; Parks & Recreation, March 17,2005; Plaruring, March 28,2005 Department Reports: Police, February 2005 a. b. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 236 April4, 2005 9. a. c. Letter from Mel Lipscomb concerning additional stop signs on Cortez and Sherman d. Letter from David Carr resigning from the Library Board effective in June 2005 e. Letter from PG&E responding to Councilwoman Nagel's inquiring concerning customer power outages f. Letter from Stephen Barisone and Police Chief Van Etten's reply concerning the disturbances at the Lions Club Hall on weekend nights 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Galligan adjoumed the meeting at 9:55 p.m. in memory of John Vincent O'Brien and Miss Anna Maria Kakis. Respectfully submitted, VetA Doris City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 237 April4, 2005