HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2001.02.24CITY OF'BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT STUDY MEETING MINUTES Burlingame, CA Saturday, February 24, 2001 9:00 a.m. 1. SPECIAL MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Mayor Galligan called the joint city council/planning commission study session to order on February 24,2001at 9:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Council Present:COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI Planning Commission Present:BOUJES, DEAL, DREILING, OSTERLING, VISTICA Absent:KEIGHRAN, LUZURIAGA Staff Present:ANDERSON, BAGDON, BROOKS, KEYLON, MONROE, MUSSO, NANTELL Public Present: Coleman Conneelly, Irv Amstrup, Cathy & Joe Baylock, and Russ Cohen 3. SET GOALS AND PLANS FOR 2OO1 a. BAYFRONT & SPECIFIC AREA PLAN CP Monroe reviewed the staff report, which summarized the current design review workload; 18 items on current planning docket so far for 2001, there were 2l total in 2000. Noted with a high level of current planning activity it will take resolve to make select advance planning goals and stick with them; pleased with how much was accomplished in 2001 and noted that one item not accomplished, second unit amnesty, is currently in the review process. Discussion commenced regarding the Bayfront and Specific Area Plan, which was completed in 1981 and did not have a specific ending date. It was agreed that the City needs to review the role of the area east of Highway 101 in the broader view of the City's land uses. Discussed the form and use of the Traffic Analyzer; noted it was updated in 2000, and can accommodate BART and those taking mass transit. There will be roadway capacity for projects that stay within their traffic allocations; need to be concerned about exceeding allocations and reuse in Bayfront area. Noted that development in the Anzaarea affects Bayshore Highway as well as US 101. C. Dreiling stated there are ways to plan without relying on the Traffic Analyzer; transit oriented design as well as other components can reduce trips; would like to find ways to inject these ideas into developments. Burlingame City Council Burlingame Planning Commission February 24,2007 300 b. BAYFRONT PUBLIC ACCESS TRAIL POLICY CP Monroe noted the current policy regarding the Bayfront Trail development grew out of a relationship with BCDC and has been in effect for 20 years; closing the gaps might take years. Fisherman's Park will be developed due to the approval of 301 Airport. It could cost the City $2-4 million to purchase the easement rights for the gaps. Mayor Galligan suggested using the money saved by the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District being formed could be used to purchase the gaps now and future development could buy back the improvements. Councilwoman Janney noted TOT should go to promote tourism; Councilwoman O'Mahony stated she felt TOT money should be used for enhancement of hotels and surrounding properties; does not promote public purchase or public assumption of the maintenance of the trails. The Bay Trail is valuable to hotels and residents and benefits all to have it completed. Discussed offering incentives to developers to make improvements. Property owners are concemed if the path is built through their property, they would lose parking and worried about how it would affect the future development of their properties. Vice Mayor Spinelli feels the Airport should fund the entire cost if they extend the airport runway. c. ROLLINS ROAD: FUTURE OF LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREA CP Monroe noted north Rollins Road is the City's last industrial area. ln 1993, zoning in the light industrial area was modernized. Prohibited uses were used in this particular zoning district to identify conflicting land uses. The approach used in this area is performance based. In discussion, it was noted to identify the need to change uses in the north end of town because of BART and Millbrae's Specific Area Plan. Need to recognize previous assumptions in El CaminolCalifornia corridor north of Dufferin. Councilwoman Janney suggested every decision should contribute to child care to help reduce traffic. Councilman Coffey noted the City of Millbrae is doing a tremendous amount of development at the north end of Rollins Road. Guittard owns 11 buildings in the area; company has purchased property elsewhere in anticipation of moving their production. This is the area where larger parcels will exist. d. HOUSING ELEMENT _ STATUS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT OF CURRENT ELEMENT TIME FRAME FOR UPDATE. UPDATING PROCESS It was pointed out by CP Monroe that last year the state had mandated all the communities in the ABAG area to complete updates of their housing element by June 2001, however, ABAG had difficulty with developing the regional and local housing needs numbers so the deadline for first submittal to HCD is now.December 31,2001. The city's present housing element was certified in 1994. The last major implementation program in the current Housing Element is a second dwelling unit amnesty program which is currently being reviewed. Noted she received a letter from the county suggesting one consultant be hired to do baseline studies for all the cities. With this document, staff could write the housing element. Another option would be to hire a consultant to prepare the Housing Elernent and also represent the City of Burlingame when negotiating with the state. The City will also need to decide about the type of citizen participation we want in preparing the Housing Element. Burlingame City Council Burlingame Planning Commission 301 February 24,2001 4. ZONING CODE ISSUES After much discussion, the following were considered to be the zoning issues that need to be addressed in the code amendment in the coming year: L Multiple family loading zone, guest parking 2. Building replacement/maximum buildingiretail size in the core commercial areas 3. Special signage regulations for church and religious institutions in any zone 4. Use of existing basement areas in Subarea A of the Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area 5. HOW TO MANAGE ADVANCED CURRENT PLANNING NEEDS Mayor Galligan noted now that they are aware what the future planning needs are, he was concerned about time frames, how to balance the work and lighten up the commission's load. The new Design Review process has helped get more items on the consent calendar. A suggestion was a better timer/clock system to be used for the meetings. Noted time gets wasted with redundancy; Planning Commission wants to work on the big issues. CP Monroe noted the load in 2001 is expected to be about the same as 2000. On the Developer Contact Committee Proposal it was agreed that there were many advantages in setting such a committee. It should be the prerogative of the Mayor to decide who should sit but it should be City Council Members and Planning Commissioners to call for a meeting. The Mayor should be contacted directly or through the City Planner. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Irv Amstrup,2708 Trousdale, asked if the Mayor could explain more clearly at each Council meeting when the public can participate. Staff noted that they could prepare a hand out annotating the agenda for the public, which would also clarifu when people should speak on given agenda items. Staff did this for the Planning Commission and it seemed to help. Cathy Baylock, 1527 Newlands, encouraged the Council to let citizens express their concerns without having to be timed. It makes the process friendly; the Planning Commission has done this and it has made the process friendly and comfortable. Would like to see the City hire a consultant to amend the General Plan to include protection of historic resources in residential and commercial areas; feels elders are passing on and there is a sense of urgency in this project's completion. Also, would like to see the R-3 and R-4 high density reduce along the south end of El Camino if going to increase residential densities dramatically at the north end. Commended the Planning Commission for all their hard work this year. Coleman Conneelly asked why the criteria is one parking space per hotel room; CP Monroe noted this requirement is based on the fact that our hotels are airport oriented, served by shuttles and is a low number. He stated he feels another convehtion hotel is necessary in the area. Currently there is only one that can accommodate larger conventions, the Hyatt with 45,000 square feet of meeting space. The future to filling hotel rooms is bringing new people into the area with convention facilities. Russ Cohen, 605 Lexington, requested the Commission pay close attention to signage of projects as new buildings mean more signage, which adds to visual pollution. Burlingame City Council Burlingame Planning Commission February 24,2001 302 7. SET PRIORITIES The City Council and Planning Commission agreed that the following items would be priorities for the coming year in this order: 1. Rollins Road: Future of a Light Industrial Area 2. Housing Element 3. Zorung Code Updates 4. Bayfront Specific Area Plan/Bayfront Trail Gaps Crr,*V Vt*""a Ann T. Musso City Clerk Burlingame City Council Burlingame Planning Commission 303 February 24,2001