HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1997.01.25CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Saturday, January 25, 1997 City Hall Conference Room A Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony convened the annual work program and goals study session of the city council and department heads on the above date in Conference Room A at 9:00 a.m. CouNcll- pRESENT: HRRRIsoN, JANNny, KNIGHT, O'MeHoNy, SpINTLLI Dppr Heeos PRsssNr: ANnERsoN, ARcyRBs, BAGDoN, BEcrpR, EscoprIER, MoNRoE, PeLurR, TowNS, Wuteus Srerr PRpspNr:Assr FtRs Curcrs BlRRy, MeRsselL, Musso, ReIlly; FIRp MeRsueL Menssell; Pot-lcn CoruuexopRs Mmspl, VRNEITTN Ornpns RppRpspNrATrvES op CHIMSER oF Cotr{NapRcs, LTBRARy BolRD, PLINNIINC C Otvn ttSStON 1. Rrvrcw 1996. Fonscesr 1997 The city manager noted that the purpose of this meeting is to review the past year and look at the big picture as well as allow council comment on the work program for 1997. It is also the start ofthe budget process. 1996 was a busy year and a year ofchange, especially for staff. We have a new public works director and city attorney and have combined the parks and recreation departments. It was a good year, financially, for the city because of the above- projected hotel and sales tax revenues, and we have made good progress on the library and landfill closure projects. It was also a year of continuing debate concerning BART. One of the items for 1997 was a renewal of our cable television franchise. Councilwoman Knight questioned the city's options concerning transfer to TCI and negotiating a new franchise. City manager indicated that the city is in the middle between the FCC, which regulates cable television, and the public. The city's options are very limited. 2. Rpvrew 1997 Wom Pnocnevr In reviewing the work program for 1997 , the council asked the stanrs of the discussions with CalTrans regarding the trees along El Camino Real. City manager reviewed the discussions to date and the city attorney answered questions about possible effects on the city's insurance. Both felt the city had conveyed its concern about the trees to CalTrans, and suggested that calrrans hold a public meeting. More detailed discussions will follow. Councilwoman Knight asked the city librarian about the library project and the schedule for completion. The current schedule calls for building completion at the end of August and reopening in early October. Staff are estimating a 3-week closure in order to move the books and furniture back into the new building. 107 The manager and council discussed the need for a major sewer project along California Drive. The manager indicated that we should be hearing on BART's fulI funding agreement from the federal government within the next few weeks. He also reviewed the status of the city's efforts to purchase the Shell site on El Camino. Council noted that they wanted the streetscape improvements incorporated into the design. The city planner noted that the moratorium limiting relocation of restaurants expires on March l7 . Councilwoman Knight felt that there continues to be a problem of restaurants and take- out. Staff will return with issue to council shortly. Councilwoman Janney felt that the Broadway grade separation was very important and that we needed to begin the study to look at alternatives. Councilman Spinelli noted that our physical circumstances at Broadway are more like those at Ralston. He also asked about the redevelopment of the Peninsula interchange and when it was scheduled. City manager noted that funding priority had been affected by the state's emphasis on seismic retrofit of bridges. Regarding discussions with the high school on the swimming pool project, Mayor O'Mahony feli it was very important the city receive a fair share of any use in return for a city contribution. Councilwoman Knight was concerned that the landscaping around the project was also important to public users. Mayor O'Mahony expressed her frustration with the under use of the city parking lot at Ralston and questioned whether Safeway and Walgreens had considered a signal at this location. City planner indicated there had been some preliminary discussion about extension of Ralston through, but the developer did not want to be delayed by CalTrans approvals. There may also be a community reaction to through neighborhood traffic that such a signal may generate. Councilwoman Janney inquired about the status of the completion of the bike path along the Bay. The city manager noted that we had budgeted $100,000 in last year's capital program and will attempt to continue this contribution; but projects were very difficult because of availability of right-of-way and cost. Councilwoman Knight asked that we look at the Millbrae ordinance concerning gun control. The police chief commented on his concerns. The city attorney and police chief were asked to bring to council an ordinance on ggn control for their consideration. Mayor O'Mahony also asked the public works director to review the status of the funding for some of our grant programs from C/CAG. Public works director noted that right-of-way was currently a major issue, but we were dealing with the issues right now and hoped to keep the grant alive. 3. Buocer REvIPw 1997-98 The ciry manager indicated that for the current year 1996-97 , he anticipated that revenue would 6. up in the 4-to-5% runge and expenditures increasing by 3-to-4%. This could result January 25,1997 108 Burlingame City Council in a million dollar increase in the general fund balance because of above-average hotel and sales tax. Water and sewer rates for next year will increase because of need for seismic improvement to the Hetch-Hetchy system as well as local projects such as the California Drive sewer intercepter project. However, despite increased revenue, the budget outlook for 1997- 98 is estimated to have revenue growth of less than 1% because of the loss of PERS surplus funding. Overall, the budget outlook is cautiously optimistic based on strong local revenues, and it may be possible to have some limited operating improvement. There continues to be a high need for infrastructure improvements. The manager noted that we have over $45 million in unfunded capital projects on our current wish list. 4. CouNrcrt. CoN,rrvrpNts-Nsw Ypen REsot-urroNs Councilwoman Knight asked about any police activity at the Pataya Princess ship along Airport Boulevard. The police chief indicated there was routine police activity. The planner noted the city had been approached about reopening the restaurant, but there were major ADA access issues. Council reviewed the fire department goals and questioned whether a civilian employee in fire prevention would be a union issue. Councilwoman Knight also raised the issue of Mills Canyon fire safety. Fire Marshal Marshall reviewed the status of the proposed plans for weed control during this coming year. Councilwoman Knight also asked staff to review the earthquake safety cabinets with their employees. Councilman Harrison asked the public works director to look at a possible bike path painted in the pavement around the BP station on the Bay front so that we could close one of the current gaps in the Bayside bike path route. In reviewing the park and recreation goals Councilwoman Knight questioned whether we had been successful in obtaining any senior citizen funds for improvement of the recreation center. Park and recreation director noted we are trying to build a level of trust with the senior committee, but we have not been successful with funding to date. Councilman Harrison also asked which tot lots would be improved and asked that there be a designated senior use area at the recreation center on a daily basis using existing facilities. In reviewing the library goals, Mayor O'Mahony asked the librarian about the amount of staff time being spent on Foundation work. Librarian indicated this is primarily his activity and includes volunteer time. She also asked for a report on the Easton branch library usage and noted how good the new landscaping looked and the many positive comments from residents. In reviewing the planning resolutions, Councilman Harrison asked that we look at implementing the housing element concerning second units and continue our attempts at permit streamlining, especially for signs. Councilwoman Knight asked the finance director about shuttle usage. He reviewed the questionable funding picture. Concerning the city manager's goals, Councilman Harrison asked about the status of the emergency generator for city hall and urged that it be implemented as soon as possible. Councilwoman Knight distributed a guide to parking in San Mateo that she had received noting it was useful because it explained regulations of meters, too. Council thanked the department heads for all their efforts during the past year and for the work program that they have outlined. Burlingame City Council 109 January 25,1997 Fnola rHs FLooR Mayor O'Mahony asked if any of the public wanted to "spill their guts" to the council. There were no comments or gut spillage. AnTOURNNAgNIT The meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m. A. Malfatti v City Clerk January 25,1997 1r0 Burlingame City Council