HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.08.21I BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 21,2000 REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:05 p.m. by Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Fire Chief Bill Reilly. 3. ROI-L CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE 4. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 7,2000, were unanimously approved after Councilman Spinelli noted a correction on page 6, 5e) should read " Block Grsnt" instead of "Block Grand"; Mayor O'Mahony noted that the meeting was adjourned in memory of Celestino Romeli, notSelestino Romeli; Father Michael O'Mahony should read Father Michael Mahony, and that Mayor O'Mahony sponsored a team for the Relay for Life along with the Burlingame Post Master. City Attorney announced there was a Closed Session before the meeting regarding Personnel Matters (process for hiring a new City Manager) and on Labor Negotiations with the Police and Fire Administrators. 5" PUBLIC HEARINGS a. APPEAL OF PLANNIN G COMMISSION ACTION ON A DESIGN REVIEW FOR 4 LECOND STORY ADDITION AT 131 LOMA VISTA, ZONED R-l - RESOLUTION 88.2OOO APPROVING CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, DESIGN RE,VIEW AND SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN ATTACHED GARAGE City Planner Monroe reviewed her memo of August 14,2000, which recommended Council hold a public hearing and take action on the design review. The applicants, Vincent and Doreen Cauchi, are requesting to build a 1 180 SF second story addition and add I 1 SF to the first story of their existing three bedroom, singtre family house. The floor area ratio would increase from 28.7 percent to 48.9 percent where 49.8 percent is the maximum allowed. There is one attached covered parking space, which would be retained and would meet the on-site covered parking requirements for a four-bedroom house. The uncovered parking space is provided in the 21' Burlingame City Council 191 August 21,2000 long driveway. The Planning Commission approved this design review at its meeting of July 10, 2000, after a public hearing. A neighbor, Karen Stern, I27 LomaVista Drive, appealed the decision. A letter was received from the applicant this afternoon and was placed before Council. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Ken Ibarra, designer for the project, explained the design and noted the neighborhood would be upgraded, majority of neighbors approve of the project. The applicant, Vincent Cauchi, showed there are other two story houses in the neighborhood; several neighbors were present in support. Speaking in favor of the project were: Dr. Akira Ejima, 113 Loma Vista, who recently completed a remodel of his home and supports the project, consistent with his; Milt Boyd, 150 Loma Vista, looks forward to having better homes on the street; Georgina Catania,l49 Loma Vista, is very happy with the project. Speaking in opposition, Karen Stern, I27 LomaVista, feels the Mediterranean style is completely out of character with the neighborhood, houses on this street are modest, Dr. Ejima's addition is much more traditional in style; construction on an accessory structure in the rear yard was started in 1992 and is still not complete, would like the city to see that this is completed; the balcony on the second floor will be an invasion to her privacy, clear view into her yard. Another person spoke in favor, noting the houses on Loma Vista are a little dated in appearance. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. Council discussed: Councilman Coffey said it's a wonderful project. He moved to approve the project by Resolution 88-2000, feels it is a good design, unanimously supported by the Planning Commission and supported by 15 neighbors. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney. Comments on the motion: Councilman Spinelli noted the applicant followed the design guidelines, project will aid in rejuvenation of neighborhood, applicant went through the city process and made recommended changes, Council should approve the project. Councilwoman Janney agreed. Councilman Galligan said it's not easy to get up and go against your neighbors; believes privacy is not an issue because every second story will look down on a first story; have a great concern about some of the projects in town, don't know that it is Council's job to check into a project's completion, who knows when they begin a project that something might happen so that they can't complete it, there are so many outside considerations; all of our neighborhoods are eclectic, that adds character to the city, would support the Planning Commission decision; want the appellant to know some of the things she mentioned are meaningful but they are things the city has looked at, he will support the project. Mayor O'Mahony said the project would only enhance the neighborhood. The motion carried unanimously. b. AppEAL OF 1108 BURLTNGAME AVENUE, FANNY AND ALEXANDER'S Councilman Spinelli moved to continue as requested to September 18, 2000. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. August 21,2000 192 Burlingame City Council 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 7. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. INTRODUCTION OF'AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE FOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN REVIEW IN C-l AND C.2 ZONING DISTRICTS, TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL PERMIT PROCESS FOR DETACHED GARAGE DIMENSIONS, TO PROHIBIT WAREHOUSE STORAGE IN C.l AND C.2 DISTRICTS, AND TO CLARIFY TIME LIMITS ON'IHE EXERCIZE OF ZONING APPROVALS City Planner Monroe reviewed her memo of August 14,2000, which recofilmended Council review the proposed amendments to the zoning code and introduce the ordinance and schedule the second reading and a public hearing on September 5, 2000. On July 24,2000, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to Council a new ordinance to extend design review to commercial in the C-l and C-2 zoning districts; to prohibit warehouse storage in those districts; to provide a special permit process for detached garage dimensions; and to clarify time limits on the exercise of zoning approvals in certain circumstances. Councilman Spinelli asked if the annotations would be part of the ordinance and he noted a correction to them; CP noted they are kept for historic reference but are not part of the ordinance Councilman Galligan asked if developers and property owners were notified about these proposed changes to commercial zoning; there was a published notice of the public hearing before the Planning Commission but property owners or developers were not specifically notified. Mayor O'Mahony noted that might be a concem, might be premature to act if property owners were not notified; should do some advertising on the matter so that commercial property owners are aware of this, especially in light of the staffing shortage in Planning. Council discussed at length, an independent representative from the city meet with commercial property representatives; a committee could report back on what has been presented to us; do not want this to take too long, if possible, give them 90 days to make recommendation and retum in December or January; give the Mayor some names from which to choose. Mayor thanked people who worked on this document; she will make appointments to the citizens committee at the next meeting and the action on the ordinance was continued. b. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE UPDATING TITLES 1,2 AND 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE City Attorney Anderson reviewed his memo of August 14,2000, which recommended Council introduce the proposed ordinance and schedule a public hearing for September 5, 2000. As part of the effort to update the municipal code, Titles I,2 and 3 have been reviewed to bring them current with practice, law and drafting standards. The Beautification Commission has reviewed Chapter 3.28 and recommended changes contained in this ordinance to better state their duties as a commission. Burlingame City Council 193 August 21,2000 Mayor O'Mahony had question about wording about Beautification Commission overseeing planting of areas "owned or leased" by city, do we want to be bothered by beautifuing leased property; probably referring to property along railroad owned by San Francisco Water and leased by city; other Council members had no problem with this phrase. Mayor O'Mahony asked the City Clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Galligan moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney. The motion carried. Councilman Galligan moved to introduce the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. The Mayor asked the city clerk to publish a sunmary at least 5 days before the public hearing on September 5, 2000. c. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE REVISIN G BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 13.36.040 ESTABLISHING TWO.HOUR PARKING ON SOUTH LANE DPW Bagdon reviewed his memo of August 15,2000, which recommended Council introduce this ordinance and schedule a public hearing for September 5, 2000. Staff received a letter from Mike Harvey's Auto Connection regarding a yellow zone along South Lane adjacent to their property at222-224 California Drive. They request removal of the yellow zone and two-hour parking meter installation to match parking limits in the area. The TSP Commission reviewed this request and recommended Council implement these limits. This ordinance will establish two-hour parking limits on both sides of South Lane. Mayor O'Mahony asked the City Clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Galligan moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney. The motion carried. Councilman Galligan moved to introduce the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. The Mayor asked the city clerk to publish a summary at least 5 days before the public hearing on September 5, 2000. d. LIBRARY AND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS AND UPCOMING EXPIRA TIONS City Manager Argyres reviewed his memo of August 3,2000, which recommended Council determine whether to (1) reappoint incumbent commissioners to Beautification, Park & Recreation, Traffic Safety & Parking, and Civil Service; (2) appoint a candidate from a list of recently interviewed applicants; (3) or call for new applications, setting a filing deadline of Tuesday, September 26,2OOO,to begin the recruitment process. In addition, recently appointed Civil Service Commissioner Gerard Wentworth has decided to waive his appointment, thus leaving a vacancy on that commission and, in June, Council postponed appointment to the Library Board. Council determined to open up applications for the Beautification Commission. Councilman Galligan moved to reappoint Kirkland Heathcote and Richard Minderman to Park & Recreation. Seconded and carried unanimously. Council opened the Traffic Safety Parking, Civil Service and Library Board for new applications until September 26,2000. August 21,2000 r94 Burlingame City Council 8. CONSENT CALENDAR A. APPROYAL OF ATTENDANCE AT OUT OF STATE CONFERENCE FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT AND PUMP STATION YARD WORKER DPW memo of August 4,2000, recommended Council approve the attendance of two staff members to an out-of-state conference in Laughlin, Nevada in September 2000. b. STREET CLOSURE ON OCTOBER3I 2OOO FOR SAFE STREET HALLOWEEN PRIMROSE ROAD City Manager's memo of August 3, 2000, recommended Council approve closure of a portion of Primrose Road between Burlingame Avenue and Donnelly to allow the Rotary Club and others to conduct a "Safe Street Halloween" on October 31, 2000, from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. c. BROADWAY MERCHANTS CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 22,2000 City Manager recommended approval of a request from the Broadway Merchants via a letter dated August 8, 2000, for closure of Parking Lot Y on Chula Vista for a Children's Festival on October 22,2000 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. d. RE,QUEST TO BESTRUCTURE THE PLANNI City Planner's memo of August 15,2000, recommended Council approve reclassiffing on position of Planner to Senior Planner and adding one additional position of Zorung Technician for the Planning Department. The current workload of planning staff and the Planning Commission is exceeding staff s and the commission's capacity; because of this the state mandated time limits for processing planning applications are becoming a problem; and design review is likely to expand to include commercially zoned property. The cost of these staffing changes is estimated for this year at 573,500. e.APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CII'Y OF SAN MATEO FOR RESURFACING PENINSULA AVENUE DPW memo of August 14,2000, recommended Council approve a resolution authorizing an agreement with the City of San Mateo for resurfacing Peninsula Avenue between El Camino and Humboldt. The city is in the process of advertising the project and will award at the September 5, 2000, Council meeting. The total project cost is estimated to be $595,000 including the City of San Mateo's portion of $290,000. f. RE,SOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO.3 WITH CALLANDAR ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE LOWER DECK LANDFILL IMPROVEMENTS Burlingame City Council 19s August 21,2000 STAFF DPW memo of August 16,2000, recommended Council approve a resolution authorizing Agreement Amendment No. 3 with Callander Associates in the amount of $78,554 for lower deck landfill construction services. g.RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING OF PUBLIC WORKS TO REOUEST l. CAL TO POST NO LEFT TURN FROM RALSTON AVENUE TO EL CAMINO REAL DPW memo of August 15, 2000, recommended Council approve a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to request approval from CalTrans to prohibit left turns from Ralston Avenue onto El Camino Real. The TSPC has reviewed this issue and approved prohibiting left turns onto El Camino, residents in the area were notified of the TSPC meeting and there were no speakers on this subject at the meeting. h. APPROVE A 3O.DAY EXTENSION TO LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH City Attorney's memo of August 15,2000, reconnmended Council approve extension of the license agreement with Metricom for thirty days to September 20,2000. AND JULY 2OOO Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 71033-71745 (excluding Library checks 71176-71214), duly audited, in the amount of $2,744,391.20, Payroll Checks 128345-1292ll for July 2000 in the amount of $1,475,354.24 and EFTs for July 2000 in the amount of $329,272.44. Councilwoman Janney moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and caried unanimously. 9. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Galligan went to Chamber Board meeting. Councilwoman Janney also attended the Chamber Board, as well as Convention Bureau and Samtrans meeting, also went to the San Mateo County Fair opening; she noted she would be away for the first Council meeting in September. Councilman Spinelli reported on Airport Roundtable activities. Councilman Coffey attended San Mateo County Fair, Airport Roundtable, attended former Planning Commissioner Frank Cistulli's services. Mayor O'Mahony also attended the opening of the San Mateo County Fair, C/CAG, Francisco Cistulli's funeral services as well as John Hughes funeral services. IO. OLD BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony read a letter from Jeff Kim and other staff about the six weeks of Friday night programs for teens which Council supported this past year. \- August 21,2000 196 Burlingame City Council METRICOM,INC. 11. NEW BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony scheduled an appeal hearing for September 18, 2000, of the Planning Commission decision regarding I 12 Bayswater. The appeal hearing for Fanny and Alexander, 1108 Burlingame Avenue, was continued to September 18, 2000. 12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Beautification, August3,2000; Planning, August 14,2000; Traffic, Safety and Parking, July 13,2000. b. Department Reports: Police, July 2000; Finance, July 2000. c. Letter from Youth and Family Assistance thanking the city for $2,500 donation. d. Letter from Carole Groom, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, regarding the annual bicycle race. e. Proclamation for "Constitution Week," September 17 to 23,2000. f. Proclamation celebrating the 25th Birthday of Burlingame Soccer's Region 63. g. Proclamation for "Walk to School Day," October 4,2000. 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at p.na. 8:26 p.m. in memory of Francisco Cistulli and John Hughes. Francisco served over two decades on the Burlingame Planning Commission, including three terms as Chairman; he was known as "Mr. Bingo" at Our Lady of Angels Church. John was a local businessman and longtime Lion's Club Member. Ann T. Musso City Clerk Burlingame City Council r97 August 21,2000