HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1994.06.08163 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Wednesday, June 8, 1994 City Hall Conference Room A Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony convened the study session of the Burlingame City Council on the above date in Conference Room A at 7:30 p.m. CouNc[ PRESENT: HARRISoN, KNIGHT, O'MAHoNY, PAGLIARo, SPI.rELLI STAFF PRESEI.IT:ARGYRES, BECKER, CoLEMAN, ESCOFFER, KIRKUP, MALFATTI, PALMER, QUADRI, TowNS, WAGNER OTTDRS MARK CHAPELAIiIE, CoI.IvEtrIoN BT REAU ExEcurrvE DREcroR GEoRGETTE NAyLoR, CHAMBER oF CoMMERCE ElcclrrrvE DIRECToR 1. REVIEW PROPOSFN IqA4-45 BUDGET AND CAPITAT, PROGRAM City Manager gave a brief overview of the 1994-95 budget. The general fund budget was originally proposed to increase 3Vo ovet the prior year, water and sewer enterprises up 4.6Vo, and capital improvements increase 130%. This is basically a status quo budget with the exception of the large increase in capital improvements for the dump closure and library renovation projects. Revenues are anticipated to increase for sales and hotel tax but decrease in property tax. Since the prepantion of the proposed budget in early May, a number of budget revisions need to be considered. He reviewed the increased amount necessary for C/CAG, the shuttle bus grant, additional storm drain pump repair, and an increase in park contractual maintenance due to Franklin Field. The total amount of these increases would be $140,110. The next major increase is in the capital improvement budget as a result of the dump closure. Because of current engineers' estimates on the first phase closure, it will be ne.essary to increase the $3 million budget item to $5 million for 1994-95. The reason for the increase in the estimate is additional earth movement costs and the expansion of a gas collection system. Council questioned the manager on the general budget overview. Councilman Harrison asked whether the six frozen positions in the budget should be permanently eliminated. After discussion, the council consensus was that there were pros and cons to the current listing of the positions as frozen at this time. Councilman Pagliaro addressed his concems about the uses of the 270 hotel tax reserve. He would like to indicate that this reserve is being used for a portion of the library project to reduce the amount of the certificates of participation that will be necessary. He suggested using $1.5 million from the hotel tax reserve for the library project. Councilman Spinelli agreed. The manager indicated that given the additional funds necessaq/ for the dump, it would be appropriate to use the hotel tax reserve for both the library and the dump. Council concurred with this approach. The next item discussed was the Storm Water Management Program costs which were included in the sewer service charge budget. The manager indicated that Burlingame was the only city in the county to use this approach to funding this mandated State and Federal program. After discussion, the council concurred that it would be better to list the storm water fees on the 154 property tax bills as other cities currently do. The proposed fee for 1994-95 is $2.82 per parcel for residential and $18.80 for commercial. The manager will bring this back to council for action as soon as possible. Council next moved to the individual review ofthe operating budgets. Councilwoman Knight was responsible for public works and city hall budgets. She noted that the public works director prepares ten different budgets. Items discussed included the timing of the dump closure, problems with signage for street sweeping, San Francisco water rate increases, and the need for corporation yard improvements. Councilman Pagliaro commented that the street sign poles are in need of maintenance; the public works director suggested that this would be a project for the summer crew. Councilwoman Knight complimented the finance director on the shuttle grant and TSM efforts. Mayor O'Mahony noted that without capital outlay there was a minimal increase in the finance budget. Council next discussed the need for an increase in the planning department's travel and training allowance because of a new commissioner and reductions in the prior year. Councilwoman Knight noted that she would like to add to the budget the replacement of the drapes in the council chambers. After discussion, council decided to consider this at a later date. Councilwoman Knight also reviewed the recreation budget and found it acceptable. Councilman Harrison next reviewed the police budget. He noted this budget is up 4% primarily because of negotiated salary and benefit increases. The police would be adding laptop computers in patrol cars. The police chief noted that all of the Proposition 172 money which the city had received has been budgeted for public safety items in both police and fire. Council questioned the revenue from overnight parking fees and suggested that we advertise the city rules conceming these permits in the next recreation brochure. Councilman Spinelli was next and reviewed the library budget. He noted that while this was his first budget, he found it all looked in good order. He discussed the capital outlay required for the county Dynix circulation system. The city librarian noted that he hoped this was the last budget in the current building. The fire department budget was next reviewed by Mayor O'Mahony. She noted that the budget was up only 1.470 and the staff had been reduced by one assistant chief. Last year, 93% of the calls were for EMS (emergency rnedical service) and other. She also reviewed the constant manning request as part of the budget and recommended its support; council con- curred. Councihnan Pagliaro questioned the disaster preparedness budget and asked about the staffing. The rnanager noted that we have one full-time position assigned to this budget, and Budget chairman Pagliaro next reviewed the overall budget. He noted that the major increase is in the capital improvement area, although some revenues--such as Measure A--are down. He asked that we discuss the Convention Bureau budget. Councilman Harrison introduced Mark Chapelaine, Executive Director of the Convention Bureau. Councilman Pagliaro asked what percentage of the total Convention Bureau budget is from Burlingame. Mark Chapelaine replied that their total budget is $875,000; Burlingame contributes $339,15 or 39%. Council- man Pagliaro expressed concem that other cities are not increasing their amounts to the bureau. He requested a copy of the budget and contributions from other cities be distributed to council. Mark Chapelaine distributed and discussed the new visitors guide and publications which are planned by the bureau. Council approved the convention bureau request. I55 the total budget is down 2Vo. Councilman Spinelli questioned the increase in the city council's benefits budget. The manager noted that these benefits are primarily for health care premiums and that they are individually calculated. Council next tumed to the requests of community groups. Councilwoman Knight stated she thought our contributions should benefit all citizens and not be specific to one particular disease. She questioned whether we ought to use the funds allocated to the Arthritis Founda- tion for Winter Shelter. She also questioned the accountability of the Shelter Network. Mayor O'Mahony noted that over 20Vo of our population are seniors where the Arthritis Foundation does much good work. She also expressed concem about the Shelter Network. Councilman Spinetli stated that after reviewing the concerns San Mateo had with the Shelter Network, he would be against its funding. He felt the Shelter Network had been untruthful to the City of San Mateo and may be recruiting convicts to fill their shelter. Councilman Pagliaro indicated that he would need additional information on this item before considering eliminating it. Councilman Harrison expressed his support for the Arthritis Foundation. After additional discussion, the city council suggested the following funding for 1994-95:. Peninsula ReCare $ 3,000 Arthritis Foundation 2,000 1,500 3,000 2,000 1,500 *3,000 1,500 1,000 Project Reach Friends for Youth 750 Samaritan House CALL-Primrose Shelter Network of San Mateo County Human Investment Project Crisis Center Winter Shelter Project FOCYS Center for Independence of Disabled TOTAL 3,500 1,500 5,000 2 000 $31,250 Battered Women's Services *Subject to additional review atrd itrformation. The city manager noted that this concluded the council budget review, and the public hearing on the budget would be held at the June 20 council meeting. 2. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Pagliaro asked which council meeting would be canceled in the summer; he was informed that the August I meeting was planned for cancellation. Council then discussed what to do about a BART presentation on June 29. Mayor O'Mahony suggested that BART be invited to show slides of the various altematives and the Colma station curently under construction. After some discussion, council agreed that the city would hold a meeting on June 29 at Burlingame Intermediate School auditorium, inviting only Mission Hospice 166 BART. The city will request that the staffing from BART be engineers and not public relations people. The meeting would begin at 7 p.m.; the first hour would consist of BART presentations and questions from council. After a break in the meeting, public questions would go to 9 p.m. Council asked staff to prepare 2,000 flyers for distribution and place an ad in the San Mateo Times and Boutique and Villager newspapers. Councilwoman Knight stated she felt it was important for the council to be present at as many BART presentations as possible. Mayor O'Mahony requested the public works department to prepare a report on the sidewalk repair on the 100 block of Victoria. Councilman Spinelli noted what appears to be a new satellite dish across from the police statlon 3. FROMTHEFLOOR There were no public comments. ATUOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjoumed the study meeting at 9:28 p.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk