HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.10.19BI]RLINGAME, CALIFORNIA October 19,1998 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mike Spinelli. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by former Mayor Bud Harrison ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 1998 were changed by Councilwoman O'Mahony on page 2, second paragraph, regarding the 1155 California project, she said "would be better tf the residential area had underground parking and did not compromise the commercial parking" and on page5undercommitteereportSshe''wenttoaCMAQmeetin@'..''onpage 6, second paragraph, Councilwoman Knight changed the second line "...issue is also ttti+*itgon @ the various heights and e{fects of the shop exteriors. " and in the fifth paragraph she added "..resident wants1o show-s remodel. ..; he would like the Planning Commission ond Design Review t ." The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. PUBLIC HEARING - (1) APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION ON A MITI- GATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR APPROVAL OF A LOT COMBINATION MAP FOR A 15 UNrT APARTMENT BUILDING AT 518-522 PRIMROSE ROAD AND (2) TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR LOT COMBINATION FOR 15 UNIT APARTMENT BUILD- ING AT 518-522 PRIMROSE ROAD, PM 98-11 - RESOLUTION 108-98 APPROVING NEGA- TIVE DECLARATION AND DENYING APPEAL Planner reviewed her memo of October 14, t998 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action, first on the Negative Declaration and then on the Tentative and Final Map. The applicant, Diodati Construction, is proposing to build a new 15 unit, three-story apartment building with parking on grade under two floors of living space. Parking to code requirements is provided in 19 covered spaces at-grade under the building and rvith 4 uncovered parking spaces. The 15 one- bedroom units range in size from 760 SF to 934 SF, each unit has a patio or deck area. Landscaping is provided in all setback areas and portions of the interior side and rear setback are proposed to have paved walkways and patio areas. The site now consists of two properties with 7 dwelling units. The two properties will be merged for the project and the existing buildings demolished. The project meets the city's general plan and zoning requirements; no use permits or variances are required. CEQA requires an environmental determination for all residential projects with more than four units. 425 Staff prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration which concludes that there are no significant effects as a result of this project with the mitigation proposed. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration and recommended the Tentative and Final Map lot combination for council approval at its September 28, 1998 meeting. The project was appealed by a neighbor of the site. Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. The applicants, Joe and Armando Diodati of Diodati Construction and the architect Neil Gabbay, were present and spoke in favor; they responded to council question about trash area. Barbara Zakowski, 518 Primrose, expressed concerns about removing the trees on the site. The applicant said no city trees would be removed. The hearing was closed. Council discussed: project does not require any special permits or variances; could support with the 23 mitigations adopted by the Planning Commission; project meets our city zoning requirements and in the Housing Element for providing more housing; applicants did a good job and it will be a beautiful building; support Planning Commission. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to uphold the Planning Commission approval and findings and deny the appeal by adopting RESOLUTION 108-98. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney. On the motion: council mentioned citizens concerns about loss of old buildings, but the city adopted its General Plan Housing Element which allows projects such as this to add to our housing stock to support local jobs; this project will provide eight more living units, more people will be able to live nearer their workplace; fewer people will be driving across the bridges. Mayor Spinelli called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 on roll call vote. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the Tentative and Final Parcel Map for Lot Combina- tion at 518-522 Primrose. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 1604 ESTABLISHING FIVE TWO- HOUR PARKING METERS ON THE WEST SIDE Ot ANITA ROAD NORTH OF PENINSULA AVENUE Public Works Director reviewed his memo of October 6, 1998 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. At the last meeting, council introduced an ordinance authorizing installation of five two-hour parking meters on Anita Road in front of Putnam Auto to be purchased by Putnam. The Traffic Commission reviewed over several meetings this request from Rick Corso of Putnam Auto dealership and recommended it to council. Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. Rick Corso, Putnam Auto, requested approval. The hearing was closed. October 19, 1998 426 Burlingame City Council Councilman Galligan moved adoption of ORDINANCE L604. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously on voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ross Bruce, Broadway Merchants Association, urged the Broadway train station not be closed; presented a petition signed by the merchants and employees in the Broadway area and by over 500 residents in the area, urging the Station not be closed. Another resident opposed closing the station. Stan Clark, Burlingame Avenue merchant, discussed the continuing parking problems in the Burlingame Avenue area and urged council to require that Safeway provide additional parking as part of the conditions for their project moving forward; the city is redoing Parking Lot J and will reduce parking for the tot lot relocation, prefer part of Safeway parking be put on Primrose so it would offset the loss to remodel Lot J. Regarding the Saks project, council should ask them to put parking in their basement. A resident of 1300 Sanchez, said her entire family uses the train, lots of people in area walk to the Broadway station; would be very inconvenient to walk to Burlingame Avenue station which is already too crowded; would have an additional 450 cars going to another train station, or onto the freeway. Josh Turow read a letter from Cliff and Susan Woods about the Safeway exchange of parking lots; city has the right to benefit from allowing Safeway to build on public property; need to relocate parking lots K and L to the Wells Fargo site to improve public parking; need to save the beautiful trees on El Camino; this property is the entire southwest corner of the downtown district, whatever is done will have an everlasting effect on the city. Neil Camorato wondered if an EIR would be done for the Safeway project; need to have public hearings; Safeway main focus is making more money; need to be accountable to residents; additional size of building will add more traffic. A resident of San Mateo asked about how the Brown Act applies to the Safeway project; how council members can interact with Safeway representatives. City Attorney responded that Safeway is only in the early application stage, initial studies by staff indicate the project will probably need an EIR; there will be public hearings before the Planning Commission in Spring 1999. The Brown Act requires that if more than two council members meet with Safeway it has to be in a public forum. DRAFT CALTRAIN RAPID RAIL STUDY Public Works Director reviewed his memo of October 14, 1998 which recommended council review and comment on the Draft Rapid Rail Study. On October 1, 1998 Caltrain released the Draft Rapid Rail Study. The purpose of this document is to develop a comprehensive approach for improving and expanding the railroad's infrastructure over the next ten years in order to increase ridership, improve service and reduce travel time. Some of the proposals which would affect Burlingame are relocating or closing the Broadway Station, closing the grade crossings at North Lane and South Lane at the Burlingame Station and a future grade separation at Broadway. He introduced Andy Nash, Caltrain Project Manager. Burlingame City Council 427 October 19, 1998 Andy Nash reviewed a slide show showing the objectives of the Rapid Rail program: to increase frequency and capacity, improve reliability and reduce travel times; showed some of the improve- ments planned, electrification of the trains; there is planned a $543 million program of rehabilitation and a $376 million electrification plan; consolidating stations will improve travel time and reduce operating expenses; closing grade crossings will improve safety; he said there will be numerous public input opportunities before there are any consolidations or closures. Council discussed with Nash who responded to questions; same tracks can be used for electrified or diesel trains; what happens in power outage or a disaster, electric trains do not run; with over 400 people getting on/off at Broadway, why is it a candidate for closing. Caltrain put it on list because of the understanding that the city wants to ease traffic problems at the Broadway intersection, thought consolidating the station with Burlingame Avenue station would help; also concerned about what will happen when Millbrae BART station opens, will ridership drop; thought they could run a shuttle bus from Broadway to Millbrae; they want to work with the city to find the best solutions; discussed ways to get passengers/pedestrians over or under the tracks for safety issues at Burlingame High School. Council noted Broadway is a station that people walk or ride bikes to, people like this aspect; many residents of the large North Park apartments use the train at Broadway; grade separation would be very difficult at Broadway because of close proximity to freeway and business; circulation at Broadway is important to city, a grade separation would be devastating; in lieu of a grade separation, council would like to see the station moved south so that trains don't block the intersection; wondered about the third track proposed and the proposed storage facility near Howard, staff noted that property does not belong to JPB. Council noted the Rapid Rail Study is a good plan and will be a big improvement, they thanked Andy Nash for making the presentation. Noted since the city does not want a grade separation the money saved should move the city's priority up on the Broadway freeway overpass upgrade. Public Works Director indicated he had copies of the Rapid Rail Study available for the public. Mayor Spinelli called for a brief recess at 8:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:48 p.m. with all council members present. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Galligan asked to remove for discussion items "c and d" regarding the Landfill Lower Deck Improvements. RESOLUTION 109-98 CORRECTING BUDGET TOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND - FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Director's memo of October 8, 1998 recommended council approve a resolution correcting a totaling error in the 1998-99 Proposed Budget; one line item for the Finance Department was excluded from the total in the budget. This amount was for computer cost allocations and totals $14,682. RESOLUTION 110-98 AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION TRANSFER FOR POLICE AND FIRE MOU Finance Director's memo of October 6, 1998 recommended council approve transferring $175,603 from Police Retirement and unreserved fund to Fire-Regular Salaries. The approved labor agreements (MOU) for Police Officers Association and the International Association of a b october 19, 1998 428 Burlingame City Council c. d. e. Firefighters require an adjustment to the budget since the final terms exceeded original budget estimates prepared earlier this year. Removed. Removed. RESOLUTION 111-98 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH CALLAN- DAR ASSOCIATES FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGE- MENT SERVICES FOR LANDFILL TOP DECK IMPROVEMENTS - CP 9117(3) Public Works memo of October 14, 1998 recommended council approve Amendment No. 2 with Callander Associates for additional design and management services for the top deck improvements in the amount of $193,248. AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO JOIN IN AN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF IN FUKUDA VS. CITY OF ANGELS City Attorney's memo of October 14, 1998 recommended council authorize joinder in amicus curiae brief at no cost to the city. REPORT ON PROPOSED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY WITH SAFEWAY CORPORA- TION INVOLVING 1450 HOWARD AVENUE AND CITY PARKING LOTS K AND L City Attorney's memo of October 14, 1998 recommended council consider the report and adjourn to closed session at the end of the meeting to instruct our real property negotiator, the City Manager, regarding the proposed exchange. Councilman Galligan moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. REMOVED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS Councilman Galligan said he thought the dog run was only an alternative, wondered why no public meetings have been held; he was concerned about city liability in regards to a dog run. Staff noted these agreements are only for design, before it comes back for bid we can have a report on the liability issue. Councilwoman O'Mahony was concerned about the project management charges which seemed high. Staff noted the consultant is also responsible for review for contractors' compliance with regulatory requirements for this job, has a higher qualification and their costs are higher. Councilwoman Knight wondered about liability in regards to a soccer ball or baseball hitting a golfer and noted that if we are going to be particular we should investigate all potential liabilities regarding the new park area. c RESOLUTION 112-98 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH CALLANDER ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN OF LANDFILL LOWER DECK IMPROVEMENTS - CP 9117(7) Public Works memo of October 14, 1998 recommended council approve an agreement with Callander Associates for design of landfill lower deck improvements in the amount of Burlingame Ciry Council 429 October 19, 1998 o6. f. $176,000. This agreement provides for design of the ballfield, bleachers, parking, dog run, heavy equipment roadway adjacent to the upper deck slope and possibly additional parking along Airport Boulevard for dog run and other users. RESOLUTION 113-98 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH WOOD. WARD-CLYDE-INTERNATIONAL AMERICAS FOR LANDFILL LOWER DECK CLOSURE DESIGN - CP 9117 d. Public Works memo of October 15, 1998 recommended council approve an agreement with Woodward-Clyde-International-Americas for Amendment No.3 in the amount of $147,400 for the lower deck closure design. Councilman Galligan moved approval of the removed Consent Calendar items "c and d. " Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman O'Mahony attended C/CAG where the solid waste reduction requirements were discussed; she was very concerned. Vice Mayor Janney attended a Chamber Board meeting and the Convention Bureau. Councilwoman Knight went to the School Liaison meeting. Councilman Galligan also went to School Liaison and the Chamber Board meeting; he commented on the great Burlingame High School 75th Anniversary Parade and dinner; all council members enjoyed the event. Mayor Spinelli congratulated the Police Department on how well the BHS parade went; he reported on the Airport Roundtable and council discussed with Fire Chief the mutual aid program with San Francisco Airport. OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony noted Burlingame High School had three National Merit Scholarship semifinalists, one of whom is the Police Chief's son, Andrew Missel. She thought the school should be congratulated. Councilwoman Knight noted an upcoming tree dedication for Mike Ellis at Washington Park. Mayor Spinelli asked if the city informed residents before removing a city street tree; staff said it attempts to notify resident and to replace the tree. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a Commission Minutes: Beautification, October 1; Planning, October 14, 1998 Department Reports: Parks & Recreation Quarterly Report; Police, September 1998; Trea- surer, September 30, 1998; Building, September 1998. San Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report, September 1998. b c October 19, 1998 430 Burlingame City Council d. Letter/petition from eleven households regarding the Airport Noise Abatement Program Memo from Foster City regarding the "Authority of the Airport Director to Negotiate and Enforce Agreements with Airlines to Reduce Noise. " e CLOSED SESSION At 9i23 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to a closed session pursuant to Government Code 54956.8 to give instruction to the city's real property negotiator, the City Manager, and the City Attorney, City Planner and Director of Public Works regarding negotiations with Safeway on possible exchange of property involving 1450 Howard and city parking lots K and L. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m. and the City Attorney announced that staff received direction from council on the possible land exchange with Safeway. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Spinelli adjourned the meeting at 10:16 p.m. Iudith A. Malfatti City Clerk 43tBurlingame City Council october 19, 1998