HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1995.03.06285 BI.JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 6, 1995 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaU Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Knight. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG [,ed by former Mayor lrv Amstrup. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 21, 1995 were unanimously approved after a change on page 5 by Councilman Harrison. PUBUC HEARING - COMMENTS ON CITY'S POSITION ON BARTiSFIA EXTENSION DEIR/SDEIS City Manager reviewed his memo of March I with the attached draft of city comments on the BART/SFIA draft EIR prepared by the City Planner. Council should suggest any changes to the draft tonight so it can be finalized prior to the March 13 deadline on comments. Mayor Knight explained this hearing is for citizens to comment on council's position of support for the TSM Alternative II of the DEIR/SDEIS. She encouraged the public to submit any comments in writing to BART by March 13. She opened the public hearing. Martin Dreiling presented council with a letter and copy of his comments in a bound pamphlet that he had sent to BART regarding the DEIR; he supported council's position. Irving Amstrup reiterated comments given at the BART hearing on March 3; he said council had the Homeowner Association's support. Alan Horn presented a letter in support of the TSM alternative. Gottfried Brun thanked council for its position which he supported. The hearing was closed. Councilman Harrison confirmed that council supported the TSM alternative and that they questioned the financial impact on Samtrans; he thanked Councilwoman O'Mahony for her written comments presented tonight. Councilman Pagliaro appreciated the public comments and Councilwoman O'Mahony's written comments; he asked they be incorporated into the staff comments along with Councilman Spinelli's written comments received earlier, and perhaps Drieling's comments; he wondered about the C/CAG report. Staff noted the deadline for submitting comments is next Monday and the C/CAG report would not be available in time for review. Councilman Harrison suggested the city's document be finalized tonight. Councilwoman O'Mahony thanked staff for the excellent letter in packet; she would like to look at the Millbrae station study later and impact of this proposal on Millbrae Avenue; would like to support the "CaI/BART" proposal made by BART Director trwis; we need to get on the offensive in the community and get support from cities to the 287 south. City Planner said Councilman Spinelli's comments are already incorporated into the staff comments; that we need to be factual and critical of inadequate mitigation; when BART picks the final alternative, they will only address comments regarding the chosen alternative; when they produce the final EIR we will have 30 days to respond. Councilman Spinelli said BART plans will end Caltrain at Millbrae, their analysis indicates almost all passengers transferring to BART at Millbrae. Mayor Knight said she was proud of the unity of council and homeowners; she reviewed many meetings she attended; she read a letter from Congressman Iantos saying he would meet with council. Councilwoman O'Mahony hoped the Chamber members would snrdy this more carefully. Councilman Pagliaro reviewed that we would send the staff comments incorporating Councilman Spinelli and Councilwoman O'Mahony's comments and some of Dreiling's; need to mention the effect on affordable housing with Alternative 6, the economic impact on Samtrans which would result in an environmental impact, and the need to consider the Airport Master Plan EIR along with the BART EIR because together they will impact traffic; those three items could be a basis for litigation. Councilman Spinelli said FAA funds could not be used by the airport for anything not passenger related. Council thanked staff for the work on the comments report. PUBLIC HEARING -ND READING - ORDINANCE I5I9 AMENDIN G ANTENNA ORDINANCE City Attomey reviewed his memo of February 7 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. At the last meeting council introduced this ordinance to amend our current ordinance which contains an error. This correction will clarify the parameters for part (b) permitted satellite antefflas in R zones and for part (c) ham and CB antennas. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no commeDts and the hearing was closed. Councilman Pagliaro moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1519. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried 4-0-l on roll call vote, Councilman Harrison abstaining as he had done in the past regarding the original ordinance. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. LETTER FROM OF COMMERCE REGARDING A AR CONFLICT Jerry Winges, President of the Chamber of Commerce, wrote a letter dated February 23 regarding a conflict with the City Council/Planning Commission joint meeting and the Annual County Progress Seminar in Monterey, both to be held on April 22. He noted one item for discussion at the joint meeting is parking and members of the Chamber would like to offer suggestions. He requested council rcschedule the meeting. City Manager said the Council/Plaming meeting is typically a breakfast meeting where council and commissioners discuss policy; although it is a public meeting, we usually don't take input. Councilman Pagliaro and Councilman Spinelli agreed. Mayor Knight said she had no other free weekend that month, council and commission has set this date aside; she planned to go to Monterey in the afternoon, perhaps some Chamber members could attend the council meeting before going to Monterey; she thought it seemed more appropriate to keep this date. Councilman Harrison and Councilwoman O'Mahony were willing to make a change of dates but agreed with other council members to keep April 22 date * calendared. 2BB ADVISORY TEEN MEMBERS FOR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Recreation Director reviewed his memo of March 1 which recommended council approve the creation of two ex-officio or advisory teen members to the Park and Recreation Commission; approve the Proposed Schedule for selection of the Youth Advisory Commissioners; and approve the Proposed Procedures for selection of Youth Advisory Commissioners. The Park and Recreation Commission created a study committee at its October 1994 meeting and asked the committee to report back regarding teen programming ideas; the committee met three times for discussions and reported to the commission that there was a strong concern about lack of formal communication opportunities for young people in the community. The committee recommended creation of two teen advisory member positions on the commission. On February 16 the commission approved staffs proposals for implementation of the concept and recommended council approve the proposed procedure and schedule. He introduced an intem student from San Francisco State University, Angela Sakkos, who is working with the youth group. Councilman Pagliaro suggested that the wording requiring one boy and one girl member be deleted, that should be the commission's choice; he supported the proposal. Other council members agreed. Mayor Knight confirmed that the students would not be voting members. Councilman Harrison moved to approve the proposal with the change recommended by Councilman Pagliaro. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously. TRAFFIC. SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING REOUEST FOR STOP SIGNS AT RAY AND OUESADA Public Works Director reviewed his memo of February 28 which recommended council review the recommendation and approve the decision, or direct it back to the commission for further study. Iate last year the commission reviewed a request from Sally and Jim Stewart, 2210 Ray Drive, for installation of stop signs at this intersection. Staff reviewed the traffic volume, accidents and hazards and recommended against the request. Mr. Stewart requested a hearing by council at this meeting; he later called the City Clerk and withdrew his request. Mayor Knight asked if the radar trailer could be used at this site to monitor speed and she wondered if a yield sign could be installed. Council took no action. TEMPORARY FIRE ON FOR CITY OF MILLBRAE City Manager reviewed the Fire Chief's memo of March I which recommended council approve the concept of the Burlingame Fire Department furnishing temporary fire protection to the Bayside Manor portion of Millbrae during the Millbrae Avenue grade separation construction project. On April 1, 1995 construction will start on this grade separation project; this two year project will restrict traffic flow along Millbrae Avenue between the freeway and El Camino, thus delaying emergency response in the Bayside Manor residential area. The request is for the Rollins Road station to become the "first-in company" on all emergency calls to this area. Millbrae will continue to send equipment but they anticipate delays due to limited access on Millbrae Avenue. To balance the workload, Miltbrae has agreed to respond to a portion of Burlingame that can be reached with quicker response time from their Magnolia station. This issue has been discussed with the employee union and they have no objections. Council discussed mutual aid agreements; that response time would be the same for both cities and that Millbrae would have four men on their trucks; that Burlingame residents expect a certain level 289 of service. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the concept. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Spinelli asked about timing on the Broadway BID, item "a." a RESOLUTION 16-95 INTENTION TO SET PTJBLIC HEARING TO REESTABLISH THE BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) AND TO ESTABLISH 1995- 96 ASSESSMENTS City Manager's memo of February 22 recommended council approve the resolution setting public hearing for May 1, 1995. The BID Board proposes the same boundaries and assessments. Attached to his memo was the annual report submitted by the BID as required by law. The BID was established n 1992 and had a sunset date of June 30, 1995. All businesses in the district will be notified by mail. PESrrI I ITTN 17 o< A a/aFDTINaI anl,lDl ETIrlN rlE A (I{IN GTO N D A DI' IIIEI T Public Works memo of February 28 recommended council accept the work completed by Miller Pipeline in the amount of $93,118.73. This work was the second phase of a multi- phase project to establish and use well water for irrigation. This phase was to construct pipe runs from the well site to its initial points of use. ING E PARK AN PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS - CP 932I Park Director's memo of February 28 recommended council award the contract to J.M. Construction for the low bid of $55,150. This is part of a 4 year program to bring our playgrounds into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Consumer Products Safety guideliaes. RESOLUTION 19-95 ACCEPTING COVENANT TO GRANT EMENT AT 808-826 BURLWAY ROAD City Attorney's memo of February 28 recommended council approve this covenant to grant an easement. Nicholas Crisafi, the owner of both 808 and 826 Burlway was granted setback and landscaping variances for these two adjacent lots with parking on either side of the joint property line. The required back-up space for the parking on each lot crosses over into the other lot. It is necessary that there be mutual rest ction on the properties so that if one is sold the back up space is required to remain. This cannot be done with an easement because law does not allow a property owner to grant an easement to himself. This covenant will be recorded to grant the required easement if either property is ever sold. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF ALLSTATE INSURANCE/CHRIS GENDREAU City Attorney's memo of February 17 recommended council deny this claim for damage when a tree fell on a car during a severe storm. b. c. d. PHASE II - CP 9317 29c Councilman Harrison moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. Councilwoman O'Mahony reported she and Councilman Spinelli had attended the tour of the Colma BART station and proposed BART extension sites. Councilman Spinelli said he mentioned to those present at the tour that the enormous garage at Colma was only half the size of the one proposed for Millbrae Avenue. Councilman Harrison reported on Convention Bureau. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Spinelli acknowledged the memo from City Librarian regarding Internet. He would like the Library to establish controls for use of this service. City Manager explained other cities in the county will be using this service and because of the library construction project our city will not start this service until after the other cities have had some experience with the service. Councilman Spinelli asked that this be reviewed by council prior to our library offering the service. Councilwoman O'Mahony mentioned litter around Starbucks Coffee Shop; Councilman Harrison said today Starbucks' employees were out cleaning the sidewalk area, it looked great. Councilman Pagliaro suggested staff write a letter of thanks to Starbucks, and a "keep up the good work. " Staff noted they have a "take-out" permit and were required to install a second trash receptacle and maintain the area litter free. Councilman Spinelli said there is graffiti on a retaining wall at a bay front park. Councilman Spinelli asked that staff respond to a letter from Mr. Arnold. Mayor Knight set a public hearing on variances for front setback and driveway dimension at 1232 Cabrillo for the March 20 meeting. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, February 9; Park and Recreation, February 16; Senior, February 16; Library Board, February 2l;Planning, February 27, 1995. Convention & Visitors Bureau study on Tourism. l,etter from Ralph Iane regarding Cafe Marimba. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor Knight talked about a newspaper article about the Chamber of Commerce's desire for business district improvements. She had many calls objecting to that stance. Councilman Harrison thought the article was based on opinions from a couple people, not the Chamber's policy. Councilman Pagliaro said he would like to nominate John Kelly of Samaritan House and Clara Crook of the Senior Commission for Shinnyo-En's outstanding citizen award. Councilman Harrison also wanted to nominate Clara Crook. Council concurred. NEW BUSINESS a. b. c. 291 d e, f. Memo from Librarian regarding Internet. ktter from Mrs. Bender regarding dogs; response from City Attorney. Memo from City Librarian regarding commendation award by the State to the Peninsula Library System. He especially commended Library Board member Cannon, who serves on PLS. g. ktter from Bernardo Anguiano regarding "porno" newspapers; letter from City Attorney. Councilman Harrison mentioned a letter regarding the sidewalk repair project in Ray Park; staff discussed the method of coloring concrete; Mayor noted contractors are representing the ctty. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk