HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.10.19495 Burl lngame, Callf,, 0ctob€r 19, 1942. A regular meeting of the City CounclI wes held on the abcvedate. Ilieet lng called to olier at 8:00 P.i'i. - i,;:ay or Coleman Ch al r. RolI CalI:Presetrt - Cou-nc 1lmen: Burrolrs-C oleman-Dah l-ilunt -RothAbsent - Councllment None gl venln the submlt ted 1n the fhe minutes of the previous meeting of october 5, 1942, asto members of the Jor:ncil and as posted on tsuIIetin tsoerd c lty Ha1l, wero approveai. A tele8ram froo the 'rYar Productlon'Board, 1055 i,ila ric et Stleet, San Frenclaoo, r€questing the pressnc6 of lnterested Clty offlclalsto tllscuss the use of State, County sBd Olty constructlon 0lachlneryfor the.war effort, was read.. The Clerk was lnstructed to notlfy the iYa! Frod.uctlon Board of Eachlne ry orned by the C1ty. A petltlcn from G. E. Brewer to grant the cancelation of llen for unpalcl taxes on Lot L6, Block 56, Easton Aaidition iio. 5, conveyedto the Veteransr Welfare Board, was read. nr. Brewerrs letterclted oplnions of the Attorney General to support hls request.fax Collector Frank A. Blooo stated 1n a letter to the Councll tc cancel these taxes would be a departure from prevlous practlce and ;,iould coustitute an lnequlty to slroilar cases, therefore reco:nnended the petj-tlon be denled. The Clerk was instructed to refer theeatter to the City Attorney for his vrrltten opinion. A letter from the Flannlng Corrunission was read., calling attentlonto ti're fol1o],\,1n9: 1. Broken sldewalks2. I.ow hanglng branches3. 0bstructed vlslon at intersections4. Refuse placed on curb days 1n advance, 5. Untldy al Leyvrays and salvage collecting depots which areposslble blackout hazards and. violation of present City ordinanc es .the Planning Corunlsslon aLso requested a suxvey be oade of e*auxlllary equlpment should the regular utlI1t1es servlce be dis-rupted 1n an emergency. The Corrmisslon felt the Park slte intrBurlln,;ace Vi11 age't be elther cleared of weeds or slgn removedsteting it rlas to be a Park. Councllman Burows cosiiended the fo4pightness of the Plannlng Conrolsslon. The Ulerk was lnstructedto refer the varlous recofi],1lendations to the respective depart0rents and report back 1f all compliance could not be oet. fhe request of City ingineer C. l. l,ongs on for leeve of absence I'orthe duration to accept a posltlon as lhief of 3urveys on a unlt ofthe Canal SroJect, U. S. ilar l/epartrnent r between Edmonton, Canada, and Falrbanks, Alaska, was read. 0n irotlon by Councllnren Roth, seconded, by Councll:ran Dahl, and unaninously carrled, ldr. longson was granted a leave of absence for cne year. The rec om..oend.a t ion of Clty Eng G. Stenley lThltehead, a regist6 C. I. longson to appolntI Engineer, to carry on the oltrtment of Cllfford Slmms of lneer Edctvidutles of City Englneer, and the appthe Street Departoent to take over dutlss of ?ubllc ;[orks Conrranderfor C1v111a! Defense for the City of Durl1ngan6, was reatl. 0nmotlon by Councilroan Roth5. seconded by Councllman Hunt, and unanlmously carrlod, G. Stanley lthitehead was appolnted li'cting City Englneer under the sarne present arrangement. Police Chlef llarper ln a letter requested. that the Clvll Servlce Commlssion certify an ellgible oalr for a vacancy ln the PollceDepartnent. Mayor Coleman instructed the Clerk to notlfy theCivil Servlc e C orurl s si on. Report was reac. froo Park Suporlnte(rdent Anderson statlng that there ras no basal movearent of the tree frcnting the property of iir. Partlow' 1270 Drake Avenue; that the cables are in flrst class condi tlon and 1n h1s oplnion the tree ls not denggrous. After considel'Bble ols- cussj.on by I'iessrs Iartlow, Gould and Parlato of the audlence, the 496 Battor ires referred to the tree conmittee coaposed of Oouncilnen Dahl and Hunt to make a further lnvestigation. Repcrt wes read from tr'lre Chlef Janssen llstlng the varlous requlre- nents necessary to comply $rith Section 1429.2 of the ordinance Code before 1r{r s. J. Boutellets porroit to operate a ohlldrents boardlng homo could be granted. The Cl,erk was instructed to lnform ldts.Boutelleof the requirements as set out ln Chlef Janssen ts letter. A Resolutlon oroering the payment of a bonus of ;15.00 per montb to eacb regular full time C1vil Servlce employee of the City af tsurlingamo untl1 June 3A, L9+3, or lesser perlod as oay be c,eterroined by the Clty Council, was adopted on xioti on by Councilirian Both, seconded by Councll- man Dahl, and unaniraously carried. A liesolutlon lncreesing the nonthly compensatlon of the f ollolIl1ng employees H. Y{adsworth - ;150.00 Roy tr'reeoan - ;}50.00W. T. Stokes - 150.00 Roi Goodacre - 140.00 Fred Klnsman - 150.00 Edw. Bumows - 150.00n. Hani.Iton - 150.00 John Parker - 100.00 was lntroduced by Councllman Both and seconded. by Councikaan Dahl. Councl].Een Dahl, Hunt and. Roth voting Aye - Councilmen Burrows. and Coleman voting i'io. The two opr-,osing tae -resolutlon favored flrst ---qvera11 corpaiison with the Btate Fers.;ne11 Board Re,oort. .An ordi.nance entitled trAn Ordlnance of the City of i3url lngame Relatingto llestricteo l,lghtirgn lncorporatlng Pub1lc Proclamati on No. 10 and nhich was amended by Public Proclaflation I'lo. 12 lssued by the Head-quarters of the flestern Lefense CoLirriand and Fourth Army Presidlo of San Franclsco, Ca1if.r was glven f j.rst readin8 - Introductlon by C oun cl liran F-unt . Scott Donaldson, Presldetrt of the B1ble Audltorium, 1500 Burl lngam€ Avenu€, addressed the Councll reqr:e sting that this organlzatlotr bepernltted to show motlon pictures. Irln. Donaldson stated the Blb1e Audltorluo ras not a plBce of emusement ard the f6lms prese[ted were ealucatlonal and non-lnflamosb1e alxd ther€fore were not ln Ylo1atlotrof the Clty ordlnanco. May or Colenan lnstructed the Chlef of Polioe to fllthhold the charge pendlng the declslon of the Clty Attglney. Mayor ColemaIt com.,reBded the f 1ne work done by Theo. L.Illlel}thal, ilobert Higgins and members sf the Salvage Co&m1ttee. 0n moticn by Councllman Roth, seccnded by Councilman DahL, and unanimously carrled, the Clerk wes instructed to send a letter of thanks to the Salvage Co:mrlttee. lhe Council thereupon atlj ourned. Respec tf ully submltte d, ity Clerk SPPROTED, yors t