HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2003.02.18BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of February 18,2003 STUDY SESSION (held at 5:45 p.m. Conference Room A) a.DISCUSSION OF THE BAY AREA WATER SUPPLY AND CONSERVATION AGENCY AND SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM FINANCING AUTHORITY DPW Bagdon discussed the recent State legislation that created the San Francisco Bay Regional Water System Financing Authority that consists of San Francisco and agencies that purchase water from San Francisco, including Burlingame. The Financing Authority is empowered to finance repairs to the San Francisco Regional Water System through issuance of revenue bonds without voter approval through 2020. He noted recent legislation also enables Bay Area Water Users Association (BAWUA) jurisdictions to create the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) which will have the authority to plan for and acquire supplemental water supplies, to encourage water conservation anci use recycled water on a regional basis and to assist in financing regional capital facilities through the issuance of revenue bonds. During this study session, it was suggested that Vice Mayor O'Mahony be appointed to the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency and San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Financing Authority for a term of four years. b.REVIEW OF BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PARKING STUDY UPDATE AND DIRECTION ON PARKING METER RATE INCREASES DPW Bagdon presented Council with the "Burlingame Parking Phase 1 Review, Parking Occupancy and Revenue Update" report prepared by Wilbur Smith and Associates. After much discussion, Council requested the information on whether to make Lot N free be presented to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission as part of the raising of the parking meter rates discnssion. 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers" Mayor Mike Coffey called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Joe La Mariana. 3. ROLL CALL 574 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes Febmary 18,2003 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Baylock, Coffey, Galligan, Janney, O'Mahony None 5. a. 4. PRESENTATION Burlingame High School Principal Matt Biggar made a presentation to Council regarding the remodeling of the high school. The project is to begin in May, 2003 and estimated completion date is August, 2004. PUBLIC HEARINGS APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR CAR RENTAL. STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT 778 BURLWAY ROAD, ZONED C.4 CP Monroe presented her staff report dated February 18, 2003, recommending Council hold a public hearing and take action; she also answered questions from Council regarding this item. Mark Hudak, attorney, and Peggy Scheller, ANC Director of Real Estate, represented the applicant, Alarno Car Rental, noting that the permit request was generated by the merger and subsequent bankruptcy of Alamo and National Car Rental; this caused the two businesses to be merged to the site at 778 Burlway Road which is owned by Alamo Car Rental. The history of the car rental use and conditions of approval were reviewed; the changes to the site caused by the project rvere described. It was noted that the long term use of this Bayfront parcel was for something better, tried in the past unsuccessfully to find a buyer, feel that it will be four years before a developer can be found for a new use on the site and would prefer a 4-year term to a 2- year term on the conditional use permit. Mark Malby, BT Commercial, 1350 Bayshore Highway, and Flenry Hinklely, 1143 Crane, Menlo Park, owner of 40 Edwards Court; appealed the Planning Commission action because he felt that a car rental operation was not what the community envisioned on the Bayfront; workshops noted that a variety of commercial and public uses would invigorate the area; car rental is compatible with industrial uses so both businesses should be shifted to 7.5 acre site on 40 Edwards Court, where National Car Rental is located, which is industrial; also, ANC has a parking lot next to the property line at 1350 Bayshore Highway where they are storing damaged and junked vehicles; not appropriate in the Bayfront area. Bought 40 Edwards Court two years ago from ANC, intend to improve site, which u,ould be adequate. There were no fuither comments and the public hearing was closed. Council expressed concem about: difficult to approve because prefer a conforming use more suited to the Bayfront area; willing to give two years to get house in order, should not increase permit to 4 years now; impact to the city infrastructure greater than $5,000 ayear, should require payment of $36,500. Operating agreements do not permit sale of cars from site, they are returned to manufacturer; generally have more space than needed, expect to typically have 200 cars on site rvith the peak at 600 cars. Council asked if the car rental counter had been staffed, it was noted it hadn't been staffed since some time in 2001. Use of 40 Edwards Court site for a combined operation is limited, no good on-site area for off-loading vehicles, buildings laid out poorly, insufficient space for administrative offices. Councilman Galligan moved to uphold the Planning Commission's approval of the request for a conditional use permit amendment to change the conditions of the car rental use at 778 Burlway Road, by resolution with the conditions in the staff report and the revision in condition 7 of the annual payment to the city of $36,500 s75 Burlingame City Council February 18, 2003 Approved Minutes and the confirmation that the permit would exist for only two years. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Janney, motion passed on a voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Coffey called for a voice vote on the action to uphold the Planning Commission's approval of the amendment to the conditional use permit for ANC car rental at 778 Burlway Road and the change to the payment in condition 7 from $5,000 ayear to $36,500. The motion passed on a voice vote, 5-0. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jeff Joy, Director of Operations with PG&E, gave a follow up on the PG&E problems in Burlingame. Terry Nagel, 2337 Poppy Drive, thanked PG&E for the follow up report and for working with the community. W.J. Spitz, 1301 Marlborough, Hillsborough, spoke regarding the police and fire response to recent arson fires. Shane Spiegelman,924 Oak Grove, spoke conceming the safety of pedestrians. Ken Castle, 141 1 Drake Avenue, spoke regarding PG&E and tree trimming. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS APPOINTMENT TO THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA WATER SYSTEM FINANICING AUTHORITY DPW Bagdon recommended Council appoint a representative to the San Francisco Bay Area Water System Financing Authority. Councilman Galligan made a motion to appoint Vice Mayor O'Mahony to the San Francisco Bay Area Water System Financing Authority; seconded by Councilwoman Janney, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b TENTATIVE APPOINTMENT TO BAY AREA WATER SUPPLY AND 7 a 8. a. CONSERVATION AGEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS DPW Bagdon recommended Council appoint a tentative representative to the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency Board of Directors. Councilman Galligan made a motion to appoint Vice Mayor O'Mahony to the San Francisco Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency Board of Directors; seconded by Councilwoman Janney, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION #22.2003 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TWO YEAR AGREEMENT WITH ATHENS ADMINISTRATORS TO CONTINUE AS THE FOR THE CITY'S SELF.INSURED WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROGRAM HR Director Bell requested Council authorize Resolution #22-2003 authorizing the City Manager to execute the two-year agreement with Athens Administrators to continue to be the third party administrator of the C ity' s self-insured worker' s compensation pro gram. b. (i)RESOLUTION #23-2003 ACCEPTING REQUESTED 2OO3 REFUSE 576 Burl ingame City Council Approved Minutes CITY'S THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRA February 18, 2003 (ii) RESOLUTION #24-2003 ADJUSTING FRANCHISE FEE CHARGED TO BFr ACM Becker requested Council adopt Resolution #23-2003 accepting the rates proposed by BFI for 2003, and implement the first phase of a three-year increase in waste compactor rates; and adopt Resolution #24- 2003 adjusting the franchise fee charged to BFI from 5oh to 80 . c. APPROVAL OF FINANCE DIRECTOR'S ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE IN PHOENIX. ARIZONA THE FIRST WEEK IN APRIL. 2OO3 FD Nava requested Council approve his attendance at the ICMA Hispanic Network Board of Directors annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. d. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director Nava requested approval for payment of Warrants #87044-8 7 640 duly audited, in the amount of $2,841,298.04 (excluding library checks 87044-87079,87416-87420,87600-87640), Payroll checks #152475-152859 in the amount of $1,659,157.35, and EFT's in the amount of $714,986.72 for the month of January, 2003. e.RESOLUTION #25-2003 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE- YEAR AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH PROVIDE HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES HR Director Bell requested Council adopt Resolution #25-2003 authorizing the City Manager to execute a one-year agreement to provide human resorrce services to the Town of Hillsborough. 9. COUNCIL REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City 10. OLD BUSINESS Active Old Business: . Consideration of leasing Greyhound Building (in progress) o Sewer Education Brochure (on order) o Newspaper racks on Broadway (review in progress) o Shared police services (under consideration) 11. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 12. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Planning Commission, February 10,2003 577 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes February 18,2003 COLLECTION/RECYCLING RATES WASTE SYSTEMS OF NORTH AMERICA.INC. FROM 5% TO 8% a. b. Department Reports: Building and Finance, January,2003 Council adjourned to closed session at 8:59 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION Council discussed and gave direction to CA Anderson on the following matters: Pending Litigation (Government Code $ 54956.9(a)): Daniel Kervick vs. City of Burlingame, San Mateo Superior Court Case No. Cl\,/ 419769 b. Conference with Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government Code $ 54956.8: Property: Proposed property exchange with Safeway involving 1450 Howard Avenue and City Parking Lots K and L Agency negotiators: Jim Nantell, Larry Anderson and George Bagdon Negotiation parties: Safeway, Inc. Under negotiation: Exchange of property Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 578 February 18,2003 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Coffey adjourned the meeting at9:20 p.m. in memory of Barbara Battaya, retired City Clerk of South San Francisco, who recently passed away. Respectfu lly submitted, flut' 4 'uL*vL)Ann T. MuYso City Clerk