HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1999.12.06BIJRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA December 6,1999 CLOSED SESSION Mayor O'Mahony called the meeting to order at a Closed Session of the City Council at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A of City Hall. All five council members were present. Council conferred with its Labor Negotiator, the City Manager, regarding negotiations with the Police Officers Association. At 6:55 p.m. council moved to chambers for the regular meeting. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. This was the last regular meeting for City Clerk Judy Malfatti. The meeting was called to order at7 03 p.m. by Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Peter Wickman ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: COFFEY, GALLIGAN, JANNEY, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November L6,1999, were unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. VARIANCE FOR PARKING SPACE DIMENSION AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 12 UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING AT 1237-1241 CAPUCHINO AVENUE; APPROVING RESOLUTION 120-1999 WITH CONDITIONS: AND APPROVING TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP AND FINAL PARCEL MAPS City Planner reviewed her memo of November 24, 1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action on both the Planning issues and the maps. The applicant, Amir Shahmirza, is proposing to build a 12 unit residential condominium on two lots currently occupied by two single family houses; maps are necessary for the merger of the lots and for the condominium; this project was reviewed by the Planning Commission on September 13 and denied without prejudice; it was appealed to council and the council upheld the Planning Commission decision. The applicant returned to the Planning Commission with a revised project on November 8 and the project was denied; the applicant again appealed to council. The proposed project has 12 dwelling units, each with two bedrooms, requiring 24 parking spaces. The project provides 27 parking spaces below grade, three designated for guest parking. One space is disabled accessible and the remaining 26 spaces are designed to uni-stall dimension (8'6" by 19') where code requires 9' by 20', thus requiring a parking variance. Because the project is more than four units, the project requires a Negative Declaration. 45 The applicant submitted a sewer report stating that the existing sewer capacity is sufficient for this project; the project underground garage wall at the front was moved three feet back to accommodate tree planting and the underground walls will be waterproofed to reduce drainage pumping to the street. The applicant notes that delivery trucks can park in the driveway. City Planner noted there arc 29 conditions listed for approval and made clarification corrections to two of these conditions. A letter was received from Anthony and Gail Mosse , 1252 Capuchino, objecting to the project because of traffic and parking, inadequate sewer system, no parking for delivery trucks on narrow street and unsuitability of a three story building on this block. City Planner responded to council questions. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Amir Shahmirza, applicant, explained that the plans have been revised in response to council directions, sewer study has been submitted which shows the sewer is adequate; moved back three feet to allow planting of trees and the underground garage will be waterproofed; he felt the Planning Commission was inconsistent in that it recently approved other large condominium and apartment buildings at other locations; this is a good project, meets all code requirements and exceeds parking needs; will provide needed housing and increase the value of neighborhood; he requested approval. Mayor O'Mahony asked if he would agree to putting a loading zone in front of the project; he said he would. Speaking in opposition was Sean Doherty, l25l Capuchino and Vaztkes Boghossian, 1249 Capuchino; agreed with Mosse letter concerns; Planning Commission has denied this project twice; a yellow zone would be good for deliveries but would take two vital parking spaces away from neighborhood; project doesn't fit into the community, socially or aesthetically; this is neighborhood with small children; will bring it27 morc cars; zoning should be changed to not allow such a large building; project is too tall and too large for this narrow street; they asked denial. Amir Shahmirza declined to comment on rebuttal. The hearing was closed. Council discussed: applicant was given direction by council and has responded; has done a sewer study as requested; agree parking is major issue and council will be studying this soon, but this project is exceeding parking requirements; also have a condition that no recreational vehicles be stored in garage; they will waterproof underground garage walls to reduce drainage pumping to street; at rear of this lot are four story tall buildings; this type of development will be good for the area close to Broadway shopping area; residents at this condo will support Broadway merchants; condo owners will have pride of ownership, better for area i.han apartment ienants; will be large building but will be beautiful; zoning was fixed long ago and such a project is allowed here; don't want to see 14 apartments units here; would approve. Councilman Spinelli said he would support denial because a three story building does not fit on this narrow street; project should be cut back to ten units; the large vehicles that people drive may not fit in these smaller parking spaces allowed by the variance; project belongs on a wider street. Councilwoman Janney moved to reverse the Planning Comrrission denial and approve the Negative Declaration, Variance for Parking Space Dimension and Condominium Permit by adoption of RESOLUTION 120-1999 for the reasons stated in the record and facts in the staff report with conditioned and adding a condition to add a loading zone for deliveries and that the applicant be required to pay costs of installing the loading zone. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and carried 4-1 by voice vote, Councilman Spinelli voting no. Councilwoman Janney moved approval of the Tentative and Final Parcel Map for lot merger and the Tentative Condominium Map for 1237-1241 Capuchino. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and carried 4-1 on voice vote, Councilman Spinelli voting no. December 6, 1999 46 Burlingame City Council PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION 121-1999 APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT. ORDINANCE TO CHANGE ZONING DISTRICT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF REAL ESTATE USE ON FIRST FLOOR AT 320-350 PRIMROSE ROAD - INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1621 City Planner reviewed her memo of November 24, 1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Action should include the General Plan amendment, the ordinance to change the zoning designation, the conditional use permit and the Negative Declaration for all three items. The applicant, Carrick & English, is requesting a General Plan amendment, rezoning and use permit in order to change 2000 SF of an existing bank use to real estate use on the first floor of the office building at 320-350 Primrose Road. The site is presently zone C-l Subarea A of the Burlingame Avenue Commercial District and first floor financial and real estate uses are not allowed. The present bank use and real estate use at the site are nonconforming uses and were present when the Subarea A zone was created in 1980. This proposal would change the zoning district from Burlingame Area Commercial Subarea A to Subarea B-1 where real estate is allowed on the first floor with a conditional use permit. The Planning Commission approved this request at its November 8 meeting. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Spinelli moved to approve the Negative Declaration for the reasons stated by the Planning Commission and in the staff reports. Seconded by Councilman Coffey and carried unanimously. Councilwoman Janney moved to approve RESOLUTION 121-1999 Approving General Plan Amendment for the reasons stated by the Planning Commission and in the staff reports. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and carried unanimously. Mayor O'Mahony asked the City Clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilwoman Janney moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Galligan moved to introduce the ordinance to rezofie the property and schedule a public hearing for January 3,2000. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. The mayor directed the City Clerk to publish a summary of the ordinance. Councilman Spinelli moved to approve the conditional use permit by resolution with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission for the reasons stated by the Planning Commission and in the staff reports. Seconded by Councilman Coffey and carried unanimously. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION City Attorney reported that council met in Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. this evening to discuss with the City Manager labor negotiations with the Police Officers Association. Council gave direction to the City Manager on labor negotiations. At the end of this meeting, council will continue with the Closed Session to discuss with its Real Property Negotiators, the City Manager, City Attorney and the Director of Public Works, the possible purchase of property at 1347 and/or 1369 North Carolan; and also to discuss with the City Attorney threatened litigation in the claim of George's Holiday Cleaners and whether to initiate litigation in one matter. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mary Carson, Judy Miller and James Quinn spoke concerning cable television and their desire for broadcast of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN); their group worked hard on the annual TCI survey but TCI/ATT will not disclose the results of the survey; TCI/ATT have ignored resident desires; a large number of city residents want EWTN service; after TCI's first denial the group worked to get responses to the annual survey in which people indicated they want EWTN and now Burlingame City Council December 6, 199947 Cathy Baylock noted concerns about the reversal of the Planning Commission action on approval of the Capuchino project and concerns about design review; also would like council to consider a new city clerk who could oversee the Website because the agenda was not posted on the Website. City Manager reviewed his memo of December l, 1999, which recommended council set a special meeting to interview City Clerk finalists. Since the City Clerk is an elected official the Brown Act requires that interviews involve a majority of the council and selection be at an open public meeting. Following the interviews, council may appoint a City Clerk. At the close of the recruitment period we had ten applications; one appears to be for only the elected portion of the job, some are for only the deputy portion and the balance are for both of the portions. The unexpired term of the elected City Clerk runs until November 200L. Based on the number of applicants, he suggested council appoint a subcommittee of two council members and the present City Clerk to screen applications and narrow the field to three or four finalists. These finalists would be interviewed by council at the special public meeting. Because this is an elected position, it is not appropriate for the City Manager to make recommendations. Council discussed at length; whether to split into two positions, City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk, or keep it combined; some felt more efficient to have one person; noted some applicants do not live in the city; staff clarified that they would need to move into city and be registered voters before they could be appointed as City Clerk; council appointed Councilwoman Janney and Mayor O'Mahony to meet with the City Clerk and City Manager to screen the applications. Council scheduled a special meeting for December 15, 1999 at 5 p.m. to interview the top applicants and possibly make an appointment. RESOLUTION 122-1999 DIRECTING CITY REPRESENTATIVE'S VOTE ON REORGANIZATION OF JPA AND PURCHASE OF BFI FACILITIES BY THE SBTSA AND (2) RESOLUTION 123-1999 AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO SIGN FRANCHISE COLLECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BFI Asst. City Manager reviewed his memo of November 30, 1999, which recommended council (1) approve a resolution directing affirmative vote on establishment of the South Bay Waste Management Authority (SBWMA) and purchase of BFI's San Carlos facilities by the Authority and recommending to SBWMA that a permanent management function be established by contract with a qualified consulting firm or through expanded contract with San Mateo County; and (2) adopt a resolution authorizing the city manager's signature on a franchise collection agreement between the city and BFI to bring language up to date and consolidate the various documents under the 1987 agreement. Vice Mayor Galligan asked if this would affect rates. Mayor O'Mahony thanked the Asst. City Manager for efforts on behalf of the city in meeting its AB 939 (the Integrated Waste Management Act) goals. Vice Mayor Galligan moved to approve RESOLUTION 122-1999 Directing the City Representative's Vote on Reorganization and Purchase. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. December 6, 1999 48 Burlingame City Council TCI/ATT says the survey results are not available to public because it would give competition an unfair advantage; noted TCI/ATT has no competition in the city, has an exclusive franchise; believe TCI/ATT is being high-handed; asked that council write another letter or a resolution to TCI/ATT. CITY CLERK APPLICANTS - SCHEDULE SPECIAL MEETING FOR INTERVIEWS Vice Mayor Galligan moved approval of RESOLUTION 123-1999 Authorizing the City Manager to sign the Franchise Agreement. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE FROM NEW MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP- MENTS Public Works Director reviewed the memo of November 22, 1999, which recommended council review the four options and direct staff whether to pursue this matter further. Council has asked staff to examine options for addressing groundwater flows in the city's street guffers from new multi-family residential developments. This mainly occurs when groundwater is pumped from below-grade garages into the gutter through curb openings, sometimes flowing several blocks before entering a catch basin. Because of the relatively flat slope of gutters in residential neighborhoods, generally between El Camino and California Drive, the groundwater may pond in numerous locations throughout the year creating safety hazards. He listed four options: 1) require installation of a private storm drain pipe from the development to the nearest city storm drain; 2) install a city storm drain to the private development; 3) do not allow new development to construct below the groundwater table level; or 4) require waterproofing of new development below groundwater table level. Councilman Spinelli said he would like to see one of these options used for every new multi-family residential development. Council asked about how staff would handle this, staff could add to check list; clarif,red that this applies to residential developments only. Council concurred on applying aly one of these options on a case by case basis to all new multi-family residential developments. COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS City Manager's memo of November 15, 1999, recommended council make changes to the list of council assignments for the coming year. Mayor O'Mahony asked council members to inform her of any assignments or changes they desire. COMMISSION APPLICANTS AND NEW VACANCIES ON COMMISSIONS City Manager reviewed his memo of November 23,1999, which recommended council appoint interview teams and schedule interviews for the Beautification, Civil Service, Park & Recreation, Traffic Safety and Parking Commissions and Mosquito Abatement District. In addition there is one seat open on Planning Commission because Mike Coffey was elected to city council and one seat on Senior Commission because of the resignation of Commissioner Herzberg. Council called for applications and set a filing dea{Ji1e of Decemb er 27 , 1999, for these two new vacancies. Vice Mayor Galligan moved to continue Dennis Preger on the Mosquito Abatement Board until December 31, 2000. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried. Interview teams for commissions were appointed: Beautification, Councilman Spinelli and Councilman Coffey; Civil Service, Councilman Spinelli and Vice Mayor Galligan; Park & Recreation, Mayor O'Mahony and Councilwoman Janney; Traffic, Safety and Parking, Councilman Coffey and Vice Mayor Galligan. COTINCILWOMAN JANNEY'S MEMO REGARDING DESIGN REVIEW Councilwoman Janney's memo of November 19 asked that council review the aspects of Design Review; how to make the process work more objectively and responsively; how to limit review of single story and additions to specific problems; and the need to finish the design review guidelines. She felt this would be Burlingame City Council 49 December 6,1999 a good topic for the February joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Council discussed at length; need to make easier for applicants; lessen time spent by Planning Commission; design review of single story houses could be accomplished by limiting height and garage requirements; need to involve Planning Commission in discussions; need to have guidelines, something simple, not an encyclopedia; need a survey done of people who have gone through process, develop questions to ask; need to watch wording in definitions like plate line; agreed to discuss at the joint Planning Commission meeting in February. Mayor O'Mahony has asked that council give her direction on the upcoming vote for assignments of various council members of cities throughout the county to several county wide agencies. Council concurred on supporting Councilwoman Janney for appointment to the Central SamTrans Board seat. Councilman Spinelli moved to support Janney for Central Sam Trans seat. Seconded by Vice Mayor Galligan and carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Galligan supported Michael Guingona of Daly City for appointment to the North SamTrans seat. Councilman Spinelli said he would like to see Maxine Gonsalves appointed to that seat, he moved for her support but there was no second. Councilwoman Janney moved to support Guingona. Seconded Vice Mayor Galligan and carried 4-1, Councilman Spinelli voting no. Councilman Spinelli moved to support John Lee of San Mateo to the Transportation Authority, seconded and carried. Councilman Spinelli moved to support Panza for the Transportation Authority seat. Seconded by Councilman Coffey and carried. Council agreed the mayor should support these people through all votes. Mayor O'Mahony asked if anyone was interested in several seats for which no one has applied. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 124-19OO AWARDING CONTRACT TO GOODLAND LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION FOR THE BAYSIDE PARK. PHASE I. IMPROVEMENTS FOR BURLINGAME LANDFILL LOWER DECK - CP 9117(7) Public Works memo of November 30, 1999, recommended council approve a resolution awarding a contract to Goodland Landscape Construction in the amount of $1,816,339.10 for the Base Bid and Bid Alternates 1 through 4 for Bayside park, Phase I, Improvements constructing the lower deck baseball field, parking lot, dog park, Airport Boulevard parking and the marsh trail. RESOLUTION 125-1949 AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH URS GREINER WOODWARD-CLYDE FOR GEOTECHNICAL AND SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR BAYSIDE PARK. PHASE I. CP 9117(7): AND RESOLUTION 126-1999 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH URS GREINER WOODWARD-CLYDE FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND OUALITY ASSURANCE. PHASE III. LANDFILL LOWER DECK, CP 9i17(2) Public Works memo of November 30, 1999, recommended council approve resolutions authorizing two agreements with URS Greiner Woodward-Clyde (1) in the amount of $97,000 for geotechnical and survey construction services for the Bayside park Phase I (lower deck improvements) and (2) an amendment in the amount of $12,000 for additional construction management and quality assurance services for the Phase III Landfill Closure project. a b December 6,1999 50 Burlingame City Council CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE c d. f (} e RESOLUTION 127-1999 AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF VAC-CON COMBINATION SEWER AND STORM DRAIN CLEANER VEHICLE FROM MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE EOUIPMENT Public Works memo of November 22, 1999, recommended council approve a resolution authorizing purchase of a Vac-Con Combination Sewer and Storm Drain Cleaner vehicle from Municipal Maintenance Equipment in the amount of $204,000 through an existing purchase order from the City of Atwater. RESOLUTION 128-1999 AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH IEDA FOR LABOR RELATIONS CONSULTANT SERVICES City Manager's memo of November 23, 1999, recommended council approve an agreement for consultant services for labor relations with IEDA. IEDA will assist the city with labor relations with the Police, Fire and AFSCME bargaining groups. RESOLUTION 129-1999 ADOPTING RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES City Attorney's memo of November 22, 1999, recommended council adopt a resolution establishing Relocation Assistance and Real property Acquisition Guidelines. RESOLUTION 130.1999 ACCEPTING COMPLETION BY JJR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT J STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS - CP 9511 Public Works memo of November 22, 1999, recommended council approve a resolution accepting the Parking Lot J improvements completed by JJR Construction in the amount of $285,678. RESOLUTION 131-1999 APPROVING ENCROACHMENT PERMIT WITH WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION FOR INSTALLATION OF FIBER OPTIC LINE Public Works memo of November 30, 1999, recommended council approve a resolution authorizing an agreement with Williams Communications for an Encroachment Permit to install fiber optic lines. AUTHORIZE ONE NEW FULL TIME TYPIST CLERK POSITION IN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Parks & Recreation Director's memo of December l, L999, recommended council authorize the addition of a new full time typist clerk'position in the Parks & Recreation Department effective February 1, 2000. The position will be funded by elimination of two part time positions. h Burlingame City Council 51 December 6,1999 REJECT CLAIMS OF JANE BARBER. CHARLOTTE GARRETT, JOHN HUGHES. M. JEAN MALON. DAVID MAYERS, ALFRED STRAUSS. HENRY SORENSEN AND DON VOWELL FOR ALLEGED UNFAIRNESS IN PUBLIC HEARINGS AND IN DECISION REGARDING 535 ALMER ROAD CONDOMINIUM City Attorney's memo of November 23, 1999, recommended council reject these claims of certain owners of condominiums at 525 Almer Road who allege the city handled the application for a condominium permit at 535 Almer in an unfair and inequitable manner. City Librarian's memo of October 29, 1999, requested council approve travel expenses for the City Librarian to attend the Public Library Association Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 28-April 1, 2000. Expenses will not exceed $1,500. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO JOIN IN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF IN ZELIG YS. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES City Attorney's memo of November 9, 1999, recommended council approve joinder in amicus curiae brief at no cost to the city. I. CANCEL CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 20. 1999 City Manager's memo of December l, 1999, recommended council cancel the city council meeting scheduled for December 20, 1999. Public Works memo of November 22, 1999, recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve this final map. n.TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THREE UNITS AT 508 PENINSULA Public Works memo of November 22, 1999, recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve this tentative map. o APPROVE LIBRARY FISCAL POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR BANK ACCOUNTS AND CREDIT CARDS k City Librarian's memo of November 17 , 1999, recommended council approve a revised fiscal and credit card policy and procedure. D. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended payment of Warrants 66549 - 67005, duly audited, in the amount of $2,406,106.75, Payroll Checks 120639 - I2L773 for the month of October 1999 in the amount of $1,861 ,921,92, and Electronic Fund Transfers for the month of October 1999 in the amount of $284,532.89. December 6,1999 52 Burlingame City Council l. J. REOUEST TO ATTEND OUT OF STATE CONFERENCE (LIBRARY) rn. FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THREE UNITS AT 51 EL CAMINO REAL q. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR FOR 2OOO City Clerk's memo of November 10, 1999, recommended council approve a proposed calendar for city council meetings during 2000. Vice Mayor Galligan moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Coffey and carried unanimously by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice Mayor Galligan attended the Chamber Annual meeting, the school district superintendent committee, Council of Cities and North County Council of Cities (NCCC); the South San Francisco council reorganization; he was at the 49'er game at which one of the city's public works employees, Ron Rickman, won a field goal kicking contest; also attended with all council members our tree lighting event. Councilman Spinelli reported on the Airport Roundtable meeting and attended the tree lighting. Councilman Coffey attended the Council of Cities, NCCC and SSF reorganization and the tree lighting where he got his first ride on a fire engine. Councilwoman Janney went to many of these events and also the Millbrae, San Carlos and SSF reorgarizations; she also reported on the Convention Bureau. Mayor O'Mahony attended Council of Cities, CMAQ, and CCAG; the Millbrae and San Carlos reorganizations; and our wonderful tree lighting ceremony. OLD BUSINESS Vice Mayor Galligan expressed concern that there have been no meetings with the Lions Club committee regarding the Lions Hall. Councilwoman Janney said they are waiting for the city; council agreed Mayor O'Mahony and Councilman Spinelli should get in touch with them. Regarding the letter from James Quinn, Vice Mayor Galligan expressed his disappointment in TCI/ATT which represented that they would work with city and citizens; would like to see a strong letter sent to TCI/ATT. Councilman Spinelli said he saw a competitor of ATT putting lines in another city; staff noted that this company is an open video supplier. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Library Board, September 2L;Park and Recreation, October 2l and November 18; Beautification, November 4; Traffic, Safety and Parking, November 10; Planning, November 22, 1999. Department Reports: Treasurer, October 31,1999; Building, October 1999; Police, October t999. Letter from James Quinn regarding cable television and EWTN. Letter from Natalie Harwood regarding need for a senior center and a senior coordinator Letters from Jennifer and Juergen Pfaff, and from Dian Delantoni, Principal of Washington School, regarding the proposed storage facility at999 Howard. a. b c. d. e. f. Letter from Jon Weatherwax opposing any homeless shelters at local churches. Burlingame City Council 53 December 6,1999 ob. h. AT&T / TCI Cable System Upgrade memo from Public Works. Pre-BART Traffic and Parking Count memo from Public Works Council moved into closed session at9:20 p.m. to continue a conference with Real Property Negotiators, the City Manager, City Attorney and Director of Public Works Director, on property acquisition; and with the City Attorney regarding pending and potential litigation matters. The meeting reconvened at9:52 p.m. and the City Attorney summarized that council gave direction to staff on these matters. Mayor O'Mahony noted with sadness the recent passing of Beautification Commissioner William Ward who served on that commission for eight years. After a moment of silence in his memory, the meeting was adjourned at 9:54 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk CLOSED SESSION December 6,1999 54 Burlingame City Council