HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1999.11.16BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November 16,1999 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was called to order at7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mary Janney. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Former council member Bud Harrison led the pledge. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November l,1999, were approved after an addition by Councilman Galligan to page 3, to add his statement "...the measurement of height is affected by the slope of the lot, the house is actually only 30 feet high from adjacent grade..." as a finding to the motion for approval of the 1351 Montero project. The Mayor acknowledged the presence of many in the audience, including County Supervisor Mary Griffin, Daly City Vice Mayor Sal Torres, Millbrae council members Marc Hershman and Dan Quigg, South San Francisco Mayor Pro Tem Carol Matsumoto, Father Michael of Our Lady of Angels Church, retired Burlingame council members Gloria Barton,Irv Amstrup and Bud Harrison, John Root of the Fair Grounds and Judge Quentin Kopp. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None RESOLUTION I19-1999 DECLARING RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MI-INICIPAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 2. 1999 City Manager reviewed the memo of November 9,1999, which recommended council adopt a resolution declaring the results of the election of November 2, 1999. At this election, Mary Janney was re-elected and Mike Coffey was elected to city council. Measure E asking "shall the city clerk position be appointed" was not approved. Councilman Galligan moved to adopt RESOLUTION 119-1999. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously by voice vote. FAREWELL COMMENTS TO VICE MAYOR KNIGHT Mayor Janney noted Vice Mayor Knight has served the city for eight years on council and many other committee assignments and, prior to that, the school district for eight years. Vice Mayor Knight was 43 pleased that she had not had to go through an election this year; she thanked her mentor, Gloria Barton, and also Irv Amstrup, for their help over the years; it's been a wonderful job for a wonderful city; noted not only is she leaving the city council, she is leaving the city and moving to El Dorado County; thanked our City Manager and staff, she presented the City Manager with a button that said "No More Mr. Nice Guy." Mayor Janney presented Vice Mayor Knight with a plaque denoting her years of service on council and many other committees. Marti Knight took a seat in the audience. INSTALLATION OF NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Janney invited newly elected council member Mike Coffey to join her at the podium to be sworn in by Judge Quentin Kopp. Then she and Councilman Coffey assumed their seats. Mayor Janney told of the pleasure of serving as Mayor for the past year; she reviewed some of the major events of the year, including the great new aquatic center we are building. SELECTION OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR Mayor Janney nominated Rosalie O'Mahony as the new mayor. There were no other nominations and Councilwoman O'Mahony was unanimously approved as Mayor. Mayor O'Mahony noted what a special honor it is to be mayor; she said she looked forward to completing the aquatic center, the recreational facility on our old dump site and working on transportation problems in the coming year. She asked for nominations for Vice Mayor. Councilwoman Janney nominated Joe Galligan. There were no other nominations and Councilman Galligan was unanimously approved as Vice Mayor. Mayor O'Mahony invited other council members to say a few words about former council member Marti Ituight. NEW BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony noted a letter was received from ASI appealing the decision of the Planning Commission denying a condominium prcject at 1237-1241 Capuchino. Public hearing was scheduled for December 6, 1999. City Planner noted there would also be a hearing for a general plan amendment and rezoningfor 320-350 Primrose; hearing was set for the December 6 meeting. Mayor O'Mahony presented former mayor Mary Janney with a plaque signifuing her year as mayor ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at7:44 p.m. to a reception ir. the lobby to congratulate the newly elected officials, the new mayor and vice mayor, and to say goodby to Marti Ifuight. Judith A November 16,1999 44 City Clerk Burlingame City Council sA[ ]|ATEO CCUITY, CALTFOR]IIA scKrol olsTRIcT All0 colsoltoATED ELECTI0)lS TUESIAY, XoVEXBEI 2, 1999 823 2285 SIAIEIiEIT Or VOTES C Sr i TP UEttIC OE UTTIt G E BC AA LS LT o T s RV EO GTIE SR TS E R E 0 ctTY cdrxcll - crtY ot at RLltlGAllE 2 TO B€ ELECTEO 62 99 17 62 69 68 38 36 91 36 l8 ?it 52 6t 86 85 69 121 121 18 55 56 5t 88r w 98ti 2&2 41 20?3 PAGE 0t2.0t2.G ,{EASI'RE E . 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