HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1994.10.0322i COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 19, 1994 werc unanimously approved on motion of Councilman Harrison, second by Councilwoman Ifuight after deletion of a duplicated line on page seven. The minutes of the Study Meeting of September 21, 1994 were approved on motion of Councilman Harrison, second by Councilman Spinelli. _ PRESENTATION FROM AAA OF PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AWARD Tom Mortenson, representing California State Automobile Association, presented the Mayor with an Outstanding Achievement Pedestrian Program Activities Award. He said this award recognizes the efforts of the city's traffic engineering and law enforcement in protecting pedestrians. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor O'Mahony announced there were no public hearings tonight, she welcomed any public comments. John Webb, resident, called attention to the lack of safe pedestrian crossings over the 101 Freeway. He noted it is particularly difficult for bicyclists and with the new soccer field at Bayside Park it would be helpful for residents, especially children, to walk or ride bikes to the site Councilman Pagliaro thanked him for the comments and noted council is well aware of this problem; this is a State owned overcrossing and the city does not have jurisdiction; noted council has been trying to get this done for the last 15 years. AMUSEMENT PERMIT REVIEW - MR. K'S CAXIARET. 1819 EL CAI\4INO REAL BTJRLINGAME, CALIf,'ORNIA October 3, 1994 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:30 p.m.by Mayor O'Mahony. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG I-ed by Public Works Director Ralph Kirkup. ROLL CALL City Attorney reviewed his memo of September 20 with police report attached which recommended council revoke the permit, in the last three months there have been three incidents involving guns. The matter was set for hearing at the last meeting and the operator requested continuance to this meeting in order to give his attorney time to review the issue. The attorney has now requested another continuance. 22? Douglas Van Vlear, attorney representing the business, relayed that he has had little time to review the issue; he met with the owner and they have hired two more security guards, on Thursday and Friday there are four security guards present; one guard stays in the parking lot to control problems there; he noted there is no longer a male stripper entertainment night; there is Karaoke and disco entertainment; they have hired a San Francisco court guard to assess the problem of security. Councilman Pagliaro asked if the business was willing to discontinue its entertainment during the two week continuance period. Van Vlear conferred with his clients and agreed they would do that if necessary. Councilman Harrison moved to continue this subject until October 17 with the condition there be no entertainment at the site during that time. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. Councilman Harrison introduced David Spaur, of SAMCEDA's Economic Development Plan. Mayor O'Mahony noted Burlingame budgets $359,758 for the convention bureau and chamber of commerce; she asked how this program would benefit the city for the $5,000 donation requested. Spaur detailed the Strategic Alliance plan, an agreement between SAMCEDA, State agencies, the county and cities to address concerns over competition with other states, regions and surrounding counties for our industries. He explained how they would conduct a survey of businesses in our community to ascertain whether the city's infrastructure was adequate for attracting new develop- ment. They would work with ROP, Chamber of Commerce and the Convention Bureau and local banks and they would attend trade shows and import/export shows to attract new businesses. Councilman Harrison felt this would be a big benefit for our city. Councilman Spinelli agreed. Councilwoman Knight wondered how the group would handle "jealousies" and conflicts between cities, concerned about fairness and confidentiality. Mayor O'Mahony noticed that there was more representation from cities to the south. Councilman Pagliaro discussed the makeup of the board and number of representatives from each city and how many votes each would have. Councilman Harrison again said this program is something we cannot afford not to do. Council unanimously approved a $5,000 donation to SAMCEDA from contingency reserves. BURLINGAME COMMUNITY FOR EDUCATION FOUNDATION (BCD REOUEST TO PI-A.CE SIGN AT LIBRARY City Manager reviewed his memo of September 26 which recommended council determine whether to allow the BCE to place a sign to inform the public about its fundraising event. Councilman Pagliaro said council is a strong supporter of our schools, but he felt the sign would be better placed at the Recreation Center or City Hall. Council members agreed. Councilwoman Knight appreciated the memo from the City Librarian which related concerns about possible confusion with the new Library Foundation and the upcoming construction project. Council unanimously approved allowing the sign at either the City Hall or Recreation Center, with a change in the sign copy to clearly indicate it is a school project, and to limit the installation to a two month period of time. PROPOSED CHANGES TO ZONING CODE O EXPEDITE PROCESSING AND INITIATE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 1990.95 HOUSING ELEMENT City Planner reviewed her memo of September 23 which recommended council review the three proposed ordinances and introduce them, setting public hearings for October 17. At the time of SAMCEDA 'COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN" review of the housing element, council indicated it would like to expedite the planning review process in general as well as implement the housing element. She recommended three ordinances. (1)INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1510 ALLOWING MINOR ODIFICATIONS IN 223 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USES AND STANDARDS Staff reviewed all Planning and Council actions over the past five years to identiff items which were consistently approved with rather standard conditions; these items might be more rapidly processed by a more administrative process. This ordinance will allow specific exceptions to code standards to be issued planning permits after notification of the adjacent neighbors within 100 feet, as well as notification of planning commissioners and council members. One exception is an increase in garage size up to 630 SF in R-l and R-2 zones. Exceptions in C-l and C-l zones are an incrcase in signage to l0 SF, an increase in compact parking stalls, classes associated with retail except in Subareas A and B, schools above the first floor operating outside 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays and parking lots for public use which comply with code requirements. Exceptions proposed in O-M and M-l zones are to increase compact parking stalls up to 30 percent of total, and outdoor storage of materials which are incidental to a permitted use and occupy less than 25 percent of the gross lot area. Another simplification is the change in noticing area to 100 feet rather than the current 75 feet; this is consistent with the 100 feet noticing requirement for Hillside Construction permits. (2)INTRODU ON OF ORDINANCE 15I ALLOWING GROUP FACILITIES FOR HOMELESS AS CONDITIONAL USE AT CHURCHES Currently our code does not address where one could provide facilities for the homeless. We committed to address this legal oversight in the Housing Element. Over the past few years several churches in our city have participated in a countywide cooperative program to provide meals and shelter for homeless families for a month at a time on a rotating basis. While these programs were at individual churches, we received no complaints from neighbors. In light of this, staff proposed making an addition to the conditional uses in R-3 where most of our churches are located to allow homeless housing as a conditional use. This would have the advantage of notifying neighbors and allow the city to incorporate requirements which would minimize the impact on neighbors and public facilities and services. (3)FO TIAL USES AS CONDITIONAL USE IN SPECIFIC C-I AREAS The housing element contained a list of sites identified as being suitable for multiple family housing' One of the areas identified are the blocks bounded by Murchison, California, El Camino and the rear of lots facing Dufferin. This area is presently developed in office uses, vacant lots and parking lots. It is adjacent to the train right-of-way and within walking distance of train stations and bus lines. Because of a change in state planning law, a mixed residential/commercial project could be built in areas zoned C-l such as this, but a straight multiple family residential project may not without an amendment of the general plan and rezoning. Our present general plan would allow straight multiple family in this area but our zoning ordinance needs to be adjusted to be consistent with the general plan in this area. City Planner responded to Councilwoman Knight's questions regarding notification process, accessory structures, homeless shelters and dry cleaning agency uses. F 22a Councilman Pagliaro then moved to introduce ORDINANCE 1510, ORDINANCE 1511 and ORDINANCE L512, setting public hearing for October 17. Councilman Harrison seconded the motion which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR 1995 Council reviewed the City Clerk's memo of September 27 which included the proposed 1995 calendar of council meetings and other events. Council made changes including moving the July 3 meeting to Thursday, July 6, and the December 18 meeting to Tuesday, December 19 for Hanukkah and noting that meeting is usually canceled. The calendar was approved. COMMISSION APPLICANTS AND APPOINTMENTS City Manager reviewed his memo of September 29 which listed applicants to positions on four commissions. Councilman Harrison noted there were no other applicants than the incumbents to the Traffic Commission and the Civil Service Commission; the incumbents are doing an excellent job. He moved to reappoint Commissioners Mayer and Simonetti to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission, and to reappoint Commissioners Hipps and Schwartz to the Civil Service Commission. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. City Manager also noted there is a new vacancy on the Senior Commission. The application period was extended for that vacancy and interviews would be scheduled for the Park and Recreation Commission and the Beautification Commission. Councilwoman Knight asked if staff would contact one applicant who only indicated interest in Planning which has no opening. CANCEL STUDY MEETING City Manager reviewed his memo of September 27 which recommended council cancel or change the October 19 study meeting date. He suggested council distribute the study items to the next two regular meeting agendas and cancel the October 19 study meeting. Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro acknowledged the letter from Alexander Bogdis and noted he also had some questions regarding the antenna ordinance. City Attorney suggested discussion take place at the public hearing. a.INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1513 REVISING ANTENNA REGULATIONS City Attorney's memo of September 22 recommended council introduce this ordinance for public hearing on October 17. Hammett & Edison prepared a study which determined that the maximum size dish antenna which is necessary for reception in our city is seven feet in diameter. He noted there has been a drop in requests for residential dish antenna. This new ordinance proposes a maximum size of seven feet in diameter, some antenna can be approved over the counter, those which cannot be approved over counter must have an exception, and the city can ultimately deny an application on the basis of health, safety or aesthetic consider- ations. 225 b. RESOLUTION 79-94 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF TION CENTER RE- Public Works memo of September 27 recommended council accept this job as completed by P & A Construction in the amount of $88,200. c. ENCROA ENT PERMIT FOR BRI PILLARS AND WALL AT 09 DRAKEI5 SIe Public Works memo of September 28 recommended council approve this permit subject to standard conditions for two 2.6 foot brick pillars and wall about two feet from sidewalk' City Attorney's memo of September 19 recommended council deny this claim for expenses of clearing a sewer line. TIVE AIRPORT BOULEVARD Public Works memo of September 28 recommended concur with the Plarming Commission and approve a one year extension to October 1996, the origfural map would have expired October 1995. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman Knight reported on Criminal Justice and a school liaison meeting; schools are very enthusiastic about the new school liaison police officer. Councilman Pagliaro told about C/CAG meeting and the discussion on merger with the Transportation Authority. Mayor O'Mahony reviewed the Council of Cities meeting; she noted the next meeting would be hosted by Burlingame. Councilwoman Knight told about the vote on bylaws at that meeting. Councilman Spinelli discussed a BART talk about the tail track proposed into Burlingame. Councilman Pagliaro discussed the Planning Commission minutes and the 1,z[40 Chapin decision; expressed concerns about parking and real estate uses. Councilwoman Knight also had some concerns. After fufther discussion with staff, Councilman Pagliaro called this item up for council review at the next meeting, October 17. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Park and Recreation, September 15; Senior, September 22; Plaruing, September 26, 1994. a lf,tter from Performance Industries regarding the Amusement Permit conditions for Bobby McGee's Restaurant, 150 Anza. MODELING - CP 9315 d. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF DOUGLAS WEAVER NEW BUSINESS b. 226 Letter from Jeanne Rothenbuecher, Broadway Stationers, regarding the Chamber of Com- merce BART survey. Mayor O'Mahony noted that a study showed that 85 percent response was needed to get a clearly representative opinion on an issue. d. Proclamations: PARCA Raji House; and Fire Prevention Month, October. l,etter from Ruth Keith regarding clutter and disrepair at a neighboring apartment house. [.etter from Tom Dufff, la Pinata, regarding condition of parking lot at rear of 1200 Burlingame Avenue. Public Works Director told council about methods of cleaning lots, that apartment dwellers use the lot for overnight parking. Staff will review. Mayor O'Mahony adjourned at 9:20 p.m. to a Closed Session where the City Manager reported on labor negotiations with Police and Fire administrators. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF TED KIRSCHNER Judith A. Mal City Clerk e f, Mayor O'Mahony said she could support their request to reduce the number of police officers on site from two to one. Other council members did not support the request. c, CLOSED SESSION Councilman Harrison noted the recent death of the Mayor of Colma, Ted Kirschner. Council observed a moment of silence and then adjourned the meeting in his memory at 9:40 p.m.