HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2002.02.04APPROVED MINUTES BURLINGAME, CALI FORNIA February 4,2002 I. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:06 p.m. by Mayor Mary Janney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Rahn Becker. 3. ROLL CALL Council Present: Council Absent: Coffey, Galligan, Janney, O'Mahony Baylock 2 CA Anderson noted Council met in closed session prior to the meeting to discuss two items: 1. Council discussed ongoing negotiations with the Police Officers Association and instructed City Negotiators, Jim Nantell, City Manager, Bob Bell, Human Resources Director, and IEDA with regard to those negotiations. Council was provided an update in regards to the pending litigation between Marini and the City of Burlingame in San Mateo Superior Court. 4. MINUTES Councilwoman O'Mahony noted under "Public Comments", Mr. Beane resides in San Carlos, not Belmont. Councilrvoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 23,2002 meeting; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. Councilman Galligan made a motion to continue items 5f) Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision regarding 1509 Los Montes and 5g) Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision regarding 12241122611228Paloma Avenue until the February 20th meeting; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. CP Monroe noted both items would be re-noticed for the Febrr.rary 20 meeting. At this time, Mark Hudak, attomey for Burlingame City Council 439 February 4,2002 CLOSED SESSION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS owners of 1509 Los Montes, wanted to know if the story poles could be removed. Councilman Galligan stated he had not yet seen the story poles and requested they not yet be removed. a.REVIEW AND RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR FANNY & ALEXANDER. 1108 BURLINGAME AVENUE AND 303-305 CALIFORNIA DRIVE CA Anderson recommended Council review the existing amusement permit for Fanny & Alexander and renew the permit for six (6) months. This establishment has been open approximately 18 months; last fall Fanny & Alexander expanded into additional floor space off California Drive. The police deparlment and Fanny and Alexander continue to work together on security issues. Attached to the staff report is a letter from Fanny & Alexander stating what measures they have taken to increase security. The establishment has begun to charge a cover charge at the door, which hopefully will act as an additional security checkpoint and this measure would be recognized in the proposed conditions. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Jeffrey Weinberg, representing Fanny & Alexander, 1i08 Burlingame Avenue, stated he agreed with the City Attorney regarding the renewal of their amusement permit. Mr. Weinberg requested clarification of when they were allowed to have music. CA Anderson confirmed the permit allows music Monday thru Sunday. There were no further comments frorn the floor and the hearing was closed Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the renewal of the amusement permit for Fanny & Alexander, 1108 Burlingame Avenue; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey. At this time, Councilman Galligan stated he opposed the renewal of the amusement permit due to security issues. Vice Mayor Coffey noted wit.h an amusement permit being requested by the restaurant next door to Fanny & Alexander, there is the possibility of increased security issues. Motion passed 3-1-1, with Councilman Galligan dissenting and Councilwoman Baylock absent. b. CONSIDERATION OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR HOLA! MEXICAN RESTAURANT AT 1448 BURLINGAME AVENUE CA Anderson recommended Council consider the application for an amusement permit for Hola! Mexican Restaurant at 1448 Burlingame Avenue and if approved, permit to be subject to renewal in six months. The amusement permit is for live music and disc jockey rnusic. The police department is recommending that the back door that exits to the private parking lot on Chapin be closed when food is no longer being served and be used only as ar1 enlergency exit. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Richard Beale, Hola! Mexican Restaurant, 1448 Burlingame Avenue was available to answer questions. There were no further questions and the hearing was closed. Councilman Galligan made a motion to grant the amusement permit for Hola! Mexican Restaurant at 1448 Burlingame Avenue; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved by voice vote 4-0-i, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. February 4,2002 440 Burlingame City Council c.CONSIDERATION OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR LEFT AT ALBUQUERQUE RESTAURANT AT 11OO AVENUE CA Anderson recommends Council consider application for amusement permit for Left at Albuquerque at 1100 Burlingame Avenue and if approved, permit to be subject to renewal in six months; noted this permit is not valid until such time as the conditional use permit for the restaurant is amended to allow operation past 10:30 p.m. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Robert Sanders, General Manager of Left at Albuquerque Restaurant, 1100 Burlingame Avenue, stated he is working with some promoters on the security issues and will work with the police department regarding the same. Noted double doors are kept closed at all times unless patrons are coming in or out of the restaurant and will purchase crowd control ropes to keep lines controlled. Agreed to bring tables and chairs into the restaurant after normal business hours. CA Anderson noted the Planning Department planning permit calls for the restaurant to close at 10:30 p.m., which means the applicant will have to go back to the Planning Commission to request an approval to extend their business hours. Frank Gomez, 1469 Bellevue Avenue, noted they will turn the speakers away from the double doors which will help with the sound. Courrcilman Galligan made a motion to approve the amusement permit for Left at Albuquerque, 1 100 Burlingame Avenue; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. At this time, Mayor Janney again stated that items 50 (1509 Los Montes) and 59(12241122611228 Paloma) were continued to the February 2Ott'meeting for those who may have arrived at the meeting late. d. CONSIDERATION OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR DOLLARWISE/HOBBY UNLIMITED AT 1205 BROADW Y FOR FIVE VIDEO MACHINES Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the amnsement permit for DollarwiseAlobby Unlimited al 1205 Broadway for five video rnachines; seconded by Councilman Galligan. Vice Mayor Coffey asked staff if there was any discussion by the applicant whether or not players would receive prizes or some type of remuneration; CA Anderson stated this would be looked into, but it was not requested by the applicant, VM Coffey requested the maker of the motion add a condition noting no remuneration be allowed in regards to these five video machines; the maker of the motion agreed. Amended motion passed 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. Burlingame City Council 44t February 4,2002 CA Anderson recommended consideration of amusement permit for Dollarwise/Hobby Unlirnited at 1205 Broadway for five video machines and if approved, permit to be subject to renewal in six months" The police department has reviewed the application and have no concerns at this time. City Attorney recommended Council adopt Ordinance to remove Daly City from the boundaries of the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District. The Daly City hotel owners explained that there is no tourism or conference/convention business in Daly City and no interest in attracting it. There has been no interest expressed by the City of Daly City in remaining in the District. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing, There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilman Galligan made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1678 amending San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District to remove Daly City from boundaries of the district; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved by voice vote, 4-0-i, r,vith Councilwoman Baylock absent. Mayor Janney requested City Clerk Musso publish a summary of the Ordinance no more than 15 days from adoption. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public cornments. a. 4B680: AUTHORIZING MAYOR SIGN I,ETTF],R IN OPPOSITION ACM Becker recommended Council authorize Mayor Janney to sign letter opposing Assembly Bill 680. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter in opposition of Assembly Bill 680; seconded by Councilman Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. b. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 13 TO CLARIFY AND AFFIRM PARKING REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO STREET AND PUBLIC OFF-STREET PARKING DPW Bagdon recommended Council introduce Ordinance to revise City Municipal Code Section 13; this section covers driving rules within the City. In reviewing this section with the Police Department and the City Attorney, various changes are recommended which will better regulate vehicle parking and operation. Mayor Janney requested City Clerk Musso read the title of the proposed Ordinance. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the Ordinance; seconded by Councilman Galligan, approved by voice vote, 4-0- l, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. February 4,2002 442 Burlingame City Council e. ADOPT ORDINANCE #1678 AMENDING SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO REMOVE DALY CITY FROM BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT 7, STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 8. a. Councilman Galligan made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance, seconded by Vice Mayor Coffey, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, rvith Councilwoman Baylock absent. Mayor Janney requested City Clerk Musso publish a sunlmary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before the proposed adoption. CONSENT CALENDAR TRANSMITTAL OF 2OOO-01 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT. MANAGEMENT PROCEDURAL REVIEW. AND GOLF CENTER REVIEWS ACM Becker recommended Council review and accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Management Procedural Review and Golf Center Reviews. b. REFUND AF PLANNING ,{PPEAL EEES F'&QM FIRST MFTHODIST CHURCH,1443 Burlingame City Council 443 February 4,2002 HOWARD AVENUE CA Anderson recommended Council refund planning appeal fees filed by First Methodist Church. Councilman Galligan made a motion to approve the consent calendar; seconded by Vice Mayor Coffcy, approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, with Councilwoman Baylock absent. g. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and cornmittee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. IO. OLD BUSINESS Council Galligan discussed the sewer backup that occurred in December, 2000 at 1344 Skyview and explained the history of the situation. I1. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 72. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Planning, January 28,2002; Parks & Recreation, January 17,2002 b. Letter from David Woodrow, 1316 Drake, regarding trees at 1320 Drake Avenue c. Letter from Doug Gettel, 1608 Lassen Way, regarding sewer difficulties at 1344 Skyview; response letter from City Attomey Mayor Janney adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. in honor of Walter Gilliam who was recently inducted into the Northern California Golf Hall of Fame. Tl/LiloaD City Clerk February 4,2002 444 Burlingame City Council