HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2001.09.04BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA September 4,2001 I. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:02 p.m. by Mayor Joe Galligan. 2. PLEDGE OF TO THE FLAG Led by Veterans of Foreign Wars District Commander Mike Smith 3. ROLL CALL Council Present: Council Absent: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI None 4. MINUTES Councilwoman O'Mahony indicated a spelling correction to the August 20,2}}l,minutes: page 3, last paragraph, first sentence should read ' CP Monroe noted one of the main tenets of . . . '. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 20,2001, Regular Council Meeting; seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 5. CEREMONIAL MATTERS VFW ceremony honoring Assistant Fire Chief Ray Marshall and Police Sergeant Robert Ransom and presentation of American flag and POWI\4IA flag to the City of Burlingame. 6, PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Adopt ORDINANCE 1661 Amendine Construction & Demolition Recvcline Proeram ACM Becker reviewed August 27,2001, staff report recommending council adopt ORDINANCE 1661 amending construction and demolition recycling program. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to adopt the proposed ordinance. Seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli and approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. The clerk was directed to publish a summary ordinance. Burlingame City Council 381 September 4,2001 b. Adopt ORDINANCE 1662 Establishins a 35 mnh Sneed Limit on Trousdale Drive from Sebastian Drive to Skvline Boulevard DPW Bagdon reviewed his August 2l , 2001 , staff report recommending Council adopt the proprosed ordinance establishing a 35-mph speed limit on Trousdale Drive from Sebastian Drive to Skyline Blvd. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman O'Mahony made the motion to adopt ORDINANCE 1662 establishing a 35-mph speed limit on Trousdale Drive from Sebastian Drive to Skyline Boulevard. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. The city clerk was directed to publish a summary ordinance. c.Adont ORDINANCE 1663 to Roll Back Business License Tax Rates to 1992 Rates CA Anderson review his August 23,200I, staff report recommending Council adopt the proposed ordinance setting business tax rates for certain businesses at the levels in 1992 and direct city clerk to publish a summary of the ordinance within 15 days of adoption. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to adopt the ORDINANCE 1663 revising the business license code to restore tax rates existing in 1992 pursuant to California Supreme Court's tax decisions; seconded by Councilman Coffey, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d. Adopt ORDINANCE 1664 to Amend Section 6.04.200 to Clarifv Business Tax Collector's Authoritv to Classify Businesses CA Anderson reviewed his August23,200l, staff report recommending Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending Burlingame Municipal Code Section 6.04.200 to clarify the business license collector' s authority to classify businesses. Mayor Galligan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed. Councilman Spinelli made the motion to adopt ORDINANCE 1664 amending Section 6.04.200 to clarify the business license collector's authority to classify businesses. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. The clerk was directed to publish a summary ordinance. e.Review of Permit Extension for Office Proiect at 301 Airport Boulevard. Zone C-4 CP Monroe reviewed her August 25,2001., staff report with a change to the suggested conditions of approval recommending Council hold a public hearing and suggesting Council consider continuing this action so the applicant can discuss the changes with staff. Burlingame City Council 382 September 4,2001 8. a. Vice NIayor Spinelli made the motion to continue this item to the regular Council meeting of September I7,2001. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and unanimously approved by voice vote, 5-0. Constance Cohen, 605 Lexington Way, and Charlie Drexler, 225 Bancroft Road, voiced opposition to project at 301 Airport Boulevard. Michael Gallegos, 1515 Arc Way #31 1, requested Council support of 200212003 Califomia State Chamber Convention of the Bay Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Dan Levin, Glenborough Partners, responded to public comments about the project at 301 Airport Boulevard. Russ Cohen, 605 Lexington Way, voiced opinion about the project at 301 Airport Boulevard; requested an American flag be provided in City Hall Conference Room A for commission meetings; encouraged civic engagement at upcoming housing element workshop. S]]AFF RE,PORTS A COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of Ordinance for Installation of a Stop Sign on Eastbound Devereux Drive at Balboa Wav DPW Bagdon reviewed August 22,200I, staff report recommending introduction of ordinance for the installation of a stop sign at the intersection of eastbound Deveroux Drive and Balboa Way. DCC Weber read the ordinance title; Councilwoman O'Mahony moved further reading of proposed ordinance. Seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli and unanimously approved by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Janney made the motion to introduce proposed ordinance for installation of a stop sign on eastllound Devereux Drive at Balboa Way. Seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli, and approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. City clerk was instructed to publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days prior to proposed adoption. a. Direction on Beauti of Bayshore Boulevard City Manager Nantell requested staff direction relative to beautifying the Bayshore Boulevard area of the community. Vice Mayor Spinelli noted a local AIA group did a charett with interesting designs; could be a good starting point. Need more design plan for bayfront; area needs more than additional trees and a more comprehensive plan. c.Grand Jury Report Regarding Pet Overpopulation Ordinance Burlingame City Council 383 September 4,2001 a. CM Nantell recommended City Council provide staff direction relative to the Garnd Jury's Report and recommendation that we adopt a Pet Over Population Ordinance. Mayor Galligan stated he felt the timing of this Ordinance was not appropriate due to the Humane Society not having any leadership. Would like to see what the City will get for its contribution before a recommendation is made to the Grand Jury. 9, CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 95-2001 Awardine Contract for Burlinsame Landfill Slopes and Bike Path Improvements to Misan Construction in the Amount of $590.645 DPW Bagdon recommended approval of resolution authorizingan agreement with Misan Construction in the amount of $590,645. b. RESOLUTION 97-2001 Extendine 2000/01 Sidewalk Maintenance Contract Aereement for the 2001/02 Fiscal Year with B-1 Enterprise Corporation in the amount of $600,000 DPW Bagdon recommended approval of resolution extending agreement with B-1 Enterprise Corporation of Corona, California, through the current fiscal year in the amount of $600,000. c. Authorization to Serve Alcoholic Beverages at Foundation Donor Event Librarian Escoffier recommended approval of serving no-host wine and cocktails at a donor recognition event on Sunday, October 14,2001, in the Burlingame Public Library. d. RESOLUTION 98-2001 Anprovine Transfer of Eundrfqr fiscal Year 200UAZ Acting DPR Schwartz recommended approval of the transfer of $41,000 from account 320-80190 (Washington Park baseball field) to 320-40140 (Trenton Park Playground Rehabilitation). e.Request to move City Council meeting from October 15 to October 16 and Reschedule Legislation Meeting with Senator Speier for Octobet23 CC Musso recommended approval of rescheduling October 15, 2001, council meeting to October 16, 2001, and rescheduled legislative briefing with Senator Jackie Speier to October 23,2001. CA Anderson recommended rejection of claim submitted by Rhoda Chew for personal injuries suffered on May 19,2001. g. Request the use of Council Chambers for "Candidate's Night" October 4 or October 10 CC Musso recommended approval of request for use of council chambers for Burlingame Homeowners' Association and Burlingame Chamber of Commerce to host "Candidate's Night" for five nominees for Burlingame city council. Burlingame City Council 384 September 4,2001 f. Reiect Claim of Rhoda Chew for Personal Iniuries h. RESOLUTION 99-2001 Approvine Trenton PIay Area Renovation - City Proiect #80140 Parks Superintendent Richmond recommended adoption of RESOLUTION 99-2001accepting Lone Star Landscaping, Inc. as the low responsible bidder on this project. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Janney, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman O'Mahony attended the Burlingame High School Board of Trustees meeting and the privacy meeting conducted by Senator Speier. Councilman Coffey attended the Burlingame High School Board of Trustees meeting. Vice Mayor Spinelli attended the privacy meeting conducted by Senator Speier. Councilwoman Janney attended a CMAC meeting regarding density and traffic issues and the Burlingame High School Board of Trustees meeting. Mayor Galligan attended the anniversary luncheon for City Employees, Burlingame High School Board of Trustees meeting, presented a proclamation to Burlingame resident John Kelly for his work at Samaritan House, a ribbon cutting at "Lucy''on Burlingame Avenue, and the privacy meeting conducted by Senator Speier. 11. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business 12. NEW BUSINESS Hearing for appeal of Planning Commission decision on 1705 Easton Drive was set for the regular council meeting of October 1,2001. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Planning, August 27,200I; Library Board of Trustees, July 24,2OOl b. Department Reports: Finance, July 2001 14, ADJOURNMENT Mayor Galligan adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. in memory of Anthony Poueyo, Rudy Rule, a former Burlingame police officer, and John Calwell, a former Burlingame building inspector. lnul)'fuw,gD Ann T. Musso vmw City Clerk Burlingame City Council 385 September 4,2001