HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.08.04BIJRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA Special Joint Study Meeting August 4,1997 A special joint study meeting of the Burlingame City Council and the San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) Board of Trustees was held on the above date in City Hall Conference Room A. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed Burlingame High School Aquatic Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor O'Mahony. The mayor introduced Vice Mayor Spinelli, Councilman Harrison and Councilwoman Janney. She acknowledged that Councilwoman Knight was seated in the audience and would not participate in the discussion because of a conflict of interest because her home is located near the swimming pool site. The mayor then introduced School Board President Vranes, Vice President Cohn-Lyle, Clerk Griffin, Trustees Gregory and Prewitt and also Student Trustee Eric Lo. SMUHSD Superintendent Mohr, City Manager Argyres and other staff members were also present. Mayor O'Mahony said the city has a long tradition of partnership with our schools. She asked Parks & Recreation Director Williams to review the process that has led to the present plan for upgrading the pool; he then reviewed the history and plans posted on the wall; noted the city hoped to have an attractive entrance to the pool area by the tennis courts off of Oak Grove; city/school district will share cost of maintenance 65/35 percent; school district will be responsible for the maintenance; the city has committed about $1 million to this project and the school district has committed about $300,000. Superintendent Mohr appreciated the cooperation with the city; said the school district attorney and city attorney would have an agreement ready soon, might come before the Board by August 7 or at a special meeting August 14. Board members discussed possible impact on curriculum at Burlingame High School; parking and traffic concerns; thought size of city locker rooms might be too small; asked who is responsible for scheduling of events at the pool; suggested more toilets in the women's dressing rooms. Mohr said the plan is to have a joint committee meet at least twice ayear to assess the program. Board members asked if booster clubs would be able to use the concession stand. Mohr said the construction project would take at least six months. Board members and council members expressed their approval of the concept. The meeting adjourned to the regular meeting of the city council at 6:.m.50 Judith A. City Clerk rqQ BIJRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 4,1997 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor O'Mahony. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Anne Keighran. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 21, 1997 were approved after a change on page 5 by Councilwoman Knight changing the name Vader to Bader, and an addition by Councilman Harrison on page 8 under the sidewalk table discussion he "recalled problems began to arise from congestions and we passed an ordinance regulating encroachment permit abuses to be enforced only on complaint and at the same time the police department began enforcing the no alcohol law. " The minutes were approved 4-1, Vice Mayor Spinelli abstaining because he was absent. PUBLIC HEARING - RESUBMITTAL OF 111 CENTRAL - WITHDRAWN Mayor O'Mahony acknowledged receipt of a letter from the applicant requesting to withdraw his appeal. City Attorney said the Planning Commission action would stand as denied. Councilwoman Knight noted the applicant appeared to state that he would like to return at a later date, asked staff to notify him the project is ended. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON A COVERED PARKING VARIANCE AND SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE AT 1506 VANCOUVER The City Planner reviewed her memo of July 28 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. The applicants are requesting variances for covered parking and side setback for a first and second story addition and remodel to the residence at 1506 Vancouver. The proposed addition is 67 percent of the existing residence and qualifies as new construction. New construction must meet all setback, lot coverage, FAR, height and parking requirements. A parking variance is required for one covered parking space where two are required. A side setback variance is required for the new one car garage with a setback of 3 feet 9 inches where 4 feet is required. The remodel would result in an FAR of 50.3 percent where 57 percent is maximum allowed. There is presently a two car detached garage which will be removed and replaced with the new attached one car garage. August 4,1997 tq7 4 Burlingame City Council The Planning Commission moved to approve this request at its July 14 meeting; the motion failed 6-0-1 Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Pat McClelland, applicant, said although they have speff a lot on architectural fees, they have put their house up for sale; noted need to remove detached garage for a yard for children; said Councilman Harrison had been there over the weekend and saw plans on the table at Realtor's "open house" and he was just trying to show potential buyers how the house might be enlarged. Mr and Mrs Sochin, 2020 Adeline, live directly beside this house and are concerned about a garage being right in front of their kitchen window; intrusion into driveway and size of garage will make it hard to use; questioned whether measurements are correct; might have negative impact on property values. There were no other comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Harrison said he could find no exceptional circumstances for this property on which to make findings for variances. Vice Mayor Spinelli agreed; removing a two car garage and replacing it with a one car garage is not a hardship; one car garage is not in the interest of the neighborhood; he would uphold the Planning Commission. Council members agreed. Councilman Harrison moved to uphold the Planning Commission and deny the project. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1575 ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE LIMIT City Attorney reviewed his memo of July 17 which recommended council consider adoption of an ordinance introduced at the last meeting that would establish a voluntary campaign expenditure limit of $28,500. Proposition 208, approved by voters last November, allows cities to establish an expenditure ceiling of no more than $1 per resident; it also sets mandatory contribution limits. If a candidate accepts the voluntary expenditure ceiling, they get the benefit of an increased contribution limit from $100 to $250. The ballot and ballot pamphlet will identify candidates who have accepted the ceiling. In response to council, he said this ordinance would apply only to the 1997 election; it takes a majority vote and would go into effect immediately because it affects an election under Government Code $36937. Vice Mayor Spinelli asked about the section making this an urgency ordinance. City Attorney explained that any ordinance regarding an election can take effect immediately. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Cathy Baylock, 1521 Newlands, questioned naming this an expenditure limit when a candidate is allowed to raise $250 rather than $100. The hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Spinelli disagreed with the argument made that incumbents have an advantage. This ordinance is not in the spirit of Prop 208 which was concerned with special interests which are "buying" elections; people voted for this to cut election spending; this is just a way to buy an election, it's a scam; he spent less than half as much as other candidates in the last election and yet won a council seat; he reviewed sources of donations made in the last election; with this new law someone can take two and a half times as much in donations; statement that you can no longer walk the neighborhoods is wrong, candidates need to meet the people; people don't need to read slick expensive flyers; no way he would ever vote for this ordinance. Councilwoman Janney said she made the comment about walking precincts, times have changed and there are now children home alone, people don't want to open the door; this ordinance is in the spirit Burlingame City Council t?8 August 4,1997 of Prop 208 and she noted all candidates must still acknowledge every contribution of $100 or more; this isn't hidden money; just because an attorney makes a contribution, she did not think that is a special interest group; an incumbent is virtually assured of 1500 votes; mailer only way to get information out to the voters; an incumbent should be aware of this. Councilwoman Knight agreed with Vice Mayor Spinelli; as she said last time, no candidate has ever raised $20,000 for an election in our city; South San Francisco, a much bigger city, has set a ceiling of $20,000; she would like to keep the $100 contribution limit and set an expenditure ceiling of $15,000 which is closer to the number of registered voters; believed in grass roots campaign and getting small donations of $10 and $20; candidates can find unique ways to meet people; annoying part of this ordinance is statement that it's an urgency measure; think its important for people to read the ballot, not just a statement that a candidate has accepted the expenditure limit. Mayor O'Mahony explained to audience that there are many opinions on this ordinance and each council member has some valid points; the spirit of Prop 208 was to limit campaign spending, but buried in the law were ways to increase donations and expenditures; people need to read these initiative measures carefully before voting; as a candidate she was a great believer in grass roots campaigns; agreed electioneering has changed greatly; not want to ask for money but to ask people how they feel and what they want; as she said last time, she could suppoft it; the ordinance is just for this election, then it becomes void, would like to see how it works out; will support with reluctance. Councilman Harrison moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1575. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried 3-2 on roll call vote, Mayor O'Mahony, Councilman Harrison and Councilwoman Janney voting yes, Vice Mayor Spinelli and Councilwoman Ifuight voting no. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1574 ESTABLISHING THREE-WAY STOP SIGNS AT EASTON DRTVE AND COLUMBUS AVENUE Public Works Director reviewed the memo of July 14 which recommended council adopt this ordinance establishing three-way stop signs at the intersection of Easton Drive and Columbus Avenue The TSPC has reviewed a petition from 94 residents in the area and held a meeting at which 30 residents appeared in favor of this request. The commission recommends approval of the stop signs. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Two residents spoke in favor. The hearing was closed Councilwoman Janney moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1574. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously by voice vote" PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1573 ESTABLISHING TWO-HOUR PARKING ON SIDE STREETS OF THE BURLINGAME AVENUE BUSINESS DISTRICT Public Works Director reviewed the memo of July 14 which recommended council adopt this ordinance establishing two-hour parking on side streets of the Burlingame Avenue Business District. The TSPC reviewed this issue and recommended that the one-hour parking limit remain on the Burlingame Avenue frontage but side streets be converted to two hours. The handicap, yellow and green zones would be retained. Councilman Harrison asked about establishing the 25 cents an hour parking charge on the side streets as well as Burlingame Avenue. Director said another ordinance would be introduced later in the meeting to establish t}lre 25 cents per hour charge. August 4,1997 tqq .Burlingame City Council The mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Harrison moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1573. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1572 AMENDING FEES AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE PERMITS PROGRAM FOR 1997-98. 1998-99 AND 1999-2000 Public Works Director reviewed his memo of July 11 which recommended council adopt this ordinance to revise fees and penalties associated with the Industrial Waste Discharge Program. In January 1984 council approved a fee schedule to recover costs associated with this program, the fees have remained the same since then. This program is required by the State as a condition of our National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit (NPDES). The primary purpose of the program is to monitor industrial discharges to the sewer system and protect the city collection system and the San Francisco bay from destructive discharges which could result in violation of our NPDES permit. He suggested the fee increases be phased in over a three year period to avoid too great an increase at one time. The mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Janney moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1572. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1570 ESTABLISHING THE 1997-98 WATER RATES City Manager reviewed the Finance Director's memo of July 8 which recommended council hold a public hearing and adopt an ordinance setting the 1997-98 water rates and base charges. These rates have not been increased since 1994. Over the next five years major capital improvements are planned for the water system. In addition, the San Francisco Water Department (SFWD) is projecting rate increases averaging 6-8 percent annually over the next five years. These increases are to finance major improvements to the SFWD Hetch Hetchy water system. Staff have developed a five year plan for financing these increases. Because of Proposition 218, all water users were notified 45 days before the public hearing. Major projects are planned to increase our water storage capacity, noted if water was shut down during an emergency, the city currently has only 8 hours of water supply, these projects would increase our supply to two days. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Janney moved adoption of ORDINANCE L570. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1571 ESTABLISHING THE 1997-98 SANITARY SEWER USER RATES City Manager reviewed the Finance Director's memo of July 8 which recommended council hold a public hearing and adopt an ordinance setting the 1997-98 sanitary sewer user rates. The EPA Burlingame City Council ?oo I August 4,1997 requires that operation and maintenance costs for the city's sewer enterprise be paid from the sewer rate with a specific method for calculating the rate based on flow and loading. Proposition 218 requires that notice be sent to all property owners regarding any changes in utility rates at least 45 days before the public hearing. Such a notice was mailed on May 28, 1997. Proposed rates for single family residential increase 5 percent to $2.29. Commercial rates increase from 1.68 percent to 9.77 percerfi. It should be noted that commercial accounts pay 61 percent of the total sewer service charges. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed Councilman Harrison moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1571. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS Robert McMonigle, of The Cakery on Burlingame Avenue, stated that his business does not want to be a full restaurant but he would like to provide a couple tables and chairs for his customers; he has presented over L,000 signatures from customers asking for seating; they have remodeled this bakery from an old 1930's look to an establishment worthy of being on "the Avenue;" when he came to city for permits for seating, he was not even given an application; believed it was ridiculous to allow seating outside and not inside his business; asked that his business be "grand fathered" in as a food establishment and allowed to put a couple tables and chairs inside. Will McGowan,3T Lorton, attended a bike advisory group meeting; said Phill Armstrong has taken strong leadership; regarding the dump site, believed there is not a great need for more soccer; council should remember a promise made years ago to build a golf course, if the course is not feasible a driving range would satisfy the community; as people get older they don't participate in soccer or baseball, but they would appreciate a golf driving range. Tim Auran , 1323 Bernal, said back in the 60's there were plans for a golf course at the dump site; think a golf driving range would serve the people well; remember the senior population; the driving range will also add to city revenues. Chris Andrews, 1544 Cypress, discussed need for guidelines for residential remodels that are consistent, felt FAR not consistent with other regulations; believed rules for FAR need to be changed for substandard lots; builders need clear limits or they will build to the maximum FAR; he requested council look at the problem of smaller lots. Tom Carey, whose letter is acknowledged on the agenda, discussed pollution caused by gasoline powered lawn equipment; also felt tables and chairs on the sidewalks of business district added to the trash and litter of the area. John Horgan, Cumberland resident, said his two year old grandson comes to visit carrying a golf club; 30 years ago council talked about a golf course on the landfill; a driving range is a good compromise; agreed soccer is popular but it's for young kids, interest in soccer drops after kids reach tr 2 years of age while golf is a life-long spoft. August 4,1997 + 20/Burlingame City Council Cathy Baylock, 1527 Newlands, said she became involved in "monster homes" issue after a project in her neighborhood and during the discussion on the subdivision on Poppy; the outcome of the Poppy project was a good compromise; at this time any house on a substandard lot can have a FAR of 32 percent plus 1500 SF added; on Poppy Drive council reduced the allowed FAR; told of process of searching for her dream home; now has fear of having a neighbor increase size of home; would like to see FAR of 32 percent plus 750 SF for substandard lots; every week council delays taking action another house is lost. Lisa Murphy, 115 Central, said city officials and commissioners need to have guidelines and properly consider concerns of neighbors and not be biased for developers; everyone has spent so much time and energy on this project (111 Central); need to consider the rights ofthe neighbors of such projects as well as the applicant; people want rustic and small homes, consider what makes the city so special. Amy Andrews, 1350 Newlands, said all the neighbors, the Planning Commission and the council have spent considerable time and energy on the project at 111 Central; thought the city needed a facilitator to work on corlmunications with applicants and neighbors effectively. Kirby Altman, 1250 Cypress, thought we need to come up with better setbacks; he moved to Burlingame because of the charming old small houses; like to have it stay that way; he supported changing the FAR regulations for smaller lots; he also wondered when the city would begin electronic bill paying. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE 1576 ESTABLISHING A 25 CENTS PER HOUR RATE FOR ALL PARKING METERS ON THE SIDE STREETS OF THE BURLINGAME AVENUE BUSINESS DISTRICT - CP 9511 Public Works Director reviewed his memo of July 28 which requested council begin the adoption process to establish a 25 cents per hour rate for all two-hour parking meters in the Burlingame Avenue business area. At the July 2l meeting council requested all two-hour meters on the side streets of Burlingame Avenue Business District be set at 25 cents for one hour. The existing meters will be replaced with electronic meters. The cost for new and retrofitted meters is about $160,000 and the increased revenue from the rate change is about $131,000 per year, so the project would pay for itself in a couple years. The mayor asked the clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Harrison moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. Councilwoman Janney moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1576 Establishing 25 Cents Per Hour Rate for Meters in the Burlingame Avenue Business District. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli and carried unanimously by voice vote. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE 1577 ALLOWING ONE APARTMENT IN A HOTEL FOR USE OF THE MANAGER/OWNER City Planner reviewed her memo of July 30. At the July 7 meeting, council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the zoning code to allow a single dwelling unit in a hotel or motel to provide living accommodations for the hotel manager or owner. Current C-4 district regulations prohibit all residential uses except transient residency of 29 days or less in hotels or motels. This amendment will provide for one living unit with kitchen facilities for a manager or owner. The Planning Burlingame City Council Lot I August 4,1997 Commission held a public hearing at its July 28 meeting and recommended this change to the city council for action. The mayor asked the clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Harrison moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. Councilwoman Janney moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1577 Amending C-4 Regulations to Allow a Dwelling Unit for Manager/Owner in a Motel or Hotel. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE 1578 ALLOWING PLANNING COMMISSION TO TAKE ACTION BY A MAJORITY OF MEMBERS PRESENT City Planner reviewed her memo of July 30. At the July 28 planning commission meeting, the commission recoillmended that council adopt an ordinance revising the requirements for planning commission action. Current planning commission rules require the commission cannot act unless a quorum or four members vote affirmatively. With changes to the Brown Act, there can be occasions when all the seated members of the commission cannot vote because of conflicts of interests. In the past such "no action" votes have gone automatically to city council. City Attorney confirmed that with this change any action would require at least three affirmative votes. The mayor asked the clerk to read the title of the ordinance. Councilman Harrison moved to waive further reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Spinelli was not sure this was fair to the applicant or the city; there is a reason we have seven commissioners; did not like to allow action with only three votes. Councilman Harrison noted that if there are only three council members present at a meeting, a majority of two can take action on most items. Councilwoman Knight said such circumstances rarely happen for the commission, did not see the need for this ordinance. Councilwoman Janney moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1578 Allowing Planning Commission to take Action by a Majority of Members Present. Seconded by Councilman Harrison and carried 3-2 on roll call vote, Vice Mayor Spinelli and Councilwoman Knight voting no. CANCELLATION OF AUGUST 18 AND 20 MEETING: CHANGE DATE OF FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER TO THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4 City Manager reviewed his memo of July 29 which recommended council cancel the August 18 regular meeting and the August 20 study meeting. A council member has requested council consider changing the September 2 meeting to September 4 to allow a longer period after Labor Day weekend Councilman Harrison moved to cancel the August 18 and 20 meeting and change the September 2 meeting to Thursday, September 4, t997. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Harrison had a question on (a) regarding the driving range at the landfill; he asked the Public Works Director to review costs that might be associated with changing this portion of the project to a soccer field. Director related that because of the slope made for the driving range, fill and grading would need to be done at an estimated cost of $2 million; would also need design and August 4,1997 8 ?oz Burlingame City Council other documents and have increased maintenance costs. Vice Mayor Spinelli had asked that (h), the Parking Lot at 1490 Burlingame Avenue, add a requirement that the store keep the parking lot free of shopping carts, the current agreement only mentions keeping the ramp and stairs clear of carts. Councilman Harrison also asked about landscaping along street sides of this lot. Staff responded. RESOLUTION 60-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PHASE II LANDFILL CLOSURE - cP 9711(1) Public Works memo of July 31 recommended council approve awarding the base bid and Option 2 to DeSilva Gates Construction LP in the amount of $2,350,250. This contract is for the second phase of a three-phase landfill closure and will cap and seal the top portion of the landfill. This capping will meet regulatory requirements and accommodate development of a lighted soccer field, a lighted golf driving range and chipping/putting area, an accessory building with a pro shop/service area for both the soccer field and the driving range, and a parking lot to be shared with the Doubletree Hotel. The third and final phase will include a clay cap on the side slopes and the ballfield area and will be bid next year. RESOLUTION 61-97 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PREPARATION FOR LANpFILL DEVELOPMENT - CP 9117(1) Public Works memo of July 28 recommended council approve an agreement with Callander Associates in the amount of $386,760 for professional design services for development of a soccer field, golf driving range, service building and parking lot. RESOLUTION 62-97 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND OUALITY ASSURANCE FOR PHASE II LANDFTLL CLOSURE - CP 9117(l) Public Works memo of July 28 recommended council approve an agreement with Woodward- Clyde Consultants in the amount of $296,500 for professional construction management and quality assurance services for this project. d RESOLUTION 63-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS AT 1490 BURLINGAME AVENUE - CP 9644 - AND - RESOLUTION 64-97 AUTHORIZING A REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT ACCESS FROM THE ADJACENT MARKET SITE TO THE PARKING LOT Public Works memo of July 30 recommended council award the contract for construction of a parking lot at 1490 Burlingame Avenue to JJR Construction in the amount of $230,450.05. Council should also approve a revocable license agreement with Weiman Syndicate, owners of the Lucky Market site at 1477 Chapin, to provide pedestrian access between these two sites; the agreement will also provide the city be compensated for the loss of one parking space valued at $42,000; the property owner at 1477 Chapin will provide construction documents for the ramp/stairs and pay for the cost of construction of $57,500 for the ramp/stairs; the property owner at 1477 Chapin will pay for maintenance and liability associated with the ramp/stairs; shall remove shopping carts to maintain pedestrian safety and the city will be able a b c Burlingame City Council , Jol August 4,19n e to terminate without cause after three years, with a prorated payment to Weiman for the cost of the one parking stall. RESOLUTION 65-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR MILLS CANYON SLIDE REPAIR - cP 9607(2\ Public Works memo of July 29 recommended council award this contract to J.M. Tyson Construction in the amount of $68,100 to further stabilize the 1995 Mills Canyon erosion and slide behind the homes at the end of Toledo Court by providing partial fill of the slide area, erosion protection and safety fencing. RESOLUTION 66-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR GILBRETH ROAD SEWAGE PT]MP STATION IMPROVEMENTS - CP 9421 Public Works memo of July 29 recommended council award this contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation in the amount of $172,000 to remove and replace two pumps and associated piping and valving, construct a new valve vault including a pumper connection, coat the existing concrete wet well, install a stand-by generator and make electrical upgrades. RESOLUTION 67-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR REHABILITATION OF SEWER FORCE MAIN CROSSTNG UNDER HIGHWAY 101 - CP 8405(1) Public Works memo of July 29 recommended council award the contract to Trinet Construction in the amount of $86,670 to repair and reline an existing abandoned sewer force main under Highway 101. RESOLUTION 68-97 IN SUPPORT OF THE DOWNTOWN SAN FRANCISCO EXTENSION FOR CALTRAIN City Attorney's memo of July 30 recommended council adopt this resolution expressing support for extension of Caltrain to Downtown San Francisco. i. RESOLUTION 69-97 OBSERVING THE -SPARE THE AIR' CAMPAIGN Finance Director's memo recommended council adopt a resolution in support of the annual "Spare the Air" campaign. The resolution pledged the city to educate and encourage employees to participate in the campaign and establish commute alternative information for employees. The city has participated in this campaign for several years. RESOLUTION 70-97 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 1997-98 TREE PRUNING PROJECT - CP 9718 Parks & Recreation Director's memo of July 29 recommended council award this contract to Arbor Care as the low bidder in an amount not to exceed $95,000 for trimming Eucalyptus and other large trees throughout the city. f. ob h. J August 4, 1997 ao{Burlingame City Council k RESOLUTION 71-97 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF THE EASTON CREEK IMPROVEMENTS - CP 8331 Public Works memo of July 30 recommended council accept this job as completed by Progressive Pacific of Scotts Valley in the amount of $874,987.91 which included construction of a new concrete channel with fencing and sidewalk and sewer main repairs. City Attorney's memos of July 30 recommended council deny these claims for (1) an incident at a car rental business where police where called and (2) towing of a car from a construction atea. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the consent calendar. Seconded by Vice Mayor Spinelli and carried unanimously. Councilwoman Knight thanked the City Attorney for preparing the Caltrain resolution. Vice Mayor Spinelli reported on the Airport Roundtable. Councilwoman Knight attended the Council of Cities in Woodside and the Burlingame Community Theater event. Mayor O'Mahony went to a CCAG meeting, the Broadway Street Fair and to several city employee retirement parties. OLD BUSINESS Vice Mayor Spinelli thanked Public Works Director for the street repair on Broadway, timing was perfect for the Broadway Street Fair. Director said Senior Engineer Donald Chang deserved all the credit. NEW BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony scheduled an appeal hearing for the September 4, 1997 meeting for a patio enclosure at 1656 Lassen Way. Councilman Harrison thanked Councilwoman Knight for the great letter she sent to the 'CAP" group regarding the park project at the landfill; he moved to support the current plans for the park. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. Councilman Harrison had a phone call about the gasoline odors from the airport; noted all the trees being removed from the airport's frontage road for expansion plans; hoped they put up more trees when the project is finished. City Attorney responded to council's questions about commissioner participation in campaigns. Councilman Harrison said he would like to see some way to help Mr. McMonigle at the Cakery; way to grandfather the business. City Attorney and City Planner responded; Councilwoman Knight thanked staff for keeping a lid on restaurants; wish there were a way to allow a little table and chairs Burlingame City Council to6 August 4,1997 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS at this site but cannot see how without affecting all take-out sites. City Planner reviewed the conduct of restaurant survey, might be some food establishment openings available soon. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Reports: Planning, July 28, 1997. Two letters, from Robert Bentson and from Sue Osborn, regarding the proposed dog park on Skyline Boulevard. Letter from Tom Carey regarding noisy and polluting leaf blowers. Proclamation for Constitution Week, September 17-23, 1997. Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at9 15 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk a. b. c. d. ADJOURNMENT August 4,1997 t207 Burlingame City Council