HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1995.11.20446 BI.JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November 20,1995 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:30 p.m.by Mayor Knight. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge was led by Vice Mayor Pagliaro. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the November 6, 1995 meeting were unanimously approved after a change by Councilwoman O'Mahony on page 3, line 4, "define the employee parking location plan. " PRESENTATIONS TO RETIRING COUNCIL MEMBER Mayor Knight asked Vice Mayor Pagliaro if he wished to make any parting comments. Vice Mayor Pagliaro congratulated Mayor Ifuight and Councilwoman Janney; he said he was confident that Councilwoman Janney would do a fine job; he thanked his wife Bonnie and his children for their support over the past 12 years as councilman; he thanked his campaign supporters the Cannons, past and present council members, and city staff. He said there are two dangers to our city, one from within and one from without: BART from without, will divide the city, there is no crossing the third or electrified rail so the city will have a fenced or walled barrier its length if BART continues down the Peninsula. If it stops at Millbrae, the walls will focus all noise out its end into Burlin- game Village area. The danger from within is personal vendettas; we must put them aside as we have in the past and try to make government work. He said he was only taking a sabbatical from serving Burlingame and quoted Churchill: "This is not the end, in fact this is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning. " Finally, he thanked the people of Burlingame. Mayor Knight presented Vice Mayor Pagliaro with a plaque corlmemorating his years of service to the city on Council and the Recreation Commission. Council members all commented on Vice Mayor Pagliaro's contributions and wished him well. A representative from Senator Kopp's office presented him with a framed proclamation. Vice Mayor Pagliaro took a seat in the audience. CEREMONIAL MATTERS - OATH OF OFFICE OF NEW COUNCIL Assemblywoman Jackie Speier called forward the new council member, Mary H. Janney. Mary and her two sons came forward. Assemblywoman Speier administered the oath of office to Council- woman Janney and congratulated her. 407 Assemblywoman Speier then administered the oath of office to Mayor Knight and congratulated her. The new council members took their seats. Councilwoman Janney said she had been privileged to live and work in this community and to serve on the elementary and high school boards; she thanked all her friends and supporters in the audience. Mayor Knight acknowledged the many commissioners and officials in the audience; she thanked her husband Phil and son Chris; she described the highlights of the past year as mayor, noting the memorial to the Oklahoma City bombing, painting of the former Nathan's restaurant, and greeting many visitors from around the world who stayed in Burlingame for conventions; she thanked council for its fight against BART, and thanked city staff for its help. SELECTION OF NEW MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR Mayor Knight nominated Councilman Spinelli for Mayor and noted years ago Vic Mangini was appointed mayor after being on the council only 18 months when the vice mayor left the council, Councilwoman O'Mahony nominated Councilman Harrison for Mayor. After a 3-2 roll call vote, Councilman Harrison was appointed as Mayor; Harrison, Janney and O'Mahony voting for Harrison and Knight and Spinelli voting for Spinelli. Councilwoman Knight said she felt she had to speak up about a call and meeting she had with Mayor Harrison in October where he asked for her support in his bid for Mayor and he said he already had three votes. Councilman Spinelli said he was greatly troubled two years ago when council initially passed over Marti Ifuight as Vice Mayor and then because of former Vice Mayor Pagliaro's action appointed her; at recent meetings with council members from other cities, several have mentioned that Harrison has stated he would be mayor. He has prepared and will send a letter to the District Attorney regarding what he felt to be demonstrated a violation of the Brown Act, specifically the "serial meeting" section. Mayor Harrison took his seat as mayor and presented a plaque to Councilwoman Knight commemo- rating her year as mayor. He welcomed guests and congratulated the Fire Chief and his wife who were present tonight on their third anniversary; he introduced his wife and son and other special guests and congratulated Councilwoman Knight and Councilwoman Janney on their new terms of office. He asked for nominations for Vice Mayor. Councilwoman Janney nominated Councilwoman O'Mahony for Vice Mayor. Councilwoman Knight nominated Councilman Spinelli. After a 3-2 roll call vote, Councilwoman O'Mahony was appointed Vice Mayor; Harrison, Janney and O'Mahony voting for O'Mahony, Knight and Spinelli voting for Spinelli. Councilwoman O'Mahony said she would dedicate this coming year to the memory of her mother who passed away recently atthe age of 91. She reviewed the many majorprojects before the city and said she would work with all the council members to get the job accomplished. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Harrison asked for any public comments. Gloria Barton, 734 Winchester, said two years ago she had to say the same thing to council about the controversy about appointment of the vice mayor; Councilman Spinelli was voted into office by 3,000 people, this council is not just voting 1 408 against two other council members, but against those 3,000 people. Alexander Bogdis, 601 Burlingame Avenue, congratulated the new Mayor and Vice Mayor and the new members. Will McGowan, commissioner, welcomed Councilwoman Janney and thanked former Vice Mayor Pagliaro for his service, especially his proposal to allow tables and chairs on Burlingame Avenue. Glenn Mendelson, said he was disappointed at council ignoring the tradition of rotation of mayor; he thanked Councilwoman Knight for leading the fight against BART. Gary Cohn, businessman, thanked former Vice Mayor Pagliaro for his contributions of time and effort to the city. Assembly- woman Speier said she had not intended to comment but noted council has to work together to promote good public policy; she does not want her city council to become a dysfunctional family; council needs to think about how it can serve the city amicably. There were no other comments. Mayor Harrison thanked Assemblywoman Speier for her comments; he anticipated this council would work together as they had in the past despite differences; said some perceived Burlingame as antlbusiness and he hoped to change this attitude, to streamline permit processes; reviewed the large projects before the city, library and dump; said he would like to complete the bike trail along the bay, noted the importance of tying in the bike trail with transit, adding a bike lane to the Broadway overpass; spoke of the need for a grade separation at Broadway; convincing Samtrans that the BART TSM alternative was the way to go; said he would not respond to the charges leveled at him tonight; said government is about compromise. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARINGS Mayor Harrison set December 4 hearing dates for (1) an appeal of the Traffic Commission decision regarding a stop sign at Ray and Davis Drives, and (2) a sign permit for 777 Airport Boulevard, the Red Roof Inn. GLADYSZ AND LEO J. RYAN Mayor Harrison said the meeting would be adjourned in memory of Hilde Rooth, city employee and widow of a former mayor; Majorie Powell Herrick, former commissioner; his wife's uncle, George Gladysz; and he also asked people to remember on the 17th anniversary one of the victims of the Jonestown Massacre, ko J. Ryan, his friend and colleague. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to a reception in the lobby Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk