HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1999.07.06BI,JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA July 6, 1999 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mary Janney. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Ird by Fire Chief Bill Reilly. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 21,1999 were unanimously approved after Councilman Spinelli deleted an extraneous "tbe" on page 2, second paragraph. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR CARIBBEAN GARDENS. 1306 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY City Manager reviewed the memo of June 22, 7999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action to deny the request to extend hours of operation to 3 a.m. Caribbean Gardens was first approved for nightclub entertainment with live music and dancing in March 1992. The business has changed ownership twice since that time. The current owner, Nina Hernandez, has asked that the permit be amended to allow the business to remain open to 3 a.m. The owner proposes to stop serving alcohol at 1:30 a.m. and music would stop by 2:45 a.m. in order to close the club. The Police Department strongly opposes the amendment. The business is in a difficult location and has had 15 calls for service during the past year which involved possible physical confrontations. It is virtually impossible to enforce termination of alcohol service, particularly when entertainment is being conducted. He recommended denial. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Galligan moved to deny the permit amendment as recommended by staff. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony. Councilman Spinelli noted based on the large number of calls for police service there is reason to deny this. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. City Manager reviewed the memo of June 22, 1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action to approve the amendment for Park Plaza Hotel to allow up to two special events per month under certain conditions. The Park Plaza Hotel was recently granted an amusement 555 PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR PARK PLAZA HOTEL. 1177 AIRPORT BOULEVARD permit for piano and lounge entertainment. The hotel would like to be able to have up to two events for which tickets could be sold that are not sponsored by the Hotel. This would be similar to a recent amendment to the permit of the Hyatt Hotel. The same conditions used for the Hyatt permit requiring coordination between the event producer, hotel security, and the Police would be imposed. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the permit amendment as requested. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - DRAFT ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT (EIR) FOR THE BURLINGAME SHORELINE TRAIL (1200 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY) AND THE BAYFRONT TRAIL GAp CLOSURE CONCEPT (1220 TO 13-18 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY) - CP 9643 City Engineer reviewed the memo of June 29, 1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing to review the draft EIR for the Shoreline Trail and the Bayfront Trail Gap Closure. The existing bicycle/pedestrian trail along the San Francisco Bay has a missing gap from behind 1200 Bayshoie to the One Bay Plaza office building (1350 Bayshore). The missing 178 linear feet of trail UehinO the gas station is called the Burlingame Shoreline Trail. The city plans on constructing this trail segment in the surnmer of 2000. The remaining 1113 linear feet of trail is called the Bayfront Trail Gap. The Draft EIR serves as a project EIR for the tsurlingame Shoreline trail and a project EIR for the Bayfront Trail Gap area. The document can be used when parcels are redeveloped and individual segments are planned for construction in the Bayfront Trail Gap area and the EIR may be incorporated into specific environmental reviews. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Peter Callander, landscape architect working with Nolte Associates on this project, gave a brief overview of the project which is meant to provide public access walkways and two bridges along the bayfront. Bert Verrips, Nolte Associates, expanded upon the two areas of this project. They responded to Vice Mayor Knight's questions about the number of parking spaces which might be lost at the businesses in the larger area when the Gap project is built. Verrips noted that the number of parking spaces lost would be less than if they redeveloped their projects and tried to get permits from BCDC for a new development. Robert Wadell, property owner of 1220 Bayshore, has owned property for some time and would like to develop it with a small office building; expressed his coucerns about property rights and expenses forced upon property owners affected by this project; city is asking property owner to provide land and pay for the improvements including a bridge for this path; he wrote a letter in September 1998 about concerns regarding pedestrian path and some of his ecncerns are not addressed in the DEIR: flood protection, the no bridge/fiIl ditch option, health and safety hazatd from ditch, loss of use of property; and loss of land for parking. The hearing was closed. Mayor Janney noted all comments would be submitted to the consultant and considered in the final EIR. Council asked that Wadell's letter be considered. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to submit the document to Nolte & Associates. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. July 6, 1999 550 Burlingame City Council PUBLIC HEARING - LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT Police Chief reviewed his memo of June ll,1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. The 1998 Federal Block Grant of $26,023 has been reviewed by the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Advisory Board and plans for spending these funds on overtime and computer equipment for plain clothes officers were approved. Before the funds are made available, the city council must hold a public hearing to give the public a chance to comment on these expenditures. He responded to council comments. Councilman Galligan noted computers are great for police to have in their cars to get quick answers on licenses and other issues. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Knight moved to approve the use of funds for the block grant. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1616 ESTABLISHING 1999-2OOO WATER RATES City Manager reviewed the memo of June 24, 1999, which recommended council introduce this ordinance to increase water rutes 12.4 percent. The proposed increase is caused by a 35 percent increase in the cost of water purchased from the San Francisco Water Department. Two specific actions were taken to mitigate this increase. First, council approved a loan of $1 million to the Water Fund for funding a portion of the city's water improvements; and second, the public works director recommended a reduction of $472,000 in the annual capital improvements transfer from the water fund to water capital improvement based on the expected cash flow requirements for the capital program. Effective September l, 1999, the residential water rate will increase from $2.02 to $2.27 per 1000 gallons of water consumed and an increase in the fixed charge. A11 property owners and tenants who pay water bills were notified of the rate increase 45 days before the hearing. Burlingame continues to enjoy lower rates than adjoining communities. Staff responded to council comments. The mayor asked the City Clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously by voice vote. Councilman Spinelli moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1616. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously by voice vote. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1617 ESTABLISHING 1999-2OOO SEWER RATES City Manager reviewed the memo of June 24, 1999, which recommended council introduce this ordinance to increase sewer rates. Proposed rates for single family increase 4.6 percent to $2.51. The new rates will be effective September 1,1999. These new rates will raise revenue equal to the cost of operations, less depreciation. The mayor asked the City Clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Galligan moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously by voice vote" Vice Mayor Knight moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1617. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously by voice vote. Burlingame Ciff Council 557 July 6, 1999 a BURLINGAME AOUATIC CENTER STATUS REPORT Parks & Recreation Director reviewed his memo of June 21, 1999, which noted the High School District is moving ahead with the State architect, the swimming pool architect and contractor regarding expanding the project; reviewed the projected schedule of events and the hope that construction would begin this sumrner. ARGUMENT IN OPPOSITION TO BALLOT MEASURE City Manager reviewed the memo of June 25, 1999, which recommended council authorize Councilman Galligan to present the argument against the ballot measure on whether to appoint or elect the City Clerk on the upcoming election. At the last meeting, council reviewed the proposed ballot argument in favor of the measure asking voters whether the City Clerk should be appointed and authorized four of its members to sign the argument in favor. Councilman Galligan indicated he would like to present the argument in opposition and council indicated it would prefer to see the argument before it authorized him to present it. Councilman Galligan's argument was attached. Councilman Galligan moved that council authorize him to present the argument in opposition. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony. Councilwoman (-)'Mahony asked the acting city attorney about the "priority" procedure for arguments; attorney responded. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 67-1999 ORDERING AND CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 2. 1999: REOUESTING THE SERVICES OF THE COUNTY CLERK. REOUESTING CONSOLIDATION AND CERTAIN OTHER PROCEDURES; REOUIRING PAYMENT OF PRORATED COSTS OF CANDIDATE STATEMENTS: AND PROVIDING FOR GIVING NOTICE OF ELECTION City Clerk's memo of June 15, 1999, recommendeC council adopt the resolution calling for an election to be held November 2; approve an agreement with the County Clerk for certain services; and require payment of prorated costs of candidate statements. RESOLUTION 68-1999 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY SERVICES JPA (FOR INSURANCE) Fire Chief's memo of June 28, 1999, recommended council approve a resolution amending the JPA agreement to provide for insurance requirements. RESOLUTION 69-1999 AWARDING CONTRACT TO HILLSIDE DRILLING COMPANY FOR MILLS CANYON SEWER ACCESS ROAD REPAIR - CP 9733 Public Works memo of June 28, 1999, recommended council award this contract to Hillside Drilling in the amount of $497,269. b c July 6, 1999 558 Burlingame City Council d e RESOLUTION 70-1999 AGREEING TO THE CONDITIONS OF STATE TRANSPOR- TATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (STIP) Public Works memo of June 25,1999, recommended council approve a resolution agreeing to the conditions of the State Transportation Improvement Programs to (1) provide matching funds, (2) cover any cost overruns, (3) build according to grant application, and (4) complete project within schedule described in grant application. RESOLUTION 71-1999 ACCEPTING COMPLETION BY DESILVA GATES CONSTRUC- TroN oF THE LANDFILL DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT - CP 9117(4) Public Works memo of June 24, 1999, recommended council accept this project as completed by DeSilva Gates in the amount of $608,902.21. RESOLUTION 72-1999 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO SHUTTLE BUS CONTRACT WITH LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES Finance Director's memo of June 28, L999, recommended council approve an amendment to the shuttle bus contract for the commuter shuttle with Laidlaw Transit which purchased our shuttle bus provider this year. RESOLUTION 73-1999 RECOMMENDING THE COUNTY IMPOSE CHARGES FOR THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PROGRAM Public Works memo of June 24, 1999, recommended council endorse the 1999-2000 General Program budget as adopted by CCAG and use the San Mateo County Flood Control District as the funding mechanism to support the General Program activities. The District will collect $3.44 for each single family parcel in the city. All other land uses are charged at a minimum base rate plus, depending upon size and use. RESOLUTION 74-1999 ACCEPTING COMPLETION BY JJR CONSTRUCTION OF 1997- 1998 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE PROJECT - CP 9734 Public Works memo of June 29, 1999, recommended council accept this project as completed by JJR Construction in the amount of $1,061,460. RESOLUTION 75-1999 APPROVING ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH NEXTLINK. CALIFORNIA. INC. FOR INSTALLATION OF FIBER OPTIC LINE Public Works memo of June 29, 1999, recommended council approve this encroachment agreement with Nextlink for installing fiber optic liles. APPOINTMENT OF SCOTT MARTINDALE AS PARK & RECREATION YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSIONER Parks & Recreation Director's naemo of June 29, 1999, recommended council appoint Scott Martindale as youth advisory member to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a term through June 30, 2000" f ot h 1. Burlingame City Council 559 July 6, 1999 J. k REJECT CLAIMS OF: (1) USSA/MARIORIE RANCH: (2) MARTHA PALAZZOLO; AND (3) IRINA CARRENCA City Attorney's memos of June 18, 2l and 21, 1999, recommended council reject these claims for (1) tire damage, (2) towing charges, and (3) personal injury to her child. Councilman Galligan moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Spinelli reported the NOISE convention would take place soon in Millbrae and he plans to attend. Vice Mayor Knight told about the Transportation Authority; Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance; SamTrans search for a new director. Councilman Galligan went to the Convention Bureau meeting; noted he and other council members attended the employee awards luncheon; went to golf committee meeting; lradership meeting; and he and Councilwoman O'Mahony went to the Police and Fire Recreation Night for Teens, praised this event. Councilwoman O'Mahony said the city should be funding the Police & Fire Recreation Night for Teens, she noted the Lions Club provides funds for this event, she was proud of our officers who participated along with their wives; she went to CCAG, and Mayor Datzman's meeting on AB 670 and BART; also an OLA event. Mayor Janney attended the dinner for Superintendent Tom Mohr; a Chamber coffee; council of cities; employee awards luncheon; Chamber board meeting and convention bureau. Mayor asked that a donation for the Police & Fire teen event be put on the next agenda. OLD BUSINESS Vice Mayor Knight noted the letter from Supervisor Hill listed under Acknowledgments opposing the BART to Menlo Park measure. She asked that a similar resolution be put on a future agenda for action. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Janney scheduled a hearing for the August 2, 1999, city council meeting for an appeal of the Planning Commission decision regarding 2228 Davis Drive. Councilwoman O'Mahony asked that council consider donating $2000 to the Teen event. Staff note this will be on a future agenda for action. Councilwoman O'Mahony noted parking lots were full on Broadway and asked if council would consider purchase of an available site for parking. Council asked staff to inquire about availability of the site. Councilwoman O'Mahony asked for a proclam- ation in support of Census 2000 as requested by Supervisor Rose Gibson. Staff will put on the next agenda. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Senior, June 17; Parks & Recreation, June 24; Planning, June 28, 1999. Department Reports: Police, May 1999. a b July 6, 1999 560 Burlingame City Council c d Letter from Supervisor Jerry Hill opposing at this time the ballot measure proposing extension of BART to Menlo Park. ktter from Argentina Bittancourt opposing any changes to the Peninsula/101 and Poplar/101 interchanges and the office park proposed for Airport Boulevard. Two letters from Rich Gordon, Transportation Authority, regarding railroad stations and grade separation projects. e t i I I Council said these letters were omitted from their packet. Staff will forward to them f ob Letter from San Mateo Union High School District regarding implementation of new developer fees. Irtters from Mr and Mrs Dancer and from Woodlake Association Board of Directors regarding expansion of Peninsula Avenue overpass. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF FRANK J. PAGLIARO. SR. Mayor Janney noted the recent death of the father of former Mayor and Councilman Frank Pagliaro. His father, Frank J. Pagliaro, Senior, passed away in New York at the age of 99. After a moment of silence in his memory, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk Burlingame City Council 561 July 6, 1999 i It ; t" I I I i' I I I. i