HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.11.02BIJRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November 2,1998 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mike Spinelli. Led by Vice Mayor Janney, a new grandmother ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT COUNCIL ABSENT: JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI GALLIGAN MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 19, 1998 were approved after Councilwoman Knight noted corrections on page 5 under "Removed Consent Items," last sentence, "..liability in regards to a baseball or soccer ball hitting a golfer and noted il we are going to be particular we should investi- eate all ootential liabilities for the new park " The minutes were then approved 4-0-1, Councilman Galligan being absent. PUBLIC COMMENTS Steve Kassel was thankful to Councilman Galligan for helping solve the problem with the trees near his home; he noted another serious problem with traffic at Skyline and Rivera and cars speeding, he witnessed an accident there last week; there are a large number of pedestrians and cyclists; people turn onto Rivera rather than Trousdale, the main arterial; if there were a stop sign at that intersection would also need flashing lights on Skyline to warn people about the upcoming stop sign. James Quinn spoke regarding item "8 b" on the Consent Calendar "Approving Merger of AT&T and TCI", he was concerned about TCI providing the Eternal Work Television Network (EWTN) as requested in the petition signed by over 700 residents; was going to suggest council put off any action until Quinn's group meets with TCI; has since learned that this action is only a formality, the merger takes place in any case; he asked that council contact TCI an<i remind them about the city's expecta- tions and the report for its meeting in January. John Handley, Grocer's Association in Sacramento, discussed the "We Card Program" which assists retailers to reduce sales of tobacco products to children; he would be willing to review this program with council or staff members. 432 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Public Works Director reviewed his memo of October 28, 1998 which recommended council review the design for Lot J at 250 Primrose Road and provide comments after the presentation by the consultant. The streetscape program includes making improvements to Parking Lot J by incorporating a new disabled accessible playground which would be relocated adjacent to the Primrose sidewalk for safer and easier pedestrian access. Other improvements include reconfigured parking, new ornamen- tal lighting and landscaping, new asphalt pavement, colored concrete sidewalks, benches and trees with tree grates along Primrose Road. There are currently 53 parking stalls in the rectangular portion of Lot J; the relocation of the playground requires the lot to be reconfigured with a total of 50 parking stalls, including two disabled accessible spaces. The net reduction of three parking stalls is due to relocating the playground, increasing the number of regular stalls and making all spaces meet current city dimension requirements. On October 13 the city and consultant team met with the Burlingame Avenue merchants to review the proposed improvements to Lot J. The merchants group requested that the city consider adding parking stalls to the lot by increasing the number of compact stalls and reducing the size of the playground. They wished the new lot to have the same number of parking spaces that it does now. The alternate plan includes increasing the total parking stalls to 53 and reducing the size of the playground. Staff does not recommend the alternate plan because the small playground and reduced size equipment would only appeal to pre-school children. He introduced Linda Gates and Michelle Shlotz of Gates Associates, and Jane Gomery, city staff. Linda Gates presented plans of the proposed improvements and the alternate plan suggested by merchants; she noted that the alternate plan would require another disabled accessible parking space because the lot would have over 50 parking spaces. Council discussed with Gates and Gomery. Councilwoman Knight always thought that particular playground was meant for very young children so had no problem approving the alternate plan; agreed need more parking; prefer to support the merchant's alternate. Other council members noted with the need for another disabled accessible space we would gain only one or two spaces at the most by reducing the play area; wondered if there was any count on number of children that use the lot; Park & Recreation Director and staff recom- mend the original plan; would like to see larger playground, loss of one or two spaces is not severe. Police Chief noted need to keep shrubbery very low and away from playground area to facilitate police surveillance. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to support development of the original plan with 50 parking spaces and the larger playground in Parking Lot J. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried 3-1-1, Councilwoman Knight voting no and Councilman Galligan absent. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1605 ALLOWING A FEE TO BE CHARGED FOR SER- VICES PROVIDED UNDER A VALET PARKING PERMIT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 6.30 AND MAKING OTHER MINOR CHANGES GOVERNING OPERATION UNDER SUCH A PERMIT City Attorney reviewed his memo of October 27 , 1998 which recommended council introduce this ordinance to amend the Municipal Code to allow a fee to be charged for valet parking services under a valet parking permit, to allow valet parking service at businesses other than restaurants and theaters, to clarify that city parking spaces cannot be used for valet parking without a specific agreement and requiring safety clothing for the employees. In September 1998, Il Fornaio Restaurant at327 Lorton Burlingame City Council 433 November 2, 1998 PREVIEW OF BURLINGAME AVENUE STREETSCAPE PLANS FOR PARKING LOT ''J'' requested the city council consider allowing a fee to be charged for valet parking. When the current ordinance for valet parking was adopted in 1995, no fee was allowed. Il Fornaio's costs for providing this service has increased to about $10 per car. These costs include the parking service, insurance and the lease for the property where the vehicles are parked. On September 21, council indicated it was willing to consider amending the ordinance. Staff recommends the following amendments: allow a fee to be charged up to a maximum set by council; allow businesses other than restaurants and theaters to apply for a valet parking permit; clarify that city parking spaces cannot be used unless the city agrees to such an arrangement; and require employees of the valet parking service to wear safety clothing to enhance safety and provide quick identification to police. Council discussed: asked about cost for valet service, would Il Fornaio charge $10 because that is their cost? Staff noted they would charge less, council could determine maximum charge. Mayor Spinelli asked the city clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 4-0-1, Councilman Galligan absent. Vice Mayor Janney moved to introduce ORDI- NANCE 1605. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously 4-0-1, Councilman Galligan absent. COMMISSIONER APPLICATIONS City Manager reviewed his memo of October 29, 1998 which acknowledged 38 applicants to the Beautification, Civil Service, Park & Recreation and Traffic, Safety and Parking commissions. The deadline for applicants was today. He recommended council select interview teams for these commissions. Staff will then confer with the interview teams and schedule interview dates and times He said Councilman Galligan called with concerns about some commissioner absences. Parks & Recreation Director's report noted two commissioners who have missed five meetings this year. Council discussed; suggest Mayor write to commissioners who have been missing a large number of meetings; would like to have a report on all the commissions attendance before interviews; noted Park & Recreation commission had to cancel two meetings because of lack of quorum, staff has to prepare for these meetings. City Manager noted that current rule says commissioners should not miss more than one third of meetings in a calendar year. Mayor Spinelli appointed himself and Vice Mayor Janney to interview for Park & Recreation; Councilwoman O'Mahony and Mayor Spinelli to interview for Beautification; Vice Mayor Janney and Councilwoman Knight to interview for Traffic, Safety and Parking; and Councilman Galligan and Councilwoman O'Mahony to interview for Civil Service. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilwoman O'Mahony asked removal for discussion of items "b" regarding cable television and item "f" regarding yard waste containers. City Attorney also noted the applicants for the Parcel Maps (item k) have requested Condition No.3 be amended to clarify the intent of the condition by replacing it to read "any change in use of Parcel D which requires use of the access easement across 1730 Rollins shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission. " November 2, 1998 434 Burlingame Ciry Council a c MODEL BY THORENFELDT CONSTRUCTION - CP 9606 Public Works memo of October 16, 1998 recommended council accept this project as completed by Thorenfeldt Construction in the amount of $365,624.50 for the Recreation Center Remodel. b. Removed RESOLUTION 115-98 AUTHORIZING FIRE APPARATUS SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SOUTH COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT. THE DALY CITY FIRE DEPART- MENT AND THE BURLINGAME FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief's memo of October 20, 1998 recommended council approve an agreement between South County Fire Authority, the City of Daly City Fire Department and the City of Burlin- game Fire Department for shared use of the South County Fire Authority's aerial ladder truck. The City of Burlingame Fire Department will provide normal preventative maintenance for this aerial ladder truck not to exceed $4,500 per year in exchange for having it available if needed. IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASHINGTON PARK WELL. PUMPS AND TANK - cP e317(1) Public Works memo of October 27 recommended approval of a resolution accepting comple- tion of improvements to the Washington Park well, pumps and tank installed by Arnold Construction in the amount of $533,865.36. e RESOLUTION 117-98 REJECTING BID FOR MISCELLANEOUS STORM DRAIN SYSTEM REPAIRS AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT FOR THE WORK - CP 9827 Public Works memo of October 28, 1998 recommended approval a resolution rejecting the bid and authorizing the Director to negotiate a contract for the work. Only one bid was received at the bid opening on October 23. The bidder, Vanguard Construction, found a material error in its bid which would change the bid price from $186,600 to $162,400. The city attorney recommends the bid not be accepted because of its material error. Since it is crucial these repairs take place before winter season, staff recommends the Director negotiate a revised contract with Vanguard or another responsible contractor for the project. f. Removed APPOINT DIANA WARDEN AS YOUTH ADVISORY MEMBER TO THE PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION Parks & Recreation Director's memo of October 27 , 1998 recommended appointment of Diana Warden as Youth Advisory member of the Park & Recreation Commission for the 1998-99 school year. Diana is a junior at Burlingame High. d (,b Burlingame City Council 435 November 2, 1998 j h. REJECT CLAIM OF STEPHEN BROWN City Attorney's memo of October 26, 1998 recommended denial of the claim for alleged damage to a pager during a police interview. i. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 60093 - 60710 (excluding Library checks 60294 - 60343), duly audited, in the amount of $3,518,517 .99, Payroll Checks 109997 - 110734 for the month of September 1998 in the amount of $1,148,820.85 and Electronic Fund Transfers for September 1998 in the amount of $342,67 4 .7 5 . DRIVING RANGE OPERATOR City Manager's memo of October 2'1, 1998 recommended council appoint Councilman Galligan to the review committee to assist with review of the financial data. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO RESUBDIVIDE A 20 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF THE LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND MERGE THEM WITH FIVE EXISTING ADJACENT PARCELS BEING MOSTLY A PORTION OF UNITS NO. 1. 3 AND 5. MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK - 1730. 1742 AND 1860 ROLLINS ROAD - PM 98-7 Public Works memo of October 27 , 1998 recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve this map as both a Tentative and Final Parcel Map subject to the conditions listed in the memo to the PC dated October 20, L998 and including the amendment to replace condition 3 as noted in the City Attorney's memo of November 2, 1998. I. CANCEL NOVEMBER 18 STUDY MEETING City Manager's memo of October 28,1998 recommended council cancel the November 18 study meeting and move two potential study items to the January 1999 "goals" session. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 4-0-1, Councilman Galligan absent. REMOVED CONSENT ITEMS RESOLUTION 118-98 AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF CONTROL OF CATV FRANCHISE TO AT&T / TCI City Manager's memo of October 2L, 1998 recommended council approve the resolution approving change of control of our cable television franchise. Effective June 23, 1998, signed a Merger Agreement for AT&T to became the parent company of TCI. TCI will continue to provide cable services and will exist as a corporaticn and wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T. k b November 2, 1998 436 Burlingame Ciry Council f Councilwoman O'Mahony pulled this item to show support for her friends who are working to get EWTN on cable; wants to assure them that council will keep after TCI on that issue. She then moved approval of RESOLUTION 118-98. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 4-0-1 by voice vote, Councilman Galligan absent. APPROVE PROGRAM TO PURCHASE AND DISTRIBUTE YARD WASTE CONTAIN- ERS TO RESIDENTS Finance Director's memo of October 23, 1998 recommended council approve a program to purchase and distribute 95-gallon wheeled yard waste containers to residences. In January 1997 a yard program was initiated throughout the area; only about 25 percent of residences participate in this program. A survey found that in 18 cities which provide containers, the participation rate is70-75 percent. The costs of the yard waste bins is about 60 cents per residence per month. Councilwoman O'Mahony wanted to thank our Finance Director for helping the city comply with this program; noted her concerns about AB 939 and the requirements to reduce solid waste; this program should help our city toward goal of reducing total solid waste by 2000. She moved approval of the program to provide yard waste containers. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 4-0-1 by voice vote, Councilman Galligan absent. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman Knight attended the opening of the Paloma Playground with the Mayor and Council- man Galligan; also went to Council of Cities with Mayor Spinelli and Councilwoman O'Mahony; went to ALUC and attended Criminal Justice meeting. Vice Mayor Janney attended a CMAQ meeting and Convention Bureau meeting. Councilwoman O'Mahony went to a CCAG meeting and Council of Cities. In addition to meetings noted by others, Mayor Spinelli attended Emergency Services Council meeting, expressed concern about no backup in the communication system; Police Chief agreed there is a problem with no redundancy, if there were a breakdown it would be critical. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Knight discussed a Transportation Authority meeting at which improvements to the freeway and the continuation of the freeway sound wall was discussed; she also wanted to be sure the JPB had all the comments and letters received regarding the Rapid Rail Study at the last council meeting. Council discussed and directed the City Clerk to send copies of letters received and an excerpt of the minutes with council's discussion and comments to the JPB. Mayor Spinelli asked staff about the waste containers on Burlingame Avenue and Broadway which leak onto sidewalk; staff noted BFI's concern about inserts which have no holes and would fill with rain water; BFI is willing to try "no leak" inserts which can be rotated to be cleaned periodically; sidewalks will be cleaned under the cans and staff is in the process of ordering the new inserts. Burlingame Ciry Council 431 November 2,1998 a NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony complimented the Police Chief on the wonderful newsletter; police officers who wrote articles are to be commended. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Library Board, July 28 and September 15; Traffic, Safety and Parking, October 8; Planning, October 26, 1998. CLOSED SESSION At 8:02 p.m., the mayor adjourned to closed session to discuss one matter of potential litigation with the city manager and staff. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m. The city attorney reported that directions had been given to staff regarding the potential litigation. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Spinelli adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk November 2, 1998 438 Burlingame City Council