HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1993.11.1558 BI.JRLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November 15, 1993 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at7:32 p.m.by Mayor Harrison. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Ird by the Mayor's wife, Dolores Harrison. ROLL CALL COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, LEMBI, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 1, 1993 were approved unanimously on motion of Councilman Irmbi, seconded by Councilman Pagliaro, after a change under Council Committee Reports to show that the Governor has called for a constitutional revision committee. CEREMONIAL MATTERS - RESOLUTION 78-93 - DECLARING RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 2. 1993 The Mayor reviewed the City Clerk's memo of November 8 which recommended council adopt the resolution declaring results of the election at which Rosalie O'Mahony, A.C. 'Budu Harrison and Mike Spinelli were elected to clty council; Judith A. Malfatti was elected crty clerk; and Measure B regarding televising of council meetings was defeated. The total votes cast were 6,940 or 42 percent of the registered voters; individually, the votes cast for council were Rosalie O'Mahony - 3,751; Bud Harrison - 3,506; Carol Tarui - 2,620; Glenn Mendelson - 2,476; Todd Robinette - 1,187; Mike Spinelli - 2,975; William Schinagl - 622; for city clerk, Judith Malfaui - 4,685; Measure B, in favor - 2,015, against - 4,245. Councilman kmbi moved adoption of RESOLU- TION 78-93. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, carried unanimously by roll call vote. The reelected council members made comments. Councilwoman O'Mahony was gratified at her election, she thanked everyone for being present tonight; she had relatives from Ireland visiting and introduced them; she thanked her campaign committee members and her many friends in the audience. Mayor Harrison also thanked his campaign chair Karen Key and committee members; he thanked his wife for her support during the campaign and he reviewed accomplishments during his term. Mayor Harrison then asked retiring Councilman kmbi to make some cornments. l,embi said this retirement is closing a satisfying chapter of his life; he reviewed the many accomplishments during his eight years on the council; he introduced his mother and his wife and daughters, and many supporters in the audience; he thanked department heads and the City Manager for their assistance. Mary Griffin, County Supervisor, presented a resolution of the Board of Supervisors to Irmbi. Mayor Harrison presented a plaque to I€mbi and also presented a plaque to retiring City Treasurer, Joe Harvey. Former Councilman kmbi took a seat in the audience. 59 Mayor Harrison reviewed his year as Mayor; he then nominated Councilwoman O'Mahony as the new mayor. Councilman Pagliaro moved nominations be closed. Seconded by Spinelli and carried. New Mayor O'Mahony presented the former mayor with a plaque. She then nominated Councilman Pagliaro as vice mayor. Councilman Spinelli objected, noting she was deviating from the rotation tradition; at the 1991 election Knight was top vote getter and deserves to be vice mayor; he thought Pagliaro should decline. Mayor said she wanted a vice mayor with experience. Councilman Spinelli nominated Councilwoman Knight as vice mayor. Councilman Harrison moved to close nominations. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried. Councilman Pagliaro said he is in a difficult position; he was tempted to abstain from vote and was also inclined to accept the nomina- tion. After a poll of council members, Pagliaro was selected as Vice Mayor; Mayor O'Mahony and Council members Harrison and Pagliaro voting for Pagliaro; Council members Knight and Spinelli voting for Knight. Mayor O'Mahony invited the audience to a celebration in the lobby; she recessed the meeting at 8:19 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:48 p.m. with all new council members present. COUNCIL PRESENT: COUNCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NONE PI]BLIC HEARING CONTINUED - AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR TUBERROSE RESTAU- RANT. 835 COWAN ROAD City Attorney recommended council continue this request to the next meeting because he needed more information regarding parking and building use. Councilman Harrison moved to continue the item. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro and carried unanimously. Helaine Darling, 3100 Margarita, hoped council would be cautious with the proposed fre depart- ment consolidation; she noted Hillsborough has a more dangerous terrain with canyons and vegetation; she said there are no street lights and its hard to find your way around at night. Glen Mendelson, 475 Cumberland, suggested council appoint a citizen to attend Peninsula Hospital Board meetings and report back to council; he hoped council would not sign the airport MOU until some mitigation are found for traffic and air pollution concerns; he recommended the procedure for selecting Mayor and Vice Mayor be put into writing. Councilman Pagliaro agreed about Peninsula Hospital and asked staff to seek names of interested citizens. Sam Malouf, 1426 Burlingame Avenue, showed council drawings of the holiday street decorations purchased by the merchants with proceeds from the street fair; he requested assistance in installing the decorations before the Thanksgiving weekend. Council suggested this be discussed at the study meeting. Mayor Harrison asked the newly elected officials to come forward. Senator Quentin Kopp gave the new officers the oath of office and congratulated them. Councilman Spinelli thanked his wife and supporters, and the citizens for electing him; he hoped to make this wonderful city even better and wanted to work closely with other council members. Councilman Pagliaro congratulated Spinelli and the reelected incumbents. Councilwoman Knight also congratulated the incumbents and noted she was happy to welcome Spinelli; she hoped the other candidates would consider applying for some of the commission openings. PUBLIC COMMENTS 50 Sandra hog, 321 Dwight; Gloria Barton, 734 Winchester; Gail Benchener, 2015 Broadway; Virginia Soult, 739 Winchester; Cathy Payne, 2754 Burlingview; Beverly O'Donnell,2748 Burlingview; Ro Logrippo, 1301 Mills; all commented on their dismay with the selection of Vice Mayor; said procedure for selection should be made public; Ifuight is experienced, she served eight ye:rs on school board and two years on council; felt Brown Act had been violated; Knight deserved to be vice mayor. Greg Dewar, 2104 Davis, was concerned about crime in our city; there was a murder in the Plaza near his home; his home had been robbed; he saw increased gang activity in area. RESOLUTION 79-93 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTANT FOR FIRE SERVICE CONSOLIDATION FEASIBILITY STUDY City Manager reviewed his memo of November 8 which recommended council approve a contract with Hughes, Heiss and Associates for a fire services consolidation study with the Town of Hillsborough; Burlingame's share of the cost would be $13,000, Hillsborough approved this contract at its meeting of November 8, 1993. In September council authorized requests for proposals for this study; four firms responded and the top two were interviewed. Both city managers and fire chiefs recommended Hughes, Heiss as most responsive to the cities' needs. Funds should be approved from contingency reserve. Councilwoman Knight stated she wanted to go slowly with this proposal; there should be some brainstorming with council members; wondered about paramedics gotng into only Burlingame; agreed with earlier comments about difficult terrain and lack of street lights and house numbers; in Burlingame, house numbers must now be lit; would corresponding requirements be made in Hillsborough. City Manager responded the consultant will interview all council members for their input. Councilman Harrison was pleased with the proposal; he moved to approve the study by adoption of RESOLUTION 79-93. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro. Mayor had some questions on contract language which City Attorney clarified; council asked for a review of Hillsborough's financial status during last ten years; should study include a cross section of the population, each city is very different; the motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL 1994 MEETING CALENDAR AND COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS Mayor O'Mahony asked council members to let her know of their preferences for committee assignments; regarding the calendar, she saw a conflict on two Wednesday meetings early in the month which would conflict with Airport Roundtable meetings; Councilwoman Knight asked that David Few, city representative to the Roundtable, meet with council; Mayor said Few reports to her on all meetings and is receiving the agenda packets. Councilwoman Knight asked for an update on applicants for commission openings; Clty Manager said the deadline for applications is November 29; Knight asked for more publicity for these commission positions; she thought the two council member interview teams for commission vacancies violated the Brown Act, she thought applicants should meet with deparfrnent heads and attend a commission meeting before being interviewed by entire council. Mayor asked the City Attorney to report to council on the new provisions of the Brown Act; City Attorney said the new provisions go into effect April L, L994, he would report back when he completes the kague sponsored institute on the new revisions. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the 1994 calendar with the two conflicting Wednesday meetings in July and September being changed to Tuesday. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously. 51 CONDOMINIUM FOR 808-820 EL CAMINO L - CONTINUED CONSENT CALENDAR a TENTATIVE CONDO MINII]M MAP FOR TWO UNITS AT 731-7 3 LINDEN AVENUE Public Works memo of November 9 recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve this tentative map subject to conditions. b. WARRANTSANDPAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 29272 - 29743, duly audited, in the amount of $1,193,614.65 and Payroll Checks 60806 - 61548 for the month of October 1993 in the amount of $1,195,540.45. Councilman Harrison moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Knight and carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Convention Bureau: Councilman Harrison said the bureau would be clarifying its functions for public information. NEW BUSINESS City Manager noted there are three appeals to be set for the December 6 meeting: 808-820 El Camino Real condominium project; an appeal from a Traffic Commission denial to allow parking on the east side of California Drive; and an appeal from a Planning Commission denial for a satellite dish antenna at Dicey Riley's Irish Pub on Park Road. Council set the three hearings December 6. FEMA Grant: Councilman Harrison acknowledged receipt of $470,000 in FEMA funds for restoration of the Fire Station. He also regretted the resignation of Terry Fibich, our representative to the Mosquito Abatement District Board; Terry is moving to Solvang to be the Fire Chief. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission Minutes: Beautification, November 4; Civil Service, October 12; Planning, November 8, 1993. Departrnent Reports: Building, October; Police, October; Treasurer, October 31,1993. Proclamation - Smoke Free Week, November 15-19, 1993. City Manager said since this project has been appealed, action on the map should be continued to the meeting of December 6 when the appeal would be heard. Legislative Brealdast: Councilwoman Knight told about the legislative breakfast she and Council- man Spinelli attended; Senator Kopp and Assemblywoman Speier were there, major topics were crime and kids. a. b. c, a 62 d e ktter from Terry Fibich resigning from Mosquito Abatement Board. ktter from Richard Oribe, 1216 Floribunda, regarding noisy leafblowers. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Harrison moved to adjourn at 9:33 p.m.. Seconded by Councilman Spinelli and carried unanimously. Judith A. City Clerk