HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.03.03BURLINGAME, CALTFORNIA March 3, 1997 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor O'Mahony. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG kd by San Mateo Union High School District Superintendent Thomas Mohr. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 19, 1997 were approved after changes regarding the Streetscape discussions on page 4 by Councilman Harrison "added the Cit), Attorney to the Streetscape Finance Committee" and on page 3 by Vice Mayor Spinelli "he asked about the pqssibility of moving Broadway up on the priority list. " PUBLIC COMMENTS Sue Fuller, 22L0 Poppy; Bill Tiedeman, 1205 Cortez; Erich Rasimus, 34 North Eldorado, San Mateo; Liz Tassan, 1116 Cabrillo; Debra Griffith, 2470Poppy; Terry Nichols, 116 Costa Rica; Christine Perry, 301 El Camino; John Webb,720 Paloma; Joe Galligan, 8 Davis Court; Mike Galligan, 724 Linden: Peter Wickman, 815 Fairfield; and Barry Shuller, representing Lincoln School PTA; all spoke in favor of rehabilitating the high school pool and/or increasing the number of athletic fields and facilities, improving pedestrian/bicycle access to the bayfront recreation facilities, and completing recreational trails along the bayfront. TEMPORARY PART TIME TEEN COORDINATOR Park & Recreation Director introduced a San Francisco State student intern, Jason O'Brien, who is working with the Recreation Department and then reviewed his memo of February 26 which recommended council authorize a 15 month pilot recreation activity program for teens, effective April 1 , 1997. The program would be conducted at Burlingame High School and the Recreation Center by a new half-time teen Recreation Coordinator and funded for 1996-97 FY by $5,000 in contingency reserves. The estimated $19,500 for the 1997-98 FY program would be in the Parks and Recreation budget. Following the joint City Council/Park & Recreation Commission meeting last year, council established a blue ribbon committee to study the teen program issue. The committee was comprised of school officials, council members, commissioners and city representa- tives. The committee endorsed this proposed pilot teen program. The Park & Recreation Commis- t2L sion reviewed the proposal at its February 20 meeting and unanimously endorsed the proposal and recommended it to council. Councilwoman Knight had questions about the pilot program and the resulting employee costs and the need to be clear about duties of this person. Councilwoman Janney suggested council get regular reviews of this employee's duties. Councilman Harrison noted he had served on the blue ribbon committee; he moved to approve the pilot program as proposed. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote. WITH CONSULTANT FOR DESIGN OF BHS POOL REHABILITATION parks & Recreation Director reviewed his memo of February 9 which recommended council authorize an agreement for services with Aquatics Design Group in the amount of $12,500 to develop a *ust", plan design package for rehabilitation of the Burlingame High School Pool. Funds would come from contingency reserves. The high school pool has been closed since spring 1996 and is unavailable to the high school or any other users. The pool needs major renovationg and improvements in the tank and mechanical systems before the County Health Department will allow the pool to reopen. For many years the pool has been used by the city and other community groupr, such ai the YMCA. ih"r. groups have been displaced since the pool was closed. The existing pool was not built to standards that would support many programs which the school and the city co-ulO offer. The school district is now facing financial constraints which would allow only suierficial repairs. lrtters in support were acknowledged from Jane Dunbar, Terry Nagle, Susan Fuller and a large number of letters from students. Councilwoman Knight mentioned she had discussed with the City Attorney a possible conflict of interest since the hilgn school pool is located very near her home. Councilwoman Janney said she had a strong .o*-it-.nt to kids and swimming; would like to see a pool sized for competitions and water polofwould like to provide recreational opportunities for adults, seniors and children; she felt it was an investment for the entire community; she moved to adopt RESOLUTION 17-97 authoriz- ing a contract with consultant Aquatics Design Group of Carlsbad in the amount not to exceed $12,500, funds to come from contingency reserves. Seconded by Councilman Harrison. Council discussed possible size of the pool; all supported this project; this is a joint venture with the school district. Councilman Harrison noted this is a school pool on school lands; city would pick up a share of the cost. Mayor O'Mahony said this pool would be for the children and the community' Superintendent Mohr rpot of the spirit of cooperation between Burlingame and its high school; said the school district will work very closely with the city; the pool will be a wonderful asset for all. The motion to approve carried unanimously 5-0 by voice vote' ATHLETIC FIELDS parks & Recreation Director reviewed his memo of February 16 which recommended council consider proposals from the commission and the citizens' group called CAP (Citizens for Athletic parks) unO O.t".rnine whether a joint study session should be held to discuss community athletic March 3,1997 L22 Burlingame City Council a facilities. It was not recommended that council consider a moratorium on development in the bay front area as suggested by the commission and CAP. The city has been pursuing additional athletic fields for several years. Two elementary school fields were rehabilitated by the city for joint city/school uses and the landfill site is being developed as a park. Councilman Harrison reviewed the many budgeted projects enhancing athletic fields and bike ways and the costs of each project; just this year the city is spending $2.8 million on park and recreation budget; up to the year 2000 the council has a list of capital projects that will cost $52 million but funding is unknown for $38 million of these projects; the landfill site is being developed with more soccer and baseball fields as well as a golf driving range. Council members all agreed the city is funding many recreational projects; it approved two more this evening; the city has many other needs; disagreed with idea of a moratorium on building along bay frontage; suggest the commission continue to provide input to the council; agreed to take no action on this issue. CONSENT CALENDAR Council discussed item "d" allowing a tax rebate to San Francisco Water some of which will be refunded to our city. Vice Mayor Spinelli asked about effect on water rates; City Manager said the rebate would go into capital improvements in the Water Enterprise Fund. HEALTH BENEFIT COVERAGE Personnel Manager's memo of February 13 recommended council approve an increase in the maximum employer contribution to employee health benefits coverage based on employee labor agreements with IAFF and Fire and Police Administrators. b RESOLUTION 19-97 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF RAY PARK TENNIS COURTS - cP 9602 Public Works memo of February 25 recommended council accept this project as completed by G. Bortolotto & Company in the amount of $42,370. c.RESOLUTION 20-97 NAMING A PRIVATE STREET LA MESA LANE Public Works' memo of February 26 recommended council approve resolution naming the private street La Mesa Lane as requested by the residents of that street. RESOLUTION 21-97 AUTHORIZING AN 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS'' FOR PROPERTY TAXES PAID BY SAN FRANCISCO ON ITS WATER FACILITIES Public Works memo of February 26 recommended council authorize an "Acknowledgement and Release of all Claims" for the rebate of $121 ,027.25 of property taxes returned to the City and County of San Francisco on behalf of Burlingame. San Francisco recently challenged in court the property taxes it paid in San Mateo county for watershed land. As a result, San Francisco will receive a rebate under the settlement agreement. In order for Burlingame to receive its share of the rebate as a suburban customer of San Francisco, we d Burlingame City Council 123 March 3, 1997 ZEe. need to sign this document. Since the taxes have already been paid out, the County of San Mateo may seek to recover the rebate costs by reducing property taxes paid to Burlingame. DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC VS CITY OF CARLSBAD City Attorney's memo of February 25 recommended council authorize participation as amicus curiae in this suit. The City of Carlsbad has insisted the Gas & Electric Company get city approval to dump dredged material on Carlsbad beaches. The PUC agreed and the utility company filed suit. The trial court found the utility was exempt and the city has upp.it.d the decision. We would participate as amicus in the appeal at no cost to our city. City Manager's memo of February 26 recommended council approve this application for a bicycte race in downtown Burlingame on Sunday, June 29 from 5:00 a.m' to 2:30 p.m. The event has been held for the past eight years with few complaints. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the consent calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman Knight told about attending a demonstration for cities of a disaster computer system; also attended a meeiing on transportation conducted by south county Chambers of Commerce. Councilman Harrison irport d on ALUC. Mayor O'Mahony attended a CCAG meeting and a Investment Advisory Committee meeting; also discussed SB 109. NEW BUSINESS Mayor O,Mahony scheduled an appeal hearing for March 19 regarding the Planning Commission action on a request from an auto dealer to store vehicles on the east side of the 1200 block of California in the Caltrain right-of-way. Councilman Harrison objected to a statement made by Vice Mayor Spinelli in Washington DC at a congressional hearing on geRf funding. Vice Mayor Spinelli said he appeared at that hearing for the -organization "COST" and that he mentioned he had the support of a majority of this council which majority voted in opposition to the BART station in Millbrae. Mayor O'Mahony asked council to authorize a tree to be planted in Washington Park in memory of Willie Belle Ellis, cost to be paid by the city. Council concurred. a. Commission Reports: Library Board, December t7,1996 and January 21; Traffic, Safety and Parking, February 13; Park and Recreation, February 20 Planning, February 24, 1997 Councilwoman Knight asked about a TSP commissioner's request for staff to report on making a parking lot at the Post Office on Lorton and about an upcoming railroad grade separation study. f 1 March 3, 1997 124 Burlingame City Council b. Letter from Florence Whitfield of Roseville urging preservation of the El Camino trees. c. [rtter from Gerald Weisl asking for repairs on Broadway in the near future. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF WILLIE BELLE ELLIS Mayor O'Mahony noted with sadness the recent death of Willie Belle Ellis, mother of our Planning Commission Chairman Mike Ellis. After a moment of silence in her memory the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. a Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk Burlingame City Council L25 March 3,1997