HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2000.01.19BU RLINGAM E, CALIFORNIA January 19, 2000 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony called the meeting to order at7:02 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Tex Patterson. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES Council approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 4,2000. CEREMONIAL MATTERS Mayor O'Mahony invited newly appointed City Clerk, Ann Musso, to the podium to be sworn in by Fire Chief Bill Reilly. Before Chief Reilly began the oath, he stated he was proud of Ann and appreciated working with herforthe past ll years; thatthe Fire Departments loss istheCity's gain. CONTINUATION OF APPEAL HEARING FOR A RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 949-965 ROLLINS ROAD Ronald Ferner, the architect for the residential condominium project located at 949-965 Rollins Road requested the appeal hearing be delayed until February 23. Councilman Galligan moved to reschedule this hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jennifer Pfaff ,615 Bayswater Avenue, spoke regarding the meeting on Janudty 4,2000. She felt that certain Councilmembers were not listening to what was being said during public comments regarding the splitting of the City Clerk position; that they were not attempting to bully the Council, only desiring to make a difference in their community. Burlingame City Council td (ob January 19,2000 PLANNING AND SENIOR COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS AND COMMISSIONER TERM EXPIRATIONS The City Manager noted three applications for the Planning Commission and two applications for the Senior Commission were received. Today received another resignation from the Senior Commission, Mary Hamrock. Candidates for both Commissions have been interuiewed before tonight's Council meeting. Councilman Spinelli and Councilwoman Janney interviewed three prospective candidates for the Planning Commission; were split between Mark Grandcolis and Ralph Osterling. Councilman Spinelli was concerned about the time commitment required of a Planning Commissioner; Ralph Osterling had been on another Commission and was not able to be present at many meetings; in light of the time commitment, Councilman Spinelli supported Mark Grandcolis for the position. Councilwoman Janney was reluctant to presume Mr. Osterling would not be available if he made the commitment. She stated both candidates were qualified, but Mr. Osterling could bring very unique set of experiences to the Commission because of the work he's done as a Land Use Consultant and his experiences on statewide commissions. Mayor O'Mahony stated she felt Mr. Osterling could not keep the time commitmenU she thanked David Hinkle for applying for the commission and acknowledged his work for the Broadway Merchants. Ralph Osterling was appointed on a vote of 3 - 2, Mayor O'Mahony and Councilman Spinelli voting for Mark Grandcolis. Councilman Coffey stated it was important that Planning Commission meetings need to be held in a reasonable time frame; concerned the City could lose current members as well as future applicants. Vice Mayor Galligan repofted on Senior Commission applicants interuiewed; initially there was only one opening with two applicants. Unfortunately, Mary Hamrock submitted her application for resignation, which left the Senior Commission with two openings. Doug Anderson, 69- year resident of Burlingame, is a very active volunteer. Harrison Holland, teaches about senior issues in Pacific Rim countries and is very knowledgeable regarding senior issues around the world. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to appoint Doug Anderson and Harrison Holland to the Senior Commission. Mayor O'Mahony seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously. City Manager noted that Kathy McCormick's term on the Senior Commission is due to expire in March. Mayor O'Mahony stated Mrs. McCormick indicated interest in continuing her seruice to the Senior Commission. Vice Mayor Galligan made a motion to renew her term; Councilwoman Janney seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously. 1998-99 COMPREHENSM ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) City Manager stated the Audit Committee, consisting of Mayor and Vice Mayor, met with members of staff in early December to review audit and flnancial statements. City received a clean audit repoft; there was no management letter from the auditors concerning procedural corrections. Library cash handling protedures were reviewed at the request of staff and received a verbal comment that the auditors were satisfied with the new procedure. Rahn Becker and Linda Lee deserue credit for the hard work done on the audit. The Council unanimously accepted the audit report. Burlingame City Council 67 January 19, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 9-2OOO NAMING JANUARY 3I-FEBRUARY 7 AS *VOTER REGISTRATION WEEK" In order to draw attention to the problem of low voter participation, Mayor O'Mahony recommended the City of Burlingame adopt a resolution naming January 31-February 7h as "Voter Registration Week". b. RESOLUTION 1O-2OOO ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR CITY CLERK City Manager recommends that Council adopt resolution establishing compensation for City Clerk to be in the amount of $4,828 - 5,774 per month for assigned duties plus 9590 per month as an elected official. RESOLUTION 11-2OOO SHARED COMPUTER SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MILLBRAE POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief recommends the Burlingame and Millbrae Police Departments approve a formal agreement to work together to share the costs and advantages of a mutual computerized records and dispatch system. TETTER FROM GRAND JURY ON THE CONCURRENT HOLDING OF TWO ELECTIVE OFFICES AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL FROM CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION 12-2OOO ADDING NEW CITY CLERK TO AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE LIST Recommended by Finance Director to add Ann T. Musso to authorized signatories for city checks, and delete retired City Clerk Judy Malfatti from the list. f. WARRANTS AND PAYROII Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 67608-68000, duly audited, in the amount of $1,959,676,60 (excluding Library checks 67717-67761); Payroll checks L22543- 123346 for the month of December, 1999 in the amount of 91,257,217.37; corrected Electronic Fund Transfers for the month of November, 1999 in the amount of 9520,674.L9, and Electronic Fund Transfer for the month of December, 1999 in the amount of g342,3L5.22. a c d e January 19, 2000 68 Burlingame City Council City Manager recommended that Council authorize the draft reply from the City Attorney to the Grand Jury. Felt there were no problems in the City of Burlingame with concurrent holding of two elective offices. Councilman Galligan moved approval on the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Mayor O'Mahony and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMTTTEE REPORTS Councilman Coffey reported he met with the City/District Liaison Group; it was very informative and interesting. Also attended the San Mateo City Council study session on the 301 Airport project. Councilman Spinelli attended the Airport roundtable meeting for January and spoke to Airport Director regarding mitigation plans for airport runways. Councilwoman Janney attended the Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting; also a meeting with Parks and Recreation Director regarding the new aqua center and the community opening scheduled for April 15. At the December Board Meeting of the Convention and Visitors Bureau it was reported that Consultant Steven Steinhart was retained to help with a reorganization study and hiring of a new CEO. Councilwoman Janney will report on information when it becomes available. Councilman Galligan attended the Chamber Board of Director's meeting and School Liaison meeting. Also attended a meeting with the Mayor O'Mahony and the Burlingame Lions regarding the use of the hall for a teen center. Mayor O'Mahony also acknowledged attending a meeting with the Burlingame Lions regarding the teen center. She also attended to Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Council scheduled an appeal hearing for February 7th for the residential project at 149 Pepper. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Planning Depaftment Reports: Treasurer, December 31, 19999; Building, Inspection December 31, 1999, Police, December 31, 1999. Review TCI Representative Comments on CATV Programming Requests and Surueys from Public Hearings September 9 and 23, 1998. CLOSED SESSION Met in closed session with the City Manager, City Attorney, Mike Nave - Special Counsel to the City, and Director of Public Works regarding negotiations over the possible purchase of 1140 Laguna Avenue. The Council instructed Mr. Nave, the City Manager and City Attorney regarding future negotiations regarding that property. Returned to open session at 8:17 p.m. a b c Burlingame City Council January 19, 20O0 NEW BUSINESS Council moved to a closed session at 7:43. 69 ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY Mayor O'Mahony noted with sadness the recent death of a former Burlingame Fire Marshal Howard Pearson on January 11, 2000. After a moment of silence in his memory, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. 0/l^r-J."?w*oO Ann T. Musso City Clerk January L9,2000 70 Burlingame City Council