HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.06.10BI.]RLINGAME, CATIFORNIA June 10, 1998 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mike Spinelli. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Fire Chief Bill Reilly. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 1, 1998 were approved after a clarification by Council- man Galligan on page 4 under the Farmer Market discussion that all council members had met with the Chamber about that project. On page 2 Councilwoman Knight added under the budget discussion "contributions to schools and other groups: felt inappropriate using tax funds to raise donations without clear criteria." PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF DECISION OF PLANNING COMMISSION ON THREE SPECIAL PERMITS TO BUILD A NEW GARAGE IN EXCESS OF 600 SF WITH WINDOWS AND SKYLIGHTS AT 721 WALNUT - RESOLUTION 60-98 APPROVING SAME City Planner reviewed her memo of June 3, 1998 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. The Planning Commission denied this request without prejudice at its May 26 meeting and directed the applicant to return with a smaller project, to reorient the skylights away from adjacent property lines and to redesign to save the existing oak tree. The applicant, Michael Read, is requesting three special permits to replace his existing two garages (total of 718 SF) with one new 900 SF garage. The garage will have two side by side double garage doors and will accommodate four cars. Two of the garage parking spaces will be used to store two military vehicles which are used infrequently. He needs three special permits for this project, for (1) an accessory structure in excess of 600 SF (960 SF proposed), (2) windows and skylights higher than 10 feet above grade (10 feet, 6 inches proposed) and (3) skylights within 10 feet of the rear and side property lines (8 feet to rear and 7 feet to side proposed). Council asked about height ofgarage doors; concern about skylights and reflection; discussed Planning Commission action: vote to approve failed, so they denied without prejudice at the INf.ay 26 meeting; asked would four vehicles fit in 700 SF garage. Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. Michael Read, applicant, explained his need for the new garage; need to protect vehicles; replacing dilapidated structures, will be an improvement; lot is very large; no neighbors object. Council asked Read about height of doors, would be normal; could he 361 reduce size of skylights. Councilwoman O'Mahony was very concerned about removing a large Oak tree for this building and about impact on the neighbor to the rear, although the house to the rear has no windows in back, it is dilapidated and when a new structure is built this proposed garage would impact it. The hearing was closed Councilman Galligan moved to reverse the Planning Commission and approve the request with conditions. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney. Discussion on motion: might approve if skylights were reduced in some way and the tree was replaced. The conditions were amended to require replacement of the tree with a substantial size tree and to allow two skylights, one on the rear and one on the side, the dormer window at the front could be retained. The Mayor called for a vote on the motion to reverse the Planning Commission decision by adopting RESOLUTION 60-98 with conditions which was approved unanimously 5-0 by roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) ON BAYSIDE LANDFILL PARK AT 1101 AIRPORT BOULEVARD - CP 9117 Public Works Director reviewed his memo of May 29,1998 which recommended council hold a public hearing. The Burlingame Landfill was closed in 1986; since that time an Initial Study for development of the Landfill park was prepared and it was determined that impact on biotic resources, noise, aesthetics, and light and glare, are potentially significant and require further investigation. This draft EIR includes the closed approximately 36 acres sanitary landfill and adjacent property to the west and south of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The landfill site is referred to as the "upper deck" and consists of a golf driving range; a chipping and putting area; a 4,000 SF pro shop and restrooms; an Olympic size soccer field (accommodates four youth soccer fields) with grassy, open practice area; a playground; a maintenance yard and a 226 car parking lot (shared with the Double- tree Hotel). The parking lot has already received environmental clearance, as has the closure of the landfill now underway. The site adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Bayside Park is referred to as the "lower deck" and consists of a softball field / soccer practice field, playground, 20 to 25 parking stalls and a maintenance facility. A pedestrian / bike trail will extend west from the existing trail along the Burlingame Lagoon. A dog run area is being considered adjacent to the eastern border of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Public Works Director then introduced Rod Jeung of EIP Associates and Mark Slichter of Callander Associates who made a presentation showing visuals of park plans and responded to questions on the project from council. Council asked about location of restrooms on upper and lower decks; pedestrian paths around the upper and lower decks; about size ofpro shop; had concerns about lights and glare to residents living across the freeway and guests in the hotels nearby. City Attorney informed council that all questions and comments would be responded to in writing in the Final EIR which will be certified at the July 20, 1998 meeting. Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Council discussed; asked about lights on driving range, Jueng said lights are behind golfers and are about five feet higher than the berm at the opposite end of driving range; concerned lights would create glare like on the Foster City driving range; also concerns about lights which are much higher on the soccer field; consider ground level lights; would like safety, security lights on walkways and June 10, 1998 362 Burlingame City Council parking lots; concern about a large dark parking lot being an attractive nuisance to teenagers; want to be sure the dog run is part of project; be sure leash laws are enforced outside the dog run area; concern about impact of lights on hotels and the Northpark Apartments across the freeway. Staff noted the comment period would end on June 15, 1998 and the response to comments would be presented to council with the Final EIR on July 20, 1998. PUBLIC COMMENTS Peter Patel of the Village Host Hotel on Lorton commented on the noise from the Alibi Bar. Mayor noted this would be considered next. ANNUAL REVIEW AND RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT PERMITS City Attorney reviewed his memos of June 4, 1998 and May 21, 1998 which recommended council review the existing amusement permits and renew them for a 12 month period with two additional standard conditions about smoking regulations and no minors being allowed when food is not being served. He noted problems at the Tavern Grill and Moon Mcshane's have significantly decreased; he recommended the permit for Route 66 be canceled because it has changed ownership. This item was continued from the last meeting after council heard complaints about the Alibi Bar. The code enforcement officer met with the owners of that bar and discussed the complaints. Staff recom- mended a condition be imposed that prohibits music from being heard beyond the premises which is a condition that has been placed on some other businesses. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the Amusement Permits with conditions as recom- mended including the condition that the Alibi Bar music not be heard beyond the premises. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously by voice vote. DIRECTION ON BART PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A VISUAL WALL ALONG CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND ON DISCUSSIONS WITH BART The Public Works Director reviewed his memo of June 2, 1998 which recommended council provide direction to staff as to whether BART should include construction of a visual wall as part of its project. BART has included the option of a 2100 foot long visual wall as part of a recently awarded contract. Although the wall is not required as mitigation in the EIR, BART has offered this improvement in order to address concerns regarding the visual impact of the tail track area on the properties across California Drive in Burlingame. BART has until September 1998 to exercise the visual wall option and is asking for direction from Burlingame. The timing for construction is unknown but will probably occur within the next year. He attached memos from the Police Chief and the Fire Chief regarding concerns they have about the wall and accessibility for police and fire. He showed visuals of the options of a wall with ivy, a wall with trees and shrubs, a hedge, or the option of no changes. Council discussed: after a wall construction, BART will not maintain the wall or vegetation; police and fire are concerned, about transients and vandals or felons hiding there; prefer to see 8 foot wall immediately next to the BART track, concern about echo from walls, will double sounds; consultant noted any echo would come from an east wall; prefer to do nothing; give us the money proposed for Burlingame City Council 363 June 10, 1998 the wall and we can use for landscaping; cost of the wall is just a drop in the BART bucket; BART would love to get an agreement from us before they have more funding hearings in Washington in the next few weeks; our city will be called first for emergencies; still believe we need to talk to BART, the policy makers need to get together. Councilman Galligan said the COST organization has put out some wrong information, we need to disassociate from that group. Councilwoman O'Mahony reviewed several BART letters, one stated undergrounding could be addressed in the future, she would like to hear from BART about that; the Wilson letter of 1994 stated there would not be a BART car wash in Burlingame; like to get commitment from BART before we talk further. Mayor Spinelli would like to have a face to face meeting with BART and ask them under oath for facts and figures; he preferred the "do nothing" alternative; would like to invite BART to come and make presentation before September; money they would spend for wall could be part of the negotiations; don't want to lose that funding. Councilman Galligan moved to direct staff to inform BART that council does not want a wall, prefer hedges and trees; give us the wall money and we will landscape. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried 4-1 on voice vote, Councilwoman Knight voting no. The mayor asked that BART be invited to our August 3, 1998 meeting to discuss their project. BROADWAY RAILROAD CROSSING ALTERNATIVES - CP 9608 Public Works Director reviewed his memo of June 7, L998 which recommended council review the report and direct staff. The Broadway railroad crossing is located near three major arterial in Burlingame - California Drive, Carolan Avenue and Rollins Road - just 100 feet from the Broadway business district, and 450 feet west of the main freeway access to the city. When a train stops at the station during peak commute hours, eastbound traffic backs up from California Drive to El Camino and westbound traffic backs up from Carolan to the freeway off-ramp. The Peninsula Joint Powers Board (JPB) owns and operates the Caltrain railroad service including the Broadway station. Ridership at the Broadway station is relatively low compared to adjacent stations. He presented visuals of five alternatives: (1) Raise the tracks; includes raising the tracks 18 feet and lowering Broadway 3 feet; (2) Raise the tracks and depress Broadway; includes raising tracks 13 feet and lowering Broadway 8 feet; (3) Depress the tracks; includes depressing the tracks and raising Broadway 3 feet; (4) Platform relocation; involves relocating the passenger platform 550 feet south so northbound trains can stop without blocking traffic on Broadway; (5) Station closure/consolidation; involves three options - eliminate the Broadway station, eliminate the Broadway station and expand the Burlingame Station by closing South Lane and extending the platform, or consolidating both stations at a new station near Oak Grove Avenue. He introduced Geoffrey Kline, Transportation Systems Coordinator for San Mateo County and Andy Nash from the JPB. Kline discussed funding of grade separation projects; long involved formula for funding; need to send a letter of interest to Transportation Authority (TA) for funding. Public Works Director asked that council give staff direction on which alternative it preferred. Council discussed: grade separations involve major funding and long time frame, need to do something in short time period; asked about high speed rail proposals being discussed in State, staff noted "high speed" and "rapid rail" are different, rapid rail is meant to shorten time for commute trains; in sitting on TA have seen merchants in other cities very distressed by grade separation projects, don't want to do that to our Broadway merchants; platform relocation seems best alternative; June 10, 1998 364 Burlingame City Council ask TA to move the Broadway freeway interchange up on its list of projects and look for fulI funding of Broadway platform relocation. Vice Mayor Janney moved to direct staff to pursue the platform relocation and ask the Mayor to write to the TA and request the Broadway interchange be moved up on the list of projects for funding. Seconded by Councilman Galligan. The mayor recalled discussions with a highway engineer about new configurations for interchanges, he will get more information to staff. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 8. 1098 The Planning Director reviewed the Planning Commission actions at its meeting of June 8, 1998. Minutes were also placed before council tonight. Councilman Galligan asked what happens to the restaurant planned for Broadway if changes are made to the platform. Staff said the building would stay there, only platform would be moved. APPOINTMENTS TO LIBRARY BOARD The Mayor said he and Councilman Galligan interviewed five candidates. He asked Councilman Galligan to make a recorlmendation. Councilman Galligan said he and the mayor recommended reappointment of Jeff Berger and appointment of Cecile Coar. Council unanimously concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR a.RESOLUTION 61-98 APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR A MASTER PLAN FOR CORPOPU{TION YARD RECONSTRUCTION - CP 9601 Public Works memo of May 29, 1998 recommended council approve and agreement with Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich and Tucker for architectural services for the Corporation Yard Master Plan. The total amount of the contract is $41,375. RESOLUTION 62-98 CONSENTING TO WITHDRAWAL OF THE BID OF BAY PACIFIC AND AWARDING CONTRACT TO KIMKAN FOR SANCHEZ WATER MAIN - CP 9505 Public Works memo of June 4, 1998 recommended council approve withdrawal of the bid by Bay Pacific Pipeline (because they made a substantial error in their pipe bid items) and award a contract to Kimkan Construction in the amount of $259,087 for the Sanchez Water Main Replacement. RESOLUTION 63-93 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES FOR AIRPORT BOULEVARD RECONSTRUCTION - CP 9411 Public Works memo of June 2, 1998 recommended council approve an amendment to the agreement with Brian Kangas Foulk to increase design stage service and add construction stage service in the amount of $44,306. b c Burlingame City Council 36s June 10, 1998 d.RESOLUTION 64-98 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PALOMA PARK AND ALPINE PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS - CP 9714 Parks & Recreation Director's memo of June 4, L998 recommended council award the contract for playground renovations to Collishaw Construction in the amount of $1L5,225. e. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 57969 - 58495 (excluding Library checks 58257 - 58307), duly audited, in the amount of $2,389,134.44, Payroll Checks 106604 - 107684 for the month of May 1998 in the amount of $1,587,336.18 and Electronic Fund Transfers for May 1998 in the amount of $349,561.35. f. REJECT CLAIM OF SUSAN PONCURAK City Attorney's memo of May 29, t998 recommended denial of this claim for personal injuries allegedly suffered in a sidewalk fall. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously. Councilwoman Knight gave a talk at city hall to a2nd grade Lincoln School class; attended employee lunch with other council members. Vice Mayor Janney also attended the employee lunch and a Chamber meeting. Mayor Spinelli reported on the Airport Roundtable meeting. In addition to other events mentioned, Councilman Galligan attended a Junior Fire Marshall event. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Mahony asked the Parks & Recreation Director to report about Burlingame Together; she also inquired about plans for Cuernavaca Park; asked about the Planning Commission's request for photos of the Mariposa site. Councilwoman Knight said when she talked to the Lincoln School class she had also mentioned that last Saturday, June 6, 1998, was the city's 90th Anniversary. Speaking of Lincoln, Councilwoman O'Mahony asked if we could repair the statue of Abraham Lincoln in the lobby, it looks shabby. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.Commission Minutes: Park & Recreation, May 21, L998 b. Department Reports: Treasurer, May 31, 1998; Building, May 1998 June 10, 1998 366 Burlingame City Council c d. Letter from Bertil Phersson complaining of dust, dirt and mud from construction project on California Drive and asking relief on water bill. Letter from City of Palo Alto requesting amendment to the Airport Roundtable MOU to add Palo Alto as a voting member. San Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report for May 1998. Memo from CCAG regarding two vacancies on the Bikeways and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. At 10:54 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting to a closed session to confer with the City Manager and City Attorney on labor negotiations with the Police and Fire Administrators and the Fire Fighters Union. The meeting reconvened at 11:16 p.m. City Attorney announced Council gave direction to the City Manager on labor negotiations. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Spinelli adjourned the meeting at ll:18 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk f. CLOSED SESSION Burlingame City Council 367 June 10, 1998 RECONVENE OPEN MEETING