HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1994.09.06206 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA September 6, 1994 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:30 p.m.by Mayor O'Mahony PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG I-ed by City Planner Meg Monroe. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 15, 1994 were unanimously approved on motion of Councilman Harrison and second of Councilwoman Knight. PUBLIC HEARING - THIRD READING - ORDINANCE 1508 - LIMITING USE OF LEAF BLOWERS ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS City Attorney reviewed his memo of August 15 which recommended council hold a public hearing and adopt the ordinance. At its last meeting council discussed the proposed ordinance limiting powered equipment in residential zones on Sanrrdays, Sundays and holidays. Council directed further changes to the ordinance. The new draft ordinance creates a separate subsection for leaf blowers allowing the same hours as other mechanical equipment for Monday through Friday, changing the hours on Saturday to a starting time of 10:00 a.m. and limiting the use on Sunday and holidays to only owners or residents. Council acknowledged letters from residents. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. Thelma Rogers, 2212 Hillside, objected to limiting leaf blowers while allowing use of all other noisy equipment; felt it discriminatory; gardeners need leaf blowers to do their job quickly; residents put up with other noises like garbage pickup and recycling pickup at early hours. Gottfried Brun said council should consider that leaf blowers are a health hazard, they blow dust and bacteria into the air; noted many cities have prohibited their use. Another citizen said her gardener can only come on weekends. Gary Parma, President of the Gardeners Association, said his organization was willing to meet with homeowners to discuss this issue; without this equipment the cost of gardening service would go up 20 to 30 percent; new leaf blowers are much quieter; agreed that he had no difficulty with allowing use on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. Dennis Huajardo said he wanted to improve the quality of life in Burlingame; appreciat- ed the compromise made in ordinance, still felt there should be a committee to look into the issue; he had problem with gardeners who come in bunches of three or four and all work at same time with noisy equipment. Mayor O'Mahony closed the public hearing. Council told audience it is only changing hours from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. starting time on Saturday and that commercial gardeners would not be allowed to use leaf blowers on Sundays and 207 holidays; thanked Parma for coming to speak on issue and thanked public for its input; agreed this ordinance is a good compromise. Councilman Harrison moved to adopt ORDINANCE 1508. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously on roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS Thelma Rogers stated there is nothing noisier than a carpenter's saw early in the morning; she felt the new ordinance was discriminatory. SUMMARY OF MEETING WITH SAMTRANS REGARDING THE BART TO AIRPORT EIR City Manager reviewed his memo of August 29 which summarized a meeting he and the Mayor had with officials of SamTrans to discuss the status of the EIR and SamTrans review. The EIR should be released within a week and its release would begin the 45 day review period during which public meetings would take place. Mayor O'Mahony said we hope to have a public meeting in Burl- ingame-. Council reviewed the timetable attached to the report; some cities to the south may be interested in participating in a study of the EIR which is a very large document weighing 24 pounds; discussed financial information which is supposed to be included in the EIR; noted financing could have an environmental impact. Councilman Pagliaro mentioned CCAG has designated $30,000 for reviewing the document. Council discussed attending the kague of California Cities meeting in Southern California on October 25. Councilwoman Knight said she was considering attending. Councilman Spinelli volunteered to represent council. FEASIBILITY OF EXTENDING AN AIRPORT PEOPLE MOVER TO BURLINGAME City Manager reviewed his memo of August 29 which reviewed a meeting he and Councilman Spinelli had with representatives of Delruw Cather, transportation consultants, to discuss Council- man Spinelli's idea of extending an airport people mover to serve Burlingame hotels along Bayshore and Airport Boulevard. The EIR addresses a people mover in two stages, first to serve the terminal and ground transportation center and second to serve BART and Caltrain. He discussed possible sources of funding for a study which could cost from $25,000 to $100,000 and take several years. The estimated cost of a light rail system are from $10-$40 million per mile and a Burlingame system might be two to three miles long. Councilman Spinelli had discussed this idea with Lou Turpin of thg, airport and various hotel managers; he hoped this service would eliminate the need for hotel, rental car, and airport parking shuttles from Burlingame to the airport, thus relieving traffic congestion; he said this is the window of opportunity and funding is available, his hope was it would not cost the city; he envisioned a system down the middle of Bayshore, possibly on some kind of easement. Mayor O'Mahony thought timing was difficult; council needs to concentrate on BART alternatives; other council members agreed. Councilman Harrison commented that he received several calls regarding this newspaper article, stating it was premature, presumptive and naive; he further stated that individual council members usually have the acquiescence of two other council members before proceeding on their own; that we are still a five member council. 208 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS SURVEY ON BART Chamber President Larry Lyons sent a letter dated August 30 with results of the Chamber's survey of members on BART. Council questioned the fact that the responses did not include any from the Burlingame Plaza area which would be most impacted by a Millbrae station; noted many Chamber members and merchants do not live in Burlingame and priorities are different; noted people can't hop on and off BART like they can a train; if there is station in Millbrae the next stop would be San Mateo with no stop in Burlingame; troubled that BART had made presentations to merchants, but council had not been asked to make presentation; survey had small response. Lyons said merchants support the city and many do live here; he could set up a luncheon for council to make presentation regarding BART. Councilman Pagliaro shared an article about a system in Baltimore being extended into a suburb and the resulting crime increase. UNAUDITED YEAR END FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 City Manager reviewed his memo of August 30 with a suurmary of major fund activity for last year The audit is currently being done; General Fund increased $1 ,495,213 not including the 2 percent TOT. Sales and hotel taxes are up; property tax is flat. Capital Projects cost $2.9 million, mostly for the Fire Station project and street resurfacing. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor O'Mahony removed item "b" regarding landfill closure. a. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1509 - SETTING SEWER RATES FOR 1994-95 Public Works memo of August 8 recommended council adopt this ordinance; the public hearing was held at the first reading August 15; rates for single family homes will increase about 6.3 percent. b. Removed LABOR AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGAME ASSOCIATION OF MIDDLE MANAGERS GAMM) AND RESOLUTION 75-94 IMPLEMENTING SECTION 414ffiX2) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE City Manager's memo of August 29 recommended council approve this negotiated agreement in accordance with prior council authorization. The salary adjustment is 3 percent for each of the next two years until June 30, 1996. The city will implement the Internal Revenue Code to allow employee payment to PERS to be tax deferred. This will eliminate the existing city payment of 7 percent in return for a corresponding increase in gross salary. LABOR AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGAME PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCI- ATION GPSEA) City Manager's memo of August 23 recommended council approve this negotiated agreement in accordance with prior council authorization. The salary adjustment is 3 percent for each of the next two years until June 30, 1996. c d. 20e (,D e.LABOR AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGAME FIRE FIGHTERS - LOCAL 1872 IAFF AFL/CIO City Manager's memo of August 31 recommended council approve this negotiated agreement in accordance with prior council authorization. The salary adjustment is 3 percent for each of the next two years until June 30, 1996. f DENIAL OF CLAIM OF ALVIN NADLER City Attorney's memo of August 29 recommended council deny this claim for repair of a sewer lateral. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO RESUBDIVIDE SIX LOTS INTO FOUR LOTS AND A VARIANCE TO STREET FRONTAGE AT 1742 ROLLINS ROAD Public Works memo of August 30 recommended council concur with the Planning Commis- sion and approve this map subject to conditions. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the Consent Calendar excepting item "b. " Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. REMOVED CONSENT ITEM b. RESOLUTION 76-94 ESTABLISHING FINANCIAL ASSURANCE FOR CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE MAINTENANCE OF THE LANDFILL AND AGREEMENT PLEDG- ING REVENUE FOR POST CLOSURE MAINTENANCE Public Works memo of August 31 recommended council approve the resolution to establish a Landfill Closure Reserve and a Pledge of Revenue for Post Closure Maintenance. Mayor O'Mahony inquired about accuracy of financial figures in the report; staff responded to her queitions, funds ire based on preliminary cost developed in 1991, if costs increase more funds will need to be reserved. State Waste Management Board requires these financial assurances, noted they usually deal with private entities. Mayor O'Mahony noted this would set up a pennanent fund. Councilman Harrison moved adoption of RESOLUTION 76-94. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilwoman Knight said she and the Mayor had attended a Council of Cities meeting, they are discussing its bylaws and city selection bylaws; Councilwoman Knight said the annual lrgislative Breakfast would be October 15 at the Holiday Inn in Foster City. She also attended the San Mateo Centennial parade. Councilman Spinelli reported on Airport Roundtable, they will be meeting with United Airlines regarding night runups. Councilman Pagliaro asked him to inquire about why a citizen cannot get the name of the airline which creates a noise event. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Harrison gave the City Planner a letter he received from Richard Gvenstein regarding studying zoning requirements in the Rollins Road area; he requested staff work on this item as soon as possible. 21c NEW BUSINESS Mayor O'Mahony set an appeal hearing for September 19 for 34 Anita Road. Councilwoman Knight had some information on the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center which she would like to share with council. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Beautification, August 4; Planning August 22; Park and Recreation, August 18; Library Board, August 16, 1994. b ktter from SAMCEDA requesting to address council regarding city participation in the San Mateo County Economic Development Plan. Council directed staff to communicate with SAMCEDA that they could be heard at the next meeting. Memo from the Recreation Director regarding the tennis court "bumps. " Irtter from Jenny kon regarding removal of "E!" on Cable TV. ktter from Shelter Network regarding its screening process. ktter from SamTrans about providing free transit for all uniformed police officers. Proclamations: School's Open Drive Carefully Month - September; Coastweeks, September 17 to October 10; Pollution Prevention Week, September 19, L994. ktter from San Mateo Labor Council regarding health care for all contractors for city projects. i. Two letters from Bill Key and M. Lokken regarding BART. Councilman Harrison had received a letter regarding garbage at a SamTrans bus stop; staff will notify SamTrans. He also noted Nextel wants to meet with council members. City Attorney recom- mended any discussion take place at the public hearing. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF RICHARD GOETHALS. JR. Councilwoman Knight noted with sadness the death of former resident Richard Goethals, Jr. She said he was active in youth sports and known to many in Burlingame. Mayor O'Mahony asked for a moment of silence and then adjourned the meeting in his memory at 9:32 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk a c. d. e. f. (}b. h <-