HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.11.16499 Burllngame, Ca11f., November L6, L942. A regular meeting of the City Ccuncil was heli cn the above given date.Iieotlng calleo to order at 6:00 P.i,i. - Iiayor Coleman in the Chair. RolI Ca11: Present - Ccllncillen: Burrows-Coleman-Dah1-Hunt -Roth.Absent - Counc ilnen: ricne. The mlnutes of the neeting ol' November 2, L942,of the Council and as posted cn Bulletin Boarcl approved as corrected. as subflitted tcin the City Iie 11, neobers .i letter f rom the San .,^at eo County Depart.nent of Publlo liealth anai iY3Lf are Depart.irent requesting the C1t yr s pollcy 1n resulati.ng boardtng hcmes, nes reed.. the Clerk was lnstructed. to reDly to the letter on tl-ieregulations gov.rning the Cityts pcllcy, also state the Council apprecl-ates the need of suitBble Iloroes for children as an aid to the ',flar effort. i' letteoffer odrlll t Pr i ce \:,i 1n st ruc ascertathe dri chese t rf o ,'/ +^ it'r I1 frcm the Hlbernla Savlilgs & I.oan Soctety reJecting the recentthe 01ty to purchase property adJoinlng the Fire Statrcn for aer, l, es reao. The Hlbernle Sardngs &- loan Soclety stateo their ;2500 as previously given. F. .9". Bloom, Purchasinn r,.-.ent, wasto ccntact th,: Tourn of }lillsborough and City of San l.iateo tothether an agreement cculci be rvcrked out for the joint use oftorer by the Threo Cities. I',{r. Blooo was authorlzed to pur-prcperty at the orlce quoted. if affange;;:ents ve1'e completed.. The recoruaendaticn of the Flre Co-.liission to transfer the Flynouth Coupe and Dodge pickup truck operated by the orks Depert.rLent, was read.. 0n - motion by Councillxen Bur.ro!'is, seconcied by Counci 1-nen Rcth, and unaninrous-Iy carrleo., the trvo vehicles were ordered transferred to the Fire Depart-nent for the iVar e':erJency. The request of ttre Fire Coruiisslon to instruct the Civll S3rvlce ConLmlsslonto hold exa;riination for ivomen Fire Alalm operators, was read. fhe mattervias referreo to the CiviI Service Cor,i!-rission to obtain salarlr end qualifl-cation rec oiimendeti ons from tho State Personnel Board. The request of I'ire Chief Janssen to at tend the Northern Californla Fire Chief s Convention in Sec ramento, lJoverober 21st and 22nd., ''tas gra.nted on mct ion by Councilr;reJr Burrows, secondecl bi/ Councilmen Hunt, and unanir.:ouslycarried. The monthly ::e port of ordered f iled.the Fire Denartaent for' 0ctober, L942, was reati and Resolution authorizlng the i,iayor to enter lnto an a greement on behalf ofthe City of Burlingame and Clty Councl 1 I'i ittr the State lersonnel Boaxd, inperforming servlces and preparatlon of exarnination material for the Clvj-IServlce Coriullission, llas ad.opted on motion by Coullcilnan lIunt, seccnoed by Counci 1i,ier1 Dahl, and. una nimously carried. .An oxdinance entltled 'rr.E ord.lnance &renoinB Secti on I of lrdinance lio. 290,authorlzing temporary appolntrnents during the exlgiency of war and thescarclty of raanpovrer thr cugh lnformal and tron-competitive test j' ivas glvenfirst reading. - Introductlon by Councl Iman Burrovrs. Request of Police Chief Harper to purchase a patrol car to replace the Studebaker Seoen, was read. lviay or Cole rnan referred the requ:st to Purchasinq Alent, F. .{.. Bloom, to secure bids from the varlous car deElers. Councll.]lan Roth, Chairnan cf the Defense Corrunittee, reported to the Ccunci.Ion the ptrchase of pack pumps for Flre /Verdens. lJIr. Rcth stated the officeof Civilian Defense ,,vould have available a supply of stirrup pur;rps withi.na short t i-iae. Chair,lan Roth had appoirltecl tYio co:u,,tittee itlexib3rs to j.n- vesttgate the possible use of old bcilers ior this lrcrk. "ia;zor go1urru, coi,,:.ieir.oea the Alr }iald ,rardens i cr their f ine splrlt end ple.lged the fullsupport and cooperation of the Council. CounciLuan Roth brcught up for d.iscusslon the rloting uhich f olloyred. thefootball game between Burllngane anrl san iriateo Hlgh Schools. Irir. Roth contended the school authorlties should inf o:rn the City in advance thelrpollcy of the tradition of the rrinntng team tearing dor/n the opponents goalposts. The City Cl:rk nes instrocted to -,?rlte the San l,lateo Hlgh SchoolDlstriot asklng for cooperation 1n tiie future. 0n te conuiencie t ion of Counci-oan Hoth, Purchasing n:e nt F. a. Blcom was 1ns tructed to investleate tEe feaslhility of the Clty operating its ovn auto meintens.nce detr)artnent to take care of necessary repairs tc the t):irty five City o';ined notor vehicles. 5{.X) C1aims Nos. on the Uity 6895 -to 69(r? lnclusi ve were read end i{rarra.ats ordered drawn Treasury fcr their res!ect ive amounts. The Council thereupcn adj ourne ci. 6y or Respe ctfully submi tted, ity Clerk I I 1 \ I ri I