HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.09.18I BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA September 18,2000 REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:02 p.m.by Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony. 2. PLEDGE OF CE TO THE FLAG Led by City Manager Dennis Argyres. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, .IANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE 4. MINUTES Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 5,2000; Councilman Spinelli seconded the motion; approved by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney abstained since she was not at the meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS il. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AND AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND SEATING AREA FOR AN EXISTING FULL SERVICE FOOD ESTABLISHMENT OANNY AND ALEXANDERS) AT 1108 BURLINGAME AVENUE, ZONED C-1, SUBAREA A BURLINGAME AVENUE CO MMERCIAL AREA CP Monroe presented the staff report explaining the appiicant is requesting an appeal to an amendment to a conditional use permit to expand seating area for an existing fulI service food establishment at 1108 Burlingame Avenue for Fanny and Alexander's Restaurant. The applicant, with the property owner, are requesting approval to expand the seating area for dining, banquets, live entertainment and dancing into an adjacent structure at 303-305 California Drive. This adjacent building fronts on California Drive but the rear of the building opens onto a patio area shared by the existing restaurant. The rear entrances of the two sites converge on the patio area. Fanny and Alexander's present permit includes outdoor seating in the patio area. The existing indoor seating area in the restaurant is 1,083 SF and tr,685 SF in the outdoor patio area. With this application, the total indoor seating area would increase by about 1,000 SF. One of the provisions of the ordinance that limiis food establishments in Subarea A is if the seating area of a restaurant is expanded, the conditional use permit must be amended. Burlingame City Council 2tt September 18, 2000 The Fire Marshal has been working with the applicant since the Planning Commission acted on this project. The applicant had stated that at any given time a total of 550 patrons could be on the three sites during regular hours of operation. The Fire Marshal had inspected the site and the maximum number of patrons he feels can be on the site at one time are 360: I l0 at 1108 Burlingame Avenue; 140 in the patio area; and 110 at 303-305 California Drive. One of the issues the Fire Marshal was concerned about was the use of the patio area during inclement weather. There was concern that those 140 people would shift to either one of the indoor areas. One of the conditions of approval on this application is that the maximum occupancy of the entire site be reduced to 220 during inclement weather when the outside seating area can't be used. The Planning Commission was concerned that the site at 303-305 California Drive could become a freestanding food establishment sometime in the future. This would increase the number of food establishments in Subarea A which is not allowed under our ordinance. A condition of approval states that if there should be any future change in use of 303/305 California Drive site, the entire use permit would become void. Council questions of Staff: Councilman Spinelli noted there is a Fanny and Alexander sign on the California Drive portion of the building; wanted to know what the policy was on signage. CP Monroe stated she believed this would be considered secondary frontage and would be signage according to the code. Vice Mayor Galligan asked Police Chief Missel if there have been any noise complaints or police calls since granting the amusement permit. PC Missel stated that the number of police incidents at Fanny and Alexander's is slightly below what is normally seen at new establishments of this type. In the past month, there were 8 police incidents, one arrest for drunkenness in public. With the volume of their business, this is considered a below average. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Jeffrey Weinberg, General Manager of Fanny and Alexander, 1108 Burlingame Avenue came forward; stated they are very excited about proceeding with the project and would like to clarify some issues. He stated that it was always Fanny and Alexander's stipulation that they would not have full service food preparation at the new building. It has been their intention to hold banquets, private parties and gatherings seating the guests and using the kitchen space at I108 Burlingame Avenue; they did plan on putting a full service bar into 303-305 California Drive to better serve the 70-110 guests. The intent would be strictly beverage service, no food preparation out of that side of the facility. It has been their intention that the hours of operation at 303-305 California Drive would be the same as the hours of operation at I 108 Burlingame Avenue, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Monday thru Saturday. Mr. Weinberg stated they would comply with the" rest of the conditions in the staff report Mayor O'Mahony asked how the storage facility areas in 303-305 California Drive would be used; Mr. Weinberg stated it would be used for dry storage only, no food products. Councilman Coffey asked if the service bar they were proposing was a permanent installation or rolling, removable bar. Mr. Weinberg explained they are proposing a permanent structure that would be built into the space; feels a rollaway bar would cause logistical problems during banquets. Mayor O'Mahony asked City Attorney Anderson if a permanent structure is built into the building, what would that do to future uses of the building. CA noted that staff s concern is that in the future this does not turn into two separate restaurants, which a permanent bar at 303-305 California Drive could lead to; would like some assurance that this would not happen. CP Monroe asked Mr. Weinberg if there would be plumbing with the proposed bar; he confirmed there would. CP Monroe explained that her concern also is one business could run two separate September 18, 2000 2t2 Burlingame City Council operations. CA Anderson noted that under California law, the City couldn't condition a use permit on transfer of ownership. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if there were not a banquet scheduled, would the room still be used. Mr. Weinberg stated the space is for banquets, private functions, overflow dining, and possible dancing and live bands. He clarified that the main entrance on Burlingame Avenue is the only entrance to the facility; the doors on Califomia Drive are for fire egress only. The only way to get to the 303-305 California Drive space is through Burlingame Avenue. Security personnel would be monitoring the fire doors from the inside as well as the outside of California Drive. CP Monroe stated an amendment would need to be made to condition #4 if dancing and live music were allowed at 303-305 Califomia Drive, since based on the Planning Commission's application it describes the building as expanded lounge and banquet area only. There were no further comments from the floor and Mayor O'Mahony closed the public hearing. Council Comments: Mayor O'Mahony noted her concern was losing retail but that this site is not really apart of Burlingame Avenue; wouldn't mind the building to be used for overflow patrons; would like to see a portable bar be one of the conditions of approval. Councilman Spinelli stated the retail portion of this property is in an area where there is very little foot traffic; doesn't feel it is a viable retail space and has no problem with it being converted to banquet use. Wants to be sure that in the future, 303-305 Califomia Drive does not become a restaurant, bar or deli. Councilman Coffey feels the objective of any establishment the City supports is to give them the maximum opportunity to be successful; wouid like a provision that states the permanent bar be removed if the business changes. Feels there is a very big difference between the serviceability of a rollaway bar compared to a permanent installation. Agreed that this is not a viable retail space; the previous tenant, Frame-O-Rama, was a "destination" shop. CA Anderson stated it was possible to work with the owners to try to come up with a definition to meet that requirement. Mr. Weinberg was not opptrseci to having a bar without bar stools; their concem is being able to serve their customers. Councilman Spinelli noted he was not opposed to having this portion of the building mirror the business hours of the business at 1108 Burlingame Avenue. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if not allowing a dishwasher at the site be a feasible condition. CA Anderson explained this was something that may pose problems due to County Health requirements. Councilman Coffey made a motion that the appeal of the Planning Commissions denial be overturned for an amendment to the conditional use permit to expand seating area for the existing full service food establish at 1108 Burlingame Avenue (Fanny and Alexander's), Zoned C-1, Subarea A Burlingame Avenue commercial area with the additional changes to condition #3 & 4,the details of the service bar, with exact wording to be established by the City Attomey in conjunction with the applicant. Condition #4 should include dining, dancing and live music and that the hours of operation is conc'.irrent with the B'.rrlingame Avenue operation. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney; approved by voice vote, 5-0. CA Anderson proposed that the revised conditions be submitted with the resolution for action at the meeting when the Council considers the amusement permit. Councilman Spinelli wanted to emphasize that even though Council was overtuming the Planning Commissions denial, the Commission did exactly what Council wanted as far as looking at Subarea A and the impacts of expansion of restaurants. Mayor O'Mahony noted the Planning Commission works extremely hard and is very grateful for them. Burlingame City Council 213 September 18, 2000 b. ' i,; ; APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF A VARIANCE FOR RESIDENCE AT 112 BAYSWATER AVENUE, ZONED R-l CP Monroe reviewed the staff report noting the applicant has requested design review and a front setback variance for 17'- 6" from the property line where 19'-6" is required. Request is to build a new two story, three bedroom single-family house at 61.9o/o FAR with a one-car garage, which is 297 square feet. The existing two-bedroom house with detached garage will be demolished. The existing house has a27' front setback. In their action, the Planning Commission did not believe a hardship existed on the property to grant the variance; lot size IS typical, lot is basically flat; occasionally hardships are established by the placement of existing structures on the site; in this case the house is being demolished so there are no such existing conditions; to grant a variance on any basis other than a hardship applicable to the property which does not exist on other properties in the district will set a precedent for future zoning implementation; regarding design, the commissioners noted that the 27' setback is a part of the pattern on this side of this particular block. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Mr. Rob Cunningham, applicant and owner, and Mr. Pat Kelly, family friend and consultant, came forward to speak. Mr. Cunningham referred to the design reviewers letter stating he supported the design and the variance. Mr. Cunningham showed Council photos of the neighboring houses. He stated the two houses to the right of his house have a front setback of l5'. The two houses to the left have front setbacks of 22' and l8'- 6", the average without his lot is 17'-6". Mr. Kelly stated the existing house is 98 years old; when demolished it would be replaced with a two story house, a great improvement to the neighborhood; feels a l7' setback is consistent with the rest of the homes in the neighborhood. Vice Mayor Galligan asked Mr. Cunningham why he does not want to build a house with a 19'-6" setback. He stated he would like to have a larger back yard; also, his architect feels building the house with a l7' setback would make it easier to maneuver a car into the garage; the hardship that exists is that the lot size 48' x 102', which is long and narrow. Mayor O'Mahony referred to the code that states that the front setback has to be either 15' or the average front setback of the properties on the same side of the street, whichever is greater; with 17'-6" applicant is not counting one of the houses with the frontage on that side of the block. Vice Mayor Galligan noted if the variance was granted, any property owner could come forward in the future and demand a variance; not a position he was willing to put the City in. Councilman Coffey noted he discussed with the City Attorney the interpretation of the code; the determination of the average is a measurement taken from the front property line to any wall or any covered projection of any existing "or" proposed structure. He noted that the code section could be interpreted either using the current structure or eliminating it from the average. CA Anderson noted that the interpretation placed on the code section since it was adopted in 1993 was that the average should include the applicant's property, as it currently exists. Councilman Coffey feels the backyard is the most important non-structural space in a house. Discussed with CP Monroe what some of the negative ramifications would be if a determination was made to leave Mr. Cunningham's house out of the equation. The only negative factor was that it might have future ramifications; feels it would be easy to correct this code to read the way it was intended to read. Doesn't feel granting the two-foot variance will have a negative effect on the neighboring properties; feels it is not a required variance. September 18, 2000 214 Burlingame City Council FRONT SETBACK AND DESIGN REVIEW F'OR A NEW TWO.STORY Mayor O'Mahony stated that the code has always been determined in this matter; doesn't feel it should be interpreted any differently in this case. CA Anderson stated this was an interpretation that could be applied; it is not mandated by the code; this is a policy determination that Council needs to make. Councilman Spinelli read the exact wording at the request of Vice Mayor Galligan; concemed that somebody in the future will get penalized in the opposite manner. Katie O'Brien, 2204Poppy Drive, and Richard Farella, i 14 Bayswater, spoke; stated Mr. Cunningham's backyard will be 29' feet, much larger than the average yard in Burlingame. Noted that the code has been applied in a certain way since adoption, and changing it for one applicant is not fair. Expressed concern over effect on the Planning Commission when many of the denials are appealed to the City Council and then overtumed; opposed to variance; neighbors object to big homes and zoning requircments being changed; feel the Planning Commission did a good job in interpreting the code; interpreting the code any other manner than what has been done since adoption will pose future problems; urged the Council to uphold the Planning Commission's denial for a variance and design review. There were no further comments from the floor and Mayor O'Mahony closed the public hearing. Mayor O'Mahony stated she would follow the current code and not support the variance. Vice Mayor Galligan, Councilwoman Janney, and Councilman Spinelli agreed to support the Planning Commission's denial for the variance. Councilman Coffey stated he would support the appeal to overturn the Planning Commission's denial. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to uphold the Planning Commission's decision to deny the variance for a front setback and to deny without prejudice the design review; Councilwoman Janney seconded the motion; appro.red by voice .uote, .4-1, Councilman Coffey voting no. c. ORDINANCE #1639 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AMENDING CHAPTER 12.23 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH CLEAR STANDARDS FOR THE PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF NEWSRACKS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF.WAY Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz stated at the Council meeting held on September 5ft, the news rack ordinance was introduced. The two main changes of the proposed ordinance is to establish a newsrack committee and that the news racks within the Broadway commercial area and Subarea A of the Burlingame Avenue commercial area shall be modular units permanently affixed to the ground. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There \r.rere no comments and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1639 amending chapter 12.23 of the Burlingame Municipal Code to establish clear standards for the placement and maintenance of newsracks in public right-of-way, seconded by Councilman Coffey; approved by voice vote, 5- 0. d.ADOPT ORDINANCE #1640 AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04 TO MAKE THE DEFINITION OF HOLIDAYS FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND POWER I2Burlingame City Council September 18,2000 EQUIPMENT OPERATION CONSISTENT WITH qOMMQN]UI{DERSTANDING OF HOLIDAYS IN THE CITY City Attorney noted the current provisions in the Municipal Code do not include Columbus Day as a holiday for purposes of parking enforcement. Some citizens have been cited for parking violations on this holiday; it also creates problems with the Police Department as it is also a holiday for some of the cities bargaining groups. This means there may not be parking enforcement officers available that day, which would require uniformed offrcers to issue parking citations. This would also carry over to power equipment usage on Columbus Day. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Spinelli made a motion to adopt the Ordinance #1640 amending Chapter 13.04 to make the definition of Holidays for parking enforcement and power equipment operation consistent with common understanding of holidays in the city, seconded by Councilwoman Janney; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. e. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #1641ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL PERMIT PROCESS FOR DETACHED GARAGE DIMENSIONS, TO PROHIBIT WAREHOUSE STqBAGE IN C.I AND C.2 DISTRICTS, AND TO CLARIFY TIME LIMITS ON THE EXERCISE OF' ZONING APPROVALS CP Monroe noted that at the Planning Commission rneetings of July 24 and August 14, the Planning Commission suggested some revisions to the zoning code; the revisions were corrections in the text of the code for special permit requirements for garages, to enact a prohibition of warehouse storage use in the C-l andC-2 zoning districts and changing the expiration of zoning approvals to match new expiration times of tentative maps when a project requires both. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Coffey made a motion to approve Ordmance #1641amending the zoning code to provide a special permit process for detached garage dimensions, to prohibit warehouse storage in C- 1 and C-2 districts, and to clarify time limits on the exercise of zoning approvals, seconded by Councilwoman Janney; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. f. SECOND RE,ADING OF ORDINANCE #1642 AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO ALLOW ISSUANCE OF PARKING PERMITS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES IN MUNICPAL PARIilNG FACILITIES CM Argyres stated a request was received from library and city hall staff to look for ways to improve the parking situation in the area. Currently, the number of reserved spaces is not sufficient to deal with all the employees. Rather than increase the number of reserved spaces, a permit system has been suggested along with improving the TSM program incentives for city employees. In order to try the permit system, the City code needs to be amended; the permits would be controlled and would only apply to City owned property. September 18, 2000 2td Burlingame City Council at. Mayor O'Mahony noted there is a need for permit parking for employees at the recreation center, also. CM Argyres stated that this permit process would be for all city employees. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1642 amending the City Code to allow issuance of parking permits for city employees in municipal parking facilities, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 5-0. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following residents of the Capuchino, Grove and Paloma Avenue area came forward to reiterate their feelings of not having mandatory street srneeping twice a week: Renee Landworth, 1321 Capuchino, Diana Kayiotos, 1325 Capuchino, Dottie Bonnici, 1332 Caplchino, Shelly Scholtz, 1349 Capuchino, Joan Lang, 1333 Capuchino, Janeen Wheeler, 1204 Capuchino #1, Norm Utigard, l252Paloma, and Chuck Bonnici, 1332 Capuchino. Constance Cohen, 605 Lexington Way, stated she was glad the Council was forming a citizens committee for commercial design review, however, would like to see "regular" citizens such as homeowners, renters, and smaller business owners of Burlingame appointed to the committee. It would balance the proposed committee that so far consists only of business owners, property managers and property owners. 7. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a.REOUEST COUNCIL DIRECTION ON STREET SWEEPING IN THE AREA BETWEEN BROADWAY AND GROVE AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL AND CALIFORNIA DRIVE DPW Bagdon stated that due to public comment at the September 5, 2000 Council meeting, staff is requesting Council provide further direction regarding the program. He referred to his staff report dated September 18, 2000, that addressed several of the issues raised by the public. Noted a mandatory program will not be perfect; all issues will be not addressed to everyone's satisfaction. The three major issues are signage, parking restrictions, and noise. The signs are necessary in a mandatory program, but it is possible to make place them less frequently. A 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. time period was recommended for this program; one of the alternatives would be to move the time to 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. An alternative to the parking restrictions would be to do the street sweeping less frequently. Another altemative is to not have a mandatory program and to change it to a voluntary program. Council questions: Councilman Coffey asked DPW Bagdon what the staff level is for street sweepers and if their scheduling could be changed, such as cleaning the commercial areas first, then return to the residential areas at a later time. Councilman Spinelli wanted to know if it was possible for the street sweepers to work a split shift; DPW Bagdon stated that the street sweepers would work from 4:00 a.rn. to 6:00 a.m. and return later in the day to work another six hours. Later in the day, the street sweepers will experience traffic problems on the streets. Burlingame City Council 217 September 18,2000 '- After much discussion of various scenarios, Council decided not to implement the mandatory street-sweeping program at this time; will revisit the issue in early spring to see if the volunteer program works. Residents will be notified, possibly as an insert in their water bill, what day their neighborhood is swept and what the altemative will be if the volunteer progrzrm does not work. DPW Bagdon wanted to note that the success of the program will be based on judgment; when the issue is revisited in the spring, residents may judge the success of the progftlm differently than the way staff may judge the success of the program. b. APPOINTMENT OF A CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL ON COMMERCIAL DESIGN REVIEW REGULATIONS Mayor O'Mahony suggested another rulme to add to the Citizens Committee: Carolyn Root, a former Beautification Commissioner. Vice Mayor Galligan noted that out of the seven suggested citizens, five of them are Burlingame residents so they represent the citizens as well; this will allow public input regarding commercial design. Vice Mayor Galligan agreed that it would be beneficial to have someone on the committee with a different perspective who does not have a business interest. Councilwoman Janney made a motion to add Carolyn Root to the Citizen's Committee to advise the City Council on Commercial Design Review Regulations and to endorse the appointment of the other six members proposed, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; approved by voice vote, 5-0. c. UNAUDITED FINANCIAL SUMMARY, FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 CM Argyres noted the Finance Department has closed the books for 1999-2000. Finance Director stated in his staff report that it was a good year; the first time in 15 years that the three major revenues, hotel tax, property tax, and sales tax all increased over 10%. Net general fund revenue increase was 9.3o/o overall. Growth on the expenditure side was due to 27 payroll periods this year; caused expenditures to go tp to 6.70/o; without that it would have been under 3%o. The general fund ended up better than budgeted because of the additional revenue. Even with the additional payroll, fund balance decreased only about $430,000. One area of concern is in the enterprise funds concerning working capital; because of the large transfers to the capital improvement program to do some of the water and sewer improvements, concerned the working capital is getting depleted to a level it must be watched closely. d" APPOINTMENT OR CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Mayor O'Mahony noted she spoke with Dennis Preger, who was agreeable to continue holding the position of representative to the Mosquito Abasement District; the determined term would be to 2004. Vice Mayor Galligan rnade a motion to retain Dennis Preger as the representative, seconded by Councilwoman Janney; approved by voice vote, 5-0. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR rtem 8b) was removedfor separate voting at the request of councilman Coffey. September 18, 2000 218 Burlingame City Council A. RESOLUTION #96.2000 AWARDING AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND TROUSDALE DRI\TE RESURF'ACING PROGRAM AND PENINSULA AVENUE RESURFACING PROGRAM DPW Bagdon recommended that Council approve the resolution awarding the agreement with Harris and Associates for construction management services for the resurfacing program in the amount of $109,150. c. RESOLUTION AMENDMENT #1 TO AG OF OPERATION OF BURLINGAME GOLF CENTER Director of Parks and Recreation recommended that Council adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign Amendment #l to the Agreement for Operation of the Burlingame Golf Center. d. CORPORATION YARI)RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT,ACCEPTANCE OF COST ESTIMA TE AND TIME LINE, AND AUTHORITY TOEIBEA FINAN CIAL ADVISOR AND BOND COUNSTJL DPW Bagdon recorlmended that Council accept the cost estimate and time line for the subject project and grant authority to the Finance Director to hire a Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel. e. RESOLUTI ON #99-2OOO ACCEPTIN G AIRPORT BOULEVARD BRIDGE SEISMIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Director of Public Works recommended that Council approve the resolution accepting the Airport Boulevard Bridge Seismic Retrofit Improvement Project in the amount of $134,429.45 by Cone Engineering Contractors. f. SPECIAL EN CROACHMENT PERMIT FOR A 4O-INCH HIGH BRICK ENTRANCE AT 260 CRESCENT DPW Bagdon recommended to Council to approve the Special Encroachment Permit in accordance with the submitted drawing and permit conditions. SPECIAL ENCORACHMENT PERMIT FOR A RETAINING WALL WITHINg. THE CITY'S RIGHT.OF-WAY AT 1667 ESCALANTE WAY DPW Bagdon recommended to Council to approve the Special Encroachment Permit in accordance with the submitted drawing and permit conditions. Burlingame City Council 2t9 September 18,2000 h.RESOLUTION #IOO.2OOO APPROVING NON.EXCLUSIVE INSTALLATION ANI) SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND City Attorney Anderson recommended adopting resolution authority City Manager to execute a new agreement with Metricom, Inc. to install and maintain transceivers of City light poles. Assistant City Manager Rahn Becker recommended to Council to approve the resolution to correct the salary schedule for City Clerk, appointed portion. J.WARRANTS AND PAYROLL, AUGUST,2000 Finance Director recommended approval of Wa:rants71746-72186 (excluding Library checks 71856-72186), duly audited, in the amount of $2,557,749.71, Payroll Checks 129212-130077 for August 2000 in the amount of $1,352,382.99 and EFTs for August 2000 in the amount of s314,769.20. Councilwoman Janney moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and carried unanimously. 8b)RESOLUTION AWARDING 2OOO SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Councilman Coffey asked DPW Bagdon to address the accusations and issues made by the San Mateo County Building and Construction Trades Council regarding B-1 Enterprise. DPW Bagdon noted the information received from the Trades Council very serious; a number of hours was spending contacting many cities, state license board and the contractor as well. Based upon information heard in these discussion, B-1 Enterprise is still be recommended for the award of this project. The reasons are as follows: the quality of work of B-1 Enterprises has never been an issue with the other cities who have hired them. The State License Board has been contacted about the contractor about the issue of his license; it was indicated there is a valid license but a labor issue judgment of $ 15,000 must be paid by October 3. The contactor has guaranteed to make this $15,000 payment. This award is contingent upon having a valid contractor's license. Measures have been put in place to carefully monitor the contractor during construction. A contractor inspector will be hired to random checks to be sure there will not be an issue with any labor laws. Certified weekly payroll submittals will be required. Does not feel that the City is in a position that he is a non-responsive bidder, therefore, recommend this contract be awarded to B-1 Enterprise" Councilman Spinelli made a motion to approve RESOLUTION #97-2000 awarding the 2000 Sidewalk Maintenance Program to B-1 Enterprise; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, approved by voice vote, 5-0. Vice Mayor Galligan attended a meeting with Bob Merwin and Carole Groome regarding the reconstruction of Peninsula Hospital, attended the Convention and Visitor's Bureau Board of September 18, 2000 220 Burlingame City Council METRICOM,INC. i. RESOLUTION #1O1.2OOO AMENDING RESOLUTION 79.2OOO RELATING TO SALARIES 9. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor O'Mahony noted that a flier was placed on a number of cars in the area of Occidental and Chapin and Howard Avenues; the flier was titled "Please Act Now" regarding the request for a conditional use permit by St. Paul's. This flier included her name and phone number on it; received more than 40 phone calls; would like the public to have an element of respect and ask before publishing information such as this. 12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a. Commission Reports: Finance, August 31,2000; Building, August,2000; Planning, September 11, 2000 b. Letter from Reverend Michael and Karlene Harvey, 920 Linden Avenue, regarding Interfaith Hospitality Network c. Letter from Benjamin Yuh, 1140 Vancouver, regarding golf facility d. Letter from Martin Dreiling, I103 Juanita, Max Hensley, 1225 Paloma, and Trudy and Jim Maxwell,l42l Cortez, regarding street sweeping program Letter from Richard Farella, P.O. Box 665, Burlingame, regarding I 12 Bayswatere f. Letter from Mary Ellen McMahon regarding Interfaith Hospitality Network g. Letter from Martin Dreiling, 1103 Juanitaapologizing for letter dated September 7, 2000 Council adjourned to closed session at 9:55 p.m., and returned to open session at l0:12 p.m. Burlingame City Council 221 September 18,2000 Directors meeting; Housing Foundation dinner; McGuire Real Estate Open House, Leadership Group, SAMCEDA luncheon, AYSO season opener, Mills Peninsula Foundation, Art on the Avenue, St. Paul's 50th Anniversary, and met wittr the new owners of Peninsula Ford. Councilwoman Janney was on vacation the prior two weeks. Councilman Spinelli attended the AYSO season opener and the Airport Roundtable meeting. Councilman Coffey attended the Congestion Relief Alliance meeting, Housing Foundation dinner, AYSO season opener, Burlingame Art on the Avenue, Chamber of Commerce luncheon, and the funeral of Burlingame resident Matt Thomaselli. Mayor O'Mahony attended the Broadway BID Board, met with Bob Merwin regarding the reconstruction of Peninsula Hospital, the ribbon cutting at McGuire Real Estate Open House, AYSO season opener, "Clean the Bay" event, Art on the Avenue, celebrated Mrs. Wilbur Senior's 100th Birthday, and St. Paul's 50ft Anniversary, 10. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 11. NEW BUSINESS 13. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of Initiation of Litigation (Government Code $ 54956.9 (c)) - Pacific Construction and Manufacfuring, Inc. CA Anderson noted that Council met in closed session to discuss possible initiation of litigation vs. Pacific Construction and Manufacturing, inc.; Council authorized City Attomey to initiate litigation regarding the issues involving that company. 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjoumed the meeting at 10:13 p.m. in memory of Matt Thomaselli who died accidentally in San Francisco on September 13, 2000. fr,,r-/ tn "r,tzAnn T. Musso City Clerk September 18, 2000 222 Burlingame City Council