HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.03.20BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 20,2000 -CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at7:14 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Colman Conneely ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: SPINELLI, COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY NONE CLOSED SESSION The Council met in closed session with City Manager and Representatives of IEDA regarding the ongoing Police Officer negotiations. The Council instructed both the City Manager and IEDA on how to proceed further with those negotiations. MINUTES Council held a discussion on the content of past Council meeting minutes. It was agreed that Council would give the City Clerk their input on how they would like future minutes to be presented. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 23,2000 after making a correction to the order of the closed session sunmary and adjoumment. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney; approved by voice vote 5-0. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 6,2000 noting the addition of Item D of the consent calendar which had been omitted; seconded by Councilwoman Janney; approved by voice vote 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bill Wohler, 1508 Arc Way, commented on the current manner in which the minutes are written and felt completeness and identifuing each comment was beneficial when reading them on the City web site. Ray Jungwinh, Prime Time Athletic Club, 1730 Rollins Road, stated he was in attendance to answer any questions from Council regarding his appeal for a sign permit. Burlingame City Council 95 March 20,2400 INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE OF'THE OF BURLINGAME ADOPTING AN INTERIM CHANGE TO SECTION 25.57.030 AMEI{DING DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS TO PROVIDE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS City Planner Meg Monroe reviewed her staff report on the ordinance which would have all design review projects go immediately to the Planning Commission for an interactive study with the applicant before being assigned to design review. This ordinance would amend the design review process for one year, atwhich time this amendment would be reviewed. Recommended setting the second reading and public hearing for April 3. Vice-Mayor Galligan felt this would make the design review process more user-friendly since the applicants will know early on in the process how the Planning Commission feels about a project; also, it gives the design reviewer input and direction from the Planning Commission. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to read the title of the proposed ordinance; a motion was made by Councilman Coffey to waive the reading of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Spinelli; carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. A motion was made by Councilwoman Janney to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Coffey; carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AMENDING THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO CREATE AN OVERLAY DISTRICT BETWEEN TOYON DRIVE AND BLOOMFIELD ROAD IN THE ROLLINS ROAD MULTIPLE FAMILY SUBZONE City Planner Monroe explained the purpose of this ordinance is to resolve a conflict between the General Plan land use designation and the zoning in the area fronting Rollins Road between Toyon Drive and Rose Court as it -extends to the east to Rollins Road. After study, the Planning Commission determined that the best solution would be to create an overlay zone that enables a two-story multiple family development in the area with a lower density than the regular R-3 zone. The overlay is proposed to extend from Toyon to Bloomfield since these R-l units back up into the high density R-3 zone along this entire area. The proposed ordinance would be used to implement the change in the General Plan. Mayor O'Mahony called on the City Clerk to read the title of the proposed ordinance; a motion was made by Councilwoman Janney to waive the reading of the ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan; carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. A motion was made by Councilman Spinelli to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Janney; carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony directed the City Clerk to publish notice of the proposed ordinance at least five days before its proposed adoption. CONSENT CALENDAR REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP) FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES-TEEN/COMMT]NITY CENTER PROJECT Parks and Recreation Director Williams will prepare a draft Request for Proposal, which can be used to start the search for the selection of a consultant to assist in the process of developing a teen/community center. Draft will be returned to Council for approval. a. March 20, 2000 96 Burlingame City Council RESOLUTION DECLARING AIRCRAFT NOISE A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN F'OR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AT SX'O At the City Council meeting of March 6, Councilman Spinelli requested that the City consider a Resolution as discussed at the Airport/Community Roundtable. This Resolution would declare aircraft noise a significant environmental concern to be considered and mitigated in all environmental studies of any nrnway reconfiguration -planned at San Francisco International Airport. c. RESOLUTION APPLovINq AGREEMENT rOR ARCHITEC ICES; CORPORATION YARD RECONSTRUCTION - CP 9601 Recommended by Director of Public Works Bagdon to adopt a Resolution approving an agreement with Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich and Tucker for architectural services for the Corporation Yard Reconstruction in the amount of $596,258. d. ESTABLISHMENT OF USE POLICY T'OR BURLINGAME SOCCER CENTER Parks and Recreation Director Williams recommended the establishment of a basic policy for the Burlingame Soccer Center use giving priority to local soccer programs that quali$ but also permiuing the Parks and Recreation Department to schedule other compatible non-soccer uses. These non-soccer uses would need to be qualified based on certain criteria. e Recommended by City Manager Argyres to approve Special Event Application for a 5K race in the area of BIS on April29 subject to conditions. -f. REJECT cLAIM oF LILLIAN sACo FoR pERsoNAL INJUR oN JUNE 8. 1999 City Attorney Anderson recofllmended rejecting claim of Lillian Saco for personal injuries that she apparently suffered on June 8,1999 when she fell over a drain cover near 1444 Burlingame Avenue. ob SPECIAL EVENT _ BURLINGAME 1375 BURLINGAME AVENUE City Manager Argyres recorrmended approval of request to use seven parking spaces in Lot J on Sunday, April 9 for a touring museum. h. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warants #68636 to 69048, duly audited, in the amount of $1,202,119.32, excluding Library Check numbers 69049 to 69099; Payroll checks 124102 to 124887 for February 2000 in the amount of $1,264,768.60; and EFT's for the month of February 2000 in the amount of $333,105.29. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Coffey attended the Arbor Day celebration, Commerce and Coffee Chamber meeting, the Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance session; Councilman Spinelli attended the Arbor Day celebration; Councilwoman _Janney attended a Sam Trans Board of Director's meeting, Chamber Board, Coffee and Commerce Breakfast, b. Burlingame City Council 97 March 20,2000 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT _ B.C.E. 5K RACE APRIL 29.2OOO Chamber Open-House, Dad's Count Breakfast hosted by Jerry Hill, spoke at a Burlingame Lions Club meeting, attended various St. Patrick's Day events as well as the Arbor Day celebration. Vice Mayor Galligan affended a fundraiser regarding the pool, Poplar Recare dinner, Chamber Board of Director's meeting, Chamber Open- House, ribbon cutting for the new Home Consignment shop and the Arbor Day tree celebration. Mayor O'Mahony attended the Arbor Day celebration, opening of Burlingame Girl's Softball season, Coffee and Commerce Breakfast, Washington School shadowing Principal Delantoni, and Poplar Recare dinner. NEW BUSINESS Council set an appeal hearing for a sign exception at Prime Time Athletic Club, 1730 Rollins Road on April 3. Mayor O'Mahony requested that a letter sent by Mr. Lawrence Lui, Stanford Hospitality Group be placed on a future Council agenda with a staff report. The City Selection Committee meeting will be held on Friday, March 24,which conflicts with the Annual Commissioner's Dinner. Vice Mayor Galligan volunteered to attend the meeting for the Council before the Commissioner' s Dinner. Councilman Coffey proposed four recommendation to improve the Planning Commission minutes. They are: 1) place initials before each Commissioner's comments to identiff the speaker, 2) list pro and con testimony separately for each item for a clearer understanding, 3) show the title of the applicant on the agenda and for each item in the minutes; and 4) continue to note the ending times of each agendized items. City Attorney noted that this needed to be placed on a future agenda for action. Vice Mayor Galligan noted that airport runway improvements are going to have a big effect on the City; many of the City's Commissions have valuable information on the bay shore line. When the mayor meets with the Chairs of the Commissions, she should get the Chairs to coordinate identification of the City's concerns. Mayor O'Mahony noted that Director of Public Works Bagdon had compiled a number of items for her on this project. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Parks and Recreation, February 17 andMarch 10; Beautification, March 2; Planning, March 13 b. Monthly Reports: Building, February 2000; Finance, February 29 c. Letter from George Parker, 733 Lexington Way, regarding drainage problems near his home d. Letter from Robert Rienecker,2633 Martinez, regarding fall on a web meter box at 1730 Sequoia e" Letter from John and Diana Sheratt, lT42Escalante Way, regarding cable television service f. Letter from Barbara Aigner-Nelson, 1361 Edgehill, regar<iing Paloma Neighborhood Park ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Ann T. Musso cit al;rk - A/rU/- Z 7r'"4 March 20, 2000 98 Burlingame City Council