HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1994.01.22B6 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Saturday, January 22, 1994,9:00 a.m. City Hal1 Conference Room A Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony convened the annual work program and goal session of the Burlingame City Council and department heads on the above date in City Hall Conference Room A at 9:00 a.m. PnnssNr CouNcu-UEMBERS HnRRIsoN, KNIGHT, O'MegoNy, PlcttlRo, SPINELLI Srnrr PRESENT: ARcyRrs, BECKER, CoLrueN, EscorrmR, KrRKUp, MoNRoE, PeLurR, Queont, TowNs, WecNrR OrggRs PnrsrNT: RrpnBsrNTATIvEs oF CHAMBER oF CouuBRcE AND BNONOWEY MERCHANTS 1. REVIEW 1993. FORECAST 1994 City Manager briefly reviewed 1993 and presented a forecast for 1994. Concerning 1993, Councilwoman Knight commented on the great improvement in the building department as a result of the new chief building official. Other council members stated they, too, had also heard of favorable comments. 2. CURRENT AND UPCOMING PROBLEMS/ISSUES/PROJECTS The first item on the 1994 work program was the library renovation project. City manager indicated he would like to finish the schematic design and ask for public comment through the library board, as the council had directed at the last meeting. Mayor O'Mahony and Councilwoman Knight asked about the interim operation plan during construction and how that might be accomplished. Councilman Pagliaro stated that the time frame for the entire project which was included in the material council received that day seemed too slow. He requested that the public input phase be completed in February or March and that the whole project be sped up by at least one-third. Councilman Harrison agreed we should move as fast as possible. He favored the use of some certificates of participation or other bonds and a portion of the 2% hotel tax to fund the construction. He also asked that we coordinate with the schools for the interim operation plans. There was a council consensus that we should request proposals for architectural services from a limited number of architects who specialize in historic buildings and libraries. They also asked that a financial plan be presented to the council for approval. Mayor O'Mahony asked staff to review the possibility of separating various collections during the relocation phase. Councilman Spinelli noted that the high vacancy rate in the offices in the C-4 may provide a temporary location option. The next item discussed was the fire services study. The city manager indicated that the consultant was completing data collection and would like to interview individual council members. Councilwoman Knight noted that brush clearing would be a crucial issue. Council agreed to individual interviews, except for Councilman Pagliaro who stated he saw no need to meet face-to-face; perhaps his interview could be done by phone. In answering questions on the dump closure, the public works director stated that the tentative target date for start of construction could be March 1995. This assurnes we can receive B7 approval of our plans from the Air Board and the Integrated Waste Management Board in time. Regarding the cooperative project with the elementary school at Franklin Field, staff indicated that it would like to have a broader agreement. Shared maintenance costs are still an issue. Councilwoman Knight stated that we needed to be sure that we have use of the facility for a 15 to 20 year period so the school district does not use the area for portable class rooms. She also indicated that she favored a non-resident fee for sports. The city manager indicated that the housing element would go to study at the planning commission in February with action in March. The element will be scheduled for the March city council study session. The city manager stated that based on a review of mid-year revenue and expenses, he would be recommending no mid-year changes to the 1993-94 budget. A review of our financial outlook and the loss of $1 million to the state in the last two years means we need to continue to control expenses. To complete the library renovation and dump closure, we will need to use some of the 2Vo TOT (transient occupancy tax) if we wish to continue our curent service levels. Councilwoman Knight stated that we needed to continue to be conservative on expenditures. The city manager reviewed other items on the 1994 work program including employee negotiations, the Bayshore/Airport Boulevard charrette, Tri-City water project proposal, and cable television franchise renewal. Concerning cable television, Councilwoman Knight indicated she would like to find a way to at least televise city council meetings. She feels that the reason the measure failed on the November ballot was because of the cost estimate. Mayor O'Mahony stated that after our last council meeting, she has changed her position and would be willing to consider televising council meetings at an acceptable cost. The public should see what is going on. The city manager noted that the recreation director was retiring this July after 35 years service. After interviewing all the recreation department staff, he was going to recommend a selective recruitment for the position. Councilwoman Knight noted that we need a people person for recreation. The manager stated that it is still his intention to move the park department administrative personnel to the recreation center as part of a remodel but not to merge the departments at this time. The city manager asked for council direction concerning Chula Vista parking. We are currently in a holding pattem with the rental income generating approximately 6 percent on our investment. We need $250,000-$300,000 to make the site a parking lot. The sale of Rhinette is on hold because of toxic concerns. Councilman Pagliaro noted this was a major election issue. He noted we need to sit down and get it settled this year. He indicated that a combination of the Rhinette lot and Biscayne property may be a possible site for affordable housing for city or school employees. Councilman Spinelli stated that at some time, we need to look at the issue of redevelopment of the Broadway area and whether a redevelopment district would be feasible to solve some of the problems in that area. Council discussed the need for grade separation of the railroad tracks in the Broadway area. Mayor O'Mahony asked Chamber of Commerce president Larry Lyons to discuss his proposal for an economical development council. The Chamber will be looking at issues such BB as economic development, the need for infrastructure improvements and wish to work on this with the city. He commented that we still have one of the highest vacancy factors for office and industrial property on the peninsula. After additional discussion, the council asked that the Chula Vista parking be placed on the March study agenda for review. Mayor O'Mahony also asked for information on net city- wide parking revenue. Councilman Spinelli asked that when this item is reviewed, we should also consider making the city lot on Rhinette free to encourage use. Councilwoman Knight supported the idea of the Chamber economic development committee but hoped the Chamber would look at a wider representation for the committee. The city manager noted that leaf blowers are scheduled for the February study agenda. 3. COUNCIL DISCUSSION In discussing other council issues for the work program, Councilman Spinelli noted that there had been recent newspaper coverage of BART to the airport and a possible extension below grade into the new international terminal. He felt that we should look at this to determine what effect it may have on Burlingame. In commenting on the department head resolutions, Councilwoman Knight noted that she supported the police department's concept of school liaison officer. She also felt we needed to look at a more effective street sweeping program. She suggested the possibility of increased publishing of our schedule in the recreation brochure. Council and the public works director discussed our current sweeping schedule and the problems of getting public cooperation in not parking along the street sweeping route on scheduled sweeping dates. Councilman Pagliaro noted that with the recent earthquake in Southern California, we need to revisit the problem of unreinforced masonry buildings. He asked for a status report of our current URM program. He also asked that the police, park department, and schools coordinate their efforts on the graffiti problem in the Ray Park area. He noted that he was concerned about the number of vacancies in store fronts in the retail areas on Burlingame Avenue and Broadway. We need to do more to improve the appearance and marketing of the shops and restaurants. Councilman Spinelli noted that we need to request hotel assistance in marketing Burlingame restaurants and shops and not recommending other locations. Councilman Harrison noted that the tourist and convention bureau will be placing a hard back book in each hotel room which promotes stores and restaurants in Burlingame. Councilwom- an Knight would also like to continue to promote the idea of a shuttle service from hotels to our business district. Councilman Harrison noted that one of his goals for the upcoming year was that we try to agree to disagree on political issues but that these disagreements would not become personal. Councilman Spinelli agreed that we need to promote a team approach and he would work on that; we should not let our differences become personal. The November election is over and we needed to get on to city business. Mayor O'Mahony thanked the council and staff for the review of 1993 and the 1994 work program. She hoped to continue to make 1994 one of Burlingame's best years. 4. FROM THE FLOOR Karen Key asked about the pollution problem from the gas station on Broadway. Staff B9 indicated that the tanks had been replaced at the gas station. The pollution problem is residual from years ago. Larry Lyons of the Chamber noted that he had received a number of comments on the improvement in the building department and that for next year, the Office Council would be looking at signage and parking in the office and warehouse area. He invited everyone to the charrette which was occurring that day at the Hyatt. Pete Campanile, Broadway Merchants, thanked staff for all its help on Broadway and with the BID. Dave Constantino indicated that he worked with San Mateo and their redevelopment agency and would be glad to assist with the economic development council. Glenn Mendelson suggested that the council invite Pacific Cable to tape the library forum for broadcast on the public access channel. There being no additional public comment, the Mayor thanked everyone. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m. Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk