HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2004.08.16BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of August 16,2004 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE TO THE FLAG Led by Ann Musso, City Clerk. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Coffey, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony Baylock 4. MINUTES Two corrections were made to the minutes of July l9,2OO4,Item7.c.,4th Paragraph, change the name Galligan to Gilligan; and Item 13., add designation after Olga Nava, "the mother of Finance Director Jesus Nava." Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the amended minutes of the July 19, 2004 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). CLOSED SESSION Council met in closed session and directed staff regarding the following: a.Threatened Litigation (Government Code $54956.9(b)(l),(3)(c)) Late claim of Lorraine Hahn Conference with Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government Code $54956.8: Property: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Railway Property - 12+ acres along California Drive and Caltrain; Agency Negotiators: Jim Nantell, Larry Anderson and George Bagdon; Negotiating parties: City and County of San Francisco; Under negotiation: Purchase of property or easements c.Pending Litigation (Government Code $54956.9(a)): Teamsters Local 856 vs. City of Burlingame, San Mateo Superior Court Case No. 429950 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes b. t57 August 16,2004 5. a. PRESENTATIONS CITY OT BURLIITGAME ADOPT.A.UNIT AWARP PR+SENTATION Assistant Fire Chief Don Dornell, Chairman of the Adopt-A-Unit Program, provided a synopsis of recogni- tion programs honoring Burlingame's adopted unit, Bravo Company 11327,101't Airborne Division. The unit was the color guard leading this year's Redwood City Independence Day Parade. Hotel accommodations and meals were generously donated by Burlingame establishments. The Retirement Inn of Burlingame donated proceeds from lunch served at their Classic Car Show event to offset some of the costs of bringing the color guard to Burlingame. The newly adopted unit, self-named "Bushmasters," presented the City of Burlingame with a Certificate of Appreciation. PUBLIC HEARINGS ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1740 TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.36 REGARDING REGULATION OF TAXICAB FARES AND ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 68.2004 SETTING MAXIMUM FARES TO BE CHARGED CA Anderson requested Council hold a public hearing and take action on Ordinance No. 1740 to amend Chapter 6.36 regarding regulation of taxicab fares and adopt Resolution No. 68-2004 to set maximum fares to be charged. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Thomas Baldwin, 524Keoncrest Drive, South San Francisco, spoke on the need for the taxicab fare rate increase. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1740 to amend Chapter 6.36 regarding regulation of taxicab fares; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. Councilman Coffey made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 68-2004 setting maximum fares to be charged; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). b.ApopTroN oF ORpTNANCE NO. 1741 TO IJPpATE USE RULES ANp REGULATIONS FOR PARKS AI{D RECREATIONAL AREAS DPR Schwartz requested Council hold a public hearing and take action on Ordinance No. 174l to amend Chapter 10.55 to update Use Rules and Regulations for Parks and Recreational Areas. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilman Coffey made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1741 to amend Chapter 10.55 to update Use Rules and Regulations for Parks and Recreational Areas; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 6. a. 158 August 16,2004 Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. c.RESOLUTION NO. 69-2004 FIXING AN AS FOR RUBBISH ABATEMENT AT DPW Bagdon requested Council hold a public hearing regarding the rubbish abatement at 1200-1240 Bayshore Highway and approve Resolution No. 69-2004 fixing a rubbish assessment in the amount of $2,242.50. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Robert Wadell, 1350 Bayshore Highway, owner of 1200-1240 Bayshore Highway spoke on his own behalf. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 69-2004 fixing a rubbish assessment in the amount of $2,242.50; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). d. REVIEW OF THE PLAIINING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED HILLSIDE AREA CONSTRUCTION PEBMIT FOR ROOF CHANGES TO THE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AND DETACHED GARAGE AT 27OO MARTINEZ DRIVE. ZONED R-l CP Monroe reviewed the staff report and recommended Council hold a public hearing and take action. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Kevin Parkin, 446 - 28th Avenue, Contractor, made comments about the design and construction. Kevin Slaboda, z7)4Mafiinez Drive, adjacent neighbor opposed any change that would raise the house roof height; he had no comment on the garage roof height if within 18 inches. Tiffany, new owner of 2700 Martinez Drive, spoke on the construction timeframe. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan stated that the slope of the garage roof must match the house roof pitch 4:12. Councilman Coffey stated that his message to contractors that build in Burlingame is that projects must be built as shown on the plans as submitted and approved by the Planning Commission; and if changes are needed, they must contact the Planning Department before doing construction. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to deny garuge roof amendment and to require the 4:12 roof pitch with the 7 foot maximum plate height with a maximum height of 11' 4" required by the Planning Commission in their original action on this project and to allow the double ridge roof on the house to be retained as the Building Department found that it met all the requirements of the California Building Code; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved by roll call vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Susan Grivakis, 1601 Ralston Avenue, spoke on the Safeway store 8. STAFF REPORTS a. INTRODVCTION, OF:AMENDMENT TO THE SIGN CODE FOR THE C-4 ZONING DISTRICT (WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL) 159 Burlingame City Council August 16,2004 Approved Minutes I2OO-1240 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY CP Monroe requested Council introduce an ordinance to amend the sign code for the C-4 ZoningDistrict (Waterfront Commercial). Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso to read the title of the proposed ordinance to amend the sign code for the C-4 Zoning District. Council directed staff to discuss the proposed changes with some of the hotel managers whose properties would be affected by the signage changes before the second reading. Councilman Coffey waived further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). Councilman Coffey made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel, approved by voice vote 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso to publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. b. ACCEPT CITY CLERS RESIGNATION AND APPOINT REPLAqEMENT CM Nantell requested Council accept City Clerk Ann Musso's resignation effective September 9,2004, and to appoint Deputy City Clerk Doris Mortensen effective September 10,2004, to fill out the unexpired term of City Clerk. Council thanked City Clerk Musso for her years of service to the City and the community. Councilman Coffey made a motion to appoint Deputy City Clerk Doris Mortensen as City Clerk effective September 10,2004, to fill out the unexpired term; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). c.COMMISSION VACANCIES Mayor O'Mahony assigned Councilmembers to perform interviews for the following Commissions due to commissioner terms expiring in the upcoming months: Beautification - Vice Mayor Galligan and Councilman Coffey; Parks and Recreation - Councilman Coffey and Mayor O'Mahony; Civil Service - Vice Mayor Galligan and Councilwoman Baylock; and Traffic Safety Parking - Councilwomen Nagel and Baylock. CONSENT CALENDAR FRESH MARKET PERMANENT RELOCATION TO NORTHERN PORTION OF PARK 9. a. ROAD b DPW Bagdon requested Council approve the permanent relocation of the Fresh Market to the northern portion of Park Road. RESOLUIION NO. 70-2004 APPROVTNG PROFESSIONAL SERVTCES AGREEMENT wrTH ERLER & KALI|{OWSKI.INC. FOR r"r 2004:05 PRpGRAM MANAGEMENT OF WATER SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No.70-2004 approving a professional services agreement with Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. for FY 2004-05 Program Management of the Water System Capital Improvements Program. 160 Burlingame City Council August 16,2004 Approved Minutes c.RESOLUTION NO. 71-2004 TO REVERT LOTS P. O AND Y FROM 2.HOUR PARKING TO A COMBTNATTON OF 2-HOUR AND l0-HOUR PARKINS DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 71-2004 to revert Lots P, Q and Y from 2-hour parking to a combination of 2-hour and l0-hour parking. Councilwoman Nagel requested further information on this item. DPW Bagdon explained that this request is a result of a compromise between Broadway BID merchants and Paloma Avenue residents to change 30o/o of the meters in these lots to 10 hours to alleviate the impact of longterm parking on Broadway side streets which resulted from recently changing the lot meters to 2-hour parking. The results of changing these lots to a combination of 2-hour and 10-hour parking will be evaluated in the future. Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to approve Item c. of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). d.RESOLUTTON NO. 72-2004 AWARpTNG SANCHEZ CREEK BOX CULVERT CLEANING FROM CAROLAN AVENUE TO SANCUEZ I,AGOON TO JMB CONSTRUCTION, INC. DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No.72-2004 awarding Sanchez Creek Box Culvert Cleaning Project between Carolan Avenue and SanchezLagoon to JMB Construction, Inc. e.RESOLUTION NO. 73-2004 AWARpINp CALIFORNIA pRM STORM DRAIN IMPROYEMENTS TO JMB CONSTRUCTION. INC. DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No.73-2004 awarding California Drive Storm Drain - Improvements Project to JMB Construction, lnc. f. RESOLUTION NO. 74-2004 AWARDING ALMER.BELLEVUE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS TO HARTY PIPELINES. INC. DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 74-2004 awarding Almer-Bellevue Storm Drain Improvements Project to Harty Pipelines, Inc. g.RESOLUTION NO. 75-2004 AUTHORIZING THE CITY BUILDINGS JANITORIAL CONTRACT TO UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 75-2004 authorizing the City Buildings Janitorial contract to Universal Building Services. REPORT ON CENTRAL COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD ELECTION AND APPOINTMENTS FC Reilly provided a report on the results of the board election and new appointments. h Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 161 August 16,2004 i. CITY COUNCIL LETTER SUPPORTING THE SAN MATEO COUNTY CIVI GRAND JURY RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING WOR4PLAPE RELATIONSHIP POLICIES HRD Bell recommended Council support the 2003-04 San Mateo County Grand Jury report on Workplace Relationship Policies and authorize the City Manager to incorporate the recommendations into the City's policies on Sexual Harassment, Relationships and Nepotism. j WARRANTS & PAYROLL FD Nava requested approval for payment of Warrants #96427-97040 duly audited, in the amount of $4,454,042.31 (excluding library checks 96430-96460), Payroll checks #159010-159523 in the amount of $3,326,345.38 for the month of July 2004. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve Items a., b., d., a., f., 8., h., i. and j. of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock absent). 10. couNgrl, C9MNITTTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 11. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 12. NEW BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony asked about the list of replacement trees that are deep root types. DPR Schwartz reported that the Beautification Commission was instrumental in helping to provide several lists of trees that are specifically designated for different areas and the different-sized planter strips for City street trees to help avoid future problems with the sidewalk and roadway. Mayor O'Mahony asked for a summary of their findings in the next couple of months and suggested a joint meeting of the Council and the Beautification Commission to discuss. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. CommissionMinutes: Planning, July 26,2004 b. Department Reports: Police, June 2004; Building, JuJy 2004; Finance, June & JuJy 2004 c. Letters from Sustainable San Mateo County; Parca; Mission Hospice; Community Gatepath; Shelter Network; and Friends for Youth acknowledging the City's contribution to their organizations d. Two letters from Comcast concerning programming adjustments e. Two letters from residents conceming the sidewalk repairs f. Mayor's press release on ordinance change Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes t62 August 16,2004 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at9:27 p.m. in memory of Jo Anne Bustichi, the sister of Chief Van Etten. Respectfully submitted,.h.4L Doris Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes t63 August 16,2004