HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.06.01BIJRI,INGAME, CAI,IFORNIA June L, 1998 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Mike Spinelli. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG kd by Traffic Comrnissioner Tim Auran, also representing Chamber of Commerce. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE PRESENTATION OF BASEBALL Councilman Galligan presented Mayor Spinelli with a baseball from the Friday night "Burlingame Night at the Giants. " He told how Mayor Spinelli pitched, Vice Mayor Janney was the batter and he acted as catcher to "open the game.' The Mayor was pleased to receive the signed ball, scuff and all. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 1998 lvere approved after Councilwoman Knight, on page 10 under Committee Reports, added the rrzord "Durub@g! rail.." The minutes of the Budget Study Meeting of May 20, L998 were approved after a change on page 3 by Councilwoman O- 'Mahony "..fields at high school and the citylor the soccer season." PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1592 RENEWING THE BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) AND REDUCING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY BOARD FROM ELEVEN TO SEVEN: and ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 54-98 IMPOSING TIIE BID ASSESSMENTS FOR F'Y 1998-1OAA City Attorney reviewed his memo of May 26 which recommended council hold a public hearing regarding extending the Broadway BID for another five years, reducing the number of members of the Advisory Board from eleven to seven and imposing assessments for 1998-1999 at the same levels and or the same basis as in 1997-1998. They should then adopt the Ordinance renewing the BID and reducing the number of advisory board mennbers and adopt a resolution overruling objections and imposing assessments for 1998-1999. On April 6, council accepted the BID annual report and adopted a Resolution of Intention to renew the BID. On May 4, L998 the council held the first public hearing and no objections were submitted at that hearing. The proposed ordinance was introduced and further reading was waived. This is the second public hearing as required by law. J53 Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1592 Renewing the Broadway BID and Reducing the Number of Members of the Advisory Board. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously by roll call vote. Vice Mayor Janney moved to adopt RESOI-UTION 54-98 Imposing BID Assessments for 1998-99. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - 19q8-1999 BUDGET AND CA.PITAL PROGRAM - RESOLUTION 55-98 ADOPTING 1o98-1999 OPERATING BUDGET and RESOLUTION 56-98 ESTABLISHING THE 1998-1999 APPROPRIATION LIMIT City Manager reviewed his memo of Mly 22, 1998 which reconrmended council hold a public hearing and adopt the 1998-1999 budget and approirriation limit. Council received the proposed budget on May I and held a study session on May 20 to review the budget and discuss allocations to community groups. Based on council discussion he recommendecl allocations to community groups of $37,000. The total budget is $49,415,591 and is 5.1 percent more than last year. Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. 'fhere were no comments and the hearing was closed Councilman Galligan had prepared a memo to council ccmparing contributions to charitable "Community Groups" over the past five years. The city's incorne has increased significantly but these contributions have stayed the same; he felt the city should increase its contributions to groups that aid the city. Other council members disagreed, noting the city also contributes significantly to the schools and other groups; preferred to keep as propooed this year; suggest developing criteria for rating these groups for contributions and reconsider nex.t year; felt inappropriate using tax fi.rnds to raise donations without clear criteria. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved to adcpt RESOL{JI'ION 55-98 Adopting 1998-99 Budget. Seconded by Councilwoman Ifuight and carried uilaninrbusl:y 5-O on roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE l5g3-IPECIFYING THAT CAND FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY BOAR,}S AND C.-QIvIMISSIONS MUST BE REGISTERED CLARIFYING THAT MEMBERS OF BOSDS ANE,EO THE CITY COUNCIL The city attorney reviewed his merno of IvIa5,21, 1998 rvtrich recomrnended council hold a public hearing and adopt this ordinance. A.t the rneeting of'May 4, 1998 council asked that the proposed ordinance specifying that commissioners niust be registere,i voters be redrafted to also clarify that the entire council appoints the individuals. The redrafted ordinance was introduced at the May 18 meeting. Councilwoman O'Mahony askecl abour wording in ordinance; City Attorney explained. June 1, 1998 JJT'Burlingame City Council Vice Mayor Janney moved to adopt RESOLIJT'ION 56-.93 Establishing the Appropriation Limit for 1998-99. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried nnanirnously 5-0 on roll call vote. VOTERS OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAM.I WTIEN ,APPTJ'ING FOR APPOINTMENT AND Mayor Spinelli opened the public hearing. There v/ere no coflrments and the hearing was closed Councilwoman O'Mahony moved adoption of O. !.DINANCE ,1593. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. PUBLICCOMMENTS . I : Will McGowan, Beautification Commission Chairman,'explained the letter from the commission on the agenda; the commission noted the number of construction projects in the Floribunda area and thought it would be a good time to underground the overhead utilities. Regarding the donations to community groups, he has always been proud that our city contributes to these groups and he thought we had a responsibility to help those less fortunate, even though they may not live in our city. Business manager and resident on Lorton, Mr. Patel, complained about the Alibi bar and late night noise and disruptions caused by patrons at that establishment; requested they be required to keep music down, not be allowed to use the speakers outside and not serve patrons outside on patio. The owner of the Alibi came forward and said the allegations were not true and explained steps they have taken to address concerns. ANNUAL REVIEW AND RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT PERMITS City Attorney reviewed his memo of May 2L, l99B whictr recommended council review the existing amusement permits and renew them for a 12 month period with additional standard conditions about smoking regulations and no minors being allovred rvhen food is not being served. He noted problems at the Tavern Grill and Moon McShane's have significantly decreased; he recommended the permit for Route 66 be canceled because it has ehanged ownership. Because of the complaints about the Alibi bar and some notice omissions, action on the annusem.ent permits was continued until the next meeting. Councilwoman Knight asked for information ol type of entertainment each permit allows. REAUTIFICATION COMMISSION LETTER REOUES THE RESIDENTIAL AREA AROUND CITY HAI-L The Beautification Commission's letter of May L2, L998 recommended council require underground utilities in the area of Floribunda, Ansel and Almer lloaCs. The Public Works Director had added a comment to the letter that the city is planning underground utilities along a portion of Airport Boulevard using the $1.2 million in funds now available. trf council chooses to pursue underground- ing in the Floribunda area, it should be noted the funds cannot be used to pay for work on private propefty to connect to underground facilities in the public right-of-way. The estimated $8,000 to $i5,000 cost to connect to each site would be borne by the property owners. Councilwoman O'Mahony noted we promised to underground the Airport Boulevard area years ago to benefit the hotels and bayfront area; would love to see underground r"ltilities everywhere but not enough money; she felt we should keep our promise. Burlingarne City Council June 1, 1998 Tim Auran, representing the Chamber of Comrnerce, asked if he could speak to the Chamber request for a Farmers Market when that item came up on the agenda. Council agreed. 357 COMMISSION INTERVIEW TEAM FOR LIBRABLM City Manager reviewed his memo of May 27 , t99B which recommended council select an interview team for the two seats on the Library Board; as of 'this daf.e we have two applicants. The filing deadline is June 2,1998" Council may wish to schedule interviews before the June 10 meeting and make appointments that night. If we have insufficient candidates, council may extend the deadline until June 19. Mayor Spinelli appointed Councilman Galligan and himself to interview applicants prior to the June 10 meeting CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REOUES'T FOR SPECIAI, EVENT PERMIT FOR A FARMERS MARKET IN PARKING LOT W ON HOWARD AVENUE City Manager reviewed his memo of May 27 rvhich rec.orrimended council review the request from the Chamber of Commerce to hold a Farmers Market every Sunday on Parking Lot W, the old bowling alley site on Howard Avenue, for a six month trial basis. If council wishes to approve this request he suggested some conditions. Tim Auran, Chamber President, presented a petitiorr signed by adjacent businesses and a letter from the sanitation company about the portable wasluoom/bathroom. They will hire a on-site manager for the event; they are required by County Health to have a hand-washing station and bathroom facilities and would like to store these facilities on site, they proposed that the Chamber install a chain link fence enclosure with wood slats to secure the facilities during the days it was not in use. Council members met with representatives at the Chamb,er office and were pleased with their plans; all supported the event; want to be sure the lot and a.rea is rvell cleaned after the event. Staff noted if council allows the bathroom enclosrue, Charnber ri:Eresenta.tives should meet with the Public Works Director about the location of the bathroorn and the ferice. Vice Mayor Janney moved to grant the perrnit for a Farmers Market on Lot W on Sundays for a six month period with revised conditions to allow tlre bathroom to remain at the site in an enclosure provided the location is affirmed by the Public \rtr/orks Depannrent. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously by voice vote. SCHEDULE SPECIAL MEETING JUNEJIS - -1--9-28 City Manager recommended council schedule a special rneeting on June 25, 1998. This would be a joint meeting with the city councils of Hillsborough and h,Iillbrae and would be held at the Hills- borough Town Hall at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting rvould be to discuss the scope, benefits and participation in the "Tri-Cities Water Project. " Council commented on letter from Millbrae regarding benefits. Staff noted the purpose of the nreeting rvill be to assess benefits for each city; at present time expenses are split in thirds fcr ear:h city. If benefits are found to be more for one city than another, the costs will be prorated acr:ordingly. Vice Mayor Janney moved to schedule a special meeiillg on June 25, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. in the Hillsborough Town Hall. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously. June 1, 1998 3s8 Burlingame City Council b CONSENT CAI-ENDAR. City Attorney noted for the record that council received a letter today from Attorney Janet Fogarty representing the Ho family which objected to the Resolution (item "a") denying their appeal for a new house ^t 1523 Los Altos. a RESOLUTION 57-98 AFFIRMING A DECI$ION OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO DENY A IIILLSIDE AREA CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR A NEW HOUSE AT 1523 LOS ALTOS DRIVE ANI-I DENYING THF'APPEAL City Attorney's memo of May 26, 1998 recommended council adopt a resolution confirming the council decision of May 18 to deny the appeal of the Planning Commission denial on the Ho request to build a new house. RESOLUTION 58-98 ACCEPTING COMPI.ETION OF THE MILLS CANYON SLIDE REPAIR. PHASE 2, CP 9607(2) Public Works memo of May 26, l99B recommended council accept this project as completed by John Tyson Construction in the amount of $68,000. c. AFSCME LOCALS 829 AND 2100, TEAMSTERS LOCAL 856 AND BURLINGAME ASSOCTATION OF MIDDLE MANAGERT; (BAMM) City Manager's memo of May 26, 1998 recomrnended council authorize an adjustment in the MOUs with the above four labor groups. The agreernents call for a salary adjustment based on the April CPI less L percent. The tsay Area CPI was only 2.6 percent in April. Given the modest increase in CPI he recommended we allovv the entire 2.6 percent increase. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of the Consent Calendar" Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously 5-0 on voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman Knight reported on Criminal Justice. Vice Mayor Janney reported on CMAQ; Convention Bureau; she asked the Fire Chief to tell about JPA meeting regarding Advance Life Support and ambulance services; as mentioned earlier she also attended the Burlingame Night at the Giants, with the Mayor and Counciknan Galligan, and the Lions Golf Tournament. Councilwoman O'Mahony attended a Council of Cities meeting and a CCA.G meeting. Councilman Galligan also attended the Giants game and the Lions golf tournament. Mayor Spinelli enjoyed the Burlingame Night at the Giants baseball game, it was a great night; he rvas pleased to participate in the Lions Club Golf Tournament and said the Lions presented the city with a check for $5,000 donation toward the renovation of the playgrounds; he thanked the Lions Club for all they do for our community. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Galligan asked about the lack of BART negotiations; noted BART is coming and we had better prepare; Millbrae's decision not to install long term parking west of El Camino will have an tsurlingame City Council 359 June 1, 1998 impact on Burlingame. Council noted staff is talking to BART. After further discussion, staff noted the BART "visual wall" in Burlingame will be on the agenda for the next meeting, June 10, 1998. City Attorney said because of Brown Act requirernents? council should refrain from further discussion a. b. c. d. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Spinelli scheduled public hearings for appeals for the June 10, 1998 meeting for a new garage at72l Walnut. He set a hearing date for July 6, 1998 for an appeal for lL26-L128 Laguna for an addition to a duplex. Councilwoman Knight asked about the memo tiom Planning about the Planning Commission's determination on design review eligibility for a roof additicn; wondered if council would like to call it up for review; concern about the commission setting policy. City Planner said the commission decided the addition would have a minimal irnpact and so it was not subject to design review. If council does not call it up, the commission's recommendation is final. No action was taken. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Beautification, May 7; Senior, May 2l; Traffic, Safety and Parking, May 14; Planning, May 25,1998. Department Reports: Police, April 1998; Building, April 1998. Irtter from Darlene DeMaria stating she has not hired extra help for her business on Lorton. Irtter from Minda Tan regarding a con.Jo project on El Camino and its construction impact on residents of Newlands Avenue. Letter from the County Board of Supervisors and the City of San Mateo regarding a new law requiring a permit to sell tobacco products. Councilwoman Knight expressed an interest. Memo from Planning Director regarding the Planning Commission decision on roof addition exemption to design review. g. Proclamation for Law Enforcement Torch Ruri tbr Special Olympics, June tr2-19, 1998. Councilwoman O'Mahony mentioned a copy of the Letter from Randy Schwartz, Recreation Manager, to Samtrans about eliminating the bus route which passes the Il.ecreation Center and how it would impact seniors in our city. She asked that council endorbe thb letter from staff, council agreed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Spinelli adjourned the meeting at 8:38 p.m Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk e. f June 1, 1998 3,60 Burlingame City Council V,