HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2004.03.01BURLINGAME FINANCING AUTHORITY Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of March 1,2004 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Financing Authority was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. )PLEDGE OF ALLEGI ANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Bill Toci. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony None 4. a. PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SALE CM Nantell recommended Council hold a public hearing regarding the proposed resolution authorizing the sale of bonds and execution of documents in connection with the sale. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve Resolution #14-2004 authorizing the sale of bonds and execution of documents in connection with the sale; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DEPOSIT OF BOND PROCEEDS FROM WATER AND WASTEWATER REVENUE BONDS.2OO4 WITH STATE LOCAL AGENCY 6. a. INVESTMENT FUND Burlingame Finance Authority Approved Minutes 100 March I, 2004 b. FD Nava recommended Council approve Resolution #15-2004 authorizing deposit of bond proceeds from water and wastewater revenue bonds, Series 2004 with State Local Agency Investment Fund. RESOLUTION AMENDING FINANCE AUTHORITY CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE TO UPDATE POSITIONS CA Anderson recommended Council approve Resolution #16-2004 amending Financing Authority Conflict of Interest Code to update positions. Councilman Coffey made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 7 ADJOURNMENT TO REG ,AR COUNCIL MEETING Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Doris Deputy City Clerk Burlingame Finance Authority Approved Minutes 101 March I, 2004 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of March 1,2004 I. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Fire Chief Reilly. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Nagel, O'Mahony None 5. a. 6. a. 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 17,2004 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Baylock abstained). PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATION OF DAY PROCLAMATION P&RD Schwartz will present the proclamation to Parks Superintendent Tim Richmond on Arbor Day, March 8,2004, at Bayside Park. b. PRESENTATION TO VEOLIA WASTEWATER AMERICA OPERATING SERVICES MORMERLY U.S. FILTER) FOR S RING "MUSIC IN THE PARK'' P&RD Schwartz presented the California Parks & Recreation Society Sponsor Award to Bill Toci representing Veolia Wastewater America Operating Services for their sponsorship of Music in the Park every Sunday in July in Washington Park. PUBLIC HEARINGS APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF A DESIGN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMITS FOR AN ATTACHED GARAGE AND FOR DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE FOR A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AT 1029 BALBOA AVENUE Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes r02 March 1,2004 CP Monroe reviewed the staff report and recommended Council hold a public hearing and take action. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke regarding this issue: Mark Hudak, property owner's attorney, 216Park Road and Charles Schembri, property owner, Gregory Thomas, 1033 Balboa Avenue, Bill Roberts, 1020 Cortez Avenue, Andrew St1pa, 1024 Cortez Avenue, Greg Hughes, 1008 Balboa Avenue, Bill Gilmartin, 330 Primrose Road. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. After some discussion, Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to uphold the Planning Commission and deny the project because there was too much structure for the buildable area of this lot; the two-foot clearance from the tree canopy is insufficient since the tree will grow; the houses on the two lots should have been designed together so that they were compatible; now have a wall blocking light and air to house next door; and for the reasons the Planning Commission denied this project twice; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, motion failed by roll call vote, 2-3 (Coffey, Galligan and O'Mahony dissented). After further discussion, Councilman Coffey made a motion to approve the project and Resolution No. 17- 2004 appealing the Planning Commission's denial finding it to be consistent with the design guidelines based on the recommendations of the design reviewer; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by roll call vote 3-2 (Baylock and Nagel dissented). b ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1730 AMENDING THE ZONING CODE REOUIRED IN THE BROADWAY COMMERCIAL AREA TO ALLOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ON THE FIRST FLOOR FOR 24 MONTHS CP Monroe requested Council hold a public hearing on the amendment to the Zoning Code required in the Broadway Commercial Area to allow financial institutions on the first floor for 24 months. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke regarding this issue: Michael Liberty, attorney representing Garbis and Maida Bezdjian, 1290 Howard Avenue, Suite 303; Tony Ponterio, 1544Yancouver Avenue. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilman Coffey made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1730 amending the Zoning code required in the Broadway Commercial Area to allow financial institutions on the first floor for 24 months for the reasons given by the Planning Commission in their recommendation; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested DepCC Mortensen to publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. c.ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1731 TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE REOUIRED FOR THE SECOND UNIT AMNESTY PROGRAM CP Monroe requested Council hold a public hearing on the amendment to the Zoning Code required to amend the Second Unit Amnesty Program. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 103 March 1,2004 Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke regarding this issue: Yat Cheong Au,270 Chapin Lane; Leigh Tanton, 845 Linden Avenue. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. After discussion regarding on-site parking issues, Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to support the Planning Commission's recommendation for the reasons they stated and adopt Ordinance No. 1731 to amend the Zoning Code required for the Second Unit Amnesty Program; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. CA Anderson will ask the Planning Commission to consider recommending to Council waiver of the on-site parking requirement if low income housing provided. Mayor O'Mahony requested DepCC Mortensen to publish a sllmmaly of the proposed ordinance at least 15 days after adoption. d.PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION NO. 18-2004 AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SALE CM Nantell recommended Council hold a public hearing regarding the proposed resolution authorizing the sale of bonds and execution of documents in connection with the sale. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve Resolution #18-2004 authorizing the sale of bonds and execution of documents in connection with the sale; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS William Pollock,409 Concord Way, Paula Valerio, 415 Primrose Road, Lisa Hosman, Annamarie Holland Daniels, 515 Howard Avenue, Marc Friedman,748 Walnut, and Dave Pine,320 Chapin Lane, all spoke against the proposed budget cut of school crossing guards. Dennis Zell,1800 Ashton Avenue, spoke on the PG&E Jefferson-Martin Transmission Line. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS RESTORE OBLIGATION TO PROPERTY OWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS PURS UANT TO STATE LAW DPW Bagdon requested Council introduce an ordinance amending Chapters 1 1.04 and 12.12 to restore the obligation to property owners for maintenance and repair of sidewalks pursuant to State law. Mayor O'Mahony requested DepCC Mortensen to read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Chapters 1 i.04 and 12.12 to restore the obligation to property owners for maintenance and repair of sidewalks pursuant to State law. Vice Mayor Galligan waived further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. r04 Burlingame City Council March 1,2004 Approved Minutes 8. a.INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTERS 11.04 AND 12.12 TO 9. a. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested DepCC Mortensen to publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. b.RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE LOCAL TAXPAYERS AND PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTION ACT CM Nantell requested Council adopt Resolution #19-2004 in support of the Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act which is to be placed on the November 2004 ballot. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve Resolution #19-2004; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. c. TRAFFIC. SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSIONER RESIGNATION CM Nantell stated that Commissioner De Angelis is resigning effective April 8, 2004. Council will consider the two unappointed applicants who were interviewed in January 2004 for this commission. CONSENT CALENDAR (il RESOLUTION AWARDING MARSTEN PIPELINE STATION UPGRADE AND OUTFALL PIPELINE PROJECT TO ANDERSON PACIFIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION: (ii) RESOLUTION APPROVING TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MARSTEN PUMP STATION BUDGET DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve Resolution #20-2004 awarding Marsten Pipeline Station Upgrade and Outfall Pipeline Project to Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction and Resolution #21- 2004 approving transfer of funds to Marsten Pump Station budget. b. RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING THE CHANGE OF NAME FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION VEOLIA WASTEWATER AMERICA OPERATING SERVICES GORMERLY U.S. FILTER) DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve Resolution #22-2004 acknowledging the change of name for wastewater treatment plant operation from U.S. Filter to Veolia Wastewater America Operating Services. c. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INCREASE IN POLICE OFFICER HOURLY PAY RATE FOR OUTSIDE WORK DETAILS COP Palmer recommended Council approve Resolution #23-2004 approving the increase in Police Officer hourly pay rate for outside work details. d. APPOINT INTERIM ADVISORY BOARD FOR FORMATION OF BURLINGAME AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Burlingan.re City Council Approved Minutes 105 March 1,2004 CA Anderson recommended Council appoint an Interim Advisory Board to develop the proposed Burlingame Avenue Business Improvement District. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 11. OLD BUSINESS None. 12. NEW BUSINESS a. COUNCIL INPUT ON JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Mayor O'Mahony suggested discussing creek lots and re-emerging lots at the study session. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.Commission Minutes: Beautification, February 5,2004; Planning, February 23,2004; Library Board, January 20,2004; Park and Recreation, February 19,2004; Traffic, Safety & Parking, February 12, 2004 b. Department Reports: Police, January 2004 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at 10:01 p.m. y submitted, ,//WA-_ Doris Deputy City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 106 March 1,2004