HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2001.01.27,{ i CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COTINCIL STT]DY SESSION SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2001 BURLINGAME MAIN LIBRARY _ LANE COMMUNITY ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: COFFEY , GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI STAFF PRESENT: Laruy Anderson, Rahn Becker, Frank Erbacher, Al'Escoffier, Gary Missel, Meg Monroe, Ann Musso, Jim Nantell, Bill Reilly, Randy Schwartz, John Williams OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Auran, Cecile Coar, Ken Musso,Georgette Naylor, John Root, Carolyn Root Mayor Galligan convened the annual work program and goals study session of the City Council and Departnient Heads on the above date in the Lane Community Room at 9:00 a.m. City Manager Jim Nantell noted that the purpose of this meeting is to review the past year and look ahead at the big picture as well as allow council to comment on the work program for 2001. 2000, like the p.revious year, proved to be very busy for most departments. He reviewed each department's 2000 New Year's Resolutions and what was accomplished. 4. REVIEW CURRENT YEAR BUDGET OUTLOOK AND PRELIMINARY 2OOI.O2 GENERAL FUND BUDGET PLAN Finance Director Rahn Becker noted the City is on target for the second consecutive year with double-digit revenue increases from the three major revenue sources: hotel tax, sales tax and property tax. Noted there are clouds on the horizon; starting to see softening of local economy; feels it is important to begin the coming year with a much more conservative look on revenues. All major bargaining unit contracts are up for renegotiation. There is a zero PERS rate, but an increase of lloh is possible due to rising health costs. Capital Improvement Program transfer may need to be phased over two years. Water rates will increase based on San Francisco rate increases and sewer rates increases will be needed for required capital improvements. Overall, the City is in a sound financial position to move into 2001. Mayor Galligan asked if there was a new hotel on line for the entire year of 2001 . FD Becker stated Hilton Garde4s'was open for part of the year, as well as the additional building at the Doubletree. CP Monroe noted there are two hotels approved for the bay front area, with one possibly opening at the end of the next fiscal year. Mayor Galligan inquired if any actuarials were done regarding "3oh at 50" for safety employees. CM Nantell stated the figures are approximately l3-17Yo of payroll, or at least $1 million per year. City of Burlingame January 27,2001 28t City Council Study Minutes 3. REVIEW 2000 5. REVIEW COUNCIL DRAFT 2OO1 GOALS Complete the site ahalysis portion of the Youth Center and present project alternatives to CM Nantell noted the Parks & Recreation Director has been meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission and the community to review various altematives, one of which is looking at the park in a more holistic way as opposed to just accommodating the youth center Feels it is important that any additional improvements made to the park are thoroughly planned. The next meeting regarding this project will be held on February l5th. Review and act on proposedfinancing planfor the construction of a parking structure on parking lot J. Public Works met with the community to discuss the issues associated with the parking structure and the possibility of changing the cost and duration of parking times. Noted there wasnlt as much sensitivity in changing the cost of the parking. One hour parking outside the boundaries of Burlingame Avenue is too short. Some reluctance about changing the open feeling of Lot J. Work with Staff and Planning Commission to determine timelinefor secondary unit amnesty, housing element and speciJic plan updates. CM Nantell noted there is the likelihood that developers will be approaching the City in the near future with very difficult types of development east of Bayshore between the train tracks and Rollins Road. Planning and Council may want to take a look at some specif,rc plans in those areas to determine what, if any changes to the current general plan are desired. The City Council and Planning Commission need to discuss what the priorities are for 2001. Council comments: Vice Mayor Spinelli would like to extend the Bay Front Development Plan to the Broadway.,Interchange area to help fund that project. Councilwoman O'Mahony would like an indepeirdent company to develop a vision of a commercial area between the train tracks and the bay front. This would give the Planning Commission some added scope and additional ideas. CP Monroe does not feel staff has the capacity to conduct a Specific Area Plan without hiring a consultant. Councilwoman Janney would like a childcare component built into commercial development requirements. Mayor Galligan felt with the addition of BART at Millbrae Avenue, the picture of Rollins Road could change; feels it is important for the City to have some vision of what the area might look like. Review and act on ricommended Commercial Design Review Process. City of Burlingame January 27,2001 282 City Council Study Minutes Significant Issues for Council Review and Action: The Planning Commission is working with the members of the Community who helped provide some input into the commercial design review process. Councilman Coffey noted the meetings have been very positive and that there is a good relationship between the task force and the Planning Commission. Broadway Interchange Design - Depends on CalTrain meeting timeline. CM Nantell noted he was not sure if CalTrain will meet their timeline, but if they do move forward as indicated, this could be coming to the Council. Assistant Public Works Director Erbacher noted that currently, the plan is to move the platform only. Peninsula Hospilal Master Plan - Depends on hospital timeline. Council has met with Peninsula Hospital staff to review the plan. CP Monroe noted that the District is conducting a master plan; if they have a private developer build the hospital which might require reorienting access to the site, they would need a conditional use permit as the site is zoned unclassified; Council approval of the permit would be needed. Review Airport Runway EIR - Depends on Airport meeting timeline. CM Nantell noted the EIR for this and how impacts associated with Burlingame have been addressed could possibly come to Council this year. Mayor Galligan noted he was concemed about the possibility of the runway being moved south and the issue regarding building heights. He suggested we may want to get San Mateo to help fight runway relocation. CP Monroe noted this is an issue for Peninsula Hospital. as well as a big factor when the Marriott was built. Building heights needs to be addressed in their environmental document. Councilman Spinelli suggested we need to get baseline noise studies along the bay front and down further. Other Issues Other issues that were discussed that could affect Council are Measure B and traffic issues around the schools. " Councilwoman Janney noted she was astonished by the increase in traffic and the congestion in the area of Trousdale, especially in the morning. Noted she has been appointed to the Strategic Long Term Planning Committee for the schools and may have a way of fitting the traffic problem into the long term plan. Chief of Police Missel noted that traffic signals will eventually be needed on Trousdale, especially when BART in Millbrae opens. CM Nantell talked about a desire to find ways to enhance civic involvement around community issues. We need to encourage "civic engagement" throughout a process, not just at the end. Council also noted they would like to have a Facility Master Plan for all City buildings performed in the next two to three years. Councilman Spinelli suggested that City Hall be included and we should consider starting from scratch. City of Burlingame January 27,2001 283 City Council Study Minutes 6.DEPARTMENT HEAD "NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS" - COUNCIL QUESTIONS Each department head reviewed their New Year Resolutions and addressed questions raised by the City Council. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Galligan adjourned the meeting at I l:30 a.m. Crlufl-V, Wuzt^ Ann T. Musso City Clerk City of Burlingame Januar! 27,2001 284 City Council Study Minutes Carolyn Root, 1407 Montero, commended Council and staff for the wonderful job being done;. appreciates the.Council wanting the citizens input and ideas. John Root, 1407 Montero, pleased to see how pro-active the Council is and welcomed new City Manager Jim Nantell. Cecile Coar, 1224Drake, commended Librarian Escoffrer for his leadership of the library. Ken Musso, 1401 Grove, asked for more information on BART be given to the residents in northern Burlingame.