HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.06.03CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Tuesday, June 3, 1997 City Hall Conference Room A Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony convened the study session of the city council on the above date in Conference Room A at7 02 p.m. CouNctt rRESENT: HARrusott, Jatuey, KNIGHT, O'MeHoNy, SnINELLI Srerp PRpspNt: ANnnRsoN, ARGvRES, BAcDoN, BBcrpR, EscorrrcR, MISSEL, MoNRou, PALtr,tpR, REILLy, ScnweRrz, TowNs, Wu-ueus OrHens RSpRESBNTATIvES or CHerr,lsER oF ColrturRcp-Gsoncprrs NeyLoR l. Rruew koposro la97-98 Buocnr eNn Ceprrel Pnocneu Budget Chair Rosalie O'Mahony gave a brief overview of the budget including the significant capital projects totaling $13.2 million. These projects include the California Drive sewer interceptor, $2 million for the landfill in order to allow development of recreation and park facilities, and $1 million for the Burlingame High School pool. She requested that the council to consider adding $32,000 to the capital improvement program for track lighting at Burlingame High School to complete a project funded with a private donation to develop an all-weather track. The city manager then gave a historical overview of the budget as compared to twenty years ago. The significant increases in the budget in the twenty years have included a growth in capital projects from $400,000 a year to the currently proposed $13 million and an annual hotel tax growth of from $300,000 to over $10 million. The number of full-time city employees during this time has increased from 239 to 241. The 1997-98 budget is based on a strong growth in hotel tax and sales tax but a loss of PERS surplus funds. With the two recommended added positions of a police officer and engineer, the general fund budget would increase by 4.3 percent. Overall, the feeling is that the budget direction is very positive, but we are still using over $4 million in fund balance for capital projects. The budget chair then asked Councilman Harrison to review the police department budget. Councilman Harrison noted this is his twelfth and final budget review and that he also has the park and recreation departrnent. The new budget includes one new police officer although he would like to see the city consider adding a second police officer next year. Funding for the police cars is from Proposition 172 funds. One crossing guard is also added for the reopening of Roosevelt School. Councilwoman Knight questioned the operation of contract crossing guards, and the police chiefresponded. The park and recreation department is still in a transition after its reorganization. It has added a number of new programs, like the teen program, and is also faced with a significant number of retirements among staff. Councilman Harrison noted that the park and recreation 169 commission capital project list differs significantly from council priorities. The parks division is also faced with the future of the El Camino Real trees. Councilwoman Knight questioned whether council should give direction to the park and recreation commission when passing on public requests for them to address and what the city can afford. She also asked whether the increased improvement and use of Mills Canyon trails may cause the city increased liability. The city attorney noted that they are working on a new signage program. She noted that the city will assume the maintenance responsibility for the BIS and Franklin fields. Councilwoman Janney next reviewed the fire department budget. She noted that the budget is increasing by 3.4 percent and there was no change in the staffing levels. Councilwoman Knight questioned the fre chief as to whether it would be possible to look at using goats for weed control purposes in Mills Canyon. Staff will review this idea' Vice Mayor Spinelli next reviewed the library budget which is increasing by 7 percent. This increase is due to estimates of activity in moving into and operating the new library and offset some by some $23,000 of additional state reimbursement that is anticipated. He noted that the library is looking at charging a fee for community toom use. Council requested that after the library board had considered, then the charges for use of this room be brought to council for their consideration at a later date. City manager noted that a significant part of the budget increase is as a result of higher utility bills for the new building. Councilwoman Knight then reviewed the city hall and public works budgets. She noted that we will be buying a new piece of equipment for highway marking and would like to see that it be used on Rollins Road. The water operations, city attorney contracts, and planning file proposals were reviewed and accepted by council. Vice Mayor Spinelli asked that the public works departrnent consider looking at using a different type of sidewalk patch material rather than black asphalt. Public works director commented on the reasons why asphalt must be used in certain areas and that staff will try to use permanent patches wherever possible. Mayor O'Mahony noted that she had been discussing with the incoming Rotary Club president the possibility of some type of entrance way signage at Broadway. She suggested that a committee including various service clubs be formed to review this idea. The manager noted that we need to check on the property ownership of the area in question. The next item discussed was the shutle grant program. The city manager noted that the finance director had received word that as of this time, the city would be receiving no grant funding for the shuttle. Mayor O'Mahony noted that she felt this was a very important program that needed to be continued and would like council to support. Council concurred and asked the city manager review the budget to develop a way to continue this program for next year. Councilwoman Knight noted she would not be able to vote on any of the capital projects concerning the BHS pool because of where her home is located. Council next reviewed community groups requests. Budget Chair O'Mahony favored funding the same amounts as last year. Councilman Harrison favored adding $1,000 for the Burlingame Corffnunity Theater and $750 for the Peninsula Civic Light Opera. Council discussed this matter and concurred with Councilman Harrison. Councilwoman Knight questioned the $2,000 funding for the Arthritis Foundation since this is the only health care June 3, 1997 170 Burlingame City Council organization in the funding group, and it is a national organization while the others are local with local services. After discussion, council concurred and agreed to transfer the $2,000 from the Arthritis Foundation to the Winter Shelter program. The city manager summarized the changes to the budget as three: the additional $32,000 for the capital improvement program for the lighting at Burlingame High School, the funding of the shuttle grant program from other budgeted funds, and the changes to the community group funding. It was noted that the public hearing on the budget would be held June 16. 2. CouNctL CoutvtgNts Councilman Harrison noted that this was Fred Palmer's and Malcolm Towns's last official meeting. Councilwoman Knight indicated that she had discussed with the city attorney the possibility of a future closed session on litigation and that she would be discussing this possibility with the mayor. FRoM rHg FI-ooR Joe Galligan asked why the budget shows the library salary accounts to have increased over the past two years above what other departments have experienced. The city manager noted that the differences were based on comparing actual expenses (L995-96) to budgeted expenses (1997-98); in addition, position vacancies during a year and other factors may be contributing to the variance. Budget Chair O'Mahony thanked everyone for attending AnrouRNrraeNr The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. V udith A. Malfatti City Clerk JuneBurlingame City Council t7t 1997