HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2004.06.07BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of June 7,2004 CLOSED SESSION: CA Anderson advised that Council had met in closed session before the public meeting and instructed the City Attomey on the handling of the following claims: Pending Litigation (Govemment Code $ 54956.9(a): Jefferson-Martin Transmission Line - CPUC Proceeding A02-09-043 b. a. Threatened Litigation (Government code $ 54956.9(bX1), (3)(c)) One matter - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Frank Pagliaro. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony None Mayor O'Mahony requested a moment of silence for the 40th President of the United States, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, who passed away on June 5, 2004. 4, MINUTES A correction was made to the minutes of May 17 ,2004,Item 9. a., last line, to change the word "cote" to "vote." Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 17,2004 Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 138 June 7, 2004 6. a. 5. CEREMONIAL A. INTRODUCE NEW BATTALION CHIEF. DREW FLINDERS FC Reilly introduced Drew Flinders who was promoted as the first Battalion Chief for the Central County Fire Department. FC Reilly also introduced Don Dornell who was promoted as the first Deputy Fire Chief for the Central County Fire Department. RS Blondino introduced the Our Lady of Angels track team who broke five track records at this year's meet Mayor O'Mahony presented the awards. PUBLIC HEARINGS ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1736 TO AMEND THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) TO PROVIDE FOR SECTION 20965 CREDIT FOR UNUSED SICK SERVICE CREDIT FOR LOCAL FIRE MEMBERS HRD Bell recommended Council hold a public hearing to amend the contract between the City of Burlingame and CaIPERS to provide for Section 20965, Credit for Unused Sick Leave and Section 21037, Cancellation of Paynent for Optional Service Credit for Local Fire members. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1736 amending the contract between the City of Burlingame and the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide for Section 20965, Credit for Unused Sick Leave and Section 21037, Cancellation of Palmrent for Optional Service Credit for Local Fire members; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso publish a sunmary of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. b.ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1737 AMENDING THE STANDARDS FOR PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF NEWSRACKS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY DPW Bagdon recommended Council hold a public hearing to amend the standards for placement and maintenance of newsracks in the public right-of-way. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Jeannie Gilmore, 1431 Carlos Avenue, spoke on the history of the original newsrack ordinance. There were no further comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 139 J:une7,2004 b. RECOGNITION OF STUDENTS FROM OLA RECORD.BREAKING TRACK MEET LEAVE AND SECTION 21037 CANCELLATION OF PAYMENT FOR OPTIONAL Councilman Coffey made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1737 amending the standards for placement and maintenance of newsracks in the public rightof-way; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel, approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Musso publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. c. DIRECTION ON PROPOSED SOUNDWALL ALONG WEST SIDE OF U.S. 101 FREEWAY FROM CORBITT DRIVE TO CADILLAC WAY DPW Bagdon requested Council approve a 16-foot high soundwall from Corbitt Drive to 100 feet north of Toyon Drive and provide direction to staff regarding the soundwall from 100 feet north of Toyon Drive to Cadillac Way. John Hessler of David Powers Associates and CE Murtuza gave a joint presentation regarding the soundwall. Staff received petitions with 211 signatures from local residents. Northpark Apartments' units start on the second floor, and a soundwall extended farther than 100 feet north of Toyon Drive would not benefit them. Mayor O'Mahony opened the floor for comments. The following citizens spoke in favor of installation of a soundwall: Debbie Flowers, 929 AzaleaAvenue; Lisa Rogers, 809 Winchester Drive; Gail Molina, 900 Toyon Drive; Nancy Padilla, 909 Linden Avenue; Sharon Foss, 835 Rollins Road; Chris Knightly, 905 Rollins Road; Linda Wassail, 929 Larkspur Drive; Marianne Saucedo, 925 Larkspur Drive; Bob Molina, Edgehill Road. The following citizens spoke against installation of a soundwall beyond 100 feet north of Toyon Drive: Marvin Pedersen, Lithia Dealership; Jim Hannay, Rector Motors; Joel Steiger, Kuleto's Restaurant; Mike Harvey, Mike Harvey Acura; Tom Stucker, Lithia Dealership. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to recommend to the San Mateo County Transportation Authority the installation of a soundwall 16 feet high from Corbitt Drive tapered to 100 feet north of Toyon Drive; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved by voice vote 3-2 (Baylock and Nagel dissented). During Council discussion on the motion, Councilwoman Baylock indicated that she would prefer the soundwall be extended the full 100 feet by 16 feet, then stepped down as required by Caltrans for an additional 80 feet or so to further protect the residents on Toyon Drive. 9b.APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN FOR THE EXTENSION OF MEASURB A Mayor O'Mahony moved this item from the Consent Calendar (9b). DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve Resolution No. 52-2004 adopting the Draft Transportation Expenditure Plan dated March 18,2004, to extend Measure A for a25-year term beginning January 1,2009. Joe Hurley, San Mateo County Transportation Authority, spoke on the Measure A draft expenditure plan. Former Councilman Frank Pagliaro spoke on the background of Measure A. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve Resolution No. 52-2004 adopting the Draft Transportation Expenditure Plan to extend Measure A for a 25-year term beginning January l, 2009; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes t40 Jrne 7,2004 Mary Watt, 139 Primrose Road, spoke about CALL Primrose. Stacey Hawver, 521E.5th Avenue, spoke about the Legal Aid Society. Renie Aubuchon, 141 Alta Mesa, South San Francisco, spoke about Shelter Network. Deb Miller, 875 Stanton Road, spoke about Community Gatepath. Dan Andersen,728 Vernon Way, spoke on the PG&E transmission line installation on Trousdale. Marianne Saucedo, 925 Larkspur Drive, spoke on Safeway. Charles Yoltz,725 Vernon Way, spoke on community groups funding requests Russ Cohen, 605 Lexington Way, spoke on Burlingame Historical Society. John Root, 1407 Montero Avenue, spoke on non-profit funding. 8. STAFF REPORTS a, CONSIDER APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Councilwoman Baylock recommended reappointment to the Planning Commission of Ralph Osterling. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to reappoint Ralph Osterling to the Planning Commission; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. FY 2OO4-05 COMMUNITY GROUPS FUNDING REQUESTS CM Nantell reviewed FD Nava's matrix of each Councilmember's recommendation for funding. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to support Mayor O'Mahony's recommendation of approving$46,575 for community group funding; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by roll call vote, 5- 0. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION #53-2004 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCORPORATE THE LAYOFF POLICY INTO THE CITY OF BURLINGAME'S ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _ SECTION 4 PERSONNEL HRD Bell recommended Council approve Resolution #53-2004 authorizing the City Manager to incorporate the Layoff Policy into the City of Burlingame's Administrative Procedures. c.(1) RESOLUTION #50-2004 AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.987.192 TO JMB WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT. PHASE II: AND (2) RESOLUTION #51-2004 APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $280.365 WITH THE CULVER GROUP FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF THE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve (1) Resolution #50-2004 awarding construction contract in the amount of $1,987,192 to JMB Construction for Burlinghome Easton Water Main Replacement, Phase II; and (2) Resolution #5l-2004 approving a professional services agreement in the amount of $280,365 with The Culver Group for construction management of the main replacement project. Burlingame City Counci I Approved Minutes a. t4t June 1,2004 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS d.RESOLUTION #54-2004 AUTHORIZING A DESIGNATION PERIOD TO OFFER THE TWO YEARS ADDITIONAL SERVICE CREDIT FOR MISCELLANEOUS AND SAFETY EMPLOYEES WITH THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) HRD Bell recommended Council approve Resolution #54-2004 authorizing a designation period to offer two years additional service credit for miscellaneous and safety employees with the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS). e. REJECTION OF ALL BIDS AND AUTH TION FOR STAFF TO READVERTISE THE BURLINGAME PARK SUBDIVISION SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT. PHASE 2 DPW Bagdon recommended Council reject all bids and authorize staff to readvertise the Burlingame Park Subdivision Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Phase 2. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 11. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 12, NEW BUSINESS Vice Mayor Galligan received from Foster City the process they went through in obtaining an agreement with the school district for crossing guards. Police Chief Van Etten will attend the next liaison meeting with the school district for Burlingame regarding safety issues. The main issues are designation of support check funding and contract responsibilities. CM Nantell clarified that the checks should be made out to the School Crossing Guard Fund. Councilwoman Baylock requested this item be added to the next Agenda. b. Vice Mayor Galligan asked about the processing of a petition or proposal on Safeway as an agenda item in the future; requested CA Anderson research. c.Mayor O'Mahony stated that Virgin Airlines' decision will take another couple of months before deciding on location of their local operations for SFO and thanked the Chamber of Commerce for their support in providing Virgin Airlines information on Burlingame. d. Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to add to this Agenda the consideration for City of Burlingame to participate in the National Day of Mourning for the passing of former President Ronald Reagan on Friday, June 1 l, 2004; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by roll call vote, 4- 1, (Nagel dissented). HRD Bell discussed various options for the City to observe. t42 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes a. June 7,2004 City facilities will remain open and services will be available to the public. A Book of Remembrance will be placed at City Hall for a period of one week giving community members an opportunity to express their appreciation of President Reagan's leadership and public service. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.Commission Minutes: Beautification, March 4 &May 6,2004; Traffic, Safety and Parking, May 13, 2004; Planning, May 24,2004 b. Department Reports: Police, April 2004; Building, May 2004 Letter from Major General David Petraeus, 101't Airbome Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky thanking the City for adopting Bravo Company, 1't Battalion d. Letter from Comcast concerning elimination of the Tech TV channel 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at 9:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Doris J Deputy City Clerk Burl ingame City Council Approved Minutes c r43 June 7, 2004 //--r,6r*