HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1993.09.2238 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Wednesday, September 22, 1993, 7:30 p.m. City Hall Conference Room A Mayor Bud Harrison convened the study session of the Burlingame City Council on the above date in Conference Room A at 7:31 p.m. Pnrsrn'r:CouNcnuEMBERs H.nnrusoN, KMGHT, LrvmI, O'Meuolry, PectteRo Srerr PRESEI.m: AnoYRns, BtcKER, CotrMAN, MoNnoE, Queont OrurRs PRssnNT: REpnrsrvrATrvEs Seu Merro Coul{TY CnaprpR--AurrucaN INsrtrurs oF ARCHTTECTS, CHeN{srR oF CoMMERCE OFFICE CoUNCIL, PRcmtc CesrB TgI-gvtstoN, AND Buntmceur MotgrRs' Ctug 1. PRESENTATION OF ARCHITECTS (AIA) CHARRETTE BAYSHORE HIGH. WAY/AIRPORT BOULEVARD AREA City manager introduced the letter from the Chamber of Commerce suggesting the concept of a charrette to focus and envision the future of the Bayshore Highway and Airport Boulevard area. Representatives of the AIA-Jerry Winges, Tom Gilman, and Cathy Nilmeyer-addressed the council. The purpose of the charrette would be to take a day to generate ideas for upgrading the area along Bayshore Highway and Airport Boulevard and provide a graphic and planning vision for the future. It would be a day-long event involving 30 to 50 architects divided into teams and addressing various design tasks. Similar charrettes have been held in San Bruno, San Mateo, Half Moon Bay and Redwood City. Tom Gilman presented slides of the Redwood City and Half Moon Bay events. Cathy Nilmeyer noted that the purpose of the day would be to look at more than zoning and generate ideas both large and small. Councilwoman O'Mahony suggested one area that should be reviewed is the frontage road along the freeway. While she would like to upgrade the appearance, she did not want to see watls built. Councihnan Lembi thought it would be important to try and tie the Anza area in with the Bayshore area and that we needed to involve the hotels so we can examine the economic potential of the area. Councilwoman Knight felt we needed to also study the idea of destination restaurants in the area. She was concerned about development in the Anza area and the effect it might have on the Peninsula interchange for traffic and the residential areas there. She also thought that we should look at various landscape alternatives, such as berming, to conceal some of the parking areas along Bayshore and Airport Boulevard. Councilman Pagliaro believed we should examine the drive-in area and the Bayshore bike paths. He felt council shouldn't restrict the ideas of the architects even though some of them, such as residential uses, the council has indicated it does not support. He noted that the Institute of Architects is asking for a $5,000 donation to their scholarship fund. Larry Lyons of the Office Council indicated their support of the idea and the support of city allocating $5,000 to this effort. Hyatt Hotel has volunteered space for the event. Council- man Lembi, as well as Mayor Harrison, supported the $5,000 request. It was the council consensus that the city would sllpport the $5,000 request of the American Institute of Architects and issue a letter of invitation to the AIA to present a charrette some time in early ?oJ./ 1994. 2. CABLE TELEVISION RATE REGULATION City manager reviewed his staff report concerning the city's eligibility to regulate the basic tier of services under the new FCC regulations which are effective September l, 1993. In order to become certified to regulate mtes, a city must agree to follow FCC rules and allow public comment in the process. Pacific Cable has presented information to the council concerning their rate changes which were effective September l, L993, and a letter indicating that it wishes not to be regulated by both the city and the FCC. Susan Adams of Pacific Cable stated she felt is was unnecessary for the city at this time to enter into rate regulation. Council had various questions of staff and Pacific Cable. Councilwoman O'Mahony asked the manager to explain the statement concerning external cost. Manager stated that under the FCC regulations local cable companies are allowed additional increases to the formula for such items as taxes, franchise fees, and other costs of franchise requirements. Councilman Pagliaro indicated that he had reviewed all the material submitted by the manager including the paper presented by an assistant attorney from Los Angeles on the new cable act and what regulation meant for cities. He felt that since the city had the right to request certif,lcation at any time, we should follow the actions of Pacific Cable and survey other cities to see how we stand relative to their companies; but we should wait to undergo the expense of regulation until we see some unusual activity. Mayor Harrison agreed with the statements of Councilman Pagliaro. Councilwoman Knight reviewed a recent newspaper article concerning consumer service standards which the city may impose under the FCC guidelines. Councilman Lembi and Councilwoman O'Mahony agreed with the position stated by Councilman Pagliaro. It was the consensus of the council that the city would not request certification to regulate rates at this time, but that we would monitor the rate changes by Pacific Cable as compared to other cities each time there is any rate adjustment. 3. STRUCTURING OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATES The finance director reviewed his staff report requesting direction from council on several rate issues as part of the negotiations with BFI and the South Bay Transfer Station Authority concerning 1993-94 refuse collection rates. The three issues for council consideration were: (1) should the city move to a volume-based rate setting based on AB939 standards; (2) should JPA cities shift to jurisdiction-based rate setting; and (3) should end-of-month and spring and fall pick up be subject to the volume-based rate setting. In considering the issue of volume- based rate setting, it was noted that the current charge for small users is higher on a per gallon basis than for large commercial bin customers. If the city moved toward an equalized rate, it would mean a reduction in the cost for residential customers but a major increase in cost for commercial bin customers--of which there are approximately 530 in the city. Councilwoman O'Mahony expressed concern that we needed to be careful not to increase the rates on the commercial customers too heavily since they are important to the city's tax base. Councilman Pagliaro felt that we should proceed with volume-based pricing to encourage recycling and a reduction in the waste stream to the landfill but also felt the need to phase in I I 40 any rate increase to lessen the impact. Council also discussed the desirability of leaving the month-end and spring and fall pick ups as they are currently structured. After additional discussion, it was the consensus of the council that we should move toward volume-based rate setting on a phased basis, that we should leave the month-end and spring and fall pick up as currently structured, and that we should participate in the study of jurisdiction-based rate setting but review the results of that pdor to any action. The park director presented pictures of the current conditions of our playgrounds. It was noted that even the Washington and Pershing park playgrounds, which are the newest, did not meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the State Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines. Under the ADA, we are required to have compliance by 1995 and the State requirements by year 2000. He presented a 5-year program, beginning in L993-94, of $75,000 annually for five years to bring all city playgrounds to compliance. He noted that in prior years, we have had grant funds to undertake these items, but these funds are no longer available. He stated that unlike the youth soccer and baseball leagues, there is no organized group lobbying for funds for this purpose. He has received a number of requests primarily from parents that the playgrounds be upgraded. City manager noted that there is currently no funding in 1993-94 for these projects and that the budget currently has not been adjusted to reflect the loss of state property tax. He estimated that our mid year review in one to two months would provide a better picture of how much we could undertake. It was council's direction that the manager and park director work to try and implement the 5-year program as presented from existing 1993-94 budgeted funds and to include the future years requests as possible in the capital improvement program. Councilwoman O'Mahony said she has received a number of questions concerning the water meter charge that is part of the new water rates. Council thought it would be a good idea to include information on this revised rate structure as part of the next city newsletter in the recreation brochure. There were no other council comrnents. There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.rn. 6 a\, /tt/11a". / / UL Iudith A. Malfatti I City Clerk ,EL 4. PARK PLAYGROUND NEEDS 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS (-