HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.09.2849L Burllngee, Callf., septeEbe! 28, L942. A re gular osetlng of the Clty Councll ras helai on the as per atljournment September A, L94?,. Meetlag oalled8:00 P.M. - Mayor Coleman ln the Chal!. ab ove glven date ,to order at The ninutes of the prevlous neetlng of Septeober er 1942, es submittedto members of the Councll and as posted on Bulletln lloard in the City HaII , were aiproved. A letter from the San ldateo County Salvage for Victory Coftnlttee so11c1t- 1ng the ald of lllty em'ployees and trueks to help coltect scrap metal on october !L, L942, was reed. Tbeo. ],. Illenthal eno i:iobert HlgglnsoeobGrs of the corflmlttee be ing present, stressed the lmportance of thedrlve and requested the use of park benches at the Weter Follles and rtloodland lheatre progrems Sat uro,ay 0ctober 3, L942i also pennlssion to hage tho cltyrs old cannon and f lre bell dellvered to the County Falr Scrap Harvest. Councl lmen Hunt reported on the successful Clty scrapcollect ion. tr'r ank Bloom, Purchasing.Agent, stated that over 1I tonswas sold and oelivered to the Co lrxobu'5 Ste61 Co. of San Erancisco. Councilnen lloth rec omi.ren ded that the Salva$ Cor0mlttee use the Cltyr sBurllngame Advance advertislng speoe to proroote the dr1ve. 0n Eotlonby Councilnan Burrows, seccndeCr by Councilman Eunt, and. unanlmouslyoqrrlod, Flre Chlsf Janssen was lnstructeal to have the Cltyrs old abandoned hand operated flre pump put ln condltlon for use 1n tsurlinganeV11lage durlng the emergency. lvlay or Coleman a ssured the Coornlttee thecooperatlon of the City and that the Clty 0f]iclals would be present to Breet Helen Crlenkovich, guest star of the County f'alr Scrap, ifater FolL1e s. A letter from the Treasury Departmentrs War Savlngs Staff requestlngthe Clty ad.opt a Payroll Savings PIan for City enployees, was read.. fheCity Clerk Tras instructed to communicate lvith the tTar Savlngs Staffand report on the Cltyts present voluntary plan now 1n effect. Thematter was referreci to the SaJ_ary Comnllttee fcr furthe! consj.deratlon. A letter was read. from the C1v11 Servlce Coi]mlssion ca1l1ng attentlonto the fact that there were stlIl. two el1g1b1e men on the Firemenellgible I1st and that they recommended these men be ccnsloered beforecreatlng a ne,d l-lst. The Council accepted the Cor,Lrnlssionts recor,r:oend-at1on. Ilre Conimissioner Campbell stated the department may be lnneetl of four me! as so.me present flremen rere subJect to arrtry draft. 0n oot ion by Councll.xan Roth, seconded by Counc iluen J.rah1, and unan-lmously carr1ed.. 0n mot 1on by Councllman Roth, seconcled by CouncllmanDah1, and unaniincus ly carrled, the Ctvil Service Con:misslon was instruct-ed to create a ]lew el1glbIe llst. Mayor Coleman appointed CcuncilinanDahl and Roth to ridk witn the departne nt head,s tn iittng occupational de fe rraent for employees. A letter of resignetion from ?.C. Guyselman meober of the Clvll Serviee Coiamission, ,,'uas read.. 0n dro ti on by Counc llman Burrows, seconoed, by Councilman Hunt, an d. unanlmously carrlod, Mr. Guysekaan t s resignetion was accepted with regret and an expresslon of thanks for h1s past servlcas. A letter vras read from Fire Co:nmlssicner Campbell approvlng the requestof Flre Chlef Janssen to alpoint Flrertren Read and Taylor, actlng Gaptalnseeffectlve JuIy 1, L942, perlding promotional exanina Lion. 0n motionby Counc ilfla.n tsurows, secondod by Councllnen llunt, and unanlmouslycarrled, these flremetr were appolnted Acting Captains ef,ectlve 0ctoberlst L94A. Roll. Ca1I : Present - Councilmen: Burrows-Coleman-Dahl-Hunt-Rcth.Absent - Ccuncilmen, None. Councilman Rotb recomnended that the City Clvltlan Defense Actlvitles getlnto closer contact wlth the Three Cltles Defense Council. Water Supt.Sohtck reported brlefly on the progress and ectlvlties of the utllttyolvislon of the Defense Counc iI. Mayor Cole rnan recomi-enied thet theClty Councll meet with the Three Cities Defense Councll and present thelr problems. 492 take the place of ordere d i.Le Id. ove! to was 0n rnotion by Counclloan Iiunt, second"rd by Councilmon DahI, and unan- lmously carrlod, permission was granted H. ll,. Schuck, ,{ater Suporlntendent,to attend the ,fi.nerican Water .'rorks Conventton at Oakland, Californla,the latter part of October. The roquest of Pollce Chlef Harper to attend the Callfortrla Peaceoffloeril Conventloo 1n Los AnggLes, octobe r 23-24, 1944, tras granted on motion by Councl L@an Elult, seconderl by Councllman Dah1, an tl unaa- lmous Iy oarrled. The request of Mrs. MlLdred II. Bentley for slx months leave of absence was held over for furthor cons ideration. The request of Jeme s ;iJatson to attend the Bulld1ng Inspo8tofsr Conventlon at Reno, ltrevad.a, was granted on r:otlon by Councilclan liunt, sec-rnded by Councilman DahI, and unanlmously carried. Conventlon0ct. 6-8, 1942. A resolutlon authorlzing a 1ler against the followlng property forrepalrs to sldewalks, ln accordance vrith 0rdinance No.372, was atlopted on mot ion by Councilman liunt, seconded by CounclLnan Burrows, and unanlrnously carried. - Lot 2?, Block 9, Easton l'lo. L - $45.20 - Wn. P. Norringtonxdd. Iot 9-A, Block 1, fown of Burlingame, $60.50 - Laura Cunningham Resolution lncreasing salary of Firenon Joseph Fena and Jobn Kldd to $180.00 per rnonthl a13o the salary of Shlrte, Smith, Recreaion Depart- ment to ;2000.00 per year, and,. CaroIlne Fisher, Rocreatlon Departnentto 01200.00 per year, was adopted on motlon by Councilman Roth, secondedby Councilman l{unt, and unanlrnously c&rried. Resolution authorizlng the I'Iayor to enter into an agreement otr behalfof the City oi !,-'.:'-'l- lngame and Clty Ccunc 11 with the State lersonnel Board, to make occupational analysis and classificatlon of city eBployees, was adopted on motion by Councllma[ Ilunt, seconded by Councilman DahI, and unanimously carried. ordlnance entltleai nAn ordln8.nce Clbslng a Poxtion of Rose Road in tbe City oi tsurli.ngame was given first readi[g - Introiuction by Councilman Ro th. **** Report of Three Clties Mosqulto Ab ateme nt Dlstrlct Augus t 11 to September 15, 1944, was read end ordered f11ed. 01,atrms';tsos. 67 37 to 6825, lnclusive, agalnst the City were read ancl iiYarrents )rdred drawn on the Clty Treasury for their respectlve aoounts. Councll thereupon a dj ourne d. Respe ctfully submitted, City CIer ayor :t***:r:t Ma yor ColenaD. aDnounoe d, the appolntment of Arthu! L. Soott to the ClvllServlcs Com.nl sslon. [h1s appolntment aa colrf lrned on mtl on by Courc l lman Burrors, seoonded by Councl lman Dahl a.tral unanlmously oarrleti.ffi4 The request of Water Supt. Scbuok to appolnt a man Wa1ter Blumer now eoployed -1n the I'1re Department,pendlng salary revlsi ons.