HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.09.05I BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA September 5,2000 REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:03 p.m.by Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony. 2. PLEDGE OF'ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Manager Dennis Argyres. 3. ROLL CALL COLTNCIL PRESENT: COLINCIL ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI JANNEY Vice Mayor Galligan noted a correction to the minutes of the regular meeting held August 21't, 2000, item 5b) the appeal of 1108 Burlingame Avenue, Fanny and Alexander's, was continued to September l{h,not September fh; Councilman Spinelli noted a error on item #Sb) safe street, not safe stree; Mayor O'Mahony noted two corrections, item 7a)*give the Mayor some names...", not "gave the Mayor some names..."; and item #9 under Council Committee Reports, "Councilwoman Janney also attended',not attend. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Councitman Coffey, unanimously approved by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. Councilman Spinelli made a motion to approve the minrrtes of the Special Meeting held on August 28th, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan, unanimously approved by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. 7a. APPOINTMENT OF NEW CITY MANAGER AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT City Manager Argyres was pleased to announce that after four months of "selective recruitment" and interviews, Jim Nantell would be the next City Manager for the City of Burlingame. Mr. Nantell is currently Deputy City Manager for the City of San Mateo. He and his family lived in Burlingame for 30 years and just recently moved to San Mateo. Mr. Nantell's contract indicates he will start no later than November 15th and will assumc duties by December 15th. CM Argyres recommended that Council appoint Jim Nantell as the new City Manager and approve the employment contract. On behalf of Councilwoman Janney, Vice Mayor Galligan expressed that it was unfortunate that she couldn't be present to support the vote for Mr. Nantell's appointment as the new City Manager. Vice Mayor Galligan noted that the next obvious step for Mr. Nantell would be to become a City Manager. He has been extremely involved in the Burlingame community in many Burlingame City Council 199 September 5, 2000 4. MINUTES aspects; also feels it is a great benefit to the City of San Mateo to have Mr. Nantell involved in future decisions that involve both Burlingame and San Mateo. Councilman Spinelli also welcomed Mr. Nantell; thinks the City of Burlingame is extremely lucky to have him accept the appointment, as well as lucky to have had Dennis Argyres as Burlingame's City Manager for the last 18 years. Councilman Coffey was very pleased to welcome Mr. Nantell to the position of City Manager; noted that Burlingame was fortunate to have had two very competent candidates for the position and feels it is an accolade to the City of Burlingame that we were able to attract such qualified applicants. Mayor O'Mahony felt it was obvious how much Mr. Nantell loves the City of Burlingame; he is a talented professional, great citizen,local Rotarian, volunteer for the YMCA and Red Cross, served as Interim Fire Chief in San Mateo, worked extensively with the recreation department, and has been an active member of his church and community as well as the Burlingame PTA. She feels when November l5th arrives, it will be greeted with a tear and smile; sad to see City Manager Dennis Argyres retire, but pleased to be gaining Mr.Nantell as the new City Manager. Because this item was taken out of order on the agenda, Mayor O'Mahony asked the public if there was anyone wanted to speak on this matter. There were no comments. At this time, Mayor O'Mahony asked Mr. Nantell if he would like to step forward to say a few words. Mr. Nantell stated he has been a member of the Burlingame community for almost 30 years and stated he appreciates the opportunity to come to work for a community and organization that has meant so much to him and his family. In 197 I , Mr. Nantell left the State of Wisconsin to persue his Master Degree; he worked at Charles Office Supply on Burlingame Avenue and realized he would like to eventually live in the City of Burlingame, which, in time, became a reality. Under the direction of Ray Wagner, Recreation Manager, he became a recreation intern. Mr. Nantell and his wife have raised their four children in this community and it has been a wonderful reality. He noted with Council's approval of the employment contract, he would be able to pursue the second part of the dream, that is, to become a part of the organization as a civil servant of Burlingame. 'As a past resident and future City Manager, he stated he feels a real indebtedness to City Manager Argyres, not only for the friendship given over the years, but also for the opportunity to follow a man who has done a superb job at providing leadership to the community. One of the key responsibilities a City Manager is to bring together a good group of department heads, people who are highly qualified in the work that they do and can meet the needs of the community. As a resident, Mr. Nantell stated he had the opportunity to get to know and count some of Burlingame's department heads as personal friends, but in the recent months he also had the opportunity to meet the other department heads. He stated it was clear that Mr. Argyres has done a wonderful job of bringing together a good group of highly qualified professionals who work very well as a team and are dedicated to serving this community. He is confident that with department head and Council support, he will do a good job of working with this executive team to provide the leadership to make Burlingame a wonderful place to raise a family, live and do business. He thanked the Council for the confidence they have in him and said he looks forwar<i with great enthusiasm and energy in assuming his duties formally in November. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the employment contract for Mr. Nantell's appointment to City Manager; seconded by Councilman Spinelli; unanimously approved by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. September 5,2000 200 Burlingame City Council 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. HEARING ON A DENIAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE FOR A 3.STORY 11 DWELLING UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PERMIT, MITIGATION NEGATIYE DECLARATION, TENATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP, AND FINAL MAP FOR LOT MERGER AT 949-965 ROLLINS ROAD, ZONED R-3 (JOHN BRITTON, W.J.BRITTON AND CO., APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER City Planner Monroe noted that atthe Council meeting of April 17,2000, following action on an amendment to the General Plan and adding an overlay zone, Council reviewed this proposed project to build a three story, 1 I unit residential condominium project at 949-965 Rollins Road; a double lot that would be merged in order to create this project. Council denied the project without prejudice and directed the applicant to return with a revised project under the previous R-3 zoning regulations. The overlay zoning became effective on this property on May l7th. A 45-day extension was granted to the applicant to make some changes in response to concerns expressed in review of the application. On July 5tr, a subsequent continuance was granted for an additional 60 days. The applicant did not submit revised plans prior to this evening's meeting, so the project before Council is the same that was denied without prejudice on April 17ft. The project requires a mitigated negative declai'ation and a residential condominium permit. Council questions: do the sites on Linden have a higher elevation than the project; the lots facing Linden and Rollins both rise two feet toward the rear in this area; it was noted that at the July 5th meeting, the proviso was to continue the item but that no additional continuances would be granted. Mayor O'Mahony opened the pubiic hearing. John Iiritton, W.J. Britton and Co., property owner and applicant, noted the reason he did not have the new plans to submit was because a new architect was hired to take over the project; due to workloads, it was difficult to find an architect available to consult on the project; a new design has been completed but they did not have time to have copies of the plans made and submitted to Council for review. Mike Harvey,920 Linden, noted that the residents in this area have been attending meetings and following the project and were frustrated with the delays. Height of the project has been the main issue, which has not been addressed by the applicant. Feels the continuances are an attempt to wear down the residents opposed to the project; fewer and fewer people are able to attend the meetings. After all the time the owners have had to do this project, feels they should have to meet the criteria of the new overlay zone established by Council. Vice Mayor Galligan asked Mr. Britton if this \.r/as a completely different building; Mr. Britton stated it was not a different building but that there are substantial changes to the exterior; the mansard removed, the front of the building has been changed, however, the number of units is the same. There were no further comments from the floor and Mayor O'Mahony closed the public hearing. Vice Mayor Galligan feels with something new being submitted, he would rather see it be submitted to the Planning Commission as opposed to coming to Council; feels density is a big issue; the City needs to figure out how to take care of parking in certain areas. BART is going to be on Rollins Road in Millbrae, so Rollins Road in Burlingame can be used to create some density. It is an area in Burlingame that is very unattractive; apartments are not kept up, something needs to be done to make the area more attractive. Councilman Spinelli stated that Burlingame City Council 201 September 5, 2000 the initial issue is zoning in this area; would prefer to see it reviewed under the regulations of the overlay zone. Mayor O'Mahony also feels density needs to be addressed, but at the same time, protect the property owners rights. The challenge will be for the architect to redraw this project under the guidelines of the new overlay zone. Councilman Coffey agreed, must be recognized that this area of Burlingame needs improvement; need to work with developers to give them an incentive to improve their properties; in favor of allowing a higher density than the new R-3 overlay zone allows; would like the Planning Commission to look at the project from the view that a higher density than allowed by code be considered. Mayor O'Mahony stated she was in agreement with the rest of the Council that continuances should not be so easily granted; she referred to a memo sent by the City Attorney reminding Council if they don't insist on basic compliance with the zoning code, Council will probably experience more appeals of Planning Commission decisions; feels this project should go back to the Planning Commission. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to deny the project, seconded by Councilman Coffey; motion carried unanimously,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. b. ADOPT ORDIN ANCE #1637 UPDATING TITLES 1,2 AND 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE City Attomey Anderson noted that at the August 21,2000, Council meeting, an ordinance was introduced that would amend Titles 1,2 and 3 of the Municipal Code, which are general administrative provisions for the City. The proposed ordinance would update those three Titles and bring them current regarding language, usage, and hopefully clarify them to some extent. Noted that the members of the Beautification Commission spent a good deal of time reviewing their duties and obligations and restructuring their mission as a Commission, which is reflected in the proposed ordinance update. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to adopt Ordinance 1637 updating Titles 1,2 and 3 of the Municipal Code, seconded by Councilman Spinelli; motion carried unanimously,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. c. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE #1638 REVISING BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 13.36.O4O ESTABLISHING TWO.HOUR PARKING ON SOUTH LANE Director of Public Works Bagdon noted this was a request by the property owner of 222 California Drive requesting a loading zone be removed that is no longer used. The Ordinance would place three (3), two (2) hour parking stalls at this location, as well as legitimatize three parking stalls on the opposite side of the street that are not currently in the code. It would provide more needed public parking in the area. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and the hearing was closed. September 5, 2000 202 Burlingame City Council Councilman Coffey made a motion to adopt the ordinance revising Burlingame Municipal Code Section 13.36.040 establishing two-hour parking on south lane, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; motion carried unanimously,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 360 PRIMROSE ROAD, ZONED C.1, City Planner Monroe explained this was a request by an applicant to add amezzanine to an existing office building, which caused a parking variance. Originally this was asked to be continued, however, the applicant is now withdrawing their request. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Diane Condon-Wirgler, 1536 Cypress, President of the Burlingame Historical Society, came forward to thank the Mayor for speaking at the recent quarterly meeting; she stated the Society loves the Carriage House where the achieves are stored and they do not want to move. Hoped an alternative could be found if not allowed to expand into the lower level. Diana Kayiatos, 1325 Capuchino, Scott Hawley,1325 Paloma, Norm Utigard, l252Paloma, Janeen Wheeler, 1204 Caplchino #1, Dottie Bonnicci, 1332 Capuchino, Bill Schott,1206 Capuchino, James Delfino, 1333 Paloma, Shelly Scholtz, 1349 Capuchino, Walter Anderson, 1321 Capuchino Avenue, Scott Holly, 1325 Paloma Avenue; residents came forward to present a petition signed by 158 residents of their neighborhood regarding the street sweeping program that was to be implemented. The residents feel the 4:00 a.m. hour of street cleaning is unacceptable, the signs are ugly and there are too many of them; noted the signs south of Broadway have already been vandalized. Parking is already a problem, having to move your vehicle for the street sweeping schedule is going to be impossible; residents urged Council to reconsider the street sweeping program. Cathy Baylock, 1527 Newlands Avenue, came forward to encourage Council to consider funding the creation of a significant property list; the last time a survey was conducted on important historical buildings in Burlingame was 18 years ago. This list would serve as a tool and help in the decision making process regarding what should and should not be considered a historical landmark. Constance Cohen, 605 Lexington Way, thanked City Clerk Ann Musso for adding all the new information on the City's web site; feels the information is a benefit to the residents of Burlingame and appreciated her hard work. 7. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS AT THE CARRIAGE IIOT]SE Director of Parks and Recreation Williams reviewed the request from the Historical Society to expand their use of the Carriage House located in Washington Park. The Fire Marshal and Chief Building Official were in agreement regarding the present use of the Carriage House by the Historical Society and the Parks Division. It was pointed out that the building is now being used Burlingame City Council 203 September 5, 2000 d. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL FOR A PARKING VARIANCE SUBAREA 8.1 7b. BURLINGAME HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROPOSAL TO EXPAND as it was designed to be used when it was originally built, which is storage of vehicles on the lower level with some public use on the upper level. DPR Williams would like to see the building preserved but doesn't feel spending money to upgrade a facility that is located in an awkward place with no public parking and limited access is a good idea. He said he would like to come up with a better solution such as designating an area in the proposed teen center or leasing space at the train station. The Joint Powers Board has indicated they will be leasing space at the train station in the near future. It was also suggested that the Historical Society might use the Depot for exhibits. Mayor O'Mahony agreed with the building official's memo that upgrading this facility would not be feasible; feels the Depot would be a wonderful avenue to pursue as far as displaying historical information. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if the train station would be available for lease in the future. City Manager Argyres noted that the Chamber of Commerce leases apart of the building at this time; the main lobby area and where tickets are sold will become surplus when the automated ticket machines are installed. The property manager has stated they are considering making this area surplus as soon as the automated ticket machines are fully functional. The property is un-zoned and the property manager would need City approval to do anything; there may be other uses the City would like to see use the space. The JPB is interested in obtaining market rate rent for the space. Vice Mayor Galligan requested from the historical society a financial statement showing assets and yearly expenses. Mayor O'Mahony would like the Joint Powers Board to understand the need to preserve this historic building that was built in 1894; custodians such as the Historical Society would be the best group to take care of the building. She noted that Martha Rossman, who was in attendance at the meeting, has put in hundreds of hours cataloging and saving Burlingame's historic documents. Her husband, Bob May, was a great patron of the historic society and one of the founders. Vice Mayor Galligan suggested a letter be sent to the JPB regarding the possibility of the Historical Society assuming this space. Councilman Spinelli asked how much money was needed when the train station was renovated. CM Argyres stated the property was purchased by the State from SP for over $l million; the renovations began as a $5,000 paint and repair project but ended up costing over $100,000, with approximately $25,000 being donated by local citizens for the restoration of the train station. Councilman Spinelli feels a break in the rent would be appropriate since local residents donated private funds to help in the restoration. c. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12.23 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH CLEAR STANDARDS FOR THE PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF NEWS RACKS IN PUBLIC RIGHT.OF. WAYS Recreation Supervisor Randy Schwartz proposed a revision of Chapter 12.23 of the Municipal Code to establish clear standards for the placement and maintenance of news racks in the public right-of-ways. This is being proposeci at this time to coincide with the Broadway Streetscape project. The main two changes this ordinance presents are: the establishment of a news rack committee, which will be comprised of publication representatives and that the news racks in the Broadway commercial and Sub-Area A of Burlingame Avenue commercial area will be placed in modular units permanently affixed to the ground. The Public Works and Parks and Recreation Department staffs will share in the responsibilities outlined in the ordinance. Some staff time September 5, 2000 204 Burlingame City Council will be needed to establish and work with the committee to enforce the ordinance and monitor the racks. The next steps will be to form the committee, begin the application process, and finally issue the permits. Mayor O'Mahony requested the City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Spinelli made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Coffey; Motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. A motion was made by Councilman Spinelli to approve the introduction of the proposed ordinance establishing clear standards for the placement and maintenance of news racks in public right-oflways, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 4- 0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. d. INTRODUCTION OF AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL PERMIT PROCESS FOR DETACHED GARAGE DIMEN$IONS, TO PROHIBIT WAREHOUSE STORAGE IN C,I AI{D C.2 DISTRICTS, AND TO CLARIFY TIME LIMITS ON THE EXERCISE OF ZONING APPROVALS CP Monroe noted that at the Planning Commission meetings of July 24 and August 14, the Planning Commission suggested some revisions to the zoning code; the revisions were corrections in the text of the code for special permit requirements for garages, to enact a prohibition of warehouse storage use in the C-1 andC.-2 zoning districts and changing the expiration of zoning approvals to match new expiration times of tentative maps when a project requires both. Mayor O'Mahony requested the City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Spinelli made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. A motion was made by Councilman Spinelli to approve the introduction of the proposed ordinance amending the zoning code to provide a special permit process for detached garage dimensions, to prohibit warehouse storage in C-l a,;rdC-2 districts, and to clariff time limits on the exercise of zoning approvals, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; motion carried unanimously by voice vote,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. e. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04 TO MAKE THE DEFINITION OF HOLIDAYS FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT AND POWER EOUIPMENT OPERATION CONSISTENT WITH COMMON UNDERST ANDING OF HOLIDAYS IN THE CITY City Attorney noted the current provisions in the Municipal Code do not include Columbus Day as a holiday for purposes of parking enforcement. Some citizens have been cited for parking violations on this holiday; it also creates problems with the Police Department as it is also a Burlingame City Council 20s September 5, 2000 holiday for some of the cities bargaining groups. This means there may not be parking enforcement officers available that day, which would require uniformed officers to issue parking citations. Mayor O'Mahony requested the City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Spinelli; motion carried unanimously by voice vote,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. A motion was made by Councilman Coffey to approve the introduction of the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 13.04 to make the definition of holidays for parking enforcement and power equipment operation consistent with common understanding of holidays in the City, seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; motion carried unanimously by voice vote,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. Vice Mayor Galligan asked the City Attorney if the holiday schedule also included the new Caesar Chavezholiday; the City Attorney stated it does not at this time. f. APPOINTMENT OF A CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL ON COMMERCIAL DESIGN REVIEW REGULATIONS CP Monroe stated that at the Council meeting of August 2l't, action on a proposed commercial design review ordinance was tabled; it was suggested acitizen committee be appointed at this meeting and that the committee retum to Council with a recommendation within 90 days. It was suggested that a list be compiled of possible candidates for the committee, which was included in the staff report. In addition to the previous three people recommended, Council added Tim Auran, Ron Karp, and Sam Malouf. Staff was directed to contact these new people and bring this item back to Council for action. g.AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE TO ALLOW ISSU ANCE OF PARJflNG PERMITS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES IN MUNICIPAL PARIflNG FACILITIES CM Argyres stated a request was received from library and city hall staff to look for ways to improve the parking situation in the area. Currently, the number of reserved spaces is not sufficient to deal with all the employees. Rather than increase the number of reserved spaces, a permit system has been suggested along with improving the TSM program incentives for city employees. In order to try the permit system, the City code needs to be amended; the permits would be controlled and would only apply to City owned property. Mayor O'Mahony requested the City Clerk readthe title of the ordinance. Councilman Spinelli made a motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Coffey; motion carried unanimously by voice vote,4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. A motion was made by Councilman Coffey to approve the introduction of the proposed ordinance amending the City Code to allow issuance of parking permits for City employees in municipal parking facilities, seconded by Councilman Spinelli; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. September 5, 2000 206 Burlingame City Council Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR e. RESOLUTION AWARDING 2000 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE PROGRAM DPW Bagdon received a phone call from Bill Knack of the Building Trade Council who had information he wanted to relay regarding the low bidder for this project, B-1 Enterprise Corporation. Since the construction of the project would not begin until October and there is one more meeting in September to award the contract, DPW Bagdon requested this item be removed from the consent calendar. This will allow sufficient time to review the information sent by the Building Trade Council. a. ACCEPT REPORTS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FINANCING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME THAT CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODES DO NOT REQUIRE AMENDMENT City Attorney Anderson recommended to Council to accept Reports of Executive Officers that no amendments are needed to the conflict of interest codes of the two agencies. b. OUT.OF.STATE TRAVEL R FIREF'I HTER/PARAMEDIC JOHN KAMMEYER TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION WESTERN REGION GUIDELINES 2OOO UPDATE CONFERENCE IN NEVADA,oc@ Fire Chief Reilly recommends that the City Council approve out of state travel for Firefighter/Paramedic John Kammeyer to attend the American Heart Association Western Region Guidelines 2000 Update Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 6, 7 and 8. c. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL BOND MEASURE D City Manager Argyres recommended Council adopt a Resolution in Support of the High School Bond Measure D. d. RESOLUTION AWARDING PENINSULa AVENUE RESURFACING PROGRAM Director of Public Works Bagdon recommended Council approve the Resolution awarding this project to G. Bortolotto and Company of San Carlos in the amount of $435,982.50. lt is also recommended that staff be authorized to issue change orders up to 18% of the construction work. f. RESOLUTION AWARDING CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND TROUSDALE DRIVE RESURFACING PROGRAM DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve the Resolution awarding this project to G. Bortolotto and Company of San Carlos in the amount of $561,93 5.67. lt is also recommended that staff be authorized to issue change orders up to 287o of the construction work. Burlingame City Council 207 September 5, 2000 o RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WITHDRAWAL BY BAY PACIFIC CONSTRU ANY AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR ROLLINS ROAD SANITARY SEWER UPGRADE, PIPELINE AND PUMP STATION PROJECT DPW Bagdon recorlmended Council approve the Resolution accepting bid withdrawal by Bay Pacific Construction Company and award a construction contract to McGuire and Hester Construction Company in the amount of $738,827 for the Rollins Road Sanitary Sewer Upgrade, Pipeline and Pump Station Project. DPW Bagdon recommended Council approve the Special Encroachment Permit in accordance with the drawings and standard permit conditions submitted with the staff report. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the consent calendar (excluding item 8e), seconded by Councilman Coffey; motion carried unanimously by voice vote, 4-0, with Councilwoman Janney absent. 9. COUN MMITTEE Vice Mayor Galligan met with Jim Nantell regarding his compensation package; also attended a reception at Mercy High School and a pancake breakfast at Roosevelt Elementary School. Mayor O'Mahony also met with Jim Nantell regarding his compensation package; attended the memorial for retired Fire Chief Reginald Moorby. All council members attended the special council meeting on August 28th regarding the hiring of the new City Manager. 10. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Spinelli asked DPW Bagdon about the cracks in the sidewalk on Broadway in the area that was just completed as a part of the streetscape. DPW Bagdon stated the contractor has not been paid a final payment and a punch list of items has been given to him that need repair. Mayor O'Mahony stated she received a phone call from a citizen regarding an accident that occurred on California Drive and Peninsula. The citizen wanted to express how proud she was of the Burlingame Fire and Police Departments and how well they took care of the situation. She stated their concerted efforts seemed like a ballet; each had a job to do and each did it very effrciently. 11. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. September 5,2000 208 Burlingame City Council h. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR A 2.1/2 FOOT HIGH BRICK WALL WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT.OF.WAY AT 1508 BURLINGAME AVENUE a. b. 12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission, August 10, 2000; Planning, August 28,2000; Library, June and July,2000 Letter from Norman T. Utigard,1252 Paloma, regarding street sweeping A letter detailing the street sweeping process was submitted to Council from DPW Bagdon; Mayor asked if there were any comments from Council and requested a copy of the letter be sent to those who spoke during public comments. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if the street sweepers would be in the neighborhood any earlier than in the past; DPW Bagdon referred to his letter stating that street sweeping on Broadway begins at 4:00 to 4:15 a.m.; when completed, they leave that area and go to the Bayfront. At 5:30 to 5:45, the street sweeper returns to the residential neighborhood. The new signage was meant to make sure the residents had their cars moved by 4:00 a.m. There would be more frequency of street sweeping depending on where you live; if you live on a corner and parking is banned on one street and that area is swept and then parking is banned on a side street on a different day and that area is swept, the corner property would be affected twice. Now the whole area is swept at one time because there is no ban on parking; tried to distribute the ban of parking throughout the area so no one street was banned entirely, but the side effect of that is the street sweeper needs to go down the street twice a week. If the parking were banned on the south side of the street, that is the day that side of the street would be swept, on another day of the same week, parking would be banned on the north side and the street sweeper would come down on the north side of the street. Mayor O'Mahony asked if the residents were told to tandem park in their driveways; DPW said this had not been done. He indicated in the letter to Council that the signage would not be as frequent as it is in the south part of Broadway; the ';igns will be approximately 150 feet apart instead of 75 feet between signs. On short blocks, signs would be installed just at the beginning and end of the intersection. Mayor O'Mahony asked if there would be a problem with the aggregate in the planter strip due to the installation of the signs; DPW stated this should not pose a problem. Councilman Coffey suggested this issue be revisited; City Attorney Anderson noted that this was brought to Council as a policy consideration and DPW Bagdon took Council's direction and began to implement the program. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if the residents affected by this were noticed, which they were not. The only notification to the public was on the agenda, which can be viewed at City Hall or on the web site. Councilman Coffey asked why there were so many blocks included in this "testing" area. DPW Bagdon stated that at one time, Council suggested this program be implemented within the entire City. He had suggested they review the areas where there were the most complaints. Of the five areas, this area received the most complaints regarding dirty streets. Calls have been received from citizens indicating they are pleased with the proposed program. Mayor O'Mahony suggested it be put back on the agenda for the September 18ft Council meeting. c.Letter from Michael Yessik, Peninsula Velo, 925 Capuchino, regarding annual bicycle race in Burlingame Burlingame City Council 209 September 5, 2000 Council adjoumed to closed session at 8:55 p.m., and retumed to open session at9:23 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION The Council met in closed session to discuss three items: Council met with City Manager in regards to the police and fire negotiations and directed the City Manager in regarding to those negotiations. Council directed the City Attomey with regard to the claim of Darryl Imber and future handling of that claim by the City Attorney's offtce. Council discussed a proposed settlement of a transient occupancy tax claim for refund and directed the Finance Director through the City Attorney with regard to handling that settlement. 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjoumed the meeting at9:24 p.m. Ann T. Musso City Clerk a. b c. September 5, 2000 2t0 Burlingame City Council ?ru*J@