HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.02.17BURLINGAME, CALIX'ORNIA City CounciUlibrary Board Joint Meeting February 17,1998 Call to Order A duly noticed Special Joint Meeting of the Burlingame City Council and the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above date in the Library's Lane Community Room. The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Board Chairman Berger. The chairman explained the meeting is to review with the city council the library's Internet Policy. He noted in the thousands of hours of computer use at the library there have only been two instances of reported misuse by patrons. He asked that public comments be limited to no more than five minutes. There were numerous handouts available at the back of the room. Fublic Comments Susan Rodgers, resident, thought we need to do everything we can to protect the kids; library controls what it puts on the shelf but with the Internet there is no control; library has a responsibility; there is no control over what the children can see; she was very concerned. Harriet Kumetat, Hillsborough, hated to see any form of censorship; parents are responsible, not the library. Dorothy Cusick, former council member, said parents trust the library as a safe place for their children, the library needs to protect children. Patti Bergsing, former Librarian, supported the present Intemet policy; it's well thought out. Ro Spinelli, resident, said she spends lots of time on the Internet and there are lots of problems; she objected to chat rooms; unless you spend time on the Internet, you can'trealize what is available. Two representatives of schools spoke and Debbie Grewell, BIS, said she had observed students accessing sites which she thought they should not be using; kids are savvy and can find ways to access these sites" Council/Board Discussion Mayor Spinelli gave avisual presentation; showed how easily a kid could access objectionable sites; he objected to e-mail, chat rooms and newsgroups being available to kids - although the library originally blocked these sites, they are now available from various webpages; there are filtering software that can be disabled by the librarian to allow a person access and many filters have passwords to bypass; he would like the children's room computer to have a filter. Board members objected to the presentation continuing if any pornographic sites are shown at a public meeting; they wondered why the mayor did not attend a library board rreeting during the past year to discuss with the board; this issue has been on board agendas for over ayear and the policy has been in effect for a year. Councilwoman Knight told of a paper the mayor had presented to council last year; she wished it were available at this meeting; she was concerned that public was not aware of the board's discussions of this important issue; was still not convinced that the children's room computer should not have a filter. Trustee Cannon said the board has been discussing this issue for over ayear; they are also very concerned and do not take it lightly; a special home page for the children's room computer has been developed which will proactively lead children to best sites. Councilwoman O'Mahony noted her support of the present Internet policy; this policy was also reviewed at several public council meetings last year. Councilman 295 Library Board Trustees Present: Berger, Cannon, Dunbar, Herman, Morton City Council Members Present: Galligan, Janney, Knight, O'Mahony, Spinelli Galligan thought it was important to always get public input; he wanted the board to feel comfortable with their decision but we also need to listen to the community; he spoke to an attorney who said filtering could cause first amendment problems, but we can be more restrictive with kids' access; part of the problem is using public money to pay for the computer and filtering devices; he suggested the Library Foundation might donate a computer to the children's room with condition that it be filtered to get around this issue. Councilwoman Knight said the San Bruno library filters its Internet use. Board members noted San Bruno only has one computer which is used by children and adults. Vice Mayor Janney asked if the schools used blocking software and what percentage of libraries use such software; board responded a very small percentage; Councilwoman Knight commented that did not mean we should avoid such software; Burlingame is unique. Board members also noted such soltware gives a false sense of security to parents; there are many ways to get around such blocks. The library board noted that it would continue to review the Internet policy on a regular basis. Council members thanked the board for meeting with them. Adjournment Mayor Spinelli adjourned the council portion of the meeting at 6:08 p.m. and the library board continued with its regular meeting. A Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk 296