HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1999.09.08BI.JRLINGAMB, CALIFORNIA September 8, 1999 JOINT MEETING WITH LIBRARY BOARD Mayor Janney convened a joint meeting of the five City Council members and five members of the Library Board (Berger, Coar, Dunbar, Herman, Morton) in City Hall Conference Room A at 6:30 p.m. on the above date. Discussion items included internet status, Marshal Trust gift, success of programming for adults and children, revision of library fiscal policies, and status of the Library Foundation, Friends of Burlingame Library, and volunteer program. Council commended the Board members for their commitment in making Burlingame library one of the best on the Peninsula. Mayor Janney adjourned to the regular city council meeting at 6:59 p.m. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:03 p.m. by Mayor Mary Janney. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Martha Benson. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 16,1999, were unanimously approved after Councilwoman O'Mahony noted a correction on page 4, Council Committee Reports, last sentence, shouldread,.....openhouseoftheteencenterinSanCarlos.,, The minutes of the Special Meeting of August 25,1999, approved 4-0-1, Vice Mayor Knight abstaining as a result of her absence from the meeting. The minutes of the Special Meeting of August 30, 1999, were approved 4-0-1, Vice Mayor Ifuight abstaining due to absence from the meeting. Councilman Galligan clarified for the record the reason for Vice Mayor Knight's absence from the two special meetings was because of a conflict of interest in that she resides near the subject site on which council was voting. PUBLIC HEARING - REOUEST FOR AN AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR A SPECIAL EVENT AT KULETO'S RESTAURANT. 1095 ROLLINS ROAD City Attorney reviewed his memo dated September l,1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Kuleto's Restaurant would like to an amusement permit for a one-time charity event on October 16, 1999 , for a piano player and 5-piece jazz band both within the restaurant and in an event tent in the restaurant parking lot from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. The charity event benefits the San Mateo Boys Club, is a private affair, and the restaurant will not be open to the public. The 9 restaurant is working with the planning department on approval for the tent. The police met with the applicants and do not anticipate any problems or concerns related to the police and additional parking would be provided by neighboring businesses. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Dan Hoban, manager at Kuleto's Restaurant, spoke in support of the restaurant's event. Mayor Janney closed the public hearing. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to approve the request for an amusement permit. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REOUEST FOR AN AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR OCCASIONAL PERFORMER AT FOUR GREEN FIELDS- 1107 BURLINGAME AVENUE City Attorney reviewed his memo of September l, 1999, which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Four Green Fields, a retail business on Burlingame Avenue, would like to provide live bagpipe music as outdoor entertainment in front of their establishment two Saturdays each month for one hour and to have fiddle, or guitar or flute at other times. This request poses a difficult decision for the city in that if one business is allowed to provide outdoor entertainment, then other businesses are entitled to equal consideration. Council has received one letter of opposition from the neighboring business, Cheese Please, expressing concern about a loss of customers. Mayor Janney opened the public hearing. Carl Martin, Studio Shop, 1103 Burlingame Avenue, has business next door to applicant; loves music but opposes bagpipe music; is agreeable to other types of music; has talked with owner and are trying as neighbors to reach a mutually acceptable resolution; opposes permit as written. Jim Curley, owner of Four Green Fields, summarized history of business; did not realize ramifications of bagpipe music played in front of store; does not want to alienate neighbors and is trying to work with them; does not wish city to mediate problems between neighboring businesses; understands bagpipe music may be offensive to some individuals but wishes to maintain Irish element to store; would like opportunity to some type of amusement from time to time; inquired about amusement code. City Attorney clarified code pertaining to live entertainment. Councilwoman O'Mahony inquired if indoor music would be an option; Mr. Curley responded store is small but could be done. Janet Martin, Studio Shop, 1103 Burlingame Avenue, opposed bagpipe music; other type of music would be acceptable. Mayor Janney closed public hearing. September 8, 1999 10 Burlingame Cify Council Mayor Janney applauded neighbors working together and ipirit of cooperation. Councilwoman O'Mahony agreed bagpipe may exceed decibel levels but is inclined to approve other types of periodic music such as fiddle, harp, or guitar. Councilman Spinelli expressed concern about setting a precedent for other merchants in the business districts; no problem with approving indoor music. Vice Mayor Knight agreed with Councilman Spinelli's viewpoints. Councilman Galligan noted bagpipe music is noisy; also inclined to not stir up controversy with neighboring merchants; indoor music would not be an issue. Mayor Janney expressed concerned about neighboring businesses desiring to incorporate outdoor music into store theme; inquired if applicant could return with amended request for indoor music only. City Attorney responded council could approve indoor music and deny outdoor music without prejudice allowing applicant to reformat application without incurring additional permit fee. Councilman Galligan moved to allow amusement permit for indoor music only during business hours and deny without prejudice outdoor music. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 1618 CLARIFYING DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO ALLOW THE DIRECTOR TO DESIGNATE QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES TO SIGN MAPS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Director of Public Works reviewed his memo of August 25, 1999, which recommended council (1) adopt this ordinance to allow the Director of Public Works to delegate certain duties to qualified persons; he responded to council questions about responsibility; and (2) direct city clerk to publish a summary of the ordinance within 15 days of adoption. Councilman Galligan inquired about the qualifications required of an engineer for such duty; Public Works Director responded that engineer be state registered. Mayor Janney opened public hearing. There being no comments, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Spinelli moved to approved Ordinance 1618. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and approved unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - REMOVAL OF WEEDS AND RUBBISH FROM 124 BANCROFT ROAD - CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 16 - Withdrawn. City Attorney's memo of September l, 1999; stated the property has been cleaned and it appears that the owner has met minimal non-nuisance standards. PUBLIC HEARING - CERTIFYING EIR FOR BURLINGAME SHORELINE TRAIL (1200 BAYSHORE HrcHWAn ANp BAYFRONT TRArL GAP CLOSURE CONCEPT (1220 TO 1338 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY) Public Works Director reviewed his memo of August 27, 1999, and introduced consultants from Nolte Associates and Callander Associates. City Attorney noted two letters received on behalf of USA Real Estate Investments Limited, property owner of the property located within the bay or outboard of the trail concept area, requesting continuance of item to October 4 allowing them the opportunity to meet with State Coastal Conservancy and BCDC in an attempt to propose an alternative concept. City Attorney recommended council hold public hearing tonight, then continue the public hearing to October 4 where final action may be taken. Mayor Janney opened public hearing. Consultant Bert Verrips, Nolte Associates, gave a brief overview of the project and procedural history. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Galligan inquired about time table for grant funding; Public Works Director responded that funds would need to be expended and construction complete by December 2000, or the $100,000 grant would be forfeited. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to continue the hearing to the regular meeting of October 4, 1999. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and unanimously approved 5-0 by voice vote. City Attorney noted no further public notice will be given of continuance as it was approved in open session. Burlingame City Council 11 September 8, 1999 PUBLIC COMMENTS Michael Barber, 1316 Palm, urged council support resolution regarding bicycle/pedestrian coordinator for District 4 Caltrans. DESIGNATE VOTING DELEGATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE City Clerk's memo of August 9, 1999, recommended council designate a council member or staff to be voting delegate at the League of California Cities Conference in San Jose, October 10-12, 1999. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to appoint Mayor Janney as voting delegate at the League of California Cities conference and Councilman Spinelli as the alternate voting delegate. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR a OF BRISBANE Fire Chief's memo of August 23, 1999, recommended council approve resolution authorizing agreement between the City of Burlingame and the City of Brisbane to provide vehicle maintenance. b. RESOLUTION 94-1999 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH AFFINITEL COMMINICATION FOR CITY HALL/CORPORATION YARD/PARKS & RECREATION PHONE SYSTEM Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director memo of August 23, 1999, approving agreement with Affinitel Communications to provide and install a new telephone system for city hall, parks and recreation, and public works facilities in the amount of $105,259. c. RESOLUTION 95-1999 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY/COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT FOR AB434 FUNDING FREE BEE COMMUTER SHUTTLE Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director memo of August 17, 1999, recommended council approve resolution authorizing agreement with C/CAG providing for funding Free Bee Commuter Shuttle in the amount of $78,523, Clean Air Act funding, for FY t999-2000. d. RESOLUTION 96-1999 EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN COORDINATOR IN DISTRICT 4 OF CALTRANS City Attorney's memo of August 23, 1999, recommended council request Caltrans to appoint a bicycle/ pedestrian coordinator for District 4 overseeing the Bay Area. September 8, 1999 t2 Burlingame City Council E. RESOLUTION 97-1999 EXPRESSING CONCERNS ABOUT ENSURING THAT THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY/DELTA BE PROPERLY ADDRESSED IN THE CALFED WATER PLANNING EFFORT City Attorney's memo of August 23, 1999, recommended council adopt resolution expressing concerns that the San Francisco Bay and Delta be properly addressed in the current CALFED water planning process. f. RESOLUTION 98-1999 AWARDING CONTRACT TO CORRPRO COMPANIES. INC. FOR THE MILLSDALE AND EAST MILLSDALE STORM DRAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM - CP 9730, PHASE 2 Public Works Director memo of August 30, 1999, recommended council approve awarding contract to Corrpro Companies, Inc. for the Millsdale and East Millsdale storm drain cathodic protection system, CP 9720, phase 2, in the amount of $194,500. g. RESOLUTION 99-1999 ACCEPTING STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM 1999 COMPLETED BY G. BORTOLOTTO & COMPANY - CP 9832 Public Works Director's memo of August 27 , 1999, recommended council accept the 1999 street resurfacing program in the amount of $492,815 as completed by G. Bortolotto & Company. h. RESOLUTIONS 1OO-1999 AND 101-1999 AUTHORIZING TWO AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS EACH WITH CALLANDER ASSOCIATES AND URS GREINER/WOODWARD CLYDE. BURLINGAME LANDFILL TOP DECK AND BOTTOM DECK - CP 9117, 9117(2). 9117(3), AND 9117(7) Public Works Director's memo of September :1,, 1999. recommended council authorize landfill professional services: (1) $Zt+,646 for additional top deck development construction management by Callander Associates; (2) $81,949 for additional lower deck development construction management and document preparation by Callander Associates; (3) $87,600 for additional lower deck closure design by URS Greiner/Woodward Clyde; and (4) $65,300 for additional lower deck closure construction management by URS Greiner/Woodward Clyde. RESOLUTION IO2-1999 PROHIBITING OVERNIGHT PARKING AND RESTRICTING PARKING TO A 4-HOUR TIME LIMIT AT THE PUBLIC SHORE LOT ON ANZA BOULEVARD Public Works Director's memo of August 27, 1999, approving resolution prohibiting overnight parking (2 a.m. to 6 a.m.) And to restrict parking to a 4-hour time limit at the public shore lot on Anza Boulevard. j. RESOLUTTON 103-1999 AWARpTNG CONTRACT TO PACIFIC UNpERGROUNp. INC. FOR THE BURLINGAME GROVE SUBDIVISION WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT - CP 9927 Public Works Director's memo of August 24, 1999, recommended council approve resolution awarding Burlingame Grove Subdivision water main re4lacement to Pacific Underground Inc. in the amount of $153,045. I Burlingame City Council 13 September 8, 1999 K. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BY WATER DIVISION ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Public Works Director's memo of August 20, 1.999, recommended council approve out-of-state travel (Las Vegas, Nevada) for water division assistant superintendent to affend Western Regional Backflow Conference, October 4-6, 1999. I. REORGANIZATION OF LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION City Librarian's memo of August 4, 1999, recommended approval of reclassification of two positions in the library administration unit: administrative secretary to account clerk II, and library assistant II to secretary. m. REJECT CLAIM OF RUTH-ANN HIJAZI FOR PERSONAL INJURY City Attorney's memo of August 30, 1999, recommended council reject claim of Ruth-Ann Hijazi for personal injury occurring on April 10, 1999. n. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 2015 CLARICE LANE Public Works Director's memo of August 27, 1999, recommended council approved special encroachment permit and drawings with special condition that applicant acquire a construction encroachment permit prior to construction. o. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO JOIN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF IN BREI44ER vS. C/ry OF NAPA City Attorney's memo of September 1, L999, recommended council authorize joinder in amicus curiae brief at no cost to the city in Brewer vs City of Napa. Councilman Galligan moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Galligan attended the Burlingame Together meeting, and second public hearing of the Planning Commission regarding the drive-in site. Councilwoman O'Mahony went to the community Interfaith Gathering at Temple Shalom, a CCAG administrative meeting, toured the Foster City teen center, also the Planning Commission study meeting regarding 301 Airport Boulevard. Councilman Spinelli attended the Airport Roundtable meeting. Vice Mayor Knight attended the Interfaith Gathering, and a Transportation Authority field trip on the Altamont commute express. OLD BUSINESS - None. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony inquired on the need for a special meeting to tour teen centers in neighboring peninsula cities. Staff noted the potential conflicts with the Brown Act and the logistics of holding a special meeting outside of the city; City Manager noted Burlingame Together had September 8, 1999 14 Burlingame City Council discussed attending an upcoming council meeting. A lengthy discussion regarding the teen center followed: Councilman Spinelli suggested placing the item on the October study session; Councilwoman O'Mahony thought an evening meeting would be better suited for the younger people wishing to attend; Vice Mayor Knight did not wish to revisit the matter, felt comfortable with her vote at the previous council meeting, and would like prior knowledge of what was to be presented to council at the next meeting; Councilman Galligan noted item may be presented differently than at the earlier meeting; Mayor Janney noted that in working as part of the subcommittee of Burlingame Together had spent several Saturday afternoons visiting teen center locations. A majority of the council supported placing the Burlingame Together report on the next agenda as an information item. Council received a request for use of council chambers for candidates night including use of camera equipment for live telecast on local cable channel. Councilman Galligan stated he was supportive of the idea. Council directed City Manager to follow up on the request and place item on next agenda. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety, Parking, August 12, 1999; Planning, August 23 and August 25,1999. b. Department Reports: Police, July 1999. c. Letter from Mayor of Foster City requesting support of three legislative bills regarding domestic violence. d. Letter from Jack Red, property manager for 1457 Bellevue, regarding parking limit abuse on Bellevue. Councilman Spinelli requested police department investigate and report back to council. e Letter from State Controller regarding State Municipal Advisory Reform Team (SMART) repoft. CLOSED SESSION Council moved to closed session at 8:31 p.m. to discuss potential litigation regarding proposed settlement of business license tax deficiency. The meeting reconvened in open session at 8:47 p.m. The City Attorney noted council gave instruction to staff on this item. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF MARGARET SPRINGER AND DAVID MANINI Mayor Janney noted requests from Recreation Department and the Library to adjourn in memory of Meg Springer, a recreation ceramics class instructor, and David Manini, husband of library employee Joan Manini. After a moment of silence, the meeting was adj in their memory at 8:50 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk V Burlingame City Council 15 September 8, 1999