HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.10.02BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA October 2,2000 1. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Councit Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Commander Jack Van Etten. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Janney made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 18,2000; Vice Mayor Galligan seconded the motion; approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. PUBLIC Tom Carrey,1404 Floribunda, spoke regarding the Draft Peninsula Transportation Plan; stated some residents are not interested in BART coming through or around the City of Burlingame; feels BART is a duplication of services that has destroyed wetlands and eucalyptus groves. STAFF REPORTS 8d)INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TO INSTALL TWO STOP SIGNS ON ADELINE DRIVE AT CORTEZ AVENUE DPW Bagdon referred to his staff report dated October 2,2000; this item came before the TSP Committee in which a number of residents request two additional stop signs be placed at the intersection of Adeline and Cortez; a petition with over 100 names was submitted. Staff evaluated the request and found that the intersection did not have the warrants for either the volume or the traffic accidents to support the stop signs; there is a volume of less than 250 vehicles per hour; warrants require 300. There have been no accidents at this location in the last five years. TSP Commission is recoflrmending the placement of the signs because chiiciren and parents cross at this intersection because it provides more direct access to Ray Park. Staff is concerned if this is approved, there would be three intersections fairly close together with three stop signs; afraid the public will not take the stop signs seriously and it would create a false sense of security for pedestrians who are relying on them. Recommended Council introduce the ordinance and hold a public hearing in two weeks to hear the citizens concems. Burlingame City Council a./-)October 2,2000 Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Kathleen Wentworth, a resident on Cortez, stated when the public hearing is held again in two weeks, residents and neighbors will be present to speak. Mayor O'Mahony requested the City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Coffey, motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. A motion was made by Councilman Spinelli to approve the introduction of the proposed ordinance to install two stop signs on Adeline Drive atCortezAvenue; seconded by Councilwoman Janney, motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. 7a)PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING OF RECREATION SUPERVISOR JOB CLASSIFICATIONS Parks and Recreation Director John Williams referred to his staff report requesting the elimination of the job classification series, Recreation Supervisor I, II and III. The current Recreation Supervisors are at the Recreation Supervisor II level, a comparable classification of other cities in the area. It is difficult to compare salaries because other cities do not have this type of classification, which has caused some misunderstandings among staff; feels it's time to go to the Recreation Supervisor class that other cities in the area have. BAMM and AFSCME have no objection to the proposed change. Part of the proposal is the creation of a new permanent part-time employee. Karen Hager has been in the Recreation Coordinator class for almost 15 years. Currently she is on maternity leave but would like to return part time. The revenue in the recreation division is strong; with various staffvacancies, there is more than enough money to cover these two changes. Councilman Coffey made a motion to approve the restructuring of the Recreation Supervisor job classifications; seconded by Councilwoman Janney, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 7b)DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION ON THE DRAFT PENINSULA TRANSPORTATION PLAN City Planner Monroe stated she and Director of Public Works Bagdon are on the CCAG Technical Advisory Committee. CCAG has met to review the most recent draft of the Peninsula Transportation Plan (2010), an update of the 1997 countywide transportation plan. CCAG staff has indicated that Council comments must be submitted to them no later than October 3. At that time, CCAG's board will be requested to vote on the release of the draft some time in October. CP Monroe summarized that this is a policy plan for the entire county; in the overview of the plan it notes that the objective is to develop a consensus for the 2000-2010 time frame on funding between roadways and transit without setting specific percentages. The land use segment of the document proposes a policy to change the sales tax structure for the county and use the proceeds to encourage the construction of more housing in the county. State law has been changed and it is now possible for the jurisdictions in the county to agree on a redistribution of the sales tax among the communities to encourage land uses that would bring people closer to work and reduce traffic rather than land uses which generate traffic. It is not clear what program they would use to accomplish this or what portion of the sales tax they would redistribute. The emphasis in the plan is on using TSM to increase October 2,2000 224 Burlingame City Council efficient roadways. A series of pedestrian policies are also proposed. The major recommendation is that each of the jurisdictions add staff that is qualified to review all plans and require the developers address maximizing pedestrian access. This portion of the plan also talks about design approaches to encourage pedestrians. DPW Bagdon noted that the priority roadway project of the plan is the 101 corridor north of Highway 92. ln addition, it identifies three major elements for relieving the congestion on the freeway in this location: auxiliary lanes, interchanges, and ramp metering; having these projects as priorities will help the City when competing for grant monies, which are very scarce. A project scoping report has been completed on auxiliary lanes with Cal Trans and the Transportation Authority, which identifies the addition of an auxiliary lane in both directions between Millbrae Avenue and San Mateo's Third Avenue. It also includes replacing the Peninsula Avenue overcrossing, the addition of sound walls on the west side, and a new pedestrian bridge that would be located close to the south side of the existing Broadway interchange. The cost has been estimated at $86 million, half of which will come from the Transportation Authority. The current STIP is putting $15 million toward that effon, and they are looking at getting $10-15 million from the ITIP, a funding source available for the airport, which is causing a lot of the traffic to occur in this area. That leaves $13-18 million out of the future STIP; it is important that the priority for this project be connected to future funding criteria and scoring. Work on the EIR has begun and could take a couple years. The plans and specifications are intended to be prepared in2002 or 2003, with construction beginning in 2004 or 2005. The second roadway project is interchanges, which has been given a high priority in the Transportation Plan. Staff met with Cal Trans who is working on a project scope report for replacing the Broadway interchange. A number of alternatives were reviewed; one costing approximately $35-40 million which may alleviate the City from having to acquire land. An operational study is being performed, which means they are looking at what the effect of this interchange improvement would have on freeway traffic as well as the City street traffic; it is very important that the improvement does not adversely affect either. In this study, they will also be looking at the possibility of a grade separation at Broadway if operationally necessary in order for this interchange to work. There is funding for the current study, the EIR, and also for the plan specifications. There is no funding identified for the improvement; it is considered to be an "unfunded" project on the Transportation Authority's list of projects. In order to get funding for this type of work, it may be necessary to get an extension of the Measure A tax. DPW Bagdon stated building a new interchange would make the 101 pedestrian overcrossing project moot. Moving the funding from the pedestrian crossing to the interchange project would depend on whether or not the pedestrian overcrossing was built first, the two have to be reviewed together. The pedestrian crossing could be built in three or four years; a new interchange could take as long as eight to 10 years. The 2010 plan talks about endorsing the rapid rail study being done by CalTrain; it has a very important impact on Burlingame. The purpose of this study is to improve the safety on CalTrain as well as increasing the frequency of trains by adding rolling stock and making safety improvements such as fencing; a third rail would be constructed all the way through Burlingame. It includes relocating the Broadway platform and rebuilding it furthei' south, which would allow the gates to be up when trains stop at the station. They are also looking at the possibility of including an undercrossing for pedestrians at the relocated Broadway platform as well as at Morrell Avenue. Moving the Broadway platform fuither south would allow for trains to stop longer, and to allow the gates to be up at North Lane when a train is in the station. However, it would require the closure of South Lane, Burlingame City Council 225 October 2,2000 another issue that would need to be reviewed. CalTrain would like to complete the construction of parking on the west side of Carolan within next two years in coordination with the opening of the Millbrae BART station. The funding is available and this is the Transportation Authority's first priority project. The Transportation Authority is considering studying high-speed rail; if that proceeds, it will require grade separations. This would have to dovetail with rapid rail; can't put in rapid rail improvements that have to be taken out when high-speed rail is put in. This is a long-term project and no funding source identified yet. A recommendation was not made to extend BART further south of Millbrae; ridership and cost- effectiveness needs to be studied to see if it would support such an extension. Two alternatives would be along the CalTrain right-of-way and the other would be to get BART over to the freeway and have it run down the median of the freeway. Transportation Authority does not want SamTrans to compete with BART or CalTrain for long distance service; would like to see SamTrans direct their attention to providing better feeder service to CalTrain and BART stations. Council discussion: Vice Mayor Galligan wanted to know if building a flyover at AnzaBoulevard and l0l to go south was discussed; this would relieve traffic at Poplar in the evening as well as stop people from having to use the Broadway interchange. DPW Bagdon noted it was reviewed with respect to the Broadway interchange; the problem with a flyover is when you get to the "non-bay" side of the freeway, you end up having to bring it down, which affects properties fronting Rollins Road. It could mean taking residential property to make that work; they paid more attention to providing the improvement at Broadway; don't think they will study the Anza flyover concept at this time. The auxiliary lanes can be installed through the Broadway interchange as it exists; they can't do that at Peninsula Avenue because the abutments of the bridge are in the way, they will have to move and replace the abutments, which means they have to replace the Peninsula overcrossing in the process of putting in the auxiliary lanes in. This is what will cause the Peninsula overcrossing to be rebuilt. Mayor O'Mahony noted in the staff report that one of the intentions of the new PTP is to anticipate county-wide cooperation and planning and to prevent vying fbr funds among the pertinent agencies; feels the cities have functioned very cooperatively in offering their plans and proposals for funding requests. DPW Bagdon stated it was his perception that the process has been fair. At one time there was a discussion about not having competition but more of a fixed allocation between cities; where others believe there should be honest competition and there may be more need in one city compared to another city. This plan will help identiff the criteria more clearly for selecting priorities. CP Monroe verified that the sales tax they are considering diverting is a portion of the loZ sales tax. Mayor O'Mahony stated she was very concerned about the diversion of the sales tax. Vice Mayor Galligan feels the use of sales tax has a tremendous impact in reference to land use and may make more residential housing available; would not be opposed to it. Councilwoman Janney concurred with Vice Mayor Galligan. Councilman Spinelli was concerned about what the implications could be in the future. Does not want to see a large portion of the city's income raided; Council has worked very hard over the years to make it solid. Councilman Coffey feels Council should look at the intent of the measure; must look at the major need for housing; tremendous number of personnel that serve the community cannot live in Burlingame. Need to think about this regionally, not just Burlingame; what is good for the County is good for Burlingame. October 2,2000 226 Burlingame City Council Councilman Coffey noted the Anza area is very important to the Burlingame community; have wonderful inbound ingress to the area and southbound access isn't bad because of Millbrae or Broadway; there is no southbound egress. Looking at the Broadway interchange and the complexities of redoing the whole interchange, the complications with th.e railroad tracks being so close to 101, it would seem that a single southbound flyover would alleviate some of the congestion at Broadway and would relieve a lot of the congestion there. DPW Bagdon noted that in the context of the plan, interchanges are a priority. For the Broadway interchange, it's a matter of whether or not they will put the flyover in the project scope report; at this time, they have indicated they are not, but that doesn't preclude that from happening in a separate project scope report for a future study of an interchange improvement at Anza. Vice Mayor Galligan noted there is room on the bayside of Highway 101 to move lanes over so there would be room for a flyover without taking property on Rollins Road. When the grade separation for Broadway was reviewed previously, the City was potentially going to lose various buildings. DPW Bagdon stated the interchange improvement might not involve property acquisition. Not sure what the impact will be if a Broadway grade separation for operational purposes is needed. Council's approval will be required if a grade separation is needed. 7c)COMMISSIONER ITEMS; LIBRARY BOARD, BEAUTIFICATION, TRAFFIC Councilwoman Janney made a motion to reappoint Nancy Locke and Jill Lauder to the Beautification Committee; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to reappoint David Mayer to the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission, and to reopen the process to fill the other two vacant positions; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to reappoint Gerry Hipps to the Civil Service Commission and reopen the process to fill the remaining vacant position; seconded by Councilman Spinelli, approved by voice vote, 5-0. Due to the possibility that Mary Lou Morton will miss three consecutive Library Commission meetings, Vice Mayor Galligan stated he feels interviews should be conducted for the vacant position on the library board. October 30th is the deadline for applications for the Traffic Safety and Parking and Civil Service Commission. Councilman Coffey noted Council should keep in mind the experience Mary Lou Morton has on the Commission when evaluating the number of meetings she may miss. 7d)SUPPORT FOR MEASURE B Chief Missel explained that Measure B is a $13 million bond issue that will be on the November ballot. Its purpose is to finance a new crime lab for San Mateo County. The current lab is not sufficient to meet the forensic needs of San Mateo County. Currently much testing cannot be done at the current lab such as firearm testing and forensic examination of vehicles. A mold issue has developed over the years that can't be kept under control. DNA testing requires very strict cleanliness standards; the facility struggles to meet these standards. The cost to the taxpayer is $ 1 .16 for $ 100,000 of assessed valuation of property. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to endorse Measure B; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame City Council 227 October 2,2000 SAFETY AND PARKING, AND CIVIL SERVIG 8. CONSENT CALENDAR EMPLOYEES IN THE CITY'S CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE City Attorney Anderson recommended adopting Resolution #102-00 to amend the list of designated employee positions required to file Statements of Economic Interests pursuant to the City Conflict of Interest Code. b)RESOLUTION #103-OO AWARDING CANYON ROAD WATER LINE Director of Public Works Bagdon recommended that Council approve Resolution #103-00 awarding the Canyon Road Water Line Replacement Project to Pacific Underground Construction of San Jose in the amount of $435,265; also recommended that staff be authorized to issue change orders upto20Yo of the construction work. c)FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A 34 UNIT CONDOMINIUM. LOTS 6 AND A PORTION OF LOT 7, MAP OF BURLINGAME LAND COMPANY .NO.2.s30EL CAMINO REAL Director of Public Works Bagdon recommended approval of final condominium map for a 34-unit condominium, lots 6 and portion of lot 7,map of Burlingame Land Company, No. 2 - 530 El Camino Real. d)RESOLUTION #1O4.OO AMENDING 1999.00 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Assistant City Manager Becker recommended approval of Resolution #104-00 adjusting selected appropriations as described in his staff report dated October 2,2000. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the consent calendar; seconded by Councilman Coffey, motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 9. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice Mayor Galligan attended Commerce and Coffee, Joint Elementary School Liaison Committee Meeting, parcel tax meeting, Burlingame Golf Tournament. Council of Cities Meeting, Samaritan House dinner, BCE Golf Tournament, Dorothy Sneider Cancer Center Dedication at Mills Hospital, TSM employee luncheon, and the OLA Fun Faire. Councilwoman Janney attended Commerce and Coffee, Burlingame Golf Tournament, BCE Golf Tqurnament, Convention and Visitor's Bureau Executive Committee, Forbes Anniversary reception, and TSM employee luncheon. Councilman Spinelli attended the Burlingame Golf Tournament, Convention and Visitor's Bureau mixer at Scores Restaurant, and the Forbes Anniversary reception. Counciiman Coffey attended the TSM employee luncheon. Mayor O'Mahony attended the Public Works Department annual picnic, Council of Cities Meeting, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Meeting, TSM employee luncheon, and the OLA Fun Faire. October 2,2000 228 Burlingame City Council a) ADOPT RESOLUTION #102-00 AMENDING_ REPLACEMENT 10. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 11. NEW BUSINESS An appeal hearing was scheduled for the October 16ft Council meeting for 348 Lorton and 1755 Bayshore. Councilman Spinelli request the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission review intersection at Trousdale and El Camino Real; there are many accidents there; possibly a directional signal or restricted view signal should be installed. Councilman Spinelli also expressed concern about a truck that is parked on Adeline Drive between Vancouver and Columbus where there is a curve. It creates a situation where there is no site line around the curve. Would like the TSP Commission to look into this to see if it should be made into a red zone. Vice Mayor Galligan suggested the Police Department speak to the residents who are parking on that curve and let them know there is the possibility the TSP Commission will need to get involved. 12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a) Commission Reports: Planning, September 25,2000 b) Letter from Betty Sullivan, 1133 Cortez,regarding traffic safety problems in her neighborhood c) Letter from Pete and Jennifer Varma, complimenting Police Officer D. Williams d) Letter from James Van Epps, Executive Manager, West Bay Extension for BART, regarding possible parking fees at the new Millbrae Station. Council adjourned to closed session at 8:17 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION The Council met in closed session to discuss two items Council directed the City Attorney on possible settlement of a claim from Arlene DiNitto for personal injury. Council discussed ongoing negotiations with the fire and police administrators, and the Council instructed the City Manager as City Negotiator with regards to that bargaining unit. Council returned to open session at 8:36 p.m. 14. ADJOURNMENT a" b. Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at8:37 p.m. in hrriror of Mr. Bruce Kirkbride, a longtime BurringamebusinessmanandBurlingameLionyi":fr"\y*Uifiy;fr:Lp2000. Ann T. Musso, City Clerk Burlingame City Council 22q October 2,2000