HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2001.03.19BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 19,2001 The City Council and Beautification Committee met at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. Discussions were on the Broadway/I01 freeway entrance, responsibility for trash pick up on Burlingame Ave, Broadway, Airport Blvd. and Bayshore, the trees on Califomia Drive and Commissioner input by phone to the council. 1. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:01p.m. by Mayor Joe Galligan. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE TO THE FLAG Led by Dennis O'Brien. 3. ROLL CALL Council Present: Council Absent: Coffey, Galligan, Janney, O'Mahony, Spinelli None 4. MINUTES Councilwoman O'Mahony noted two corrections on page 6, to the names of Louis Nannini and Dave Supanich;'Vice Mayor Spinelli noted a correction to New Business on page 5, "the Convention Bureau is not a member"; Mayor Galligan noted a correction on page 4,line three, should read "would like to see recommendation made to the Mayor prior to the regular Council Meeting on March 19,2001". 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Katie O'Brien, 2204Poppy Drive, hoped the City Council would reconsider appointing Jerry Deal to the Planning Commission; addressed some issues of why he might not be reappointed; Mr. Deal has the most experience on the commission; feels his expertise will be invaluable with the large projects expected in the future. Urged the Council to pick a broad scope of individuals with diverse opinions for the teen center committee, and suggested every committee member be a resident of Burlingame. Cathy Baylock, 1527 Newlands Avenue, stressed the importance of the process regarding the teen center be open to the public; the park belongs to everyone in Burlingame, as well as those outside of Burlingame. Would like those who are not on the committee be allowed to have a voice in the process; would also like a member of the Beautification and Planning Commission appointed to the committee. Burlingame City Council 311 March 19,2001 I 7. a. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT PRESENTATION _ BURLINGAME LANDFILL SLOPES AND IMPROVEMENT Director of Public Works Bagdon noted staff has been developing plans for theinnal phase of the landfill improvements. Prior to completing the plans and specifications, would like to get Council's direction on both the scope and budget for the project. The original project included the landscape improvements and bike path along the slope adjacent to Airport Boulevard, at an estimate of $450,000 During the last year, three other areas have been considered for landscape improvements, which total an additional $190,000. These three areas are: Airport Boulevard (Bayside) and Dog Park Entrance Enhancements, Anza Boulevard Golf/Soccer Center Entrance, and the slope facing the DoubleTree hotel. Peter Callander and Ben Woodside from Callander and Associates presented the Council with a slide presentation of the plans and proposed plant material. Council directed staff to budget $700,000 to complete all the work outlined in the staff report. Mayor Galligan presented Council with an award that he accepted on behalf of the City of Burlingame for "First Place Excellence" for the beautification of the former landfill. He noted what an accomplishment this was and thanked the employees and Council from past years for envisioning this recreational facility; the award was a tribute to staff and he was very proud to accept it on behalf of the City. Councilwoman O'Mahony thanked Mr. Callander for his great work on all the projects at the landfill; she also noted many people from the past have helped with this project over the years. b. REOUEST FOR A DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN FOR AN INCREASE IN DENSITY FOR A POTENTIAL HOTEL PROJECT SUBJECT TO THE BAYFRONT/ANZA SPECIFIC AREA PLAN City Planner Monroe noted the BayfrontlArua Specific Area Plan is the statement of the city's development policy for the portion of Burlingame east of US 1 01 . This plan established the holding capacity of land in this area based on the traffic carrying capacity of the intemal roadway system. The premise of using trip generation to dictate land use was to guarantee both the existing development and new development in the area adequate vehicular access. To implement this access policy, the city developed a traffic model (the Traffic Analyzer) which based the land use densities for future development in the area on the number of evening peak hour trips generated by arL acte of land in each use. On the request from 620 Airport, the applicant is asking for direction that was outside the intent of the traffic allocation; also provided some data and determined from data that more information was needed before coming to a conclusion on what that data might explain about densities in the Bayfront. CP Monroe recommended that the applicant be directed to proceed with filing a planning application for their proposed new hotel; when the appropriate reviews needed are determined, they will be completed AIRPORT BOULEVARD BIKE PATH March 19,2001 3t2 Burlingame City Council {i. as expeditiously as possible. Not sure if an EIR or a negative declaration will be required; EIR's in the Bayfront area are focused EIR's; some issues are not a problem such as sewer capacity and available water; noted an EIR was done on this property in the 1980's; a convention center study was done in the early 1990's which identified that there was a demand in the local area for meeting space. Coleman Connelly of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel addressed the Council; he noted there is a substantial amount of business being turned away; approximately six out of 10 requests for convention requests are turned away monthly. Currently there are two convention hotels in Burlingame, the Marriott Hotel and the Hyatt Hotel. The Maniott uses 25Yo of its space for convention busines s,7 5Yo transient. The Hyatt does 50% convention, 50yo transient. Sheraton feels comfortable with 30,000 square feet, 500 rooms and that groups would utilize that type of space. Noted the new gating on their parking lot is very safe and has alleviated the problem of people parking there and taking the Sheraton's shuttle to the airport. Stated most of the convention business being turned away goes to San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sacramento. Anticipates the hotels will keep parking separated; CP Monroe noted that commonly off site-parking is not considered in an EIR. Mr. Conneelly stated their Architect is ready to draft plans for the new hotel; comfortable working with the City on a traffic mitigation plan to shuttle guests to and from BART. Ann LeClair, President of the San Mateo County Convention and Visitor's Bureau noted they turn away a large amount of convention business, on average four to six large groups per month. Mayor Galligan noted with the addition of BART, the City may have a need to review traffic numbers and that it's possible that a focused EIR will be required; CP Monroe will need to review the plans before those determinations can be made. c. COMMISSIONER TERM EXPIRATIONS (Plannins Commission) Vice Mayor Spinelli noted the City will be facing very large projects such as the Specific Area Plan and the Safeway project in the near future. Mr. Deal has been on the Commission for three terms; five out of the seven commissions are in their first term, and as the City moves into a very important piece of development, need somebody with a history of where we've been in the planning process. Without Mr. Deal in that position, we have no one who can come forward and give us a perspective that we need. It's very important that the City have someone who has been through the process to look at the General Area Plans and Specific Area Plans around the BART station and Rollins Road; would hate to lose his historical perspective" In the past, the Planning Commission has relied very heavily on Mr. Deal; he is a very competent building designer, was a part of the FAR process, design review, a number of zoning changes. Couneilwoman Janney stated that opening up the process doesn't mean the current commissioners would not be reappointed. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to appoint Joe Boujes and Jerry Deal to the Planning Commission; seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli, motion failed by voice vote of 2-3, Mayor Galligan, Councilman Coffey, and Councilwoman Janney dissenting. Mayor Galligan set a deadline for applications for Tuesday, April 17th; the interview team will be Mayor Galligan and Councilman Coffey. Prior to the meeting of May 7th, a recommendation to the Council will be made. Burlingame City Council 313 March 19,2001 Mayor Galligan noted he asked that this decision be delayed until he could speak with Commissioner's Deal and Boujes; both understand that it is the normal course of business to accept applications when a term is up; would like to set a time frame for when applications can be returned. 8. ^. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION #27.2001 ACCEPTING BAYSIDE PARK PHASE 1 Director of Public Works Bagdon recommended approval of RESOLUTION #27-2001accepting Bayside Park, Phase 1 improvements in the amount of $2,045,5 61.20 by Goodland Landscape Construction, Inc. b. ADOPT RESOLUTION #24.2001 AMENDING RESOLUTION #6.1999 AGREEMENT WITH DEFERRED COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATOR ICMA (INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION) RETIREMENT CORPORATION Director of Finance Becker recommended approval of RESOLUTION #24-2001authorizing revision to deferred compensation program for employees by adding the option of Vantage Broker. c.WARRANTS AND PAYROLL, FEBRUARY, 2001 Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants74746-75252 (excbtding library check numbers 75212-75252), duly audited, in the amount of $2,401,832.28, Payroll checks 134608-135450 in the amount of $1,380,903.89, and EFT's in the amount of $343,718.62 for the month of February,2001. d. TRANSMITTAL OF I999.2OOO COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT, AND PROCEDURES AUDIT FOR THE BURLINGAME SWIM CENTER AND BURLINGAME GOLF CENTER Finance Director Beckerrecommended acceptance of 1999-2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and Procedures Audit for the Burlingame Swim Center and Burlingame Golf Center. RESOLUTION 25.2001 AWARDING CONTRACT TO WATERTIGHT RESTORATION FOR CLEANING AND REPARIING WATER TANKS AND RESOLUTION #26.2001 AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF FT'NDS Director of Public Works Bagdon recommended approval of RESOLUTION #25-2001awarding contract for cleaning and repairing water tanks and RESOLUTION #26-2001 Authorizing a Transfer ofFunds. f. APPROVAL OF GOLF CENTER PROMOTIONAL POLICY Director of Parks and Recreation Williams recommended approval of Promotional Event Policy for Burlingame Golf Center. g. APPROVAL OF SCHEMATIC PLANS FOR TRE,NTON PLAYGROUND Director of Parks and Recreation Williams recommended approval of Schematic Plans for the e. March 19,2001 314 Burlingame City Council Rehabilitation of Trenton Park Playground. h" OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER City Planner requested Council decide if the City should assume part of the cost for a Planning Commissioner to travel out of state for educational purposes, related to the work of the Commission. i. CREATION OF A PERMENANT PART TIME POSITION IN RECREATION DIVISION Director of Parks and Recreation recommended that the Council authorize the creation of one (1) new permanent part time position (75%) assigned to the Recreation Division Aquatic Center Staff, effective May 1, 2001 and funded with existing part time staff budget. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to approve the consent calendar; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 9. COUN CIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice Mayor Spinelli attended an Airport Roundtable Meeting. Councilwoman Janney attended the School Liaison Committee meeting, Coffee and Commerce) a Convention and Visitor's Bureau mixer at Crystal Springs, Poplar ReCare's St. Patrick's Dinner, Arbor Day Ceremony at Washington Park, Celebrity Waiter luncheon training for American Heart Association, SamTrans Board of Director's Meeting, a Poplar ReCareiFamily Services meeting regarding the child care center at 301 Airport, and the Lion's Club St. Patrick's Day Dinner. Councilwoman O'Mahony attended Hibernian Societies luncheon, opening ceremony for Girl's Softball, Our Lady of Angel's St. Patrick's Day Celebration, met with the Executive Director of C/CAG and Senator Jackie Speir to encourage funding for the auxiliary lane project in Burlingame, groundbreaking for the auxiliary lanes between Hillsdale and Ralston, C/CAG meeting, and the Lion's Club St. Patrick's Day Dinner. Councilman Coffey attended the birth of his granddaughter on March 6 and the Lion's Club St. Patrick's Day Dinner. Mayor Galligan attended Commerce and Coffee, Arbor Day Ceremony at Washington Park, a City School Liaison meeting, an event at Mercy High School, the Convention and Visitor's Bureau mixer at Crystal Springs, Poplar ReCare's St. Patrick's Day Dinner, the opening ceremony for Girl's Softball, Our Lady of Angel's St. Patrick's Day Celebration, read a "state of the City" address to a Realtor's group, attended the Chamber of Commerce Board of Director's meeting, a ribbon cutting at 146l Burlingame Avenue for Kathy Fox, author of "The Secret Garden", made a presentation for the Marriott for S.W. Colt, which are teachers of foreign languages, and attended the presentation in Sacramento to accept the "First Place Excellence" award for the beautification of the former landfill. All Council Members attended Retired City Manager Dennis Argyres' retirement party. 10. OLD BUSINESS CP Monroe noted she has contacted the airport to set up an Airport Noise Workshop; the Airport is more than happy to provide a workshop; would like direction from Council on where and when they would like to conduct this workshop. Councilman Spinelli suggested the workshop be opened up to include the general public so they can also understand what the issues are and to include San Mateo and Hillsborough. Mayor Galligan noted that David Bamrto of Assemblyman Papan's office, presented him with a note that said a bill has been reintroduced in Sacramento regarding hands free usage of cell phones. Burlingame City Council 315 March 19,2001 a. b. 11. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony stated she did not feel listing the Teenage Recreational Facility Needs Committee under acknowledgements was appropriate. Council discussed the committee members and meetings regarding the teen center. Mayor Galligan requested if any Council members have input on who to appoint to the committee, to please contact him. The item will be brought back at the April 2, 2001 Council meeting. Councilwoman O'Mahony stated she has received complaints about the audio of the Council meetings that is viewed live. Would like to invest the funds to remedy the situation or eliminate viewing the meetings live. 12. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Planning, March 12,2001; Parks & Recreation, February 15,2001; Beautification, March 5,2001; Traffic, Safety and Parking, March 8, 2001 Department Reports: Finance, February 28,2001 Letter from Gordon and Caryl Hughan, 272La Cruz Avenue, regarding patrons behavior at new soccer field; Response from Director of Parks and Recreation, John Williams Letters from L. Serenella Leoni, 101 Bancroft, Ruth Gupta, Parca Board Member, Sam Malouf, D &L Rogers, 442 Chatharr. Brian Harvey and Hope Barrett, 605 Vernon Way regarding Washington Park Letter from Reverent Paul G. Watermulder, First Presbyterian Church, regarding the success of the Interfaith Hospitality Network Letter from Gerald R. Maxwell,877 Hacienda Way, Millbrae, regarding Bay Trail Letters from George R. Corey, Attorney, and Douglas and Arlene Holt, 1365 Columbus, regarding abatement of a nuisance at22l7 Hillside Drive Letter from Donna Lema-Cema,1457 Balboa, regarding the Cortez entrance to Ray Park Letter from Paul Constantino,433 Airport Blvd., requesting a position on the committee to review ideas and proposals for possible new recreation center j.Teenage Recreational Facility Needs Committee k. Informational Report on Energy Conservation Measures within City Facilities c d. e f. o h. March 19,2001 316 Burlingame City Council Mayor Galligan announced the launch of the new City website to be Thursday, March 22,2001. m. n. 13. l.Letter from Bill and Nancy Reilly, l9l2Devereaux Drive, requesting Council's support of AB 855. Letter from John Parish, 1548 Vancouver, requesting a commissioner from the Beautification Commission be included on the Youth Center Committee Letter from Jennifer and Juergen Pfaff regarding proposed Safeway Plans ADJOURNMENT Mayor Galligan adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. in memory of Ramona Schwartz, wife of Doug Schwartz, past Civil Service Commissioner, and Larry Alvarcz, a past public works employee. J t-lrl<_,rn*O T. Musso City Clerk Burlingame City Council 3t7 March 19,2001