HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.12.15BI,JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA December 15,1997 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed special meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Mayor Mike Spinelli. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by George Bagdon, Director of Public Works. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE RESOLUTION 94-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CALIFORNIA DRIVE INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT . CP 9609 Director of Public Works reviewed his memo of December 8, 1997 which recommended council approve the resolution awarding this project to K.J. Woods Construction of San Francisco in the amount of $3,766,580 which includes Phase I, II, Alternate 1 and Alternate 2. On November L7, 1997, council rejected all bids received for this project because of concerns raised by bidders over microtunneling qualifications. As a result, staff clarified the specifications and rebid the project. The new bids were opened on December 4 and five bids were received. The low bidder has performed extensive pipeline work and is well qualified. Staff recommends awarding the bid to K.J. Woods. The project consists of constructing nearly two miles of sewer mains by microtunneling or open-cut trenching. Most of the work will take place in city streets, on California Drive from Trousdale to Broadway and then to Rollins Road. A consultant has prepared a plan to accommodate traffic during construction. Merchants and residents will be notified by mail and signs will be posted prior to starting the project. Councilwoman Knight asked that the school districts be notified about this project because students walk and drive along these streets; she also asked about storm drain overflows on El Camino Real and if Caltrans takes some responsibility for this project. Staff noted the sewer mains are the city's responsibility; storm drains and rain water flooding are another issue. Mayor Spinelli asked about the railroad crossing improvements and if this project would interfere. Staff noted the rubberized railroad crossing improvements should be installed this spring and the sewer main will be microtunneled under the tracks so it should not interfere. Councilwoman O'Mahony moved approval of RESOLUTION 94-97 to award this project. Seconded by Vice Mayor Janney and carried unanimously by voice vote. 263 BURLINGAME PARTICIPATION IN SAN MATEO COUNTY ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT (ALS) PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE PROGRAM (PARAMEDIC/AMBU- LANCE SERVICE) City Manager reviewed his memo of December 11, 1997 which recommended council consider whether it is in the best interest of the city to continue in the County-wide JPA for pre-hospital emergency services. The city must provide notice by December 18 if we wish to withdraw without penalty. While staff is not comfortable with the proposed agreements, it believes the city should support a county-wide paramedic program. If council decides to continue in the JPA, it should indicate to the JPA that both the AMR and Rural/Metro contracts submitted to the city for review appear flawed and should be amended before JPA action. The City Attorney's memo compared both the contracts. The Fire Chief's memo noted that the Fire Department believes the city should support the JPA and the fire union also approves of the JPA and the Rural Metro proposal. Council discussed at length; asked about South San Francisco not participating, staff noted that city has provided ALS and transport for many years and the service is "grand fathered"; State law now requires counties to provide ambulance service, cities cannot go it alone; why such a short time-line, tend to shy away from things which require an immediate decision like this; contracts require central communication system and have concern about the condition of the county communications system; contracts require city to provide service outside city, possibly up to Daly City; staff noted fire department now goes outside the city on mutual aid so they are comfortable with it; question is how far outside the city would they have to go and how often; Fire Chief noted fire department's concern is saving lives and this proposal will enhance that purpose; our city has high quality fire department and response time, who will cover us if our department is outside the city; question of how will the city be reimbursed for service outside the city; what about impact when BART station is built; love idea of fire department being in charge of ambulance because the fire department is always the flrst one there; a representative of AMR responded on the number of ambulances presently in service; a representative of Rural/Metro responded to council and said this contract will improve the level of service. Council asked him about their contract with San Diego; council would like to see that contract and also see financials from Rural/Metro. Gary Sowers, President of the Firefighters Union, indicated their desire to become involved with transport and support of the Rural/Metro bid. City Manager confirmed the council's direction to continue in the JPA and it is willing to consider the transport issue directly with the JPA. We are not ready to approve the city/Rural Metro or the city/AMR agreement at this time. Councilwoman Janney so moved. Seconded by Councilman Galligan and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS Several fire fighters commented on their support of this concept; that this will improve service to the citizens; expressed pleasure working for this city; if council has any questions about this issue they are willing to help. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Knight reported on her appointment to the Transportation Authority and appointrnent of Ire Parua. December 15, 1997 264 Burlingame City Council NEW BUSINESS Councilman Galligan asked that two issues be agendized: 1) televising city council meetings; 2) city council compensation which has not been raised in 8 years. Councilwoman Knight showed an original incorporation paper of the City of Burlingame dated 1908 that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Rick Silver, had given to her. She hoped the papers could be displayed for the public. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Spinelli adjourned the meeting at9.28 a.m. ! Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk Burlingame City Council 265 December 15, 1997