HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.10.05493 Burllngae, Calif., October 5, L942. A re8ular eeetlng of the Clty Councll was held on the above glven d,ate.Meetlng oalled to order at 8:00 P.M. - i,[ayor Coleoan tn the Chalr. Ro1l CaIl: PrE sent Ab sent - Counci lmen:- Counc illoen t Burr owE-CoiLeman-Dah1-IIunt-Roth. Nons. The nlnutes of the prevlous me€ting of Septenber EB, !g42,to membe rs of the Councll and. as posted on Buuetln'tsoard'HaIl, nere ap pr oved.. Bs submltted 1n the City Letter fro!0' th6 offlce of Coomanding General of, the Nlnth SorvlceCoomand, Fort Douglasother metal trophleslnstruc ted the C1e rk had already turned 1t Salvage C ofi.nlttee . , requestlng nunlclpallty donate any oannonsfor the wa! cause, was read.. Mayor Colemanto apprlse Fort Douglas Ileaclquarters that thes ol-d csrnon and f1!s belI oyer to the County Ci ty A lette! f rorn Wllllam F. Partlow, 1pZ0 Drake Avenue, notlfylng thecouncll of the dangerous condltlbn of trees 1n the ir artway! oi EastonDrlvo, was read.. lilx. Partlow stated he would hold the council Llabreln the event that thes€ trees should fall and cause bodlly lnJuly ordamage to his oroperty, demandlng that c6rtaln trees be rlmov6d.-i{ayor coleman requested Park superlntendent anaerson to make a surveyand report back to the Councll. Request of Chlef of Pollce Harper to grant Offlcer J. i!1. OrBrlen aslck 1eave, _was read. 0n motlon by Councilrnan Roth, seconoed byCouncllrnan .3urrows, and unenirnously carried, a slck- leave of not toexceed slxty days was granted., pendlng the completlon of negotiati.onsfor retlreruent because of d.lsabiIlty. Clty Englneer Longm lnformed the CounclI the planning Com.nlsslonrsreport on the olty parklng area was not yet completed. Chlef of l,olice Herper ln letter dated Octobet g, L9AZ, advised. thatLorln Il. Todd who was cextlfled by the clvlr servlce c6fl,n1sslon asellglble fox appolntrnent as Pol1ce Offlcer of the Clty of Buxllnqe.roe,had been srorn 1n as of that date on probation awaltiirg conflrmailon' !f tne glty CounclI. 0n motlon by Councllman Hunt, seconded by Counc ilman DahI, and unanlmously carrled, Offlcer iodd was appointedas ?olice officer of tho City of Bur11nqa,oe. ReBorts of the ;Iater, Pol1ce, an d. Flre Departments, Bulld1ng Inspector, and City Judge, for the lJonth of September; also repcrt of Foundmasterfor Ju1y, August and September, were read and ordered flled.. lrdlnance No. 088 entltleal nA.a Ordlnance Closing a Pcrtion of Rose Road 1n the City of Burlingamoi, lntroduced September 28, L942, was adoptetl on ootion by Councllman Bumors, second.ed by Councilnan Hunt, anai unanlmously camled. Councllman Hunt, Chairma[ of the SaIary Cofimlttee, referred. 1ts reportto Councilraan Roth, who ln turn gave hls basls for the propqsetl salaryLncrease. Counclli0an Roth lntroduced a resolution to lncrea-e thefollowlng employeors salary to a baslc pay of $150.00 per month. -H. Wad.sworth Roy tr'reeman,t. T. Stokes Rol Goodacre tr'red Klns0an Ed BurrowsA. Hamiltonalso to lncrea€ the salary of John Parker froa $90.00 to $1OO.0Oper 0onth. Council-nan ii.rth introduced a second resolution establishing a .715.00per month war tlme emergency lncrease f or all City eoployees. rllf ter conslqerable dlscUsslon Councilnan Surrows reco(.a,ienoed that these resolutions be helir over pendlng receipt oi' the State Personnel tsoerd's report on the classificat ion anelysls now 1n process ,f being compiled. 0ouncilman Roth uithdrevi his resclutions to permlt of further studv ffiil t* llit :i:,*xt ? i1:' H1'"'r "": r'i: " ;" l3'l;"'":1=': "tB x'"i a Br e e a all salary actron ut 4911 Mrs. Jeanette B. Boutelle of 516 gI Caelno Real, requested the Councllto grant her a llcenso to operate a boaldltrg hone for cblldren. The Pollce Department had. ordered Mrs. Boutelle to vacate tho Propertyrlthin ten days for vlolatlon of the Clty Ordlnance rhich prohlblts the operatlon of comoolc1at establlshnents 1n a reslclentlal area. County I{eaIth Officer Rothschlld reaal hls report on the condition of the h6oe ln regard to health and sanltatlon , s tat lng food vas not proporLy taken caro of. The Councll granted i{rs. Boutelle an ertenslon of tUe to Novemb6! L, L942r'and recomlnetrded that she apply to the Plannlng Comnlssion fbr a varianoe of the ordltrance. the Clerk ras lnstrouted to write a letter to County Heeltb Dlreotor Gans to ascsrtaln why the State had lssued a Ilcense wlthout notlflcatton to the Clty of thelr actlon. Ths Councll thereupoa adj ourned. Rospectfutly subml tt ed, C tv c r r