HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.02.19BIJRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA February 19,1997 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Clty Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor O'Mahony PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Bob Jones, Senior Commission Chairman' ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 3, 1997 were approved after a change on page 2 by Vice Mayor Spinell who "rvendere#abeut suggested forming a citizens advisory committee for cable television. " CEREMONIAL MATTER - AWARD parks & Recreation Director presented council with an "Excellence in Agency Collaboration" award from the State parks & Recreation Society for the cooperative effort between the city and the school district in the rehabilitation of the Burlingame Intermediate School playfield. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jerry Deal and David Hinckle spoke regarding the Streetscape plans. Hinckle noted regarding the Broadway Streetscape, that theri are hizardous sidewalks on Broadway, he hoped the clty would make repairs ro*; h" also had concerns about newracks and enforcement of the city ordinance for newsracks. ADOPT SENIOR COMMISSION MISSION STATEMENT park & Recreation Director reviewed his memo of February 1997 which recommended council approve the Senior Commission Mission Statement which contains three key elements: (1) act as a resource for an increasingly long-lived populatiot; (2) encourage recognition of the senior popula- tions; and (3) encourage ieniors-to continue to be involved in all aspects of the community. Mayor O,Mahony acknowledged the presence of Senior commissioners; she asked if Chairman Jones would care to comment, he did not. Councilman Harrison recalled the establishment of this commission; thought Chairman Jones was doing a terrific job; he moved to accept the mission statement as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Janney. Councilwoman Knight said she had attended these meetings and was pleased with the experts on this commission; tt6 EXPIRATION OF MORATORIUM ON RELOCATING FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS IN SUB- AREA A. BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT City Planner reviewed her memo of February 11 which recommended council review the status of the moratorium and give staff direction. In October, 1996, council enacted an urgency ordinance for a moratorium on new take-out food services and relocation of food establishments. In Novem- ber, council extended the moratorium on relocation of food establishments but dropped the moratorium on take-out food service. This moratorium on relocation of restaurants expires on March 17, 1997. The city attorney has recommended letting the moratorium expire on March 17 and referring the matter to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations for any changes. If the moratorium is allowed to expire, it will not change the present regulations. We will continue to have a limitation on the number of food establishments. Council discussion ensued: most of council was comfortable with recommendation of City Attorney; we should involve the Planning Commission in this process, suppoft recorlmendation; would like to see us rely on Planning Commission more; Vice Mayor Spinelli would like to see the moratorium extended while the commission studies it. City Planner responded to council questions, there are two restaurant spots open on the Avenue at this time. Councilwoman Knight said we have heard from people that there are too many restaurants on Burlingame Avenue; concerned about "Rosti's" and the "take-out" sign in their window; we need a balance of retail and restaurant; need to let the Commission know how we fee; she was concerned about take-out businesses that turn into restaurants. City Attorney responded to the Mayor's inquiry about options for council in adopting an ordinance; spoke of timing between adoption and the effective date; may have a gap in control. Councilman Harrison moved to concur with recommendation of City Attorney to let the moratorium expire and to have the Planning Commission look at the issue; they should look to maintaining the balance between retail and restaurant use. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney. Mayor O'Mahony mentioned she had visited Rosti's and it was not a take-out restaurant like Burger King; as she understood them, the food was taken home to eat. The motion carried 3-2 on roll call vote, Councilwoman Knight and Vice Mayor Spinelli voting no. CONSIDER EXTENDING AUTO ROW SIGNAGE PROVISIONS TO THE AUTO BUSINESSES IN THE BROADWAY. ROLLINS ROAD. CAROLAN AVENUE AREA City Planner reviewed her memo of February 10 which recommended council consider and direct staff. In a recent application for a used car business on Broadway, the applicant (Mike Harvey) mentioned that this auto sales area (Broadway/Rollins/Carolan) did not have the same pennitted sign advantages as auto row on California Drive. Council asked the matter be brought back for consideration. Some years ago council rezoned this area (Broadway/Rollins/Carolan) and at that time determined not to change the sign code because the Broadway area is an entrance to the city. Under the auto row signage overlay on California Drive, auto businesses are allowed three times the amount of singage normally allowed. Council discussion ensued: Broadway is entrance to city, would like to see this auto sales area allowed more signage but not as much as auto row; this area has advantage of being at the entrance Burlingame City Council tt7 February 19,1997 we should amplify what commissions are doing, it's really important that people interviewed for these jobs know how the commission works developing individual commissioner's expertise in a subject area. The motion carried unanimously on voice vote. to city, should not have the same sign advantage as auto row, it can be more lenient than presently allowed but should be less ostentatious. The area between Rollins and Carolan on Broadway looks terrible, maybe the area fronting Broadway should be separated from that on Rollins. Councilwoman Janney moved to sent this issue to Planning Commission for a recommendation, noting that the signage regulations could be more permissive within definite boundaries. Seconded by Councilman Harrison. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. BROADWAY STREETSCAPE IMPLEMENTATION City planner reviewed her memo of February 11 which recommended council review and direct ,tuff onthe proposed streetscape program through 1997-98 and the role of council, the merchants and the Streetscape Finance Committee. Council has already approved additional sidewalk cleaning, street sweeping, trash pickup on Sunday, the new Donnelly parking lot, new parking meters, a demonstration project on Chapin (cost shared with property owner), and the city is purchasing the lot at El Camino and Burlingime Avenue for additional parking and gateway streetscape improve- ments. For Fy 1996-97, stiff recommended replacing existing trash cans and requiring trash cans at take-out food businesses with matching funds from merchant, replacing trees killed by frost, sidewalk repairs with matching funds from property owners and a demonstration project on Broadway. Staff suggests u, idditiorul $100,000 be budgeted for each area in FY 1997-98 for ,r.*rru.k replacemeil and centralization, relocation of the "tot-lot" in Lot J and new sidewalk and "saw-tooth" tree planters on the north side of Broadway. Staff responded to questions about newsrack enforcement, Parks & Recreation Director is in charge; staff discussed the piocedure and difficulty in requiring maintenance and in regulating. Councilman Harrison suggested mention in the Chamber newsletter to inform merchants to notify the city of newsrack pio-bt..r. Mayor O'Mahony would like to see the Beautification Commission involved in newsrack problem. Vice Mayor Spinelli said the Broadway area has received less upgrading and work than the Burlingame Avenue area; he was concerned about post office site and newsracks; he asked about the possibility of moving Broadway up on the priority list. Councilwoman Janney mentioned issue of Finante Committee, believed they should pursue business improvement district for Burlingame Avenue area. Staff reviewed repairs needed to streets, water and sewer lines on Broadway; necessary pothole repairs can be done now. Mayor O'Mahony would like to see Broadway area get iriority funding for street repairs. Public Works Director said spot repairs and any dangerour rin ution would be taken care of quickly. Mayor O'Mahony asked David Hinckle, member of Broadway BID, to comment. Hinckle discussed the Broadway Business Improvement District (BID) budget which is devoted to beautification of the street; they have committed to donating funds to Streetscape improvements, suggested merchants match supported demonstration project at Wells Fargo with bulb-out and also would like entire sidewalks done at one time, not pieiemeat. Councilman Harrison was disappointed Burlingame Avenue did not establish a BID; it was noted when the streetscape study was undertaken it was understood that the only way to afford implementation was to have the city, property owners and merchants share the cost; then found that *ury leases put the burden on the tenant to pay for sidewalk improvements; now reconciled that the city will ,."d to do more but it can not happen all at once, will add projects over the years and do it u jt p at a time; nice gesture for Broadway BID to make but they should continue to devote themselves to their beautification program. w February 19,1997 118 Burlingame City Council Councilman Harrison moved to support the streetscape program proposed for 1997-98 and to keep the Avenue Merchants Association and the Broadway BID informed. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney who added she would like to see the finance committee investigate Proposition 218 and ways to raise funds. Councilman Harrison, the maker of the motion, concurred and added the City Attorney to the Finance Committee. The motion then carried unanimously by voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR a RESOLUTION 13-97 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH SAN MATEO COUNTY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM Parks & Recreation Director's memo of February 7 recommended council continue the Senior Nutrition Program which included Tuesday and Thursday lunch for seniors at a cost to the city of $9,162. RESOLUTION 14-97 APPROVING DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIPLE LOTS ZONED SINGLE FAMILY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. TWO SPECIAL PERMITS. TWO VARIANCES AND CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AT 2502. 2504. AND 2506 POPPY DRIVE City Attorney's memo of February 7 recommended council approve a resolution reflecting the decision of the council at the last meeting approving the project with conditions and findings. RESOLUTION 15-97 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF EASTON CREEK MITIGATION - cP 9009 Public Works' memo of February 12 recommended council accept this project as completed by Cooper Crane & Rigging in the amount of $361 ,453.72 for restoring wetlands as mitigation for the Easton Creek project. b c d. e RESOLUTION 16-97 AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE 1996-97 CITY BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY AT 1490 BURLINGAME AVENUE City Manager's memo of February 5 recommended council amend the 1996-97 capital improvement program adding $1,250,000 for purchase and development of the Shell Oil property at 1490 Burlingame Avenue. Shell has accepted the city's bid. AUTHORIZE ADDING THE CITY AS AN AMICUS CURIAE IN TREWNO YS G/TES City Attorney's memo of February 5 recommended council authorize participation as amicus curiae in this cross appeal at no cost to the city. f. WARRANTS & PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants Number 47963 - 48427, duly audited, in the amount of $1,656,463.73, Payroll Checks 92845 - 93573 for the month of January Burlingame City Council 119 February 19,1997 1997 in the amount of $986,290.09 and Electronic Fund Transfers for the month of January L997 in the amount of $484,554.62. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the consent calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Spinelli told about the Airport Roundtable proceedings. Councilwoman Knight told about legislation to be discussed at a CCAG legislative meeting. Mayor O'Mahony reported on CCAG. Councilman Harrison discussed a school/city meeting regarding teens and the BHS pool OLD BUSINESS City Manager distributed a report on the recent meeting of staff with Caltrans representatives regarding the proposed tree removals on El Camino. Commission Reports: Beautification, February 6; Planning, February 1'0, 1997. Department Reports: Building, January L997: Police, January 1997; Treasurer, January 31, t997. lrtter from SAMCEDA with "Economic Vitality Partnership Annual Report. " Proclamations Commending Police Officer Keith Kamura, Police Officer Frank Tealdi, and Police Dispatcher Lorie Wing. Proclamations for (1) Arbor Day, MarchT; (2) Mediation Week, March 16-22, 1997. Letter from Glenn Ray proposing an alternative to BART to the airport. Letter from the Beautification Commission recommending Caltrans comply with the urban Reforestation Ordinance regarding any tree removals on El Camino. futter from Maureen Juscen-Long regarding the increased rents on Burlingame Avenue and the loss of small independent stores. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF FRANK DERBY AND LARRY SHORT Mayor O'Mahony noted with sadness the recent deaths of Frank Derby, a resident for 50 years, and of Larry Short, husband of our local historian Marilyn Short. After a moment of silence, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk I a b c d i i e. f. (,t,. h. 1,,/ February 19,1997 t20 Burlingame City Council a