HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1996.01.02419 BI.JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA January 2,1996 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Clty Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:30 p.m.by Mayor Harrison. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Ird by Clara Crook, Cituen of the Year and Senior Commissioner. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4, L995 were unanimously approved after a change regarding the yield sign at Ray and Davis, on page 5 first paragraph, to show "staff noted ...there should be street markings." Vice Mayor O'Mahony mentioned that the 1996 Calendar discussion on page six refers to her missing this meeting but her plans had changed. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 1536 ADOPTING THE 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE City Attorney reviewed his memo of November 2 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Every few years the state adopts new Uniform Codes which in turn become the codes of cities and counties. We are allowed to adopt our local amendments to those codes. The proposed ordinance makes our amendments to the 1994 Uniform Fire Code. The proposed ordinance deletes the current Fire Code and adopts a new one because the numbering system has changed and we need to renumber our sections. There is only one new amendment and that is requiring fumigating contractors to have 24 hour supervision and a telephone available at all times. Mayor Harrison opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Councilman Spinelli moved adoption of ORDINANCE 1536. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS Clara Crook, Senior Commissioner, thanked council for its support. She has been with Emeritus Forum for eight years and the city has supported it by allowing the use of the Recreation Center; it's very successful program and always interesting; she appreciated the Mayor coming to speak last month; she thanked Randy Schwartz, Recreation Manager, and other staff for their help. Angelo Delacasa, resident, complained about a threatening letter from a neighbor and what he perceived as lack of response from police. He gave a copy of the letter to the City Attorney. 42c Robert Aguilar said he received a copy of the city attorney's report on Consent Calendar item *H (4)" regarding denial of his claim for damage to his car from a tree branch which fell. He requested council delay action until he submits more information and photographs. POSTPONE HEARING ON NEW AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR PADDY FLYNN'S. 246 LORTON AVENUE Mayor Harrison acknowledged a letter from Patrick Flynn requesting postponement of the hearing Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved to continue this matter to the next meeting, January 1.7. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION 1-96 REVISING RATES FOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Mayor Harrison invited the Finance Director forward and told the audience about the "Freebee" Shuttle Bus service which Finance Director Becker instigated. Finance Director reviewed his memo of December 1.8, 1995 which recommended council approve the new rates based on volume of refuse generated effective January l, 1996. The rate recorrmen- dation reduces by 4.7 percent the rates for the typical residential service and most small business accounts. The typical large business account increases by 7.3 percent. The overall increase in Burlingame is 4.3 percent. Last year council heard a proposal from BFI for changes in the yard waste program and council elected to continue with our present program which includes weekly recycling, biweekly yard pickup as well as end of the month pickup. He noted the end of month pickup is increasing in size and that all customers are subsidizing those who put refuse out at the end of the month instead of paying for extra weekly capacity. He responded to council questions; regarding whether recycling would be expanded to include mixed paper, he said it is being discussed by BFI; if the end of month pickup continues, we should find a way to inform residents about the service, possibly in the Recreation Bulletin; should reevaluate the costs of the month end service because of its impact on all residents; reviewed large commercial accounts and recycling programs. Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved to adopt RESOLUTION 1-96 Revising Rates for Solid Waste Disposal. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ifuight and carried unanimously. ACCEPT 1994-95 AUDIT AND COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Finance Director reviewed his memo of December 5, 1995 which recommended council accept the report. The Audit Committee, consisting of Mayor Harrison, Vice Mayor O'Mahony, the City Manager and the Finance Director, met with representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick to receive the draft audit report and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The auditors had no findings or recommendations for changes in practices or procedures. He complimented Linda [re, senior accountant, on the fine job of putting the financial report together. He also thanked the Library and Historical Society for help in compiling "tidbits" of historical information to include on the blank pages of the report. Vice Mayor O'Mahony complimented staff on another audit report with no findings. Councilwoman Janney said she was impressed with the very readable report. Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved to accept the 1994-95 Audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Seconded by Councilwoman Janney and carried unanimously. 42i APPROVE POLICY FOR PROVIDING INTERNET AT THE LIBRARY City Librarian Escoffier and Library Board President Jane Dunbar asked council to review options for providing Internet to the public at the library. The options were providing open access to the Internet workstation; providing access to the workstation by age, with signed parental approval; providing limited access to the Internet via a software package which blocks certain words; or not providing Internet to the public. The Library Board recommended a policy which would allow library users of all ages open access to the Internet via a workstation in the adult reference area of the library for a 90 day trial period to monitor how library users access the Internet. A survey would be conducted during the 90 day period. They noted the library does not monitor the use of books or other material to anyone, regardless of age. Parents are urged to take an active role in children's reading and intellectual development, as well as use of the Internet. Councilman Spinelli asked if there would be E-mail and newsgroup access, they responded no; he noted Internet is a tremendous tool but needs to be monitored. Councilwoman Knight appreciated the library board's report; agreed we do not monitor use of books; noted local schools are develop- ing a policy. Vice Mayor O'Mahony concurred; during monitoring period she hoped we could find a way to collect funds for some of this service. The Mayor valued the demonstration last week. Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved approval of the recommended policy. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Harrison removed the claim of Robert Aguilar, item "h (4)," for discussion. Council concurred in postponing action until January l7 meeting as requested. Regarding item "f" an encroachment permit for a fence at 201Anita, Councilwoman Knight was concerned about visual obstructions; staff was confident based on their recommendation there would be no obstruction. Mayor Harrison acknowledged a letter and photos received tonight from Alexia Bogdis who has a claim against the city, item "h (3). " Mr. Bogdis was present and said he would not comment on his daughter's claim. City Attorney said he spoke with Park Department and while the tree photos show evidence of heart rot, there was no visual indications of the disease before the limb broke off in the severe storm. He recommended council deny the claim. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1537 ESTABLISHING STOP SIGN ON RAY DRIVE AT DAVIS DRIVE City Attorney's memo of December 5, L995 recommended council introduce the ordinance. As council directed at the December 4 meeting, he prepared an ordinance adding a stop sign for Ray Drive approaching Davis Drive. A public hearing would be held January 17. a Councilwoman Knight asked about item "g" another encroachment permit for an iron fence at 2028 Carmelita, noting the neighbor does not object and the fence improved the appearance. Councilman Spinelli asked about the shrub height. The applicant, Mrs. Campos, was present and said they would cut the shrubs. Vice Mayor O'Mahony also had concerns that the applicants had built the fence without permits, if they had applied for permits before building they would have known how and where to build it. She could support approval with conditions listed in staff report. 42? b WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants Number 41266 - 41676, duly audited, in the amount of $1,373,578.83 and Payroll Checks 81507 - 82237 for the month of November 1995 in the amount of $1,230,069.07. c RESOLUTION 2-96 APPROVING LEASE AGREEMENT WITH RECTOR CADILLAC City Attorney's memo of December 7 recommended council approve the lease agreement with Rector Motor Car Company for the frontage along Rollins and Broadway. After negotiations, the price of $500 a month was agreed upon. This is ten times the prior rate and is 9.1 cents per square foot. Public Works memo of December 19 recommended council approve an encroachment permit with usual conditions for a planter box encroaching 4.5 feet into city right of way. Public Works memo of December 19 recommended council approve an encroachment permit with usual conditions for a brick fence encroaching two feet into city right of way. f. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR WOOD FENCE AT 201 ANITA ROAD Public Works memo of December 26 recommended council approve an encroachment permit subject to usual conditions and additional two conditions that (1) the corner at the driveway provide a three foot cut-off for sight clearance and (2) that a building permit be obtained. g. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR IRON FENCE AT 2028 CARMELITA AVENUE Public Works memo of December 26 recommended council approve an encroachment permit subject to usual conditions and an additional 6 conditions that (1) fence and shrubs be reduced to 3 foot height at the corner of Vancouver and Carmelita, (2) fence height be reduced to 3 foot height above the driveway from garage to 8 feet clear of the driveway entrance, (3) reduce fence height to 3 feet maximum above the driveway to 8 feet clear of the adjacent driveway at ll04 Vancouver, (4) owner is responsible to maintain plants and shrubs at 3 feet maximum height, (5) remove fence supports from top of the sidewalk and repair the sidewalk, (6) obtain a fence permit and a construction encroachment permit. h.DENIAL OF CLAIMS: (1) THOMAS & TAMI ARRINGTON. (2) LOUIS CRAVIOTTO. (3) ALEXIA BOGDIS. (4) Postponed (Aeuilar) City Attorney's memos of December 6, L9 and 2l respectively, recorlmended council deny these claims for (1) cross complaint regarding a drainage pipe, (2) paint damage to car which struck a can of paint in street, and (3) damage to car from fallen tree branch. Action on the Aguilar claim was postponed to the next meeting. Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved approval of the Consent Calendar excluding item "h(4)." Seconded by Councilwoman Ifuight and carried unanimously. d. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR PLANTER BOX AT 1812 ASHTON DRIVE e. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR BRICK FENCE AT 1220 EDGEHILL DRIVE 423 Mayor Harrison distributed a list of appointments made by CCAG NEW BUSINESS Mayor Harrison set an appeal hearing for the January 17 meeting for tree replacement size for a private tree removed at 2312 Easton Drive. Councilman Spinelli thought after the recent storm damage and power outages, it might be a good time to talk to PG&E about undergrounding electric utilities on El Camino Real; also noted many businesses were without power in the Broadway area, city lost sales taxes during that time. City Manager noted PG&E discourages undergrounding in residential areas. Vice Mayor O'Mahony discussed Rule 20 and suggested a future study on this issue. City Manager mentioned the goal session study meeting is scheduled for January 27 which is the same day as a CCAG retreat. Council rescheduled the Goal Session for February 3, 1996. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Beautification, December 7; Planning, December 11, 1995 Departrnent Reports: Building, November 1995; Treasurer, November 30, 1995. futters from James McGovern regarding a landslide on his property. (Mr. McGovern was present but did not speak.) ktter from Ed Gladysz in support of BART to Millbrae. Proclamation Commending the Doubletree Hotel for Outstanding Efforts to Reduce Waste and Recycle. futter from Charlotte Kalbhenn objecting to outdoor seating on Burlingame Avenue, especially at La Pinata. CLOSED SESSION At 8:23 p.m., council adjourned to a Closed Session to confer with the City Manager regarding labor negotiations with the Police Officers Association. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF HARRIET ,WOODY'' KNUDSEN. JOE HURLEY AND MARIE DEAN Mayor Harrison noted with sadness the death of "Woody" Knudsen, long time resident, library volunteer and member of the "Friends of the Library" and of Joe Hurley, a very articulate man who has spoken before council. Vice Mayor O'Mahony mentioned the passing of a community friend, Marie Dean. After a moment of silence, the meeting was adjourned in their memory at 8:46 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk a b c d. e. f a a COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS