HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1998.02.07CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Saturday, February 7, 1998 Main Library - Lane Community Room Mayor Mike Spinelli convened the annual work program and goals study of the city council and department heads on the above date in the Lane Community Room at9 02 a.m. CouNclL pRESENT: GeLlIceN, JANNEy, KNIGHT, O'MegoNy, SpINELLI Srerr PRsseNr:ANppRsoN, ARGyRES, BAGDoN, BecrgR, EscoprmR, MISSEL, MoNRog, REILLY, Wtllnus Orunns RspRsspNrATIVEs or CHeN{sER oF Col{raeRcp 1. Rpvmw 1997: Fonscnsr 1998 The city manager noted that the purpose of this meeting is to review the past year and look ahead at the big picture, as well as to allow council to cornment on the work program for 1998 It is also the start of the budget process. A busy year 1997 was, and it was a year of change for both council and staff. It was also an excellent year financially for the city. Looking at this year, it was noted that the Burlingame High School pool project is not moving as rapidly as we would like and it may not be possible to start construction until September. The manager felt that the Eucalyptus trees would still be an issue, and we would need the dry weather to complete the closure phase at the landfill. 2. RsvIpw 1998 WoRK PnocRAI\4 In reviewing the work program for 1998, Councilwoman Knight asked whether the University of California tree study was going to benefit the management of the city-owned trees along Easton and Burlingame Avenue. Staff indicated that we hoped the study would be helpful both statewide and internationally. Parks and Recreation Director Williams noted that of the three main sets of trees in Burlingame, staff is most concerned about the Eucalyptus grove along the railroad tracks (California Drive) since there has been little ongoing maintenance as a result of different ownership. The manager noted that staff will soon be meeting with representatives of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission concerning the right-of-way issues along this area. The manager noted we have begun discussions with TCI on cable television franchise renewal for televising council meetings; however, in the interim, we may wish to start with broadcasting meetings on a tape-delay basis based on a quote we received. Councilman Galligan suggested that the operator should index the video tape to the agenda so that we know where items begin. The manager commented that staff is working on the Tri-City water project. Public works is prepared to discuss and review the earlier Broadway grade separation studies at a study meeting. Mayor Spinelli remembered that during the charette, it was suggested that we combine the grade separation design with the freeway overpass. He asked whether it was February 7, 1998 290 Burlingame City Council possible to coordinate this with the state. The manager noted that currently the Broadway interchange has been dropped from the state improvement plan completely. Council suggested that with the potential for a new legislator, we should look to see how we can promote this project. Councilwoman O'Mahony noted there is currently a shorter STIP cycle and this may affect the ability to get on this list. Councilwoman O'Mahony indicated that C/CAG is currently dealing with the airport agreement and some circumstances have changed. It may be possible to define Burlingame as immediately adjacent to the airport, and this may influence roadway improvement funding. Councilwoman Knight indicated that the Transportation Authority addressed the reopening of the Harbor Boulevard crossing, but cities should notxXr(xxthe authority to cover cost ovelTuns on grade separation projects. expect In discussing possible new development at Safeway and Walgreens, it was noted that Safeway has not approached staff yet with a revised concept. Councilman Galligan asked how we would address the parking issues concerning the Safeway project and the proposed land swap. Staff indicated that it needed to know more about the project. Councilwoman O'Mahony suggested it may be desirable to have two or three business people from the Burlingame Avenue area as independent advisors to the council on the project. The manager noted we needed to be cautious in terms of the public process that is used. Mayor Spinelli noted that Safeway is currently considering adding 25 feet of retail space along Primrose Road. Councilman Galligan asked about how would Saks mitigate its parking impact. Staff noted that any change in use or addition would require a parking variance and it would be up to council to address mitigation. The city manager noted that the corporation yard is currently one of the most inadequate city facilities. We need to address improvements at this location including possible land acquisition. In addressing other issues for the work plan, Councilwoman O'Mahony noted that we needed to increase the opportunities for citizens to serve on commissions, and we should not allow membership duplications for such commissions as Traffic Safety Parking and Mosquito Abatement. She noted that several people have served three or four terrns and that we may wish to review the idea of limiting terms. The manager noted that this was one item on his list to discuss with the council at a future meeting. Some of our commissions are overworked where others have little activity. Councilwoman Knight agreed. She would like to see the council discuss each commission separately. She thought that some of the suggestions made by previous commissioners such as interviewing incumbents was a good idea. Council should use its prerogative for longer terms at the time of reappointment. She was also interested in having the planning commission and council review the standards for restaurants and take-out permits soon. Councilman Galligan noted that the city needs to add more fields and nrrf in Burlingame. He noted that the airport is looking at possible use of marsh lands and questioned whether the city could review that option. Councilwoman O'Mahony agreed it would be a good idea to look at Sanchez Lagoon in Burlingame. Public works director indicated to council that he had experience with this in Palo Alto and that there were significant environmental and substantial 291Burlingame City Council February 7,1998 cost issues. The city rumager noted that BCDC is one of the most difficult public agencies to deal with. He stated that only if the project was significant would it be possible to consider this option and it would be costly. Staff would try to look at this idea. He also mentioned that we may want to review redoing some existing facilities as ways to increase turf. It was noted that Pershing School was designed without major turf and that we are looking at redoing both Cuernavaca Park and need a master plan for the older sections of Bayside Park. Councilwoman O'Mahony tlought it would be a good idea to look at Cuernavaca to see about where we could add more level area to schedule soccer and that possibly we need to look at soccer at Ray Park and Village Park. It would be nice to purchase the two houses adjacent to Village Park to increase our use of the area. She also noted that by putting lighting in the Bayside locations, we can extend their use. Councilwoman Knight agreed that we needed to look for places for additional fields, but she was concerned that installing additional lighting in neighborhood areas might cause problems. Councilman Galligan noted that one of the advantages of development on the east side of Burlingame is that lighting is not an issue for residents. The parks and recreation director reviewed the desire to look at a new master plan for the older areas of Bayside Park because of issues with drainage and trees which are aging and dying. He noted that in the new fields, we are planning for the Bayfront area we will have a sand base for turf which will increase the time we can use them because of better drainage. Mayor Spinelli agreed that we should look at spending dollars for additional turf and look at alternatives. He also thought expanding Village Park was a great idea and that possibly three houses should be looked at. The city manager noted that the council previously did not wish to use eminent domain on residential properties but that we definitely needed to improve the existing buildings at Village Park which are inadequate. Councilman Galligan noted that it may be a different matter for council to look at acquiring rental housing as compared to owner- occupied housing and we may be able to trade. Parks and recreation director noted that the current clubhouse in Village Park does not meet ADA requirements and that the city may want to look at expanding our preschool or day care programs based on needs. 3. BUDGET FoRECAST 1998-99 The city manager noted that we anticipate the general fund to increase 3-to-4% this year in revenue, whereas expenditures would increase h the 2-to-3% range. Our local sales tax and hotel tax are doing well, but the loss of PERS surplus funds will reduce the revenue growth. With the financing of the California Drive sewer project, we should see a $2-to-3 million increase in fund balance. Water and sewer rates may change slightly due to capital improvement needs, but no significant increases are planned. The preliminary budget plan for next year calls for up to 5% growth in general fund expenditures. We anticipate another large capital improvement program for next year. 4. CouNctL CoMMENTS Councilwoman Knight noted that as part of the discussions with televising council meetings, we would need to look at upgrading the sound system in the city council chambers. She also felt that the council and staff chairs should be addressed. Mayor Spinelli said he would like to look at upgrading the audio visual equipment in the council chambers similar to what is February 7, 1998 292 Burlingame City Council available in the library community room. Councilman Galligan noted that in considering televising council meetings, we would need to elevate the camera. Mayor Spinelli asked about when the major upgrade of city hall could be programmed. The manager replied he thought we needed to first address the needs of the corporation yard Councilwoman Knight emphasized the importance is disaster preparedness for earthquakes and she felt very comfortable with the high visibility of police on her street. She was very proud of the staff s customer service orientation. The fire chief commented on some of the current activities to improve disaster preparedness, including the training received from the state. Mayor Spinelli would like to give a commendation to the public works employees for all of their work during the recent storms. He suggested that council may want to buy them a lunch or give them a certificate. 6. DppeRrN{eNr Hpeo REsor.urroNs In review the department head resolutions, Councilwoman Knight asked the city attorney about how the code enforcement is working out. City attorney responded it was working well so far, and it was good to have someone with a sense of coordination dealing with code enforcement. It was noted that council may be receiving complaints about some issues that we are now enforcing that we have not in the past. Councilwoman Knight commented that concerning the Visitor and Convention Bureau, in the past we have given more than the 4% guideline, and since San Mateo is bowing out of emergency services JPA, we may need to monitor actions from other cities. Vice Mayor Janney noted that they will be monitoring this closely and she will report back to council. She stated she is pleased with the direction on the athletic fields and felt there are other needs such as child care which the city should be attempting to deal with. Councilwoman O'Mahony noted that soccer is a very important issue to kids, but we should look at doing the best we can with what we have. She fully agreed on the need to make improvements at the corporation yard and the need for a master plan for sewer improvements Mayor Spinelli agreed that he was pleased with the orientation towards the future and that we need to continue to work on infrastructure improvements. He felt that we should look at the possibility of upgrading and purchasing land in the Village Park area. He was pleased that the city council has been working together and thought that we could have another great year. Councilman Galligan asked council if it would be wise to meet with the park and recreation commission similar to meeting with the planning commission and council. Council thought this item might be considered in the future. FRou rsp FlooR Mayor Spinelli asked for any public comment. Tim Auran, president of the Chamber of Commerce, noted that the Safeway project would be discussed at an upcoming March 11 coffee forum; council and staff may want to attend. Burlingame City Council 293 February 7,1998 John Root complimented the way the city operated and in particular the clty librarian's work on the library. He agreed that Broadway grade separation was something that needed to be looked at as well as streetscape and redoing the corporation yard. He thought that new lighting is quite directional and may not be as big a problem as in the past. He complimented the work that has been done in trying to control Starbucks. Another member of the audience asked whether the free parking at Ralston and El Camino was to be extended. The city manager responded that this was on the next council agenda. AplouRNtupNr The meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m. v Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk February 7,1998 294 Burlingame City Council